First day at school
I woke up at seven o'clock. That was early because school starts at 8:45 and I had to get up at eight... Well, at 8:15 I had breakfast and after that I took my school uniform. It's a pair of grey tights, a blue skirt, a grey blouse and a blue jumper. I'm not the biggest fan of the skirt but Brenda said I will get my own uniform the next time. I think, I will take trousers than, because they look much comfortable.
Brenda was driving me to school but we was a little bit too late. In front of our house, there is a primary school which has began today and so we had to drive another way because all of the parents had parked in front of our house!
In school, I first met the secretary. She went with me to the principal where I saw another exchange student. Her name is Elvira and she comes from Spain. The principal asked me for my prefer subjets and I took History (instead of Music), Biology (instead of Geography) and Chemistry (instead of Biology). Then, the principal took us to the 4.2 because our normal class (4.1) had PE and she thought it would be better for us, if we didn't have PE at the first lessons. In the 4.2 the teacher asked for our names and where we are from (I heard that questions for 100 times, I think. I stopped counting after the fifth time :D).
Then we got two other girls who had to show us the school and our new timetable. Every day we have 9 hours without wednesday. After three hours we have a break. One in the morning (10 minutes) and one for lunch (half hour). The school isn't very big. Maybe 20 rooms and one hall for PE. Every teacher has his own room and the students have to go there.
After that, the teacher brought us to the 4.2 because she thought it would be better if we had met them before the right lessons started. We played a game which was like "Brennball" in german. We won it :D
We had a break than and one hour without lessons. In that hour I told a lot with Elvira (a irish classmate) and two others. Later, I was happy to know two names of the class :D The rest of the school day I was with Elvira and I think, I've found a new friend. But that's easy in Ireland. The people there are so nice and social! In Germany the most people are cold and not open for guests (includes me ;) ). Here aren't any bichtes, fights or something like that. All have to wear the same and I find, it changes the atmosphere in the class if you have a school uniform. They look for the charakter not for the clothes. And I tried to be very nice :D It's good if you just know the basic english. You can't say something bad. But it was enough to talk about Vampire Diaries, Rubyred (after I said, I had met the stars, I was completely integrated ;D ) and hot guys...
After that long break we had chemistry. But that will be boring for me in the next time. It's the first year for my new class with chemistry so I know these themes. Then we had Maths and I saw, that it's true that the germans are known for good calcualate. While the others staied on the first exercise, I had done all the other six numbers... Ok, maybe it was a simple theme. Calculate with letters is very, very easy. Than came History, Biology and in the last hour we had English.
And my result is: The irish students which are in my age are two years behind our schools. They done the things which I done last year and my school I one year behind the normal gymnasiums in Germany. That's maybe a disadvantage of G9. But I love the idea with the school uniforms and the character of the irish students.
In the evening, Brenda cooked a really good dinner. Salomon with beans, potatoes and cabbage. This day was a really good day and Maria will come soon! Her bus arrived at 8 o'clock. I had a shower a few minutes ago and I miss my shower at home! It's so small here... But I shouldn't complain.
Ireland is great and I'm happy with my school and my family.
Grettings from Cork
PS: I remember I didn't describe my hostfamily. I will do it in German it's difficult to explain.
Brenda ist um die 60 Jahre alt und hat blondes, durchs Alter ausgedünntes, Haar. Ihr Gesicht ist von Falten durchzogen, doch sie macht einen fröhlichen und gesunden Eindruck. Ihre Haltung ist gebeugt, denn sie hat einen ausgeprägten Buckel. Ihr Aussehen mag vielleicht ein Bisschen an eine irische Hexe erinnern, doch das ist sie keinefalls! Sie erledigt den gesamten Haushalt allein, nimmt aber keine Hilfe an, und ist auch sonst ziemlich nett. Mit ihr kann man sich wunderbar über die "dämliche" Politik Deutschlands unterhalten, sollte aber niemals Angela Merkel erwähnen. Sonst bekommt man einen ellenlangen Vortrag, warum ganz Irland unsere Chefin hasst.
Peter ist ihr Ehemann. Er hat weiße Haare und die typische Irland-Nase. Also so ein bisschen knollig. Wahrscheinlich war er, als er noch jung war, der typische Ire wie man ihn sich vorstellt. Vom Charakter ist er ebenfalls sehr nett und noch mehr gesprächiger als Brenda es ist. Die Iren sind allgemein sehr gesprächig und so findet man schnell Anschluss. Mit ihm und Matthew, einem älteren Sohn des Ehepaars, habe ich mich vorhin eine halbe Stunde lang über Fußball unterhalten. Der Sieg der Deutschen dieses Jahres liefert unheimlich viel Gesprächsstoff.
Matthew selbst sehe ich kaum. Er arbeitet viel und ist sehr interessiert an Fußball. Vor allem den deutschen Fußball kennt er gut. Vom Aussehen erinnert er ein Bisschen an meinen Großonkel Peter. Um es für die zu beschreiben, die den nicht kennen: Kurzes, schwarzes Haar, ein Gesicht ein wenig wie ein Bauer und von der Statur her ein ganz normaler Mensch. Er kann bestimmt gut in der Masse untertauchen.
Una habe ich auch noch nicht so oft gesehen. Sie spielt allerdings sehr gerne gaelic football und tut das auch aktiv im Verein. Sie hat mittellanges, blondes Haar mit braunen Strähnchen und sieht ein wenig aus wie eine junge Mutter, was sie aber nicht ist, soweit ich weiß.
Bis zum nächsten Kapitel :)
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