Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: Teachers and Questionable Crushes
One hour later, the bell rang. Emmeline dried up her tears and acted like nothing had happened. The next class was physics, with Mr. Alfred. Bryce was the only person in our group that did not come with us. Mr. Alfred was also very generous and kind. Me, Enzo, and Ainsley walked in only to see that he was sobbing on his desk.
We heard him cry,"I didn't mean it, Marsha! I really didn't!"
I assumed he did something horrible to a loved one. I knew we had to help him. And everyone knows, with a sad teacher, there are sad students.
My friends and I looked at each other. We used our words to talk this out. "We have to do something about this. This is what we do. So, anyone have any ideas?" I asked.
Ainsley shook her head, but Enzo had an idea. "We should tell Mr. Alfred to talk to us and trust us with anything he says. Even though it might feel....well....awkward that a physics teacher is sharing his feelings." Enzo said. It sounded really cliche. I shrugged.
"That'll work as good as anything, I guess." I replied. Bryce would know what to do. He always does. I thought to myself.
"Enzo, you go first," Ainsley told him," it's your idea." Enzo bravely stepped into the classroom. Mr. Alfred's face was red and he was crying. His phone lay next to him on his desk.
"Uh...Mr. Alfred? Are you okay?" Enzo had a slight stumble in his voice.
Then all of the sudden Mr.Alfred's words came in a burst, " IT WAS OUR ONE-MONTH ANNIVERSARY AND MY HOUSE GOT MUGGED LAST NIGHT SO (sniffle) SO I HAD TO STAY AT A (sniffle) A HOTEL BUT I HAD NO.....NO....NO MONEY! THEN AFTER THAT MY (sob) GIRLFRIEND D-DUMPED ME!! WWWWHHYYYYYY?!!!!" Then the bell rang and a swarm of kids went in. Mr. Alfred tried to dry his tears. " OK, class. I'm not feeling that well today so.. just study with a friend. Or whatever." He mumbled.
Everyone looked satisfied and gravitated to their individual groups, and I went to sit with Enzo and the others.
"So, I'm confused. What happened?" I said as I sat on Ainsley's desk. She gave me a dark look, then went over to sit on Enzo's desk. He glared at her and proceeded to answer my question.
"His girlfriend dumped him because he had no money to stay at a hotel after his house got mugged by that guy on the news." Enzo stated simply.
"I'll never understand how you get all of that from three minutes of listening to a emotionally challenged man. Also, please don't explain that again. Please." I pleaded. He gave me yet another dirty look. We talked for another 40 minutes or so. Basically most of the class period. Then during our conversation about chocolate rainbows (we're just weird like that) Enzo looked toward the door with surprise. Apparently it was Bryce.
"Bryce, dude! Where you been?" Enzo yelled in my eardrum as he got up from the desk.
"In art class. I said I was gonna go to the bathroom but decided to visit you guys instead. What's up with Mr. A, Zo?" Bryce said, walking over. "Hey, Chrys." he whispered in my ear. He seemed to be a bit flirty, but I don't know why. I liked it ,though.
His voice gave me shivers, but I did my best to hide them. Apparently I didn't hide them well enough, because Ainsley gave me a weird look. I stuck my tongue out at her.
"You don't want to know, Bryce. He's been through some crazy-shizz." Enzo said.
Ainsley retorted, "Shut it, Conway. Now go... do boy stuff or whatever. Chrysalynn and I have girl matters to discuss."
Enzo and Bryce quickly walked toward the other end of the room.
"You know, you could have been a bit nicer. And more subtle." I said.
"What's the fun in that?" she asked me. I shook my head.
"What did you want to 'discuss' with me about?"
"Bryce. Of course. What was that shiver-thing earlier?"
"Um...I don't know. It's just a bit...uh...chilly in here." I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.
"No offense, but you suck at lying, Chry." All of the sudden, the look on her face seemed like probably realized something. "Wait a minute...you like Bryce?! Oh my flipping gosh, the world is ending, we're all dying and I'm never going to see anyone I love ever again. Oh, Chrysalynn Mells, What. Have. You. Done?!" Ainsley yelled dramatically.
"Do you think you could be a bit louder? I don't think Antarctica heard you." I muttered, sarcastically. "And geez, Ainsley. Do you have to make such a big deal?"
Ainsley rolled her eyes.
"Everything good over here? Or did someone just die?" Bryce asked, sneaking up from behind Ainsley.
"Well my ears might have, but otherwise... no." I replied.
"Maybe you should let me check..." he whispered in my ear.
"NO WAY! WAY TOO CLOSE ,BOY!!" Ainsley yelled.
While all that happened, I tried to focus on something else. I was surprised to see that Mr. Alfred was still sobbing. But quietly.
"Again, ears." I focused back on Ainsley. Ainsley rolled her eyes, then playfully pushed Bryce away from us.
Chills went through my body again. I was so uncomfortable, yet so tingly...in a good way. Then I admitted in my thoughts , OMG...I do like Bryce! But wait...why did he whisper in my ear? Then a big thought pushed all my other thoughts behind my head: Does he like me?! Immediately, the bell rang for 3rd period and my thoughts disappeared in a flash. Then I realized something. Only Bryce and I, out of the group, had the next class together. My brain squealed.
Ainsley faced me again and said,"Meet me at lunch and we'll discuss about this later."
Our next class was math, with Ms. Gerdill. Usually... she's strict. I was hoping she wouldn't turn out as bad like the other two teachers we've experienced so far~mean, sad, and in a cruddy mood. But since she was known for being in cruddy moods, I doubt it. So as I walked in, my first sight was the teacher writing on the board. I shifted myself so I could see what she was writing. As I moved, more students flooded into the room. Including Bryce. Sooner or later she moved aside and let us glare at the board. I was again shocked by this teacher's behavior. But she wasn't mean and cruddy this time.
As I read the board, it said
Fun Week in Math Class! No homework, Projects, quizzes, or tests the entire week! All assignments are only 10 questions long and are only review questions! :D
Wow, I thought. This is weird and extremely unusual. Too weird and WAY too unusual. The nicest teacher gone bad? The science teacher in tears? The mean math teacher on drugs or something? Something definitely was not right. I was now realizing that.
Something. Was. Wrong.
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