Oh hey there
okay so a few things before we get actual scenarios
• Once we fill at least 3/4 of the state/territory slots, we can start roleplaying. So if you know someone who likes roleplay, send 'em over! XD
• Make sure you don't have god-modding or Mary Suing.
• You can RP as yourself too!
• Since I'm kind of lazy, but also very busy, RPing will most likely only be once a month. However, over school breaks/summer, updates will most likely be every other week. On normal times, however, RPs are updated once a month, and will be open on Friday afternoon (when it opens) to Sunday afternoon (when it will close).
• NO.
• RP in third person (i.e.: "Ranju slams her hand on the table and yells, "Guys, be quiet! The meeting's starting!")
• Keep language at PG-13. You may swear, but keep it censored.
• If you're using a native language, put the translation to the side. [ie: "Ongalodi vaia mudingo! (Shut your mouths!)" Ranju snaps at a small group of territories chatting.]
• If you're speaking out of character, use ((, //, or any sort of brackets [[ or {{.
• If you're speaking to someone's specific character, tag them. (i.e.: "Ranju sighs, turning to _____. "What are we supposed to do?" ((@whoeverownsthatchaarcter))
Okay, that's it. Unfortunately, I am extremely busy at the moment, so the book will be updated next month, probably around the 21st of May, which is around when I get out of school. So that should be enough time to develop your characters, and to recruit people.
All right! If you have questions, PM me at weabindaattic101 .
Happy RPing!
- Peace
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