17. Dictionary Definition
July 17, 2018
"Open up a dictionary to a random word. Define what that word means to you. "
(I cheated, sort of, I typed 'dictionary' in the pixabay site and selected the above at random)
photography - noun pho·tog·ra·phy \ fə-ˈtä-grə-fē \
Meriam WEbster (the online version) defines photography as "the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or an optical sensor)" and the first known use of this word is 1839.
The definition itself gives a hint as to how magical the process is - capturing light to produce images. At times the words seem to define logic, how does one capture light? For light is no tangible thing to be seized and trapped on pieces of paper.
But then that is exactly what photography is - you capture light, split it to colours, pour it into shapes to imprint images on paper. Images that tell a story. Colours that paint your worlds. Pictures that trap events and emotions, which can be retrieved as memories. It is an artist's craft and a craft maker's art. It is a medium to tell stories and to a means to portray people.
Photography can be a painter's canvas or a dancer's stage, a story teller's board or a common man's theatre. Irrespective of the definition consigning it to a mere process, photography is way to preserve stories and people for time immemorial and a way to have the silences heard by millions.
It is said that a picture says a thousand words, it is photography that lends its voice to such silent souls.
It is not a mere process of producing images, it a homage to life and creation, a tribute to the creativity and ingenuity of man.
Word count 264
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