Day 9: Doing Something With Friends (Sleepover)
A/N I dedicate this chapter to @StarryFeels, because this lovely user has commented on almost every chapter! And I just wanted to say thank you for doing that, it kept me going.
"A sleepover? Are you kidding me Charlie?" Dean sighed, rubbing his hand against his forehead.
"No Dean I'm not, you guys need to loosen up, be happy for a change." Charlie smiled with a glint of mischief in her eyes.
"And you think we are going to be happy because of a thing that 14 year old girls do?" Dean said skeptically, eyebrows raised.
"Yes, let me organize it, you only have to show up and pretend you like it." Charlie said, already walking out of the door, probably buying supplies.
"Peace out, bitches." Charlie said her usual line combined with her usual Star Trek hand sign.
She's such a dork.
"Hello Dean, I couldn't help but overhear the conversation. Can I ask you a question?" Castiel asked appearing behind Dean.
Dean didn't even jump anymore, he was getting used to Castiel flying in out of nowhere.
"Sure Cas, what's up?"
"How does one have a sleepover?" Castiel asked, with his confused puppy face he was known for. Some may find it annoying, but it made Dean smile a fond smile. He kind of adored the guy, so what?!
"Sleepovers are usually with a group of friends and you watch movies, eat a lot, play games, the list goes on and on." Dean explained, trying to make it clear for Castiel.
Castiel eyes lit up and he had a somewhat boyish grin on his face.
"That sounds pleasant." Castiel exclaimed, he furrowed his brows at the unhappy look on Dean's face.
"You don't like sleepovers?" Castiel asked, not quite getting why someone wouldn't like sleepovers. They sound good in his ears. Maybe it's because he never had one. Luckily he could trust on Dean to explain the things he didn't understand.
"Never actually been to one, they are mainly for girls. I don't know, I'm sure this will be okay." Dean reassured, not wanting to see Castiel disappointed because of his negative attitude. These kind of things were just not his thing. But he would try to be more optimistic and cheerful for Cas's sake.
"I'm back bitches!" Charlie shouted through the bunker, throwing the plastic bags she had in her hand on a random table in the library. She pulled out the pizza boxes first and handed them to a perplexed Dean.
"What is all of this?" Dean asked, quickly placing the still hot boxes on the kitchen table.
"Just the essentials." Charlie smirked, taking out the movies next. From the looks of it, they were all horror movies.
"Really? Horror movies?" Dean chuckled in disbelief while Charlie just gave him a stern look.
"Yes Dean, horror movies. Now, stop pouting a grab some plates."
Dean did as he was ordered and went to the kitchen to grab the plates. He brought the plates and pizza boxes over to the lounge with the massive TV in it.
In the meanwhile Kevin and Sam layered the ground with pillows and blankets, making the lounge extra comfy.
"I can't believe you're actually in on this." Dean said, a sign of defeat already in his voice.
"Why not Dean?" Sam asked grumpily, giving Dean his best bitch face. "Maybe we can reduce some stress and have fun."
"You sound like Charlie." Dean groaned, placing the pizza and the plates on the small table in front of the TV.
Once Castiel came down and Charlie joined the party began. Of course, Charlie ordered them to go upstairs and change into their pajama's first. It was necessary for the sake of the sleepover. Otherwise, it would just be hanging out casually.
"Charlie, I do not own any sleeping attire." Castiel frowned. He was an angel; he didn't need any sleep.
Before Charlie could answer Dean swept in and took his arm, taking him upstairs. "You can borrow some clothes from me." Dean smiled softly, giving Castiel a warm feeling in his stomach.
Castiel couldn't help but smile back and followed him inside Dean's room. Dean rummaged through his closet, trying to find clothes that would actually fit the smaller angel.
He eventually decided on sweat pants, a little bit too small for him, and a shirt that was tight on him but probably normal on Castiel.
"Here, you can change in the bathroom." Dean said, gently placing the clothes in Castiel's hands. Their hands touched only for a second, however Dean could already feel the electric shock running up his arm. He ignored it though, and turned back to his closet to pick clothes for himself.
Castiel went inside the bathroom and changed quickly into Dean's clothes. It smelled just like Dean; gunpowder, leather and whiskey. It may not sound nice, but Castiel loved it. The scent made him feel warm and safe.
Castiel swung the door of the bathroom open and came face to face with a shirtless Dean. If Castiel could blush he would be tomato red right now. He tried really hard to look away, but somehow his gaze was transfixed on Dean's upper body.
Hunting really had its perks.
"I-I apologize." Castiel stammered and rushed out of the bedroom, heading downstairs immediately.
He didn't notice Dean was inspecting him as well. How his sweat pants hung low on the angel's hips and how oversized the shirt actually was on him. He was both adorable and sexy at the same time and it confused Dean to no end.
Castiel made it downstairs and walked into the lounge, sitting down on various pillows.
Because Castiel lived with the Winchester, he somehow became more human. He was walking around the house instead of flying, he ate (not because he needed it, but because he liked the taste), and he showered. He still talked to formal and had no social skills, however, that didn't matter, that's just him and how he is as a person.
Dean came down, not much later, sitting down right next to Castiel. He was sitting so close, their arms brushed every time one of them moved just the slightest bit. It wasn't like Castiel minded sitting close next to Dean, it was just that he had trouble concentrating on conversations, or the pizza he was about to eat.
"Are you guys up for a movie?" Charlie asked, grabbing the movies she picked out from the video rental store.
"Depends, what kind of movie." Kevin asked suspicious, not trusting Charlie at all.
"Horror of course. There's no sleepover without horror movies." Charlie pointed out, making the four men groan in unison.
"Let's start with the Conjuring." Charlie exclaimed, putting the DVD in the player, ignoring the angry looks from her friends.
The beginning of the movie wasn't so bad or scary, but after a while things got tenser. Every minute Castiel cuddled up to Dean more and more, seeking for safety in the hunter's arms.
He didn't want to go too far, Dean can't know what he felt about him. They were now sitting flush against each other, both enjoying the warmth.
Castiel wasn't expecting the jump scare, it just came out of nowhere. His first instinct was to bury his head in Dean's chest, however, after a second of doing so and getting Dean very flustered, his eyes turned blue and his hand lit up, ready to kill whatever jumped at him.
"Do not smite the TV Cas, it's just a movie." Dean reassured quickly, putting a hand on the angel's arm.
The light in Castiel's eyes and hand dimmed and he sat back down, still frowning at the TV.
"It's okay buddy, nothing will hurt you or us." Dean said gently, swinging an arm over Castiel's shoulder and squeezing his upper arm. Castiel fell back down on Dean's chest on accident when he was trying to relax. He was about to move away in shame, but Dean tightened his grip on Castiel's arm. It felt so casual, holding Castiel like that, like they were meant to do that all along.
Sam, Charlie and Kevin all smiled at each other, thinking the exact same thing. They have to do something tonight to get them together.
After the movie ended and Sam shut off the TV, Charlie ordered them to sit in a circle.
"It's time for the party games." Charlie squealed clapping her hand excitedly. "Let's play Truth or Dare."
Once the circle was made, it was Charlie's turn first. "Kevin, truth or dare?" Charlie asked with a mischievous smirk on her lips.
Kevin tried to be brave and made a big mistake. "Um, dare?" He asked unsure.
"I dare you to drink half a glass of ketchup." Charlie said, making Dean and Sam laugh.
"No Charlie please..." Kevin begged, giving her his best puppy eyes, but she wouldn't budge.
"A dare is a dare."
Kevin got up and grabbed a glass and ketchup. He squirted ketchup in the glass until it was half full, glaring at it with a scowl of disgust on his face.
Kevin drank it all without stopping while the others cheered him on.
"I hate you." Kevin sneered, sending angry glances Charlie's way. She just giggled knowing he didn't really mean it, besides the dare was pretty mean.
"Sam, truth or dare?" Kevin asked, focusing his attention to Sam.
"Really Sammy?" Dean chuckled, rolling his eyes in the meantime.
"Yes, Dean really." Sam said, using as much sass in his tone as he possibly could.
"Do you like someone?" Kevin asked, he had no clue what to ask so he just went for that.
"Are we in middle school?!" Dean groaned, while Castiel patted his knee making him smile fondly at the angel next to him.
"Yes." Sam said, blushing a scarlet red not daring to look anyone in the eye.
"You never told me." Dean said, shocked and a little bit hurt, how could his own brother not trust him with this. On the other hand, he never told him about his crush on Cas.
"We'll talk tomorrow, okay?"
"Dean, truth or dare." Sam smirked, his mood now completely changed.
"Dare, because I'm not a wuss." Dean said mockingly, regretting it instantly.
"I dare you to kiss Cas." Sam smiled, waiting for his brother's reaction.
"What?!" Dean shouted, already turning a bright red.
Castiel stayed silent. If Dean reacted like this, he must not like him. He felt disappointed and stupid for thinking the hunter actually felt something for him.
"I'm not gay!"
"No, you're Bi. Now stop whining and kiss the angel." Charlie said, giving Dean a hard push. Dean lost his balance and fell on top of a very confused Cas, almost pinning him against the floor.
Dean blushed furiously, their lips only inches apart. Dean felt the strong need to just lunge forward and capture Castiel lips with his own.
Castiel felt the warm breath of Dean fanning over his face. If he would only lean forward a small bit, but he decided not to. He was waiting for Dean to make a move. He was too scared to get rejected by Dean, to lose the friendship they had built for years.
Dean couldn't take it anymore. He closed the gap between their lips and it was the best decision he ever made. Castiel's lips were warm and soft and addicting. It was a slow kiss, just enjoying the slow movements and each other's taste. Dean had to pull back for air soon so he disconnected their lips.
He gave Castiel a small peck on his lips and smiled down at him.
This was the beginning of something great.
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