Day 8: Shopping
A/N Contains spoilers of Season 8/9! Don't read if you haven't watch it and don't want spoilers.
"I don't understand Dean, what's wrong with my attire?"
"Dude, you're human now, which means you can't always wear the same clothes and besides, you look like a tax accountant."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Yes, it is."
They have had this discussion ever since Castiel lost his grace yesterday, but Dean couldn't convince Castiel to change his outfit. Castiel was rather fond of the trench coat that is slightly too big for him and he certainly didn't mind the rest of his outfit.
On the other hand, Dean kept telling him to go and buy some clothes with him and Castiel wouldn't mind the quality time he'd spend with him. Castiel was still confused, not just about his feeling for Dean, but for feelings in general. This whole human thing was still new for him. Dean tried to pull him through this new chapter in his life, but it was still difficult. Castiel suddenly had these strange feelings and needs. Like the need for food or the toilet, and more complex needs, like Dean's attention or touch.
He knew he couldn't think about Dean like this, but he can't help it. He asked Sam about it, thinking it was just another weird human thing, Sam rolled his eyes and explained that his feelings have a specific name.
Sam called it love.
Castiel has heard about this phenomenon, he saw it all the time when he watched the human race from afar.
He saw the love sick grins, the passion filled kisses and the loving stares, but besides that, he also saw the bad side. The jealousy, the hurt, it made him scared. Afraid to ever fall in love. He never planned for feeling like this, especially not for a human. On the other hand, Dean is not a normal human. Except for the fact that he is the righteous man, Dean is a beautiful man, inside and out. Quite literally actually. He has the purest soul Castiel has ever seen.
Besides that, he has the most beautiful apple green eyes and cute little freckles Castiel always tries to count. He never succeeds because Dean would look away too soon. Castiel could never get bored of looking at Dean, Castiel could stare at him for an eternity and it would still not be enough.
Yes, he's got it bad.
"Okay." Castiel decided. "I'll go with you."
"Really?" Dean exclaimed in disbelief, not sure if Castiel was joking or not.
"Yes Dean." Castiel answered, smiling reassuringly, well at least he tried to. It was a bit awkward, but Dean got the message.
"Okay, we'll be leaving in ten. Get ready." Dean smiled, pleased with himself.
Castiel nodded and went upstairs to his room, brushed his teeth and had one last look in the mirror. He came out of his room after he was done, only to see Dean already waiting for him.
"I've already parked baby outside." Dean stated, once Castiel was standing next to him.
They walked outside together and stepped inside. Dean instantly took off and drove them to the nearest mall. Castiel looked up at the huge building in front of him. He has never been to a mall and to be honest, he didn't like large crowds all that much. Castiel was lucky he had Dean next to him to give him some kind familiarity.
"Let's go inside." Dean suggested, ready to drag Castiel inside if he refuses. Castiel still hesitated, but followed him anyways.
"So, what's your size?" Dean asked, looking him up and down. Currently they were at a big store, with not a lot of people like Castiel expected. There were a few people roaming around, but they were pretty much alone.
"You don't know do you?" Dean sighed. "Just try some things on and we'll see."
Dean rushed around the store throwing different pieces of clothing at him, while Castiel followed Dean, trying his best to keep up.
"Put these on, I hope they fit." Dean said, nodding at him.
Castiel tried to take off his trench coat, but Dean instantly stopped him.
"Not here!" Dean whisper shouted, sighing when he saw the infamous confused puppy eyes of Castiel.
Dean put a hand on his shoulder and gently, but surely, guided him to the "Dressing Room" Castiel had read on the sign above the space in the back of the store.
Dean sat down in a chair in front of a small room with an open door and pointed at it. Castiel went inside, not knowing what to do exactly.
He took off his trench coat first and neatly hang it on the coat hanger beside him. He tried to undo his tie, but he was having difficulties.
"Dean, can you help me please?" Castiel asked, peaking just around the door he opened a small bit.
"Sure buddy, what's wrong?" Dean asked, standing up and walking in the small room.
"Ehm-I can't undo my tie. I think it's stuck." Castiel mumbled, looking down at the ground in embarrassment.
"I can see that." Dean chuckled and brought his hands up to help with the big knot that was supposed to be a tie.
After some struggle Dean finally managed to get rid of the knot and loosen up the tie. Castiel pulled it over his head and hang it up as well.
Castiel also took off his jacket and began working on the buttons of his dress shirt. Dean froze, he couldn't move, it's like he was nailed to the ground, his eyes only fixed on Castiel's fingers.
Castiel didn't come far, the buttons annoyed him to no end and he was getting frustrated. Dean unfroze and saw Castiel's struggle with the small white buttons.
"Here, let me help." Dean said, giving Castiel a small smile and putting him at ease instantly.
Dean quickly undid the buttons and took a step back, feeling the air shift a little. Sure, they've had sexual tension in the past, but this was the first time Dean clearly felt its presence.
Castiel let the shirt glide from his shoulders and looked up at Dean.
Dean was flustered, with reddened cheeks and admiration and lust in his eyes. Dean let his eyes wander over the lean and toned body of the former angel and tried his best not to ump him right now.
"I-I'll wait for you ehm outside, okay?" Dean hurriedly said and rushed out of the small room, leaving a confused Castiel behind him.
Castiel didn't need help with the rest of clothes and tried one of Dean's outfits on. It took a while before he'd figure out how to put the clothes on, but he managed. Not as smoothly as Dean, but he succeeded anyway.
He was now wearing a dark skinny jeans, a plain white T-shirt and a leather jacket Castiel really liked. It wasn't his trench coat, but he could get used to this.
"And?" Castiel asked, stepping outside the cubicle. He looked rather shy, not knowing what to do with his hands.
Dean on the other hand was in some sort of trance as he glanced up at him. Dean couldn't tear his gaze away, watching the most beautiful and sexy man he has ever seen.
His mesmerizing blue eyes, his usual sex hair and, oh god, that leather jacket.
Dean couldn't contain himself anymore, he lunged forwards and pushed Castiel into the wall behind him. He closed the door and stepped really close to Castiel, only inches apart.
"Tell me not to kiss you." Dean heavily breathed, barely keeping himself from smashing his lips into the gorgeous man in front of him.
"Don't kiss me." Castiel replied, unsure of what Dean wanted from him. The only thing he was sure of, were the butterflies in his stomach and the urge to connect their lips.
"Mean it." Dean whispered and closed his eyes. He didn't know what he wanted, part of him wanted to kiss him and let go of all the worries buried deep inside him. The other part was afraid, mostly of the friendship they might break.
"I can't." Castiel whispered back and that was all it took. Dean smashed his lips into Castiel, putting all of his emotions, passion and love into this kiss, hoping Castiel would understand.
Luckily, he did.
Castiel wound his arms around Dean's neck, pulling him even closer. Dean softly bit Castiel's bottom lip, making Castiel moan softly.
Castiel let Dean's tongue explore his mouth and take over the kiss.
After a while of making out, they had to pull away, both of them trying to catch their breaths.
They rested their foreheads against each other, trying to stay as close as possible.
"I think I love you Dean." Castiel admitted, not meeting Dean's gaze. He was terrified of what Dean might say. But Castiel was completely sure about his feelings for Dean, it was now or never.
"I love you too Cas." Dean smiled and hugged Castiel close to his chest. He let out a sigh of relief as he looked down at the fallen angel in his arms.
I'm never letting you go.
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