Day 1: Holding Hands.
"Is this really necessary Dean?" Castiel asks for the eleventh time today. "Yeah Cas, it really is." Dean replies getting frustrated. After Castiel lost his grace and became human, he could be possessed by a demon and Dean wasn't going to take the chance. Castiel had to get an anti-possession tattoo. Castiel wasn't very happy with the idea. Castiel was actually kind of scared, although he would never admit it. Being human he experienced not only emotions but also physical stuff, like pain. No Castiel was nowhere near happy but he knew Dean would force him anyway.
Castiel sighs. "Okay Dean, when?"
"Tomorrow, it's too late now. Come on buddy, you'll be fine." Dean says relieved, happy he doesn't need to convince Castiel any longer.
"I guess so." Castiel murmured, still a little unsure. "I'm going to sleep now. Good night." Castiel gives Dean a small smile and heads upstairs towards his room.
He starts to undress himself, leaving him in his boxers and put on an old worn T-shirt that used to belong to Dean. Dean gave it to him after he became human, because now Castiel had to sleep and the only clothes he had were his trench coat and suit. Not comfortable to sleep in.
Castiel walks to the bathroom and brushes his teeth. Dean taught him a little while back. He believes it was called an "awkward" experience. At first he couldn't get it right and nearly choked on the toothpaste in his mouth. But after a while and the guidance of Dean he mastered the art of teeth brushing.
Castiel spits out the remaining toothpaste and walks to the light switch, turning the lamp in his room off. He couldn't see much in the darkness and almost trips, but he manages to catch himself before he falls. Finally, he feels the soft duvet of his bed under his hands and lays down, dreading tomorrow. He tries to sleep but he is left twisting and turning until the sun comes up. He then falls asleep, too tired to keep his eyes open.
Castiel feels a hand gently shake his arm. He mumbles something incoherent and turns to the other side of the bed, curling up in a fetal position. He hears a chuckle, waking him up a bit more. He decides to look up, seeing Dean fully dressed, standing next to the bed.
"Cas? Wake up buddy, we're leaving in an hour." Dean says while walking through the bedroom door. Castiel groans, but still gets up, gather his clothes and hops into the shower. The warm water against his back wakes him up fully and the anxious thoughts come back.
Come on Castiel, it's just a tattoo. You are, well was, an angel of the lord. You defeated many monsters, you have fought many wars and even died a few times. What are you afraid of? Dean will be with you, he'll take care of you.
Dean... Castiel knew he was in love with Dean, but he also knew Dean is straight and has no interest in dating men. Sometimes Castiel regrets choosing a man to possess. On the other hand, he knew Jimmy's vessel is perfect for him.
He still wishes Dean would somehow love him the way he loves Dean. He could only dream of the day Dean develops feelings for him. There has been many times Castiel wanted to confess his love, though he was always too afraid to do so. He would not risk his friendship over a little crush. Okay, maybe massive crush, but that's not the point. Dean is way too important, he'd rather have him as a friend than not at all.
The now cold water of the shower breaks Castiel out of his thoughts. He walks out of the shower, dries his body with a towel and put on his usual suit and trench coat. Suddenly he smells bacon and... eggs maybe? He feels his tummy rumble and heads downstairs. He walks into the kitchen and sees Dean putting some bacon and eggs on two plates. "Hey, you're finally out of the shower." Dean says playfully. "Grab a plate and eat. We'll go after we're finished."
"Thank you Dean. Is Sam not eating with us today?" Castiel asks looking around. "No, he went grocery shopping this morning, he said something about us not having any healthy food around." Dean responds with a scowl on his face, making Castiel giggle. His face heats up from embarrassment and he looks down at his plate. He starts to eat the surprisingly delicious breakfast Dean has made. The bunker is completely silent. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, actually it was peaceful. Both men lost in thought.
After they are done, Dean grabs both plates and put them in the sink. "You ready Cas?"
"Sure." Castiel says, trying to be convincing, but failing. "I'll stay with you until it's done, okay?" Dean smiles softly at Castiel, making his tense form relax a little.
"I would highly appreciate that." Castiel says, smiling up at Dean. "Of course, that's what friends are for."
Castiel smiles again, but Dean notices it doesn't reach his eyes. Deciding to ignore it, he walks out of the bunker and towards the impala, Castiel follows him. They both step into the Impala and Dean drives away. Dean turns on the radio and he deafening sound of ACDC's Back In Black pierces through the car. Castiel doesn't particularly likes this music, but if it makes Dean happy he would bear through it. After a couple more classic rock songs they arrive at a small tattoo shop called "Inkspired". Dean opens the door and motions for Castiel to walk in as well. Castiel steps into the store and is overwhelmed with the smell of green soap. He then hears the loud, almost drilling of the tattoo guns the artists use.
Castiel watches in horror as he sees a girl probably about twenty getting her tattoo. Maybe it's her first? He notices the pained expression on her face, but is distracted when a large man with arms full of different colored tattoo's and piercings in his face walks up to them. "Is it your first? I'm Ed." He says in a friendly tone. "Yes, it is my first tattoo. I'm Castiel and this is Dean, nice to meet you" Castiel answers starting to get anxious again. The noise of the tattoo gun still in his head. Ed nods kindly at Dean. "This is the design." Dean hands the anti-possession symbol over to Ed. "Well, looking at the design it wouldn't take too long to draw. Where do you want it?" Ed asks Castiel, who points at the upper left part of his chest. "Okay, I'll be with you in ten minutes. You can wait here in the waiting room." Ed says, pointing at a few chairs and a table with magazines and portfolio's on it.
Castiel and Dean both sit down at the two empty chairs next to each other. Castiel immediately hunches over starts playing with the belt of his trench coat he never uses. Neither of them say anything. Dean glances over to Castiel repeatedly, making sure he's still okay. He notices Castiel biting his lip hard.
Damn, that's hot. Now is not the time Dean! The poor guy looks terrified. These thoughts don't shock me anymore, I like him and I've known for a while now. "Okay, I'm all done. You can come over and lie down on this chair. You do need to take off your coat and shirt." Castiel looks at Dean, worry written all over his face. "It'll be fine Cas, I'm here, okay."
Dean says softly, trying his best to sound reassuring. Castiel gives him a small smile and shrugs off his trench coat, hanging it at the coat stand. He then unbuttons his shirt and folds it neatly handing it over to Dean.
Dean takes the shirt and tries his best not to get flustered at sight of a shirtless Castiel. His chest and arms are muscular but not bulky. He is still a very slim guy.
Castiel walks over to the chair and hesitantly lays down. Ed puts the drawing on his chest and pulls it off, leaving the design of the symbol behind. He looks at Dean for confirmation and receives a small nod.
Dean grabs a chair, puts it next to Castiel and sits down. His hand lies dangerously close to Castiel but Dean isn't brave enough to hold it. "Here we go." Ed says cheerfully and starts inking Castiel.
Castiel feels the sharp pain of the needle on his chest, he winces and tries to focus on Dean. Dean smiles at him. He tries to smile back, but grimaces instead. Suddenly Dean grabs his hand and squeeze it a little. "You can squeeze as hard as you want, it might help." Dean whispers. "So how long have you been together?" Dean whips his head as fast as lighting and looks at Ed with a shocked expression on his face. Castiel would have laughed if it didn't hurt so much. He is also a bit confused, not getting where this is going.
"Almost six years now." Castiel says confidently. Dean whips his head around again, now staring at Castiel with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of the water.
"That's not what he meant Cas." Dean says after about a minute of just staring. "Oh." Is all Castiel says his face heating up.
"Too bad, you guys would make a cute couple." Ed teases winking at Castiel.
Dean is about as red as a tomato at the comment, looking down sadly at their intertwined hands.
Only in his dreams.
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