AJ followed Moani with her baggage to the car. There was a boy standing next to the car.
"I thought you broke up with Charles," she said perplexed.
"Oh no,no,no. That's not Charles,that's his younger brother and we are not dating. He's just my other best friend," replied Moani.
They approached the car slowly,catching up on the latest news.
Reese stared at the girls coming. They were almost look alikes; dark skin,dark curly hair and glasses. But, that was where the similarities ended. Moani was tall whereas AJ was small. Their characters well, he would just have to see.
"Hey," he said to the girls.
"Hi," AJ replied.
"AJ this is Reese, Reese you already know," introduced Moani dumping the baggage into the her boot.
"Nice to finally put a face to the stories," Reese addressed AJ while he quickly sent a glare at Mo. "Where are we headed Mo?"
Moani hopped into the driver's seat. Ignoring him altogether she said, "Hey AJ, why don't you sit at the back with Reese."
AJ overcome with laughter couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her as she slid into the car. "Mo," she wiped away at the tears around her eyes, " nice!"
She closed her eyes and whispered a prayer to the Lord, a slight smile across her face.
Mumbling obscenities under her breath low enough so AJ wouldn't hear, Moani adjusted her glasses on her face. Glancing into the rear view mirror she saw her best friends getting friendly. 'A little too much on Reese's side' she thought. She would ask him about it later.
Gearing her car into motion she sped off into the horizon.
"..and I said Moani the cookies aren't going to make themselves," Reese and AJ burst out into laughter.
"Haha, very funny Reese," Moani told the mirror.
"Oh don't be a spoilsport Mo," he replied.
"Hey AJ can you believe Reese here thought you were a guy?" Moani questioned.
"Really?" Her eyebrow raised in a perfect arc.
Rubbing the back of his neck he replied sheepishly,"Well your name does kinda sound like it. I hardly knew you heck I hardly know you."
"Language please," she narrowed her eyes at him. "Well... urm what do you want to know?"
Moani turned on the radio.
"Just give me a few facts about you." was his reply.
"Wellll so I'm Allison-Jordyn but just call me AJ. I love to read, sing and dance. Heart the animals, chocolate, and sports. I'm Christian and 18. Birthday-April 16 and I do martial arts."
"Don't forget she's a PK," added Moani.
"A what?" Reese blurted.
"A preacher's kid," she smirked noting the glare AJ sent her way.
"That is not a label I enjoy. Don't get me wrong now, I love that my momma serves the Lord but that shouldn't be what people use to determine my character. Cause that's exactly what it is my character not hers," AJ looked directly at Reese.
"I wouldn't have dreamed of doing such a thing," he said.
"Liar!" sang Mo.
Reese quietly flipped her the bird and AJ reprimanded him harshly. Mo giggled and stuck out her tongue childishly at him.
Reese huffed, crossed his arms and looked out the window. AJ looked between the both of them and sighed.
"Hey," she whispered poking Reese in the shoulder.
"What? Are you going to get me to forgive you with cookies, cause that sho' would help."
"No," she chuckled. "You forgot to tell me about yourself."
He laughed lightly, "Reese, 18, 21 December, cookies, dancing, basketball, martial arts."
"Well then looks like I'm just in time for your b'day. Mo and I will whip up a special batch of cookies for you tomorrow God willing."
"Noooo! Do we have to?" Moaned Mo.
"Yeah, if you help I'll make you my specialty."
"What's that?" wondered Reese.
"Chocolate and vanilla cake," the girls said in perfect unison.
So, what do you think? Feel free to comment, vote, share or not. I would love the feedback though. God bless you and thanks.
~A.H 😊
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