More Dancestor fantrolls!!
Thought I'd design them :3 next up the ancestors!!
First off the cute lil opossum! Coroco
- she's very smart and well educated on many different kinds of lusi
- she usually spends her time out traveling and closely studying the many types of lusi there are *shes got a journal full of sketches and information*
- just like the rest in her family she is easily overwhelmed which causes her to pass out easily
- she does go out to parties occasionally just so that she can better her anxiety
- she's a very emotional opossum who can't really seem to find someone who would stick by her side on her different travels or would even bother to wait for her
- she like the others doesn't have a home but she does manage usually finding some type of tree to sleep on
- she's got extremely bad eye sight without her glasses she is practically blind and very vulnerable
- one of her biggest fears is confrontations or arguments she's a very passive person who listens and doesn't really show off her own opinions unless it's something she strongly believes in
What she looks for in a matesprit: (I can see her being matesprits or moirails with Vreavi :3 since they got like very different personalities and balance each other out)
- someone who wouldn't mind her always going off and traveling
- someone who has a lot to say she enjoys listening to people who talk a lot
- someone who can easily defend her since she can't really do that herself
- someone who can boost her confidence and comfort her
- someone that's loyal and wouldn't go behind her back *shes got major trust issues from previous matespritships*
- they don't have to be the nicest person if anything she needs someone who's very straightforward who can help her learn how to not be so sensitive
Next up! Golden Cockatoo! Cantia!
- she's always very dressed up no matter what
- she's incredibly spoiled by her moirail who gets her anything and everything
- she wants to be just as well known as her ancestor and her descendent
- she's very talented when it comes to singing usually practicing and singing duets with her moirail
- she loves having a very flashy style even if she is a lowblood and could careless about what others think that's thanks to her moirail
- she doesn't show off or use her psionics very much because she doesn't want to be seen by a highblood and be used for her power
- even if she doesn't seem like it she's very smart but she doesn't act like it because she doesn't find it to be attractive
- she can be very stuck up and kind of a bitch which usually draws people away from her
What she looks for in a matesprit:
- someone who has money that can satisfy her needs
- someone who spoils her and praises her
- someone who knows how to make music so she can practice her singing
- someone who is smart cuz even if she doesn't act like it she can't stand stupid people
- someone who knows how to dress well she can't be seen with someone with a poor sense of fashion
- someone who's very popular she's not down to be with someone who isn't well known
Next up my candy chameleon! Sollia!
- she's hella bubbly and sweet very curious about everything and anything
- she knows all kinds of languages very interested in one day meeting a human who she could easily communicate with
- she hides her blood color which makes a lot of her friends try and question about it which makes her nervous but she happily gives them the answer in several languages except for one they could understand
- she keeps her bangs very long which cover her eyes and makes it harder for anyone to tell her blood color
- like her ancestor and descendent she fits in with every single blood group and is able to make friends all over
- she's very outgoing and spontaneous so she gets along very well with Mallus the two are extremely close
- she's gets along very well with the whole band or at least the boys all of them seem to be very fond of her including Bellus they all view her as a younger sister which they want to keep safe
- she's a secret keeper and she likes to mess with tarot cards which something that makes the band keep her close since they're all curious if they're gonna land themselves a matesprit *except for Mallus of course*
What she looks for in a matesprit:
- someone who's interesting and different
- someone who knows various languages
- someone she can learn from
- someone that the band approves of her being with
- someone who can keep secrets if she were to ever tell them her blood color
- someone who has a very kind heart
Next up little olive lion Catulu!
- he's a punk in style but a major sweetheart
- protective of his family and anyone he considers family
- gets into fights defending his siblings he's the overprotective older brother who gives the best advice yet pulls the worst pranks on his little brother but treats his sisters like princesses
- very wild teenager lives by the phrase yolo
- not the brightest but he doesn't let that stop him
- loves music which caught the eye of the band after Mallus began to slack off in practices *hes very good at singing as well*
- very skilled drummer he was taught by Cupida (I have an idea to make some of the ancestors have a band which inspired Bellus to make his own band only twist the band is all female! My thoughts being
Bass guitarist and lead singer - Prepossessing
Drummer - Cupida
Electric guitarist - Flagitium
*need other singer was thinking that blindbit could be part of it cuz of her very chilled out vibes)
- overall a nice guy even if he might intimidate with his style
What he looks for in a matesprit:
- he's not really looking for a matesprit since he wants to be a part of Bellus' band and he noticed that Bellus isn't ok with band members having matesprits
- but if he was able to he'd go for someone who is very smart and kind hearted
- someone who's down to have fun and do stupid things
- someone who supports his dreams
- someone who can sing
- musically talented
Next up my darling toucan!
- she's very tired all the time since she's always trying to work to try and be as good of a lawyer as her ancestor was
- she's always at the verge of having any type of a breakdown
- she's very traditional believing that lowbloods should stay in their place and highbloods have the luxury of treating lowbloods in anyway they deserve
- her friend Symphl tries to show her and open her mind that lowbloods and highbloods can get along he got her a necklace for her to wear but she refused to because she didn't feel worthy enough to do he had to command her to do it for her to actually accept it
- she doesn't have much self respect for her she's always bring herself down on purpose in hopes that it will help her succeed
- she tends to make "friends" with trolls that are just looking to use and hurt her
- she could care less about humiliation or abuse done to herself if it means she could be deemed worthy by a highblood
- she just one day wants to be happy like her ancestor was *she is awfully afraid of Mallus which is something he finds amusing usually cornering her in small spaces just to freak her out*
What she looks for in a matesprit:
- a highblood (she would never associate herself with someone lower than her)
- someone who will treat her poorly (she can't help it she craves toxicity)
- someone that could make her feel worthy
- someone who doesn't try and comfort her when she's down or upset with herself
- she wants someone cold hearted and someone who isn't sensitive
- someone who can provide for her
Next up! My thoughtful crow! Symphl!
- ok unlike his parents he is a very honorable guy
- worst thing he's done is stolen a golden chain from Defici for his friend Pomari
- not many people trust him because of his family who are liars and thieves
- he usually spends his time spoiling his moirail *Cantia*
- he's been moirails with Cantia for so long without her he wouldn't know where he would've ended up ever since Bellus kicked him out of the band he's been quite a mess
- he loves meeting new people and is a very generous person
- luck seems to be always on his side as proven by Sollia's readings and his slow rising as an independent singer
- he would do anything for his friends or loved ones even if it means slowly hurting himself
What he looks for in a matesprit:
- someone who can cut him some slack he doesn't want someone always pestering him
- a kind person he's got no time to deal with fake people
- someone who could support him when it comes to his performances
- someone who can be his best friend he doesn't want to have to change himself for someone he loves
- someone who can make him laugh and feel happy
- someone who wouldn't leave him for being a blue blood (kinda paranoid after what happened with Bellus)
Meet Plumet! My dancing swan!
- she's very kind and modest not really acting as if she were above others
- she tries to make friends with whoever she can usually going against her ancestors wishes
- she's lived an extremely hard life trying to please her ancestor by pursuing ballet which is something she finds no happiness in
- she loves fashion and all sorts of clothing usually trying out different styles but always having to refer back to skirts and dresses as she was trained to do
- she's extremely jealous of her descendent Infidu because she seemed to be able to as she pleases with no consequences at all
- she's a very talented dancer and a very well known ballerina usually doing all she can to hide her identity when she's out in public
- she would do anything to be able to be free for a couple of moments
- she's a people pleaser doing all she can to fulfill her ancestors dreams even if they aren't what she wants she feels bad for her ancestor (Mistress Saltria was in a dispute with Madame Magistra who became violent with her and badly broke legs to prevent her from dancing ever again *she got them replaced with robotic legs but she grew insecure with how she looked not finding herself to be beautiful at all so she quit dancing and hoped that one of her descendants took up ballet to make up for her short lived career)
What she looks for in a matesprit:
- someone who's kind and won't put her down
- someone who is open minded and spontaneous she needs someone to show her everything she's been missing out on
- someone she can really rely on and won't pressure her in the slightest
- someone who will spoil her occasionally since she didn't get to experience that much
- someone who has interesting hobbies
- someone who will stand up for her since she's prone to just bow her head down and do as ordered
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