Smell Like Jesus
He uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Chris-Like fragrance rising up to God.
2 Corinthians 2:14-15
Mmm... Bacon! Who doesn't love the smell of Bacon? The sizzling aroma permeates the entire house until every month waters. Even after all the bacon has been consumed, the scent clings to the house, your clothes, and your breath. You ooze bacon, and any outsider can immediately catch a whiff. Know what I'm taking about?
Another scent clings to you, too. The smell of Jesus! God uses his aroma to spread the knowledge of his son to the world. Your life-your actions and words-are a sweet perfume to those around you, testifying to the goodness and love of Jesus. Please catch a whiff and notice something different about you. In fact, you smell like other Christians. To some, the smell will be offensive but to others, it will be a life-giving perfume.
How do you think your words and actions smell to others? Examine your heart. Are there areas of sin or stubbornness that mask you sweet Jesus scent? If so clean off those foul odors and splash on a dose of Jesus perfume!
Sweet Jesus, thank you for using my life to spread th good news to those around me. Help me smell sweet and attractive by my words and actions today.
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