Father and son (Ch9)
Chanyeol wakes up with a jump grabbing his phone he rubs his eyes and checks the time 5 am, he falls back on to the bed. Least he slept about 2 hours more then he thought he would. Since he is still excited and nervous he decides to have a shower and get ready as today is the most important day of his life, today is the day he finally meets his son.
Once he is finished showering he climbs out of the shower and looks at himself in the mirror while wrapping a towel around his waist. Touching his face he decides to have a shave, the last thing he wants his is son to touch his face and feel stubble.
Once he is finally showered and shaved he decides to just put on some jeans and a cream jumper. He finally checks himself in the mirror one last time, taking a deep breath he opens the door and heads outside. He quickly looks around and sees no one is up yet so he decides to make breakfast for the boys since they have been good taking care of Taehyung.
Looking in the cupboards he decides to make pancakes and then stops "shit I don't know what my own son will like for breakfast" he holds onto the counter and looks down with sorrow
"Morning" He looks up to the voice as he sees Sehun standing in the doorway
"Hey" Chanyeol smiles back as he continues to look in the cupboards for what to make his son
"There is a book on toddlers on the counter it might help you decide what to make him" Sehun smiles walking closer to his friend knowing that's what he was worrying about
"How are you feeling this morning?" Sehun askes while he turns the kettle on to make himself coffee
"So fucking nervous Sehun, I feel like my insides are gonna come out I'm that bad" Chanyeol sits on the nearest stool and places his elbows on the counter and leans his head in his hands
"You will be ok just be you, everything will be fine" Sehun takes over making the breakfast and chops up some bananas into small pieces for the little guy
"Anyone awake?" They hear Kai shouts from the other room making them both jump and look at eachother as Chanyeol sits up feeling his heart pound in his chest, knowing any minute he will see his son.
"In here Kai" Sehun shouts while looking towards Chanyeol as he watches him panic
"This kid really gave me such a nice wake up call, laying all over my face with a soaking wet diaper" Kai finally enters the kitchen holding a blushed read cheeked Taehyung in his arms
Chanyeol freezes and all he can do is stare
"Kai why don't you get him all cleaned up and dressed so he can meet Chanyeol properly" Sehun gives Kai the nod to get out
"Come on little man let's change your wet diaper and make you all clean today is a special day" Kai bounces Taehyung on his hip as the toddler looks over his shoulder looking at Chanyeol as they leave the kitchen
"Chanyeol you can breathe now" Sehun nudges his friend as the taller blinks and begins to breathe not realising he was holding his breath
"Omg Sehun I can see baek in him" Chanyeol stands up and starts to pace back and forth in the kitchen making Sehun nervous now
"Hey get a grip now ok, and didn't you see him looking at you when he was going back out, look I have an idea" Sehun moves the pan from the heat and pushes Chanyeol into the large sitting room which Kai's room opens up into
"Sit here on the floor and put these around you like you are playing with the toys, oh wait" Sehun runs to Chanyeol's room and hurries back with zootropolis plushies from his friends room, getting a confused look from Chanyeol "he likes zootropolis just like you" sehun smiles handing him all the toys as Chanyeol sits all the teddies along the floor leaning them against the sofa.
"Uncle Sehun we are ready can we come out now?" Kai shouts from his room as he looks out getting a thumbs up from Sehun.
"Just pretend your playing with them and let him come to you ok" Sehun steps back as he watches Kai walk out of his room with Taehyung
"Come on little man" Kai carry's the smaller in his arms as they head into the sitting room as Chanyeol tries not to stare at them and plays with the toys.
"Oh look tae, who's this?" Kai walks closer as Chanyeol feels his stomach is about to burst with nerves but Taehyung decides to wrap his arms around Kai's neck not knowing the person in front of him
"Hey tae" Sehun approaches and takes Taehyung from Kai's arms and sits on the floor with him close to Chanyeol as Taehyung stands on Sehun's lap and holds on tight making strange with Chanyeol
Chanyeol picks up one of the plushies and bounces it on his lap
"Hey Taehyung look" Chanyeol finally finds his voice and courage
Slowly Taehyung pulls himself out of Sehun's chest and looks at Chanyeol holding the plushie. Taehyung slowly moves and reaches his hand out for the plushie as Chanyeol hands it to him and he quickly hugs Sehun again
Chanyeol feels upset that his own son is scared of him but he decides not to give up so he continues to play with the toys. He gets up on his knees and turns his back towards sehun and his son and places all the teddies sitting up on the sofa.
After a few minutes he feels little hands touch his back making him freeze, then the little hand reaches his arm and he turns to see his son standing beside him holding onto his arm as he reaches for the edge of the sofa
"Hey~" Chanyeol smiles making the toddler look at him
"Up" Taehyung says while trying to lift his leg up onto the sofa
"You want to get up?" Chanyeol looks towards his son
"Up" Taehyung says again but this time he holds out his little arms to Chanyeol to lift him
Chanyeol reaches carefully and lifts his son up onto the chair and sits him with all the plushies as he watches Taehyung smile
Sehun slowly gets up and heads towards the kitchen as him and Kai watch on as their friend and son finally meet and bond
I'm so glad Taehyung didn't get too scared of him" Kai smiles watching the two play
"Me too Kai, come on let's get food" they quickly head into the kitchen while leaving the other two to bond
Chanyeol can't help but smile at how cute Taehyung is and how he can see bits of baekhyun in him making him feel emotional and hold back his tears not to let his son see him upset
"Breakfast is ready" Sehun shouts from the kitchen as Chanyeol stands up and reaches out his hands for Taehyung
"Come on little man you want some brekkie?" It was a if he knew what Chanyeol meant that he stood up holding onto the back of the cusion on the sofa and held out for Chanyeol to lift him
"Up" Taehyung says as Chanyeol smiles lifting him up into his arms
"There we go, let's see what uncle Sehun and Kai made for breakfast" Chanyeol carries his son into the kitchen and sits on one of the chairs keeping his son on his lap
"I have to leave soon I have to shoot a part for my movie today I shouldn't be late, you two will be ok won't you?" Sehun smiles while tucking into his food
"I'll be here anyway" Kai reassures him while looking at Chanyeol who isn't really listening as he helps his son eat
"We will be fine you go" Kai smiles as Sehun leaves to get ready
Once food is finished Kai desides to give the others some space and cleans the kitchen while Chanyeol carrys Taehyung into his room to change him as his top got dirty and also his own jumper
Sitting his son on the bed he grabs a new top from the clothes pile sehun left in his room before he went to shoot his movie
"Ok come here" Chanyeol smiles as he sits Taehyung on his lap and begins to remove his top
"Boo" Taehyung says as the top pops off his head making him laugh as chanyeol finds himself laughing too
Grabbing the new top he pulls it over taehyuns head as the toddler says boo again making them both laugh. Putting his little arms through, chanyeol quickly changes his own top and reaches for a little blanket and places it over Taehyungs head and quickly pulls it off while saying boo as the toddler starts to laugh a little making Chanyeol do it again
"Where is Tae?" Chanyeol says while covering the toddler with the blanket as taehyung pulls it off himself saying "Boo" as they both burst out laughing and decide to do it over and over again till both are laying on the bed laughing making Kai walk in
"Bonk" Taehyun says pointing at Kai
"Bonk?" Chanyeol turns to look at Kai
"He calls me bonk" Kai says with his head down looking at the ground
"Why?" Chanyeol sits up on the bed watching Taehyung sit up too
"I'll show you" Kai sits on the edge of the bed and Taehyung reaches over and pushes him as Kai forces himself to fall on the floor landing on his butt
"Bonk" taehyung says while bursting out laughing looking over the edge of the bed to kai on the floor and then to Chanyeol
"Oh how the heck did this all happen?" Chanyeol smiles as Kai gets up from the floor
"I heard tae and sehun laughing so I came in and went to sit on the bed and misjudged the end and fell, ever since then he calls me bonk" Kai huffs as Taehyung stands up on the bed and leans against Kai "bonk" he smiles while falling onto the bed backwards making the taller fall back on the bed too while all saying bonk.
"I'm gonna leave you too crazy kids to have more fun while I have a shower if you need me just call" Kai says while leaving the room.
Taehyung spots the box chanyeol was looking in beside the bed and reaches for it while Chanyeol fixes the bed
"What are you doing little man?" Chanyeol lays across the bed as Taehyung opens the box with a cheeky smile knowing he shouldn't be doing it
"You wanna see?" Chanyeol pulls Taehyung up onto the bed and places the box on the bed slowly opening it the toddler decides that chanyeol is taking to long and tried to nearly get into the box by himself
"Haha wait little man" Chanyeol moves him as he takes out some pictures and moves the box away so the smaller can't rip them
Holding the photos and showing Taehyung, the smaller smiles and points to baekhyun in the picture
"Who's that?" Chanyeol smiles
"Appa" Taehyung smiles while trying to kiss the photo
"That's what you call him, Appa" Chanyeol smiles as he see his son's eyes light up seeing baek
"Appa" Taehyung turns to look at Chanyeol with a pouty face
"Oh no" Chanyeol begins to panic and quickly hides the photos
"Appa" The smaller cries and tries to get off the bed
'Way to go Chanyeol, upset your son by showing him his appa' Chanyeol scoldes himself as Taehyung tries to climb off the bed and woddles to the door
"Come here son, dada is sorry ok" Chanyeol lifts his son up into his arms and heads into the kitchen
"Want some snacks" Chanyeol opens the fridge to some yogurts holding taehyung on his waist as the smaller sobbs into his chest making chanyeols heart break even more
"Hey I know let's go build a fort" chanyeol closes the fridge leaving the yogurt after pouring some milk into Taehyung's sippy cup and giving it to him as he snuggles into chanyeol chest making the taller smile as he begins to slowly stop crying
Chanyeol uses all the cusions from the sofa and some pillows from the bedroom along with some blankets and makes a huge fort in the sitting room all while Taehyung watches on from the sofa with all the plushies around him as a barrier as to not fall off the sofa while sipping from his sippy cup
"Ready little man" Chanyeol lifts his son as they crawl in as the smaller looks around all smiles and falls onto the cusions smiling, chanyeol sets it up so they could also see the tv and turns on a movie yes you guessed it
To be continued...
So how did you think the meeting went so far ?
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