Chapter 7
A few hours earlier
Slamming the front door of his small apartment shut and falling against it he slides down to the floor and throws his keys in temper across the room as he sobs.
"Taehyung my baby I'm so so sorry" The smaller sobbs into his hands as pounding comes to the door he is leaning against
"Hey baek it's Minseok open up, I have presents for you and tae" a voice comes from the other side of the door
as baek covers his mouth trying to drown out his sobs, but fails.
"Baek is that you crying, please open the door or I will use my spare key"
Baekhyun leans his head back against the door knowing full well how his friend will react once he tells him what he has done.
"I'm ok just have a cold that's all, can we catch up tomorrow I just wanna rest" Baekhyun sniffs making it sound like he has a cold and is not crying.
"Your a shit liar, I'm coming in baek"
Baekhyun listens as the keys enter the lock and the door opens a little, knowing he need to face this he stands up and let's his friend in
"Baek whats wrong are you ok, is tae ok?" Minseok drops his bags he is carrying and hugs his friend
"I brought gifts from my trip" Minseok says into the hug making baekhyun sob
"Baek where is tae, he always woddles out to see me, is he asleep?" Minseok let's go of baek and looks around the room for the toddler
"He isn't here" baek sniffs wiping his tears in the sleeve of his jumper
"What do you mean he isn't here baek he is always here" Minseok looks towards his friend with panic
"I brought him to his dad's" Baekhyun cries as he waits for his friends reaction
"You what, baek he doesn't know his dad, what did his dad say when you got there?" Minseok tries to hold back his rage
"We never spoke I just left him on the door step" Baekhyun whispers softly while looking at the floor
"You left your son on a strangers doorstep, how do you even know he was there?"
"T.....they in a penthouse so I waited down the hall and hid while his friends came out and took him inside then I left" baekhyun hides his face from his friend as he begins to sob more.
"Baek you left him with strangers are you serious, he will be crying and sobbing wanting you" Minseok sits beside his friend and decides to comfort him instead of shouting
"I k....know mins but I just..... I just ..."
"What baek tell me" Minseok leans closer holding his friends hand in his
"I was late at my job again as Tae was having a tantrum, when I finally got to work after dropping him to playschool my boss told me I would loose my job if I was late again as I have been late alot and I have worked so hard for it trying to keep tae in preschool and try pay rent and try feed ourselves, I've gone days without food so tae could eat and if I lost that job we would have to give up our home and starve, I cant let my baby starve and no where else is hiring ...I Just wasn't good enough for him anymore" baekhyun let's it out and sobs uncontrollably into his friends chest
"Baek why didn't you tell me, I would have helped you out you know that, you could have both moved in with me" Minseok rocks his friend back and forth and finds himself crying hearing him sob
"Minseok I'm..... So....So.. sorry"
"Shhhh it's ok baek we can fix this and we will somehow and we will get tae back to where he belongs"
"You could have asked his dad for help instead of just dropping him off like that"
"Minseok I was 3 months pregnant before I found out and I never told Chanyeol "
"Why didn't you tell him you actually never told me why you left"
"Chanyeol became the biggest producer in Korea he was wanted by everyone and anyone his dream was finally coming through so I decided not to burden him with it as he was starting to get busy"
"He would have made time for you and tae baek, you told me yourself you where his world and he was yours"
"He was my world but there was going to be another person soon and I just couldn't ruin his big moment" Baekhyun moves away from Minseoks chest and sits up
"Baek you never gave him a chance" Minseok finds himself getting angry as baekhyun looks at him
"This isnt easy for me you know my heart is breaking knowing my little boy is with people he doesnt know but I know them and they will keep him safe, I know they will, he will have fun and a good life and money...." baekhyun shouts standing up looking down at his friend sitting on the sofa
"Money isn't everything baek, he is a toddler he needs love from you his Appa"
"I will sort out work and I will get more money and I will make tae happy again and proud of me" Baekhyun storms into his room and cries
'Oh baek what have you done' Minseok grabs his phone and clicks onto the internet and Google's what he knows of this Chanyeol producer. It's not long before he finds him clicking on the link as a new page opens to Chanyeol's company
Reading down the page he sees the awards for being the best producer in korea and all the thanks from alot of artists for his help and finally at the bottom is his picture
"So this is Taehyung's dad Park Chanyeol, oh baek I'm gonna make this right"
Clicking on the number along the bottom it starts to ring
"Hello Pcy bbh company Irene speaking"
"Hi I was just wondering if I could speak to Mr Park"
"I'm sorry sir but Mr Park is unavailable for the rest of this week, if it is urgent we could possibly get him to contact you"
"Yes it is rather urgent but I would need to see him you see I have a new group just about to hit the scene and we really need Mr Parks help on this and money is no object"
"Sir if I could just take your name and number,I can call you back as soon as possible, if not later today then first thing tomorrow"
"Yes it's Kim Minseok and my number is xxxxxxxxxxx and if you could get back to me as soon as you can I will be greatful, thank you irene"
"You are welcome sir have a good day"
"You too"
Ends call
Sitting back in the sofa Minseok takes a deep breath and sighs, reaching for one of the bags he brought earlier he pulls out one of the gifts he bought Taehyung, zootopia pjs
'Now let's just wait and see'
Poor Baek
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