Chapter 5
"Kai, Tae dinner is ready" Sehun calls from the kitchen as he sets the table placing a plate at each place along with 2 glasses and one sippy cup
"Thank you uncle Sehun~" Kai smiles while carrying a rosey red cheeked Taehyung who just woke from his nap holding tightly onto his new Plushie and snuggling into Kai's neck forgetting where he was while Kai sits him on his lap at the table
Taehyung tries to touch everything on the table making Sehun laugh and Kai panic
"Hey stop little man or we won't get food " Kai softly panicks to Taehyung while trying to get the fork from his little hand
"We never thought of getting him a high chair" Sehun grunts while filling up the plate with food
"It's ok watch" Kai stands up and puts the toddler sitting on the chair beside him and pushing the chair right in to the table
"Awww Kai lift him, his little arms can't reach" Sehun laughs while filling up the glasses and sippy cup with milk
" Ok listen little man uncle Sehun made you and uncle Kai chicken and chicken is so good to help you grow so please sit easy ok" Kai smiles as the little toddler replies "k" while looking up at him making Kai coo
"You think that will stop him?" Sehun moves his place so him and Kai are sitting either side of Taehyung as the toddler starts to reach for the food from the plate
As Sehun begins to tuck into the food on his plate he watches Taehyung pick up the food in his tiny little fingers and put it in his mouth
"Awww here little man" Sehun picks up some chicken cutting it smaller placing it in the toddlers mouth
The toddler decides to keep opening his mouth so Sehun can feed him while he also fills his mouth with food
"He likes chicken" Sehun smiles as he watches the toddler eat more
"Who doesn't" Kai replies with a big mouthful of chicken as Sehun and Taehyung look towards him
"Kai you animal, tae your uncle kai is an animal when it comes to food, he inhales his food" Sehun laughs while picking up the toddler onto his own lap and handing him his sippy cup
"I'm not an animal" Kai grunts with food in his mouth then all of a sudden he sneezes sending bits of chicken everywhere
"Awwwww Kai" Sehun gives out while the toddler bursts out laughing looking at Kai from behind his sippy cup while his other little hand is holding his foot
"Sorry Sehun" Kai stands up to clean up his mess and to start tidy up once everyone is finished
"Ok little man what shall we do now, oh I know let me show you around the place" Sehun moves taehyung so he is more comfortable on his hip while carrying his sippy cup
"Ok well Tae this is the living room area which is pretty big as you can see, we have all types of parties here, oh wait our halloween one is in 2 days, we are gonna need to get you a costume" Sehun moves into the next room while thinking of what he can dress taehyung up as
"Ok this is my room as you can probably remember earlier where uncle Kai fell off the bed"
"Bonk" tae says pointing at the bed as sehun looks confused at him
"Hey what you guys doing?" Kai enters the room with a cloth in his hand from drying the dishes
"Bonk" Tae points at Kai and looks at Sehun
"Oh BONK" Sehun bursts out laughing at Taehyung
"What's he saying?" Kai sits on the end of the bed but doesn't judge it right and nearly falls off again
"Bonk" Tae laughs looking at Kai
"Either your name is bonk now or he just remembers you falling" Sehun laughs putting the toddler on the bed
"Nooo my name is Kai, can you say Kai?" Taehyung just ignores the taller and rolls around the bed
"Hey bonk wanna show him around" Sehun tries to say without laughing but fails when Kai throws a pillow at him
"Don't call me bonk I'm Kai" Kai lays on his back on the bed as Taehyung crawls over to him pushing him with his little hands
"He is pushing me away he doesn't like me now" Kai huffs
"No I think he wants you to fall off the bed again" Sehun laughs out as he watches the toddler trying so hard to push Kai
Kai plays along and when the toddler pushes him he makes himself fall off the bed as Taehyung bursts into laughter crawling to the edge to look at Kai on the floor
"Bonk" taehyung smiles looking up at Sehun and pointing at Kai on the floor
"Yeah he went bonk" Sehun laughs while reaching out for Taehyung
"Ok let's show him around" Kai drags himself off the floor to follows them out of the room
"Ok little man this is the games room, we have pool, basket ball hoop game, that table over there is for card games ,those fridges are full of alcohol drink which with you being a toddler we will need to lock so you can't get them" Sehun tries to hold onto Taehyung but he wiggles and pushes as sehun puts him down standing on his little feet
"Can he walk"?" Kai stands close getting ready to catch him if he falls
"He is gonna shows us now" Sehun gets down on his hunkers as Taehyung points over to the basketball on the floor over by the machine
"Go on you can get it if you want" Sehun rubs the back of the toddler head encouraging him
One step out and the next and the toddler waddles over towards the ball and tries to pick it up
"Shit he can walk" Kai shouts running over to the smaller and helping him with the ball
"You know what this mean right kai?"
"Yeah he can walk and we have been carrying him"
"No we need to put any sort of breakable up out of reach"
"Well we better not bring him into Chanyeols room then with all the figures he has" Kai stands Taehyung on the edge of the basketball hoop game and throws the ball into the hoop making the machine make noise as Taehyung claps his hands
"He likes it' Kai smiles doing it again making the smaller clap his tiny hands together
"Yes kids like things that make noise, come on let's go show him more" Sehun walks out of the room as he feels little hands on his leg
"Wow your fast little man, I better remember that" Sehun moves slowly as Taehyung gets his balance and walks again as sehun guide him into Kai's room
"This is uncle kai's room where you slept earlier he is the top choreographer in Korea and those are all his trophies" Sehun walks out after the little toddler as he watches what he does
Slowly Taehyung walks over to another room and tries to push it
"What's he doing?" Kai stands beside Sehun as they look down at the toddler
"Uhh" Taehyung says while pushing the closed door
"That's Chanyeols room should we let him in?" Kai looks at sehun as he just shrugs his shoulders "I'm sure it's ok he will be in there once he comes home"
Kai reaches out and pushes the door handle as the toddler walks in and stops at the edge of the bed pointing to the teddy
"This is your ...... wait what do we call Chanyeol?" Kai questions Sehun
"We can call him dad or papa" Sehun scratches his head
"Just call him Chanyeol for now till we can find out what he calls B" Kai lifts the toddler on to the bed and he crawls up the bed and lays on Chanyeols pillow all small and cute
"He looks tired again" Sehun reaches for the toddler and lifts him feeling his bottoms getting wet
"Did he just pee on you?" Kai bursts out laughing while leaving the room after Sehun
"No the diaper is leaking" Sehun carries him into the sitting room while grabbing the diapers they got in the store.
"Ok how do we do this?" Sehun gets on his knees as he lays the toddler on his back and unclips his little vest
"Well the book here shows you what to do" Kai sits beside the toddler on the chair as he reads the book from earlier
"Ok I'm an actor, I've done this in a movie once" Sehun inspects the diaper already on taehyung and then takes it off"
As soon as the diaper is off the toddler decides to make a run for it when sehun turns to get a clean diaper
"Hey come back here" Sehun jumps up running after the toddler as Kai drops the book and decides to help to the little giggles of Taehyung
Finally catching the little toddler Sehun decides to give him a bath before bed since its awhile since he ate
"Ok Kai go make him a bath with that bubbly wash stuff we got earlier" Sehun strips off Taehyungs clothes and wraps a towel around him to keep him warm till his bath is ready
Once Kai has the bath rest and full of bubbles he calls the others
"Ok tae your bath is ready, man I want to get in there it looks so nice" Kai smiles at all the bubbles
"Don't even think of it kai" Sehun shouts from the door
"It looks so nice though and the smell is just yummy" Kai sniffs the air to the aroma of the bath
"Well have one after tae then you big child" Sehun glares at Kai while lifting taehyung
Reaching in his hand to move some bubbles so he can see where the bath is his hand touches the water
"I think it's too hot" Sehun moves his hand putting taehyun on his feet as he stands naked looking over the edge of the bath trying to lift his little leg in
"I'll get the toddler book" Kai runs out to the next room and returns with the book
"Ok it says here to put your naked elbow in the water to check the water and it should feel warm not hot" Kai looks on as Sehun places his naked elbow into the bath water
"Oh shit no that's too hot, I'll empty some out and put cold water in" Sehun finally gets the temperature of the water ok much to the excitement of the toddler who has been trying for ages to get in by himself
"Ok little man splash" Sehun lifts the toddler in as he watches his little face all excited splashing the water
Once the bath is over Sehun changes a now cranky toddler into his new Zootropolis pjs and gives him a little drink as he sits beside him on the sofa
"Seriously the kids just washed the bathroom too" Kai walks into the kitchen soaked putting towels in the laundry hamper before going to his room to change
"Come on little man your gonna fall asleep let's go see uncle kai" Sehun takes Taehyung by his little hand and walks into Kais room as the taller is just finished getting dressed
"You watch him while I get changed kai"
"Sure, god man I'm so tired" Kai yawns as sehun leaves to get changed
Kai lays on the bed beside the toddler as he watches him struggle to keep his eyes open before drifting off to sleep
"Kai where will we let him sleep?" Sehun stops in the doorway as he looks at the two out cold on the bed
Taehyung laying on his tummy with a little hand reaching out holding his plushie and Kai out cold holding the other side of the plushie
"Cute" Sehun smiles before taking a picture
He covers them both with a blanket and leaves the room closing the door a little as he hears keys at the main door
Finally the door opens
"Chanyeol" Sehun looks at him as he just drops all his bags on the floor along with his keys
"Where is He?"
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