Chapter 45
Waking up feeling so happy in my life right now I realise I was put to bed lastnight after falling asleep on the sofa. Where is everyone? I slowly get up swinging my legs out of bed trying not to hurt my stitches. Standing up slowly I make my way towards the bedroom door and peak my head outside seeing three grown ass men and a little man staring down at our daughter on the sofa.
"What are you three doing?" I try not laugh at them as I see they seem to be struggling with something. "Morning beautiful what are you doing out of bed?" Chanyeol rushing over to me holding one of Sullis baby diapers. "I couldn't hear anyone so I wanted to see what was going on and lucky I did". I turn to see the rest of them still staring at our baby.
"How the hell do you change the diaper of a girl?" Kai says while still staring at my daughter. "I have no idea maybe just put her in a bath and let the water wash her" Sehun says making me laugh while holding onto my stitches.
"You three are idiots" I smile while walking over to save my daughter. "Baek sweetheart you can't lift her tell us what to do and we will do it" Chanyeol moves beside me as he get on his knees in front of our daughter while I sit on the sofa.
"She did a number two, you know a poo, girls have you know folds and openings and everything down there" Kai says getting embarrassed.
"OK all three of you get away from my daughter" I wave them all away from her while I sit on the sofa placing a flat pillow on my lap with a little towel down on top. "Chanyeol lay her on my lap please" I wait as he lays her gently on me sideways as I undo her diaper to see what the three idiots are fussing over.
"Oh my sweetheart, your daddy and uncles are being silly" I look at my beautiful daughter as I grab some baby cotton wool dipped in lukewarm water and wipe her bottom clean then apply some nice baby powder and a fresh diaper . Clipping her vest closed and fixing her clothes. I lean over and kiss her cheek before looking at the three idiots staring with there mouths open. "All clean" Tae says making me smile at his cuteness.
"Was that it?" Kai says as I laugh at them. "Yes that's it, she is all clean now" I smile at her as Chanyeol takes her off my lap so I can go wash my hands.
"I thought we had to, you know clean the folds" Kai blushes and hides his face making me laugh. "You're so gay" I tell him as he walks off to his bedroom while I walk off and clean my hands returning quickly so I can snuggle with my babies.
"Sweetheart we had no clue how to clean her, being a girl and all, you can't blame us" Chanyeol lowers his head as I lean closer and kiss his cheek. "It's ok baby, but now you know". "How did you know?" Chanyeol asks me making me smile, I have neices and nephews" I kiss him again as he just nods his head.
"How are you feeling this morning baek, I have your pain killers for you" Sehun moves towards me with a glass of water and my medication. "I feel great, a little sore but other then that I feel at ease and so happy" I take my tablets and swallow them handing him back the glass.
"We want to talk to you" Chanyeol looks at Sehun before telling our son to go get his uncle bonk making me a bit worried. Sitting back on the sofa I feel my heart race a little what could it be that they want to talk to me about. Have I done something to upset them. Feeling rather emotional all of a sudden I hide my emotions and just wait till I hear exactly what it is they want to tell me. Kai joins us as they all sit on the floor while Chanyeol lays our daughter on my lap.
"Should I be worried?" I turn to face Chanyeol who now sits beside me. "No sweetheart we just want to run something by you to see if you like the idea".
"OK so spill" I look at all three of them as Tae is now spread laying across his uncle bonks lap drinking from his sippy cup not caring what's going on around him.
"OK since our beautiful daughter arrived and our family is getting bigger I was wondering if you maybe want to find a bigger place for just me you and the kids" Chanyeol says making me lose control of my emotions and start to cry. "You want us to move out, what about Sehun and Kai" I turn to see their faces as I try to hold back my sadness while I turn back to look at Chanyeol.
"We won't have a room for her sweetheart if we stay here and don't you want a garden they can play in? " Chanyeol continues as I look down at our sleeping daughter across my lap.
"No I want to stay here, I don't want to move we are all a family. I have lost you all before and I won't allow that to happen just because I gave birth to another baby. We can make it work here somehow" I feel my emotions rise up as I quickly wipe my tears away.
"We kinda hoped you would say that, we really want to be apart of it too" Sehun says smiling looking up at me from the floor. "Then why mention it and get me all emotional" I laugh a little as I wipe my tears again. "We needed it to be your choice sweetheart" Chanyeol moves closer wrapping his arm around my shoulder kissing my cheek.
"Can we tell him now please" Kai gets all giddy making Tae get off his lap. "Tell me what?" I look at all three of them as they all start to smile.
"Well we had this idea" Chanyeol starts to tell me but Kai stop him. "Let me tell please please" he says while Chanyeol just nods his head.
"OK so we where thinking, since we don't have another room for her for when she is older that maybe we could make a room" Kai stands up being all excited making Sehun get up from the floor.
"I like the idea but where?" I ask him as he starts to talk. "We can build a wall here and make her room attached to mine so she is next door to me" Kai says making Sehun huff. "Why does she need to be next to your room for why can't she be next to mine" Sehun huffs as I just begin to laugh. "I'll go sort them out" Chanyeol kisses me softly while taking Tae up into his arms as he follows the other two to try sort them out.
"Look at those three fighting over where to build your room my little angel. You are going to be so spoilt by them". I turn my head to see the three of them standing in a circle still discussing where her room should go.
"Look at those three men and a toddler fighting over your room sweetheart. Your uncles and daddy have been the best thing to happen to my life till you and your brother came along. Things where bad for awhile my princess I ran away because I though it would hurt your daddy's career turns out all I needed to do was to be honest with him and speak to him. Now here we are looking at those three and your brother fighting over your room and I wouldn't change it for all the money in the world. We may not be the perfect family that the world sees but we are a family. So my angel when your older and ever feel like I did, don't run away from your emotions tell the person because I nearly lost your daddy over it and to think of it all now I'm glad I came back and he took me back because I would never have had you and your just so perfect and beautiful" I begin to really cry now as I gently touch her little chubby cheeks then her little clenched fist.
"Appa crying" Tae says making me see him climb on the sofa beside me as the others rush over towards me sitting around me. "This was all too much for you sweetheart I'm sorry" Chanyeol lifts Tae onto his lap as he sits beside me.
"No its ok I just got emotion at all of this and was telling our little angel what happened and if I never came back she wouldn't be here". I turn back to look at our daughter as Chanyeol touches her little hand making me smile at how big his is towards her little tiny one.
"That is all in the past now let's move on sweetheart" Chanyeol kisses my cheek followed by Tae making me smile. Kai gets on his knees and kisses my cheek too making Sehun pull him away. "Why you do that Sehun?" Kai moans making me laugh. "It's ok" I turn back to our daughter and then back to the three of them.
"I love the three of you so much, I really want you all to know that and I'm sorry for everything I put you all through especially you Chanyeol" I turn to face him as he wipes my tears. "Hey that's all in the past now sweetheart lets look to the future".
"Speaking of looking to the future you promised we could go shopping for new baby stuff for Sulli" Kai says with a big smile on his face reaching from ear to ear making me laugh. "Oh crap we told him he could go baby shopping" Sehun says while getting up from the floor.
"I was going to head off to the baby shop and just pick up a few things that you picked out for our little angel would that be OK?" Chanyeol leans over my shoulder as we both look at our daughter. "Of course, can you leave Tae with me I don't want him to feel left out and think I don't want him around just because Sulli is here" I kiss his cheek making him smile. "Of course sweetheart I will put anything you may need beside you so you won't have to move much with your stitches"
"No leave the diapers and that where they are, Tae can help me" I watch as he gets up and heads off to find his shoes and get ready to leave. "Are you sure you will be ok we won't be long" Chanyeol says as the three of them leave.
"Hey Tae sweetheart come sit beside Appa" I pat the seat beside me as he climbs up and kneels beside me looking at his sister. "Is she a nice baby?" I turn to see him smiling rubbing his little hand across her cheek. "She sleepin shhhh" he says with his finger on his lip making me smile.
"Can you help Appa get her changed?" I look at him as he gets off the sofa and stands in front of me. "OK we need a vest and some clothes" I say as he runs off and returns with his vest and clothes making me smile at his cuteness. "Those are too big silly, we need little ones. Pass Appa the bag there" I point to a gift bag that someone had dropped over and hope there are clothes in it.
"Here" Tae says as I take the bag and look in seeing a pink top with trousers and small little booties. Perfect since she is just at home they will do. OK Tae can you help me do the buttons as Appa isn't strong enough" I pretent I can't do it so he will help me and feel like I am not leaving him out. He pulls the vest and the buttons pop making him smile. "Great work" I tell him as we gently change her top.
"Awww little feet" Tae says looking at how small Sullis feet are. "We need socks don't we" I tell him as he empties the bag on the floor finding a white pair and handing them to me. "Perfect, good job" I kiss his cheek as I put one sock on her. "So you want to do the other one?" I ask him as he gets all excited and nervous as I help him.
"She looks beautiful now, do you want to give her a little fist bump?" I move him closer to me as he looks down at her nervous. "It's ok do a little one like this" I show him as he does it before smiling up at me as I move him closer and kiss the top of his head.
"Will we watch a movie?" I look at him as he gets off the sofa and runs to the TV turning it on and getting the remote. He climbs back up beside me as the movie Finding Dory starts. I snuggle him into me knowing there is a mess all around us at the moment but right now I don't care I have my two babies with me.
The movie is finally over and Sulli needs her bottle soon. I start to get a little worried at where her dad and uncles can be till I hear the door open and the three of them coming in carrying what looks like the whole shop. "Did you leave anything in the shop? " I laugh out delighted to see them.
"Kai bought most of it for himself we may need to build another room just for him" Chanyeol laughs putting the stuff he is carrying onto the floor as Kai walks into his room putting his stuff away.
"Are you ok beautiful what happend here?" Chanyeol comes closer as he sees the bag Tae upended on the floor. "Everything is fine Tae helped me get Sulli changed" I smile up at him as he smirks back, "I can see that" he takes Sulli from my lap and places her in her bassinet before turning to help me up from the sofa.
"I'll be right back I need the bathroom and our daughter needs her bottle" I tell him as I walk slowly to the bathroom.
Returning I see my beautiful family all sitting around watching the TV. "Appa hurry up" Tae calls as he moves closer to his daddy feeding our daughter. I feel a sudden smile stretch across my face making me stop and take in the view of my family all looking so happy together. Walking closer I sit gently down beside my man gently kissing our daughters little head and then our sons making sure he doesn't feel left out.
"Chanyeol I love you" I look up into his eyes making him smile. "I love you too sweetheart before he leans in and kisses me with passion making me blush." Oh please don't get all romantic you just had another baby if you have anymore we will need to move out" Kai say making Chanyeol throw a cushion at him. We have another kid with you around Chanyeol teases him more making Kai agree.
"So what movie are we gonna watch?" I settle down with my family waiting for the movie to start.
"Three men and a baby" Kai says making me wonder what his movie could be about.
The end
Love Cclay2020
I have to admit I loved this story so much but it needed to end
Thank you all for getting it where it is today on the views and votes
Check out some of my other stories if you have time
❤️Cece x❤️
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