Chapter 44
Everyone has left to give Chanyeol and I some space even though I told Kai and Sehun we didn't need it as this is their home also so they promised they would come back later. Chanyeol is giving Tae his bath as I lay on the sofa with Sulli fast asleep in her little basinet .
I can't believe how fast she has arrived and how beautiful and perfect she is. Thinking to myself of how lucky I am to have two amazing children I see a naked butt run past me making me laugh out loud while holding onto my stomach.
"Come here you cheeky monkey" I watch from the sofa as Chanyeol runs into the sitting room chasing a very naked Tae who is giggling behind the sofa. "I told you to close the bathroom door to stop him running out" I laugh as Chanyeol walks over to me helping me sit up. "Yeah I totally forgot baby, and now we have a streaker on the loose" he moves closer and kisses my cheek before he looks in at our daughter. "Awww look how peaceful she is" he says as I see Tae peek his head around the sofa looking towards us. Tapping Chanyeol on the leg to signal Tae is about to run he smiles as if knowing what's gonna happen. "Aww the baby" Chanyeol says as Tae walks over to have a look making Chanyeol finally grab him and wraps a towel around his little body as he now giggles being caught by his daddy.
"You love running away on your daddy dont you" Chanyeol struggles with a giggling Tae as he tries to wrap the towel around him more. "Tae go get into your pj's with daddy and we can read Sulli a bedtime story" I watch as he stops struggling and let's Chanyeol take him into his arms as they head off to get Tae dressed.
Looking into our daughter fast asleep not having a care in the world making me smile at just how beautiful she is. "I wonder what life has planned for you my darling" I reach in and touch her little fist she has clenched as I lean my head along the side of the basinet looking at her all snuggled fast asleep with little chubby cheeks and tiny pouty lips that I just want to kiss but won't cause she is asleep. I can't help but think if I never done what I did with Tae I would never have had her and that makes me so sad inside, one I left my son alone with a stranger to him and now because of that I have a beautiful daughter. I begin to get very upset and start to cry.
"Appa appa lookit" Tae rushes towards me with a story book in his hand all nice and fresh in his new pj's. "Hey you, what story do you have?" I move a little to sit back in the chair as Chanyeol approaches me looking concerned as I wipe my tears quickly away. "Appa here" Tae hands me the book as he climbs onto the chair beside me and snuggles into me waiting as he fidgets. "You ok sweetheart?" Chanyeol sits beside Tae and places his arm along the back of the sofa around us all making me choke up a little knowing I am so lucky to be here and have a family like this right now. "I will be" I smile at him as he rubs my cheek while I start our story of The three little Pigs.
The front door opens making us turn around seeing Kai peek his head around with Sehun. "Can we join in story time?" Kai says as I wave them both in laughing. "Bonk hurry, sehunn sit" Tae says getting all excited as Kai and Sehun slip off their shoes and hurry over towards us and sit on the floor at our feet. "I didn't miss story time Yayy" Kai claps his hands all excited sitting on the floor making me laugh.
"OK so once upon a time there where 3 little pigs" as soon as I say that Kai and Tae snort like little pigs making us laugh as they do this every time we read this story.
"One little piggy made a house of.....Straw" Kai and Tae say the last part with their hands in the air. But the big bad wolf came and he was hungry and wanted to eat the little piggy so" Chanyeol joins in on the story as the big bad wolf. "little pig little pig let me in" Chanyeol says with a silly voice making Tae all more excited. "Not with the hair on my chinny chinny chin" we help tae say as we all try not to laugh.
"He huffed and he puffed and he........blew the house down" Kai and Tae blow as if they are part of the story being all excited.
"The first little piggy ran to the second little piggy who's house was made of sticks" Tae jumps down and sits on Kai's lap as if he is the first piggy in the story. "The big bad wolf found them and" Chanyeol says his part and Tae and Kai do theirs as they make the blowing sounds. "But the house fell down so the little piggys ran to the third little piggys house.
Tae now moves and sits on Sehun's lap as Kai moves closer. I always laugh reading this story at the actions of the three of them being little pigs.
"The third little piggy made a house of...... Bricks" they join in as Chanyeol gets ready for his part. "With a huff and a puff I will blow your house down" Chanyeol says as they all do the blowing sounds. "Haha daddy can't get us" Tae giggles as he snuggles into his uncles.
"The big bad wolf climbs the house right up to the top and climbs down the chimney into a big giant hot pot" I turn to look at Chanyeol as he sighs and gets off the chair jumping around holding his butt shouting "Oh hot hot hot" he says making the others burst out laughing and me smile at how much if an idiot he is just to make our son happy.
"That was the end of the big bad wolf and the three little piggies lived happily ever after" I close the book as Tae claps his hands and moves towards his sister. "She sleepin" he says looking at me as I just nod my head.
"Oh one little piggy is loose" Chanyeol says as Tae giggles and makes a run for it with Chanyeol running after him. "Come here little piggy" he shouts as he finally catches him and blows a raspberry on his naked tummy making Tae giggle out loud. "Sorry if we ruined story time" Sehun says as I look towards them both still on the floor. "Don't be silly we are all a family this is your home and Tae loves it and so will Sulli"
"She is beautiful Baek, you did amazing" Sehun says as we all look in at her still sleeping soundly. "Her blanket is so soft can I get one of those in my size do you think?" Kai says making us laugh at him as Sehun pushes him away playfully.
"You OK?" Chanyeol comes back to us carrying Tae over his shoulder as he sits beside me on the sofa. "I am more then ok" I let out a little happy tear as he wraps his arm around me hugging me.
"Famil hug" Tae says as the others move closer and gently hug as one big group before pulling away. "OK who wants some hot coco before bed?" Sehun says getting up from the floor as Kai and Tae hurry after him shouting about their sippy cups as Chanyeol follows them.
I lean over and look in at Sulli still fast asleep. "You are going to be well protected and spoilt rotten being the only girl" I smile in at her. "Hey how you doing baby?" Chanyeol gets on his hunkers in front of me as he hands me my next painkillers and a drink. Taking them and handing him back the glass of water I pull him in close and kiss his lips softly. "I am a little sore but I'm perfect apart from that, maybe a little bit emotional" he cups my cheek and stares into my eyes. "I love you so so much, thank you for making me a dad again" he kisses my lips again and then leans his forehead on mine making me close my eyes before he hugs me.
"We have coco" Sehun shouts as they all come join me in the sitting room Kai, Tae and Sehun sit on the floor as Chanyeol sits beside me on the sofa handing me a cup of cocoa from Sehun as we all get ready to watch a movie.
Smiling to myself as I look around at them all I have to admit I am the most luckiest person on this planet having all these people in my life again. Snuggling into Chanyeol feeling his warmth as he holds me I feel myself get tired, my eyes are heavy and I can sence my cup of coco being taken from me as I fall asleep within seconds.
❤️C ❤️
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