Chapter 37
"Appa ake up" Tae kisses Baek's face making him stir in his sleep. "Hey little man, come here" Chanyeol stands up out of the bed and holds his arms out as Tae reaches his little arms towards his daddy. "Lets get you washed and fed little man, you need to go to the hospital today and get your cast removed". Chanyeol looks back at his sleeping lover and smiles before kissing his son on the cheek. "Lets go" Chanyeol smiles as he opens the door and heads to the bathroom carrying his giggling son.
"Ok little man, I'm gonna wash you and make you all nice for the hospital and then when we get back we are gonna do something nice for your appa ok" Chanyeol says as he strips of his sons little clothes making Tae all excited to be getting into the water. "Splash Dadda splash" Tae tries to climb into the bath while Chanyeol is trying to get the temperature of the water right. "Hang on little man daddy has to make sure the water is ok and not burn you" Chanyeol rubs his sons hair as he waits for the cold water to mix with the hot. "Dadda bold, tae splash" Taehyung pouts making Chanyeol smile at how cute and like his appa he really is. "Tae its burny hot, just wait a little minute ok" Chanyeol kisses his little cheek as he puts a little Zootopia towel around his sons shoulders to keep him warm as he waits for the water.
Chanyeol reaches his hand in the water as Tae lets out a little screech. "Dadda burny hot" he says making Chanyeol smile at his son is trying to protect him. "Hey Dadda is ok, is Tae ready to get in now?" He smiles as his son starts bouncing up and down as Chanyeol lifts him up and puts him into the water covering his cast. "Hey what's going on in here?" Baekhyun says from the door way looking at his Son and his dad having fun. "Appa ake now" Tae says as he blows some bubbles off his dads hand. "Morning you" Chanyeol smiles as Baekhyun walks closer to them both sitting on the floor beside the bath with Chanyeol. "Hey you" Baekhyun says as he leans in and kisses chanyeol on the cheek. "Did you sleep ok?" Chanyeol looks at him as Baekhyun smiles at his son. "I really did" He looks at chanyeol before blushing and turning away. "We need to get this little man washed for his hospital visit today to get his cast off" Chanyeol says as he struggles with a slippy tae trying to move away from his Dad so he wont get his hair washed.
"How about I wash him and you go get ready" Baekhyun takes over making Chanyeol grateful. "Ok I think that is best, I will go and then you can get ready". Chanyeol leans over and kisses Baekhyun on the cheek before he leaves to go get ready.
1 hour has passed and they are on their way to the hospital. "This is gonna be a struggle" Chanyeol looks at Baek before looking in the back seat at Tae all happy not knowing what is just about to happen to him. "I know, they may need both of us to hold him while they use the saw thing to remove the cast" Baekhyun looks worried at chanyeol as they park the car. "We are gonna need to bride him so much and make a massive fuss out of him" Chanyeol says as he gets out of the car with Baekhyun laughing as they take Tae out of the car. "Daddy's bank card is gonna take a massive hit today, I can feel it. "Chanyeol says as he carries Tae into the hospital as a giggling Baekhyun follows.
"Ah Little Byun Taehyung, how are you today?" The blonde nurse askes as she gets on her knees in front of Chanyeol who is holding Tae on his lap feeling very nervous. "Ok, ignoring me now, you where all chat last time I saw you, ok then lets go get this cast off shall we" The nurse says as she guides them into an examination room with all cartoon characters along the wall with all sort of toys to keep the kids entertained. "Doctor is this gonna hurt him?" Chanyeol asks the nurse as she grabs all the tools she will need to take the cast off. "No nothing will hurt him at all, we just need to keep him still so we can get it off, so lets all work together and try get this off him" She says with a half assed smile.
"Lets sit him on the bed and maybe grab a toy or something for him to play with or distract him" She says as she watches Chanyeol place Tae on the bed. "Hey sweetheart look what I have?" Baekhyun says as the nurse turns on the little saw as she holds Tae's arm. Tae turns his head to look as the nurse hides it and pretends she is just looking at his arm. "Hey Tae look at this cool toy" Baekhyun says as Chanyeol holds their son steady as the nurse cuts up along the cast making a small cut. "Ok I just need to use this to split the cast" she says showing the tool to Chanyeol.
"Hey Tae, how are you doing, look what I have here" The nurse says as Tae looks at her and the strange silver like tool she has in her hand. "I'm gonna need your help, can you help me" She says as Tae touches the tool and smiles "yes". Baekhyun looks at chanyeol with wide eyes before looking at his son helping the nurse. "Ok Tae, look lets put the teeth part in here" She says as he places a piece of the tool into the cut she just created with the saw. "Tae looks up at his dad with a worried look. "Hey what's that?" Chanyeol says as Tae looks at him and back at his arm trying to move away a bit. "Hey its ok tae, will we let daddy try" The nurse says as she makes Chanyeol pretend to separate the cast. "Oh no I cant do it, maybe Appa can" Chanyeol says as Baekhyun now tries making Tae laugh at how funny his parents are. "Ok Tae, you wanna try now" the nurse says as she moves the tool towards tae as he puts his little hand on it with the nurse and the nurse squeezes it like a scissors as it begins to make the cast pull apart. "Oh wow look at you" the nurse smiles as Tae keeps squeezing the tool as the nurse moves it along the gap in the cast.
"Ok now we need the Scissors" She smiles at him as Tae looks at her. "NO NO OUCHIES" Tae says pulling away as Chanyeol tries to stop him moving. "No no sweetheart its ok those are special ones for grownups" Baekhyun smiles knowing he once told Tae off for touching scissors before nearly scaring him. "Ok how about you say the Magic words" She smiles as Chanyeol steady's Tae on the bed. "Ok say cut cut cut cut" The nurse says making Tae giggle. "Cut cut cut cut" They all say together as the nurse cuts along the cast. "Oh wow, what great family team work" she smiles making Baekhyun look at Chanyeol and blush.
"Ok Tae I need you to help me pull" She takes his other hand and places it on the cast as he wraps his little finger along the cut. "Ok on three we pull pull pull" She says as she begins to count.
"Pull pull pull" She pulls the cast with the help of Tae and the cast pops off to the screams of laughter from Tae. "Appa, all gone" Tae looks at Baek as he smiles at his brave son tossing his hair. "Now what a brave boy you are" The nurse smiles as she check his little arm and smiles. "That Is all nice and healed, let me just give it a little wash and put some cream on it as the skin got a little dry under the cast. It will feel pretty weird, as you can see he keeps lifting up his arm. That is just because the cast weighed it down it will fade soon enough so there is nothing to worry about". She gets up from the bed and leaves the room for a minute. " Wow look at you little man, wait till uncle bonk sees you all better now" Chanyeol smiles before kissing his son on the head being so proud that he didn't cause a fuss.
"Looks like your bank card didn't take a hit today" Baekhyun laughs making chanyeol look back at him with a grin. " We can still get him something can't we for being so brave". Chanyeol teases Baek as the smaller agrees. "Ok but not everything in the shop" Baek says as Chanyeol just smiles.
After being at the hospital and then McDonalds and then the toy store they are finally home. Opening the door to the penthouse Tae runs inside with this new plushie his daddy bought. "Oh my god there you are little buddie how did it go?" Kai jumps up from the sofa dropping to his knees as Tae runs into his arms. "Bonk, all gone" Tae says showing Kai his cast free arm. "Oh wow look at you now all better" Kai says as he kisses Tae's little arm. "How did it go?" Sehun appears from the kitchen with a cloth in his hand. "He did great actually, no crying was a bit nervous but he didn't fuss" Baekhyun smiles as he walks to his room leaving a worried Chanyeol watch him leave. "I wonder what's wrong with him" Chanyeol says as he puts the bags of things they bought down on the floor. "Maybe its because he has to give up his apartment tomorrow" Sehun says before he walks over and joins Kai and Tae by the forth.
"Shit" Chanyeol says as he follows Baek to the bedroom. Knocking on the door he waits till he hears a voice telling him to come in. Heading inside slowly he sees Baek pretending to tidy up the bedroom as he sits on the bed. "Baek I'm so sorry I forgot about the apartment and you having to give up your first home with Tae" Baekhyun looks up at him with a fake smile before turning around and placing some of the clothes in the wardrobe. Chanyeol quickly leaves the bedroom and hurries to his own room grabbing some paper work and returning seeing Baekhyun sitting on the bed sorting out Taehyungs little socks. "Here" He says handing the paper work to Baekhyun as he stands watching as Baekhyun takes them with a concerned look opening them and bursting out crying.
"You bought my apartment?" he looks up at chanyeol with tears falling down his cheeks. "Yes I bought it the other day with the help of Minseok" He says a Baekhyun drops them onto the floor before covering his face crying. "Why would you do that for me?" He looks up at chanyeol as the taller moves closer getting on his hunkers in front of him. "Baekhyun as much as I want us to live together as a family I know you are independent person and you want just something for you and Tae, you have left hints that you wont stay here with us for long so I thought I would buy you the place so you don't have to worry about finding somewhere". He cautious looks at Baek as the smaller falls to his knees with chanyeol. "No I want to stay here with us as a family remember I agreed, yes I had my doubts but you have given me a chance and I cant screw that up" Baekhyun cups his lovers checks giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Really, you wanna stay here as a family?" Chanyeol checks again before he hugs his lover tight. "I want us to be a proper family, so lets fix this and maybe we can move Tae into your room making it his room" Baekhyun looks up into his eyes winking making Chanyeol realise what he means.
"Do you really want to live here with Kai and Sehun, we can find our own place if you like?" Baekhyun moves closer as he cups his lovers cheeks again. "No lets all stay here as one big family" Baekhyun kisses his lovers lips as a knock comes to the door.
"Appa, dadda" They hear tae call as chanyeol opens the door to tae rushing in and jumping on Baek. "Appa cry" Tae says as he wipes Baekhyun's cheeks. "All gone" He says making Baekhyun laugh as Chanyeol helps them up from the floor.
"Lets go watch a movie" Chanyeol says as Tae jumps down from his Appas arms and runs out to the sitting room jumping on the sofa waiting. "Bonk come" He says with arms out to Kai as Kai jumps on the sofa beside him snuggling a blanket over them.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Chanyeol says wrapping his arms around his lovers waist hugging him from behind. "Yes it really is" Baekhyun sniffs as he watches his larger then normal family all sitting on the sofa as Sehun arrives with drinks handing Kai and Tae a Sippy cup each making chanyeol and Baekhyun laugh.
This is the family I always wanted Baekhyun smiles to himself as he along with chanyeol heads to join them on the sofa
❤️C ❤️
No this hasn't ended yet
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