Chapter 31
(a/n Don't listen to the song just yet)
Baekhyun POV
Waving to Winwin and Yuta as I climb into my car promising to visit them soon. I can't get over the love between them both. I can tell Yuta is crazy about Winwin and Winwin being himself loves to tease Yuta and make him work for it. I turn the key and the engine comes to life as I head towards my old apartment to find something decent for my date with Chanyeol tonight. After my chat with Winwin he is right, after everything I have done on chanyeol, he is still willing to let me stay and help me with Taehyung and has been so comforting towards me, if I'm honest, I missed it. I missed late night talks with Sehun. The crazy dates of Kai showing up at the door begging for him to take them back, but more then anything I missed Chanyeol the most. He would comfort me when I couldn't sleep, when I fell and broke my arm in college he would carry all my books for me along with his own no matter how heavy they where.
Arriving at the front of my old apartment block I step out of my car and look up the building to the top. I'm going to miss this place it has been my home since I found out I was pregnant, now I have just a few days before I fully move out. I feel my heart break a little as it was mine and Taehyung's first home. I shake away my tears and head inside.
Opening my wardrobe I pull out all my clothes throwing them on the bed. I have fuck all nice clothes. I was either wearing shirts for work or sweats when I got home. Now all my wardrobe contains is mostly pyjamas or clothes that I turned into pyjamas. I sit in despair that I have nothing nice for my date with him. Knowing Chanyeol like I use to, he wouldn't care what I wore, he would be more concerned that I was happy and showed up. I pick all the clothes back up and throw them in the wardrobe quickly shutting the door to catch any clothes that may have fallen.
I look at my watch, I have loads of time left before my date later. I actually thought I would have been longer at Winwin's but the way they where acting kind of made me wanna get out of there before they ended up humping each other right in front of me. I decide to head to the mall and shop for something new for later.
I jump into my car after 2 hours walking from shop to shop and back into the same shops again till I finally decided on something to wear. I also picked up something nice for Taehyung like most parents do when they go shopping. I put my seat belt on and take my phone out to text Chanyeol
I hope everything is ok, and Tae isn't too much of a bother to you
Hey, how was your friend? and no everything is good he is having great fun here actually dancing in the studio to the music
awww that's good, I was worried he might have been a bit of trouble while you tried to work
Baek there is nothing to worry about ,you do what you need to do and leave little man to me
I put my phone down on the seat beside me and begin to wonder while tapping the steering wheel, should I drop by his building and maybe see if they want to grab some lunch. I turn on the radio and decide, yeah sure why not. I start the car and head towards his building. As I pull up to Chanyeol's building there seems to be a bit of a crowd gathered outside. A big flash black car with tinted windows is parked right outside the door as girls and guys gather around it taking pictures of the main entrance. I carefully pull into the car park and watch what's happening before I head inside. The crowd begins to scream making me step out of my car to see what the big deal is. Getting up on my tiptoes I spot a dark haired Chinese guy walking out waving to the crowd before getting into the flash car and driving off as the crowd wave back as the car drives out into traffic. I wait a few more minutes leaning against my car strolling through my phone waiting for the crowd to downsize.
"OH MY GOD, HE IS SO HANDSOME, I'M GONNA CRY" a group of girls walk past me holding their crying friend as they walk to a car. I feel so sorry for her she seems rather upset. "Excuse me is your friend ok?" I approach them as she seems rather emotional and they look so young." Yeah she is ok, she gets like this every time we see Yixing" her friend laughs before handing her crying friend so tissue. I smile and leave them remembering Chanyeol said something before about him. Since the crowd has gone I walk inside and head up to the office.
"Hello I'm here to see chanyeol" I tell the receptionist as she looks up at me and smiles. "Mr Byun it is nice to see you again, I am Irene, I was here the last time you showed up" she smiles a really beautiful smile that goes from ear to ear. I can see why she is front of house, she has a loving nature about her and comes across very friendly. "Oh hi Irene, yes I remember but I didn't think you knew who I was" I blush a little as she stands up from her chair. "Mr Park told me who you where and if you ever showed up I was to let you right on through"
She guides me over to a door and keys in a code into the keypad pulling the door open. " Your son and Mr Park are in the recording studio, down the hall last door on the right" she bows as I thank her and follow her directions. Walking along the hallway I look at all the pictures that are along the wall of Chanyeol and all different artists. He seems to be so happy in all of them that it makes me smile seeing he got the dream he always wanted.
I reach the room knocking on the door first before it opens to Chen smiling. "Hey baek nice to see you again" he hugs me tight before moving to let me in the room. " Is Chanyeol here?" I look around not seeing him . "Yeah he is inside the music room look". He walks over to a massive board of buttons and nobs and turning one I begin to hear a guitar play as chen points to a window. I see Chanyeol sitting on the floor with our son close to him drinking his drink as Chanyeol plays the guitar to a beautiful song I've never heard of before.
(A/n play the song now if you like, the lyrics fit how chanyeol feels )
It feels like a fire that burns in my heart
Every single moment that we spend apart
I need you around for every day to start
I haven't left you alone
There's something about you, I stare in your eyes
And everything I'm looking for I seem to find
All this time away is killing me inside
I need your love in my life
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
We fought in a battle, nobody won
And now we face a mountain to be overcome
You can't turn away, the past is said and done
I need us to carry on
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
You'll try everything you never thought would work before
When you live, when you love
And you give them your all
You can always give up some more
Baby, nothing means anything
Unless you're here to share it with me
I can breathe, I can bleed, I can die in my sleep
'Cause you're always there in my dreams
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
you again.
I feel Chen's arm wrap around me "Are you ok?" I turn to look at him with tears rolling down my face. " That song was so beautiful the lyrics are just so......" I can't control myself and turn away wiping my tears in my sleeve. "He has been singing that song for days since you showed up, he wanted to sing it for you but I guess you heard it already" he smiles a little as I look back in through the glass at Chanyeol now with Tae on his lap showing him the guitar. "What button do I press so he can hear me?" I look towards Chen while wiping my face as he presses a red button and guides me to talk. "Hey do you guys wanna get some lunch?" I watch Tae jump up looking at the ceiling after hearing my voice as Chanyeol picks him up and points towards the window as I wave.
The door to the recording room opens and Tae runs out jumping into my arms as I hug him tight . "Hey we where not expecting you" Chanyeol looks at me all smiles and a little embarrassed. "I finished early with what I had to do and wondered if you guys wanted to go grab some lunch" I lift up Tae as he hugs around my neck before I kiss his chubby cheeks.
"Yeah sure, sounds good" Chanyeol smiles " I just need to grab something from my office so I will be right back" he leaves us and I decide to ask chen if he wants to join us. "Chen you wanna go grab some lunch with us?" he grabs his coat putting it on " As much as I would love to, I have plans myself actually" I watch as a blush creeps across his face making me smile "Oh yeah with who?".
Chen never really dated when we went to college, he always said no person was ever good for him so I am surprised to hear who this person is. "With Minseok" Chanyeol says as he enters the room, making me turn and look in shock at him. "As in my Minseok,....... I mean my friend Minseok?" I look at both of them as poor Chen blushes even more "yeah that Minseok" he grabs his keys and goes to leave. "Wait when did this all happen?" I sit on the sofa surprised no one told me about this. "The night of the Halloween party in Chanyeol's" he tries hiding his face as Chanyeol just bursts out laughing. "Well I better go " he waves at us as Chanyeol sits down beside me taking Tae and putting him on his lap so he can put his little coat on.
"I didn't know they where dating, why didn't Minseok tell me" I feel a little hurt that my own friend wouldn't tell me. "Hey baek look he wanted to tell you but he couldn't find the right time after every thing you have been through that's all" Chanyeol tries to reassure me and I have to agree with him there hasn't really been a time to discuss new relationships. "Well Chen better treat him right" I nudge Chanyeol in the arm as he turns and smiles "He is crazy about Minseok, so don't worry". I can't help but think why didn't Chanyeol tell me, have I been that off with everyone that they are keeping things from me. I really need to sort that out and show them I am not a piece of glass, I wont break. "Ok lets go" he stands up holding tae's hand as we walk down the hallway as Tae wants me to hold his other little hand too.
"You guys are so adorable" Irene coos at us making me laugh at her reaction. "Bye Taehyung, come back soon" she waves to us before we leave. "Shit what car will we take?" I look at Chanyeol as he just laughs "Lets take mine I have Tae's car seat in the back, we can come back for yours after lunch".
We finally arrive home late after lunch and being at the Park leaving my car at his building and deciding to get it tomorrow . We tired to tire Tae out but he seemed to have woken up more from the fresh air he got in the park. "Kai is going to have his hands full with Tae tonight, do you think we should leave him like this?" I turn to see Tae wiggling and dancing like crazy in the back of the car. "He will be grand and I'm sure Kai will be ok with him, he loves all the kids stuff" Chanyeol says before we get out of the car and head up to the penthouse.
Heading inside we see Kai fixing the fort and putting cushions all over the floor with teddies on each one. I can't help but think maybe D.O was right maybe Kai really is a Little. I hold back a smile as Tae walks quickly over to Kai. "Bonk, up" Tae says while reaching his little arms up to his uncle Kai. " Ok well you both get ready for your date I will take care of him now" Kai smiles before going into my room and grabbing a pair of Tae's pyjamas and leaving.
"Right well I will see you later for our date" Chanyeol says but it sounds more like a question. "Yes 8 o' clock" I smile as he winks at me before heading to his room. "Kai is Sehun around?" I ask as he sits Tae down on the floor on top of a cushion. "In his room having a melt down on what to wear for his date".
I hurry down the hallway to Sehun's room and knock. "come in" I enter and see him all dressed and ready to leave as he is putting the finishing touches to his outfit . "Wow don't you look great, Luhan is gonna be well impressed tonight" I stand watching him from the door as he sprays himself. "Do I look ok?" he askes me so nervously, "You look amazing , now aren't you going to be late?" I look at my watch and see its 6.30, he told me this morning while making breakfast that they where going for a early movie then dinner.
"Yes I'm heading now, I have my wallet, Keys, what else do I need?" he checks his pockets and looks around his room. "Your phone" I point to it on his bed as he rolls his eyes and picks it up putting it inside his coat pocket. he walks out his bedroom door all nervous before he turns around to me and Kai and ask us does he look ok. "Shit Sehun your looking hot tonight" Chanyeol says making me turn my head and see him walking into the room with just a towel riding very low on his waist. I bite my bottom lip and turn away from him before saying good luck to Sehun. Kai laughs while covering Tae's ears "Don't forget condoms" before turning back to watch the tv. "Its the first date" Sehun huffs before leaving.
"Luhan is in for a treat tonight" Chanyeol smiles before walking into the kitchen. Making me drool at the sight of his muscled back I quickly run into my bedroom and close the door. How can I get through tonight without not wanting to jump him. I grab my towel and head for the shower.
I am finally ready after checking myself over and over again in the mirror. I fix my hair one last time and head outside to the sitting room fixing the strap of my watch. "Tae give Appa a kiss" I move over to Kai and Tae as my son doesn't even look up from the movie him and kai are watching, so I just kiss his chubby cheeks. "Damn Baek you look hot, Chanyeol is in for a surprise tonight" I throw a cushion at him making him duck as a knock comes to the door. "Are you expecting company tonight Kai? I wiggle my eyebrows at him as he nods no.
I open the door to see Chanyeol standing looking like a Greek god with a bunch of flowers in his hands. "Ready for our date?" he leans in and kisses my check while handing me the flowers. I take them and bring them quickly into the kitchen before hurrying back. "I thought you where still in your room" I blush at him as he holds out his arm. "Nope its a date so I needed to pick you up" I feel butterflies in my stomach and love in my heart. We say goodnight to Kai and Tae before we head out on a much needed date.
to be continued .....
❤️C ❤️
Love Cclay 2020
This story is just about to hit 27k thanks to all of you my amazing little love hearts, so when it does I will drop the date chapter as its ready to go
credits for the song by glen lewis, I know there are many versions of this but this one is my fav ,plus I think the lyrics fit this nicely
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