Chapter 30
(credit to owner for picture)
Chanyeol pov
I couldn't really sleep lastnight I was tossing and turning on my mattress for hours worrying about our date tonight. It's 7.30 in the morning so I decide to give in trying to sleep anymore and head to make some breakfast.
Walking down the hallway, I can hear giggling and whispers coming from the kitchen. I peak my head around the door to see Baek Tae and Sehun making a mess.
"Tae sweetheart you have to stop eating the fruit those are for daddy's pancakes" baek takes the small bowl of fruit from tae little hands making the toddler cry.
"Shhhh sweetheart you will wake daddy and ruin the surprise" baek hands him back some fruit just to keep him quiet.
I hurry back down the hallway to my bedroom and quicky get back into bed pretending I'm asleep. I don't want to ruin the surprise plus I know how much of an effort is needed to make breakfast especially when our little monster tried to help by eating all the food.
A few minutes had past and I do feel sleepy. I think I fell asleep for a few seconds to be woken up by little kisses on my cheek and a little body bouncing on top of my stomach.
Opening my eyes I see tae all smiles sitting on me covered in fruit juice.
"Morning little man" I toss his brown locks as he climbs in the bed beside me.
"Morning" baek smiles so beautifully as he hands me a tray carrying a plate of pancakes, fruit and some orange juice.
"Morning, your up early and you didn't need to do this" I smile trying to hold back tae from robbing my fruit.
"I wanted to especially after laughing at your story lastnight" he sits on the edge of the bed watching me.
"Don't worry about that it was rather funny, but it's in the past now and I would rather not be reminded about kissing Kai, might turn me off this beautiful breakfast" I role up a pancake and put some in my mouth.
"Is it still ok for you to take tae with you to work?" baek reaches over moving taes hand away from my food.
"Let him have some it's ok, and yes he is coming to daddy's job today aren't you little man" tae stands up beside me trying to push a cut up strawberry into my mouth making me laugh at his cuteness.
"I can wash him and get him ready" baek stands up reaching out for tae as he snuggles into me hiding.
"You little monster you trying to hide on me" baek climbs over me and tickles tae on the inside of the mattress near the wall making me all fuzzy and warm inside seeing how we are all getting along.
"We still on for our date later?" I question him finishing off my pancakes and putting the tray down on the floor beside the bed. Baek can't answer me as tae has his little hands covering his appas mouth as they keep playing.
"Come here you" I grab tae and tickle him so baek can get up.
"Yes we are still on after I see Winwin, I need to pop by my apartment and pick up some clothes too.
" When is the lease up on your apartment by the way? " I watch the smile fade from his eyes "in 7 days" he climbs up from the bed all sad looking picking up the tray from the floor.
"Hey come here" I pull his wrist so he falls back down on to the bed.
"What are you doing" he playfully smiles while I take the tray from him
"I think appa needs to be tickled tae what you think" I start to tickle baek as he begs me not too
"Chanyeol no dont please I hate tickles" I lean over him tickling him till I pin his hands above his head. "Tae tickle appa quick" I laughs as tae tries to tickle him making baek smile again
"I will get you both for this" he keeps wiggling under me as I let his hands finally go so he can breath
"Yeah I'd love to see you try" I move from him as he full force pushes me back sending me flying onto my back, I'm in shock at his strength that I just burst out laughing.
"Tae daddy's turn to get tickled" he places his hands on my naked skin and starts to tickle but I don't laugh "That's not where they are" I laugh at them trying so hard till baek slides his hands down my side and just at the waist band of my shorts he finds my tickles and goes crazy as I wiggle and fall off the mattress on to the floor.
"Dadda bonk" tae looks over the edge of the mattress at me all smiles "yeah Dadda bonk, but apps go bonk too" I pull baek off the mattress as he falls on top of me laughing. Making tae climb on top of him wrapping his little arms around baeks neck making him laugh.
"Chanyeol he is gonna fall" baek reaches his arm around trying to hold tae. "He won't I've got both of you" I reach my arms around them both as I look up into baeks eyes then his lips wanting to kiss him so much. "mwah" tae says making us look at eachother and smile before baek burys his head into my neck knowing he can't move. I hold on a little longer before helping them both up.
"We better get ready, come on tae let's get you washed" he holds out his hand as tae woddles over to him holding his appas hand. "See you in a little bit daddy" they both wave leaving me in the room alone. I fall back onto my mattress running my hands through my hair. Should I ask him tonight, is it the right time.
I shake the idea from my head and just decide to go with the flow tonight. Picking up the tray I carry it back to the kitchen to see Sehun had cleaned up. I wash the plate, bowl and glass and put them away.
I hear the main door open so I head out to see Kai walking in with his head down. "Are you doing the walk of shame~?" I tease him but he ignores me and closes his bedroom door. It's not like Kai to be quiet he usually tells me off but not this time. I head over to his door and knock "Kai look I'm sorry, are you ok?"
Sehun joins me "what's wrong?"
"I have no idea he just walked in said nothing and closed the door" I knock again still nothing.
"What did you do?" Baek appears from behind with tae all clean and dressed for his day. " I asked was it the walk of shame but he totally ignored me, he usually tells me off" I move away from the door waiting for a reply.
"Kai it's me Baek can I come in, I'm a good listener" baek knocks on the door before it opens. Baek hands me tae and heads inside the room closing the door behind him to a shocked Sehun and me
"Bonk sad" Tae pouts in my arms as I hug him. "uncle Kai will be ok don't worry little man" I head into my room to get dressed leaving baek to try deal with Kai. I can't help but worry is he ok though
Baekhyun's pov
"Hey have you been crying?" I walk over to him as he lays on his side with his arms around his pillow.
"Yeah" he sits up as I sit on the end of his bed with my feet up ready for what ever it is he wants to talk about
"Was it something to do with D.O?" I cautiously ask afraid of the outcome.
"After dinner we went back to his and he asked me about being a little" he looks up at me with eyes full of tears making me feel so sorry for him
"What did you say?"
"I told him I had no clue what he was talking about and that the first time I even heard about it was when he asked me at the party" he sniffs wiping his nose.
"Did he explain it to you?"
"Yeah he said he is what they call a Daddy / caregiver and he is looking for a little to spoil and love" he takes a Teddy and hugs it tight to his chest making me smile at him
"Baek he said a little is a person who now and again slips into a place called 'little space' where they find comfort, enjoy kids things like teddies and dressing up in childlike things and lets the daddy take care of them" I watch the tears fall from his eyes as I reach over and hug him
"He thinks I'm a little but don't realise it yet and that he will bring it out in me" he cries more into my shoulder making me worry that maybe he is just so confused
"Can I be honest Kai, maybe deep within you, you are a little, and D.O noticed it in you and wants to be the one to share it with you" I wipe his tears as he smiles at me
"He showed me a room he had in his house thats covered in all shades of blue and had teddies and toys even sippy cups and cute clothes" he laughs wiping his tears.
"Judging by your smile I take it you liked the room" I smirk at him waiting to see what he says
"I did actually I wanted to go in and play" he laughs making me laugh.
"Why don't you try it and see maybe you are one" I hold his hand in mine giving it a little squeeze.
"It was all just weird when I walked into his house at first it was like I lost all my power and felt small and I felt like I had to do everything he said.
"Did you like it?"
"I did if I'm honest it was like he was the boss of me or something, but not in a uncomfortable way, it was more like a loving way, he even called me baby boy and I loved it" he covers his eyes with embrassment
"Hey its ok, look why don't you give it a try and see what happens tell him how you feel and take it from there" I pull his hands away from his face as he let's out a sign and deep breath.
"I really liked the room I want to go back" he smiles shyly before laughing
"You feel ok now after talking?"
"I do but don't tell the others just yet especially Chanyeol he will take the piss out of me if he finds out, plus I want to make sure weather I am or not" he stands up from the bed wiping his face
"Now where is my little pal tae" he walks to the door and opens it to see Chanyeol and Sehun sitting on the floor outside his door leaning against the far wall.
"Are you ok?" They both jump up as tae wraps his arms around Kai's leg.
"Yeah I will be thanks" he picks tae up and carries him off into the sitting room.
"What was wrong?" Sehun asks me as I smile and politely tell them both he will tell them in his own time.
"I better get going" I grab my keys, coat and wallet and kiss Tae goodbye turning to follow Chanyeol to his room and knock on the door.
"Come in" he shouts making me push the door
"I'm heading now, so I'll see you later?" I watch as he smiles that charming smile "You sure will" I close his door and feel all excited that I will be having just some him and me time later on our date.
Leaving the penthouse I climb into my car. I turn on the radio and turn it up high as I'm nervous and excited about my date tonight. It's been awhile since I've been on a date especially with Chanyeol. I feel alive and more relaxed today more then before. I pull out into traffic and head to Winwins home.
Arriving at Winwins apartment I can't help but smile knowing I get to see my work buddie again in so long. Parking the car I head up to his floor and knock lightly on the door.
"Babe can you get that" I hear him through the door as I hear footsteps come towards the door before it opens to a tall handsome guys smiling. "Hi, you must be Baekhyun" he reaches out his hands as I shake it "That would be me yes" I smile as he invites me in "Babe baekhyun is here" he shouts before he introduces himself " sorry I'm Yuta" he guides me in further to the sitting room as Winwin joins us.
"Baek omg your here finally" he walks over to me with the aid of crutches.
"I missed you too, how have you been?" I move out of his way as he sits on the sofa.
"I'm ok, bit sore and can't get use to these crutches but I'm getting there with the help of my boyfriend, who you finally met" he laughs looking at Yuta walk around the sitting room looking for something
"Baby have you seen my wallet?" Yuta asks while moving cushions from the chairs
"It's on the kitchen counter last time I seen it" he smiles at me as he waits to hear Yuta say he found it.
"Found it" he shouts as he joins us in the sitting room "Ok babe do you need anything else while I'm out?" he leans in and kisses Winwin on the lips "Just popcorn for our movie night please" Winwin smiles so cutely at his man making my heart melt. "Baekhyun can I get you anything?" he asks me while grabbing his keys "No thank you I'm fine" I nod as he waves and leaves.
"Well well he is cute where have you been hiding him" I tease Winwin making him blush.
"I know he came into the office one day for a meeting with his boss and he asked me out so me being me and looking at his fine ass said yes" he brusts out laughing while getting up from the sofa
"Let's go make some tea and you can fill me in on what you have been up to" I follow close behind and wonder how the hell am I going to explain about Chanyeol being back in my life.
❤️C ❤️
Just a little chapter to fill in the other characters
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