Chapter 29
(Pyjama party)
Once I finally got all the paint off my body from places it should never have been. I walk into the sitting room to see Kai and Tae in their pyjamas. Kai's being a teddy bear and Tae's being in a cute little yellow duck onesie with his little cast showing. Kai has already set up blankets, cushions and pillows from beds onto the floor making it comfortable for our pj party as he calls it, judging by what they are wearing it looks more like a Teddy bears picnic.
Tae on the other hand keeps moving the cushions while Kai struggles to keep them in the places he had them making me laugh. Since I don't wear pyjamas to bed I've just put on a pair of shorts and a vest top. I got approval from Kai so I know I'm safe to join.
I join Sehun in the kitchen as we carry out the pizzas and other foods along with drinks. "Don't forget my sippy cup" Kai shouts towards us while he watches Tae carry his little arms full of Teddies from Kai's room.
"I will grab it" baek shouts as he walks out of his room in what looks like just a large t-shirt with nothing underneath. I feel my jaw drop watching him walk past me to the kitchen making Sehun nudges me to keep moving while laughing at me.
I sit on the floor leaning my back against the sofa as Tae walks over to me and sits on my lap with one of his teddies while Kai turns on a Disney movie and starts to dig into the food.
I see baek out of the corner of my eye as he hands Kai his sippy cup while passing tae's one to sehun who is sitting in between us on the floor.
Tae takes his cup and snuggles into me while I kiss the top of his head and smell his little toddler baby smell. I lean my head to the side and look towards baek who seems to be having a little picnic all by himself with a small bowel of popcorn a slice of pizza some garlic bread and a drink all sitting in front of him as he too watches the movie.
Reaching for a slice of pizza tae grabs my hand as I try to put it in my mouth.
He opens his mouth waiting for me to put it in his. I give in and give him the small corner as he bites down taking a bit off as the melted cheese falls everywhere.
"Oopsies" he smiles his cute smile with a mouth full of pizza as sehun reaches over to help clean up.
"Eat slowly little man, you got too much in your mouth" I watch him closely so he doesn't choke.
"Oh leave him be, he is just like his dad eating" Baek says making me turn to look at him
"What's that suppose to mean?" I question him as he gets up to walk closer to me and our son.
"Well he takes after you, you always put way to much in your mouth" he blushes as he looks at me knowing full well I am thinking of something else
"I meant food Chanyeol" she smiles while sitting beside us and digging the food out of our sons mouth with his finger as tae begins to cry.
"Hey come to appa, I told you little bits sweetheart" baek holds tae in his arms and kisses his little tears away. "here look what uncle Sehun has" sehun smiles as he hands tae cut up little bits of pizza.
Tae takes it and puts it in his mouth as his tears stop. Baek then moves so he can sit better with tae in between his legs as tae points to the TV at all the bright colours of the movie.
I have to admit I am really loving this. Seeing baek be a dad/mom to our son is causing so much love in my heart. What's happening now is like a dream I never in my life thought would ever come through. I knew baek was outstandingly perfect but now I know just how perfect. Being able to carry a life within his body is the most precious thing in this universe and what makes it more special is the baby was my son. Getting up from the floor as I feel myself get emotional I hurry to the bathroom.
Closing and locking the door I lean over the sink as my tears flow. I can't let him leave and move out I want them both to stay here with me. "Chanyeol are you ok in there?" I hear baek outside the door as I quickly turn on the tap and wash my face "yeah I'm ok I'll be out now" I take a towel and dry my face before fixing myself.
Opening the door I see him standing in the hallway leaning against the wall looking all cute in his oversized t-shirt.
"Hey are you ok?" he moves closer as I just smile "yeah of course, I just needed the loo" I turn to walk away as he calls me back. "Chanyeol I know you, remember" he leans his head to the side looking at me waiting for me to tell him. I can't lie to him I need to tell him.
"I just got a bit emotional seeing you and tae and thinking about the what if" I lean against the wall with my head bowed afraid of what he might say.
"Chanyeol I will forever be sorry for everything" he walks closer and wraps his arms around my neck hugging me before moving away "come on let's just forget everything tonight and enjoy movie night" he takes my hand and pulls me back to the sitting room as sehun just smiles at us while tae is snuggled on his lap sucking on the garlic bread.
Baek sits down beside me and leans into me like he use to before. I don't want to think to much about how he is acting but I can't wait for our date.
After 2 Disney movies Tae fell asleep on Kai who also fell asleep. "We need to put them to bed" baek says while getting up from the floor trying not to laugh at the teddy and the duck on the floor asleep.
"Wait don't wake them yet, let me take a picture so we can blackmail Kai one day" Sehun laughs running into his room and returning with his phone to take a picture. I take Kai's sippy cup and put it close to his hand making it look like he fell asleep holding it. Baek puts a teddy in his arm while Sehun takes another picture.
"Ok that's enough" I laugh while picking up a sleeping tae up in my arms and carry him into my old room placing him on the bed and tucking him in.
"He looks cute doesn't he" I turn to see baek watching us. I run my hand down tae's little face before giving him a kiss goodnight.
"He takes after you for his cuteness" I walk past baek towards the door. "I'm gonna have a drink would you like one" baek asks me making me turn "sure since tae is asleep one won't hurt" he head out into the sitting room and kai is kind of awake sitting on the floor with one eye open.
"Kai go to bed we can watch a movie another night".
A knock comes to the door making us all look at eachother.
"Anyone expecting visitors?" Sehun stands up to answer the door. "oh shit me, I was suppose to be meeting D.O" Kai jumps up off the floor making a run for his room as he trips over the blankets landing back on the floor.
Sehun doesn't wait and opens the door. "Hi D.O is it" he smiles at the smaller as he invites him in.
"Kai it's D.O for you" we all turn to face Kai laying on the floor feeling really embrassed, I can't help but laugh there he is in a teddy onesie laying flat on his back on the floor.
"You kinda caught us at a bad time" Baek walks over and helps Kai off the floor as Sehun guides D.O into the kitchen.
"He isn't happy at all he totally forgot he had plans with D.O" baek says while walking out of Kai's room.
"I'm sure he can make it up to him, D.O already thinks he is a little, now seeing him in a onesie I bet made D.O's heart race" I burst out laughing picking up all the teddies from the floor as baek begins to tease me. "You dated him so what does that make you" he throws a pillow at me making me look at him. "we didn't really date and do I look like a little to you" I hush my voice as Kai walks out of his room dressed in black jeans and a white button down shirt open at the top and his hair all styled.
"Damn your out to impress" baek teases him more as Kai pushes him onto the sofa sending his legs up into the air as I can now see he is wearing shorts underneath.
He returns out of the kitchen with D.O as they go out for the night. "be safe you too, Oh Kai do you want your sippy cup" I shout after him as he gives me the bird before closing the door.
"Your cruel" baek throws a pillow at me while sitting up on the sofa with all the teddies around him as he puts them all into a pile.
"You always give him a hard time" Sehun carries in a bottle of alcohol with three glasses setting them down on the table.
"We always gave Kai a hard time it's nothing new, remember the guy he dated that kept showing up at his dance studio non stop everyday for weeks" I fall onto the floor laughing even though I shouldn't as he is my friend.
"Yeah I remember that" Sehun hands out the glasses with the brown liquid in it "Tell baek what we had to do, or more like what you had to do to get rid of him"
I look towards him with wide eyes
"We promised we would never speak of that day ever again". I grab the glass from him knocking it back in one go.
"Oh tell me what happened I need to know" baek sits up begging for us to tell him.
"Mr tall dark and handsome here ended up pretending to be Kai's boyfriend" Sehun starts laughing making baek look at me. "that's not bad" he begins to sip his drink as Sehun continues with the story.
"Well you see there is more to it then that"
"Sehun baek doesn't need to know" I grab the bottle and pour an even bigger glass for myself.
"You see Kai's boyfriend would show up at the same time everyday like clockwork, annoy Kai and just constantly stalk him, Kai was really distraught with everything so Chanyeol decided to arrive before the boyfriend got there"
"Yeah and go on" baek moves and sits on the floor waiting for the rest.
"Well the boyfriend arrived and Chanyeol told him he was now dating Kai, the boyfriend didn't believe and wanted proof soooooo......" Sehun waits and looks at me laughing
"Come on tell me" baek begs with excitement
"Kai kissed his cheek and the boyfriend didn't believe them he said anyone could do that, so Kai sat across Chanyeols lap with his legs either side and kissed Chanyeol straight on the lips" Sehun bursts out laughing more as baek looks at me covering his mouth laughing.
"Thats not all, the boyfriend wasn't having any of it so Chanyeol........" Sehun can't catch his breath and continues laughing making baek beg to finish the story
"OK, ok I grabbed Kai's ass in my hands and slapped his ass cheek and told him I couldn't wait till we got home" I down my drink again and grab the bottle trying to get rid of that day from my head.
"Oh my god, did you really do that?" Baek says through laughs
"There is more" Sehun continues as I get up from the floor ready to kill him making them both jump up as Sehun runs behind the sofa "Tell baek what you did next"
Looking at baek standing between us trying not to laugh I finish the story.
"I lifted Kai up, put him over my shoulder, spanked his ass and carried him out to my car" I drink straight from the bottle as baek falls onto the sofa laughing followed by Sehun.
"Wow and did you take him home and rock his world" baek teases me while still laughing with sehun.
"Of course not he is my friend I would have done it for any of you plus, I haven't been with a man since you" I take one more glup from the bottle as baek stops laughing and looks at me all serious.
"I'm going to go to bed" I tell them before I leave them alone in the sitting room. Reaching my room I fall onto the mattress that is on the floor as I haven't made the bed yet. Baek is gonna think I'm lame and haven't dated since he left, how can I, I was still in love with him. I turn on my bedside light and strip down to my shorts. Sitting up on the mattress I lean my back against the wall which is now dry and open my phone to scroll at the pictures of me and baek when we dated.
A knock comes to my door. "come in" I shout as the door opens as baek steps in.
"I'm sorry for laughing, but it was a funny story" he smiles while sitting at the end of the mattress.
"It's ok, don't worry about it" I smile back at him before looking away and closing my phone.
"This date you spoke about earlier, are we still on for it?" he plays with his t-shirt looking all shy and rather cute.
"Yeah how does tomorrow night sound" I ask him as he smiles "sounds perfect but I need to go out tomorrow morning, I need to see my work friend Winwin, I promised I'd go and vist him and I haven't yet, plus I don't want to break my promise"
"That's ok, tomorrow night we can go out, I will take Tae with me to the studio in the morning as I have paper work to sign for a artist Yixing, that gives you time to spend with Winwin and I can meet you back here at about 8 for our date"
"That sounds perfect, ok well I will see you in the morning, goodnight" he stands up and walks towards the door. I don't want him to leave but we have been making good progress that I don't want to ruin it.
"Oh and maybe you can kiss me like you did kai, goodnight~" he laughs while closing the door leaving me to think about what I will do for our date.
Baeks pov
Closing Chanyeol bedroom door I can't help but want to go back in and kiss him. He looks so sexy sitting there with no top on and just a blanket covering his private area, I wonder if he was naked underneath. I shake my head trying to get rid of the idea as I walk into the sitting room seeing Sehun flicking through the channels.
"Hey" I sit down beside him taking the remote from his hand and muting the TV making him look in shock at me.
"What are you doing?" he looks at me with a worried look.
" You're going to tell me about Bohyun" I see his jaw drop as he turns a bit pale.
"How did you know?"
"I didn't realise till earlier where you ran off to the other night, you use to always run to him" I look around to make sure Chanyeol wasn't looking.
"Sehun remember we use to always sit up and talk about him late at night" I touch and squeeze his hand "why do you go back to him everytime"
"He understands me Baek" he looks so sadly up at me making my heart break. "He is no good for you Sehun, he lied to you over and over again but yet you always go back to him" he pulls his hand out of my grasp and grabs another drink.
I decide to take his mind off Bohyun and ask him about Luhan.
"How is Luhan, have you asked him out yet?" he smiles the biggest smile before tuning back to me "I've been kinda nervous" I can't get over how his mood has changed so quickly from sadness to pure joy.
"Get your phone and we can text him now" I push him making him reach for his phone. "what will I say to him? he holds his phone in his shaking hand.
"Ask him out tomorrow night" I push his arm as he takes up the courage and opens the message app on his phone.
"Baek I'm so nervous can you do it" he hands me the phone as I quickly type
Hi its sehun, I was wondering if you would be free tomorrow night?
We wait for a few minutes till his phone vibrates with a reply.
Hey yeah sure I would love to, what have you got in mind?
I watch Sehun melt into the sofa hugging the life out of a pillow as I think of a reply.
How about dinner and a movie
Sounds perfect
Ok great I will send you the details tomorrow
Ok brilliant I will see you then
Goodnight Sehun
I hand him back his phone as his face turns pale.
"You need to move on from Bohyun Sehun and I think Luhan will be the guy to help you do that" he leans in and hugs me tight whispering thank you in my ear.
"Your welcome, I'm gonna head to bed now so goodnight" I get up from the sofa as he stops me "what about you and Chanyeol?"
"We have a date tomorrow night, kai is watching Tae for us" I feel all excited about it as I continue to walk into my room while saying goodnight.
Climbing into the bed beside my cute red chubby cheeked son I kiss his cheek softly.
"Your gonna spend the day with your daddy tomorrow and then uncle kai will mind to tomorrow night so your appa and daddy can go on a date" I rub his hair off his face as he smiles in his sleep like Chanyeol told me I use to do when I slept.
"I'm gonna try and get us back together Tae I promise I will try and make it work with your daddy I just need to stop pushing him away"
Goodnight my baby sleep well
I snuggle down looking at him as his little chest rises and falls with each breath. I place my hand close to his as he opens his eyes a little with a little smile
"Shhh go back to sleep sweetheart, appa is here" he holds two of my fingers in his little hand, its like it's his way of making sure I don't go anywhere. I snuggle into him and drift off to sleep thinking of my date tomorrow night with the man I'm still in love with.
❤️ C ❤️
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