Chapter 18
Baekhyun's pov
I quickly get up from the bed leaving Tae and Chanyeol to play as I excuse myself and rush to the bathroom closing the door behind me. Leaning against the door I touch my lips as I walk slowly over to the mirror looking at my reflection.
"I..I just kissed him, his lips touched mine what the hell am I doing ... no wait there was no meaning to it right... we where just messing with tae, oh shit who am I trying to kid I kissed chanyeol the father of my son"
I smile at myself in the mirror at the thought of his lips touching mine again but I can't do that to him it isn't fair not after walking out on him. Splashing water on my face I take a deep breath "get a grip baek" I scold myself looking in the mirror. Drying my face I head back into the bedroom.
Stopping in the doorway of the bedroom and leaning against it, I smile as I watch Chanyeol laying on his side as he smiles and rubs Taehyungs hair as he lays on his little tummy looking at his daddy before Chanyeol kisses his forehead then looks up at me making me blush
"Ok will we go and get ready for our party?" Chanyeol smiles towards our son picking him up from the bed and putting him on his feet on the floor as he walks over to me
"Appa up" tae smiles up at me as I crouch down to him "Sweetheart you need to get use to walking appa can't hold you all the time your a big boy now~" I hug him tight as we hear music come from outside as he begins to bounce up and down doing his little dance "Do you wanna go outside and dance?" Moving out of his way I walk beside him as we see Kai dancing in the sitting room
"Bonk" tae points towards Kai then looks up at me as if to ask me can he go
"Go sweetheart" I toss his brown locks
"Come on tae, dance with uncle Kai" Kai waves tae over as he walks quickly over to him as they both dance making me burst out laughing as a tear falls from my eye
"He loves his uncle Kai" Chanyeol comes up behind me making me blush again. I haven't felt like this in a long time
"He really does" I smile wiping the tear away as I turn back to watch them dance as I spot Sehun filming them
"Baek about the kiss...."
"Lets not talk about that now you have a party to get ready for~" I smile up at him before I head back into the bedroom to get my things ready as I hear the door close
"You have to talk to me at some stage" he softly says as he sits on the bed
Looking down not being able to face him "I will I promise you but now isn't the right time" I feel my tears start to fill up threaten to fall
"Hey are you ok?" He quickly stands up and moves towards me touching my arm. My tears let me down and flow down my cheeks
"Yeah you know me I'm a fighter I'll be ok" I sniff wiping my tears in my sleeve
"Nice mark you left on my hoodie" he smiles while looking at the tear stains on the sleeve of the hoodie he gave me
"Oh hush I'll wash it" I smile lightly pushing him making him smile back at me too
"Baek you know you can always talk to me I've always told you that" he turns away to reach for tae's costume as I look towards him
"I know, Chanyeol I don't think I'll go tonight, ill stay in here with tae if that's ok" I sit on the bed waiting for his reaction as he turns and sits beside me
"If your not up for it then you can stay in here, but do you really think you can keep our son away from the music really" he walks over to the door and opens it waving me over.
Reaching the door I look out and see Sehun just bouncing along, Kai doing the actually dance moves and our beautiful son bouncing in the middle of them doing his own little dance with the biggest smile on his face.
I fall to the floor grabbing my mouth as not to let out my sob
Chanyeol falls to his knees calling out "Baek are you ok?"
"I have screwed up haven't I chanyeol?" I cry out feeling my heart break knowing full well I caused all this
"Hey, look at me" he turns my head so I can face him as he wipes my tears away
"You have done an amazing job with our son, just look at him out there" I turn my head and watch him with his uncles "I kept him away from you though chanyeol" I find myself falling into his chest as he wraps his arms around me holding me close
"But he is here, you both are here now that's all that matters right now" he kisses the top of my head as I continue to watch our son
"Wasn't the best way to come back was it" I mumble as I pull away smiling making him move my hair from my eyes
"Na I could have thought of a better way but this will have to do I guess" he smiles back at me that beautiful smile I fell in love with years ago as I bow my head into his chest laughing
"I'm so sorry Chanyeol" I mumble into his chest
"I know you are sweetheart, I can see it in your eyes" hearing him call me that cute name I now call our son. I look up at him again as I wipe my tears and find myself staring at him as he looks at me. I quickly look at his lips and backup to his eyes and just take my chance and grab his cheeks and kiss his lips pulling away quickly covering my mouth
"I'm sorry I....I... just got carried away in the moment" I quickly stand up running my hands through my hair, my heart is pounding my stomach is doing sumersaults I feel like im going to explode
"Hey it's ok baek" he holds out his hand to me and just looks at me with such a soft look
I look down at the floor just so I don't have to make eye contact with him as he steps closer and touches my cheek making me move into his warm touch as I feel my heartbeat slow
"Today is just so emotional, so much has happened and now I'm here, I feel like I can't breathe Chanyeol, I don't know what to do anymore I'm exhausted I left you then left our son....." looking into Chanyeol's eyes I burst out crying as he moves closer "I left our son" I don't deserve to be a appa, I don't deserve you all being nice to me, I should be hated, I'm horrible" Chanyeol grabs me into his chest holding me so tight as I really let go and sob into his chest
"Let it all out sweetheart" he whispers while giving me the biggest bear hug wrapping his strong warm arms around me as my head snuggles into his chest.
After a few minutes I feel myself getting tired as my tears finally stop. I move a little in his embrace and look up at him as he moves my hair from my eyes again. This time he looks at me the way I did him earlier and he leans down touching his lips with mine with a soft tender kiss as I kiss him back.
"Awww mwah" a little voice says, I feel little hands touch my leg as I look down and see our son hugging our legs with his little arms
"Hi sweetheart" I smile crouching down as Chanyeol releases his hold on me
"Mwah" tae smiles hugging me as I kiss his cheek
"Does daddy get one too?" Chanyeol smiles as he crouches down beside us as he touches my back lightly with his hand as tae reaches over and kisses him too
"Hey when your all finished kissing do you wanna maybe get dressed for this party" Sehun shouts making us all look at eachother
"I FOUND MY SIPPY CUP" Kai shouts as we all turn towards him as we see his ass climb out of the blanket forth backwards
"Are you sure that's your one?" Chanyeol questions him trying not to laugh
"Yeah taes sippy cup is smaller" Kai smiles like a child that just woke up Christmas morning before opening the sippy cup and nearly passing out from what I can assume is the smell.
"Ok don't put milk in your sippy cup and loose it tae, trust me it stinks" Kai walks into the kitchen as we all burst out laughing
"Someone forgot to take care of the big child" Sehun laughs putting his phone away as we hear Kai shout from the kitchen
"It's ruined" he near sobbs
"I'll go help him" I stand up to head to the kitchen as I feel a hand grab my wrist turning me back. Seeing Chanyeol stand holding our son as tae snuggles into his large chest, it warms my heart.
"Are you ok baek?"
"I will be" I smile back as we hear Kai cry from the kitchen
"I better go save the sippy cup" I laugh as he let's me go and follows close behind to the kitchen
Once Inside the kitchen I see Kai standing over the sink trying to wash his sippy cup as Sehun is bend over laughing in the corner
"Let me do it" I grab the cup from Kai as he moves away
"Ok boil some hot water and did you get a little brush with the sippy cup?" I inspect the cup and it won't be that bad to clean
Chanyeol sits at the counter with tae on his lap as I feel his eyes on me
"No I didn't" Kai pouts and lowers his head like a baby
"Ok have you a tooth brush you don't use and a pin?" He rushes out the door and returns with a pack of new tooth brushes and a safety pin
"Will these do" he opens the pack and takes one out
"Why have you so many tooth brushes kai?" Chanyeol laughs out while bouncing tae on is leg
"In case someone stays over and they need one duh" he says while handing me the brush
Pouring the hot water into the sink with some washing up liquid I let it sit for a few minutes as Kai stands over the sink looking at it. I can't help but laugh as I look towards Chanyeol as he continues to watch me making me blush again. Turning back to the sink I run the brush inside the cup removing all the stale milk that was at the bottom and along the side from the cup laying down.
"What's the pin for?" Kai asks standing over me
"Here I'll show you" I unclip the safety pin and grab the lid of the sippy cup and poke the holes in the top freeing them of stale milk
"Ohhhh, is it clean now?" He smiles at me all excited as I wash it again and rinse it with hot water smelling it and making sure it's ok, then I quickly run it under the cold tap and then dry it handing it to the big child
"All done" he smiles taking it from my hand and hugging me "thank you baek my night was nearly ruined" he smiles looking at his sippy cup making us all burst out laughing
"Ok we really need to get ready people will be here any minute now" Sehun stirs his bowl of drink again
"I'll dress tae while you all get dressed" I try to take our son from chanyeols lap but he stops me
"Will you go tonight with us" Chanyeol pouts looking at tae as he sits him on the counter
"I'm not sure..." I hold taes hand as he smiles
"Please come with us" Chanyeol pouts then turns to tae and makes him pout too as they look at me with pouty faces making me laugh
"Please baek come to the party" Sehun and Kai join in on the pouting as they all group together and pout at me making me burst out laughing at them all
"Ok ok I'll go" I laugh taking tae as they all get excited and leave to get ready leaving me and tae in the kitchen
"Your daddy and uncles are crazy Tae you know that" I smile at him as he replies "yesh"
Putting him down I take his hand in mine
"Lets go find daddy".
Alot of kissing going on
Next chapter to follow later
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