Chapter 11
Kai looks into Chanyeol's room and see's father and son fast asleep, Taehyung holding onto Chanyeol's finger while the taller has his arm over the toddlers little waist making him smile while taking a photo as his phone starts to vibrate. Quickly he rushes into his room and closes the door answering the call
"Hey Kai how are they getting on?"
"Really good actually they played, made a blanket forth and are now both taking a nap together"
"Wow really?"
"Yeah didn't you get my pictures I sent you?"
"Sorry Kai this is the first chance I have had to use my phone, but I need to go, I'll be home after dinner
"Ok be safe and see you soon"
"Will do, see you soon"
Hanging up the phone Kai decides to clean up a little before making some lunch
Taehyung slowly opens his eyes and looks towards chanyeol still asleep, he reaches his little hand and pokes chanyeol eye making the taller wake
"Hey little man" Chanyeol lifts his head up to look at his son while rubbing his eye
"Where you trying to wake me up~" Chanyeol tickles the smaller making him giggle and roll away from him
"Come back here you~" Chanyeol rolls the smaller back towards him and tickles him again till Taehyung can hardly breath
"Oh someone need a diaper change" Chanyeol climbs off the bed and grabs a new diaper and wipes as Taehyung climbs off the bed and crawls along the floor without chanyeol knowing
"Now let's change you" Chanyeol turns around and sees Taehyung gone, he starts to panic and looks along the floor and sees his little bottom crawl out the bedroom door as he rushes after him
"Come back here you" Chanyeol laughs chasing his son as Taehyung giggles as he crawls faster into the blanket forth
"Oh no Kai, Taehyung is all gone" Chanyeol smiles as Kai joins him
"Where can he be?" Kai smiles back as they move closer to the blanket fort
Taehyung let's out a little giggle as one of the blankets move
"I know where he is~" Chanyeol laughs as he gets on the floor and starts to crawl towards the blanket fort
Looking around the blanket and into the fort he sees taehyung laying on a pillow hugging a plushie
"There you are, I'm coming to get you" Chanyeol crawls in and tickles the toddler making him laugh again
"Ok ok let's change your diaper and then we can have some num nums that uncle Kai had made" Chanyeol struggles with the diaper but figures it out quick enough and changes the diaper
Climbing out of the fort he places the diaper in the bin and washes his hands
"Taehyung come on little man food is ready" Chanyeol shouts from the kitchen as Taehyung crawls out of the forth and stands up against the sofa as chanyeol enters the room. Taehyung takes a step as chanyeol watches, he steps again and walks towards the taller with grabby hands for chanyeol to lift him
"Wow little man, you can walk" Chanyeol smiles picking his son up and sitting him on the chair at the table as they eat some food.
Once lunch is finished Chanyeol and Kai decide to go to the park so they head to get ready
"Taehyung come here to daddy so I can put your shoes on" Chanyeol calls to his son as Taehyung actually does as he is told as he sees his shoes in his dad's hands
"Good boy" Chanyeol smiles as he puts the toddlers shoes on and his coat, gloves and hat as it is a little bit cold
"Now let's go shall we, uncle Kai are you ready?" Chanyeol shouts as he puts his coat and shoes on
"Ready" Kai rushes out of his room carrying a ball
"Ok let's go" Chanyeol grabs his phone and sees missed calls on the screen, he ignores them as they are just the office and places it in his pocket and grabs his keys
Opening the door Taehyung follows his dad out walking with Kai following close behind
"Walking down the hallway chanyeol holds out his hand as Taehyung takes it and continues to walk to the lift as Kai smiles looking at the two and laughing at how much taller Chanyeol is compared to Taehyung and quickly takes a sneeky picture
Once they reach the ground floor they step out and head outside.
"What park will we go to, the one across the road is very small" Kai frowns as if it's not good enough for him
"There is one down by the shopping mall that has a playground" Chanyeol looks at the other two
"We will have to walk I don't have a car seat for taehyung" Chanyeol picks the smaller up in his arms
"I can hold him in the back of the car and we can pick one up from the kids store in the mall after the park" Kai smiles hoping he doesn't have to walk
"Ok let's get the car then"
Once they arrive at the park Taehyung takes off walking all excited as Kai walks with him making Chanyeol smile at his son's cute little walk
"Oh slide" Kai runs over to the slide dropping the ball and climbing up the ladder and sliding down the slide making the toddler giggle
"Wanna go on the slide tae?" Chanyeol asks his son
"Yes" Taehyung smiles and lifts his hands up to Chanyeol to lift him
Picking him up Chanyeol sits Taehyung on the slide and let's him slide down the slide while holding lightly onto his coat
"Let him go Chanyeol he will be ok" Kai smiles while sliding down the slide again
"I'm afraid he will fly off the end of it" Chanyeol laughs picking Taehyung back up and sitting him on the slide
"I'll catch him" Kai stands at the end of the slide waiting to catch him
"Ok ready, go" Chanyeol let's his son go and listens to his little laugh as Kai catches him
"See he loves it" Kai smiles lifting Taehyung up in the air making him laugh
"Let's go kick the ball" chanyeol kicks the ball as Kai runs after it making Taehyung follow him
Kai gently kicks the ball so it rolls towards Taehyung as the smaller stops it with his little hands
"Kick it " Chanyeol smiles as the toddler kicks it making it move an inch
"Awww" chanyeol picks him up and helps him kick the ball towards Kai as Kai kicks it back. They continue to play for a few more minutes and then head to the swings
"Sitting on the swing chanyeol sits Taehyung on his lap and swings back and forth making the smaller smile as Kai takes loads of pictures of father and son
It starts to get cold so they head to the shopping mall to buy a car seat for the toddler. Reaching the store that Kai and Sehun where in yesterday they head towards the car seats area
"Oh my, which one do we get?" Chanyeol looks towards the row of different size car seats
"Hello can I help you?" A deer looking guys approaches them all smiles
"Oh hi yes, we need a car seat for this little man here" chanyeol rubs his hand through his son's hair
"Ok I can help you with that, let's just check his height, is he about 1 to 2 years old? The store assistant asks
"Yes he is" Chanyeol smiles as how good the assistant is
"Oh hi again" Kai walks towards them carrying more stuff
"Hello nice to see you again is Sehun not with you today?" The shop assistant smiles
"No he is working today" chanyeol smiles reading the name tag of the assistant
"Anyway let me bring you to the car seats that is suitable for this little man" Luhan smiles as he guide them to the car seats after checking Taehyungs height
"Oh look a Spider-Man one, do you like this one tae?" Taehyung ignores his dad and finds a zootropolis one and sits down beside it
"This kid really likes zootropolis Kai laughs making Chanyeol laugh too
"We will take it" Chanyeol smiles at luhan as they pick it up and a few other things and head to the car after paying. Once taehyung is in his new seat they head back home.
Parking the car they head up to the penthouse and decide to make some dinner.
Once dinner is finished and they have settled for a bit Chanyeol decides to give Taehyung a bath
Walking into the bathroom Chanyeol turns on the water and adds some bubbles to the water as a now naked Taehyung stands beside him holding onto the bath all excited looking at what his dad is doing
"Sorry he wouldn't wait" Kai laughs running into the bathroom holding Taehyungs clothes
Turning off the water chanyeol checks the water "it feels ok"
"No wait put your elbow in" Kai says while watching chanyeol check it again
"Yep that feels good" Chanyeol smiles lifting his son up all excited and sits him in the water
"Let's wash you first then you can play ok" Chanyeol kneels on the floor beside the bath as Kai decides to leave the two alone so they can bond
Chanyeol takes the little baby sponge and washes his son's body as he plays with the bubbles by splashing the water and soaking Chanyeol
"Let's wash your hair" chanyeol pours some baby shampoo on his hand and starts to wash his son's hair
"You have your app....... some one else's hair" chanyeols watches what he says as not to upset his son again by mentioning his appa
Once the bath is over and a very tired Taehyung is all nicely washed and dried and in his new PJ's Chanyeol lays him in his bed. Kissing his head he turns to get changed out of his wet clothes. Once be is changed he turns to see Taehyung is fast asleep.
Chanyeol looks at his beautiful son and smiles at how much he reminds him of baekhyun and it breaks his heart that the person he still loves is not around.
He decides to head outside to Kai for a few minutes.
Once outside Chanyeol falls to his knees crying making Kai and now Sehun rush over to him
"Chanyeol are you ok?" Sehun grabs him by the shoulder dropping his bag as he just arrived home.
"He is just perfect" Chanyeol cries after spending all day with his son
"See I told you it would all be ok" Sehun smiles helping his friend from the floor
"We had a perfect day, he didn't cry once" Chanyeol wipes his tears and stands up
"That's cause he is with his dad" Kai smiles getting up from the floor and walking chanyeol over to the sofa
"We need to get baekhyun back he needs to be here with us, I promised Taehyung i would " Chanyeol looks towards the others
"Right well starting tomorrow we will help you find baek "
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Lots of love
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