Chap 12(baek)
Chanyeol wakes up after finally falling asleep lastnight from sitting up talking with Kai and Sehun about how to find baekhyun.
Laying beside him is the mini version of the guy he never fell out of love with. Baekhyun was the only person he ever loved, yes he dated once when he was younger but that was only for a week to his old friend D.O who is a famous actor but you couldn't really call it dating, they never kissed or slept together just hung out like friends. Baekhyun on the other hand was the one he fell in love with, wanted to marry and have a family with, he was the true owner of his heart and soul and still is.
Chanyeol lays back on the bed as his son sleeps beside him. Today is the day we start looking for him.
Baekhyun's pov
Dragging myself out of my sons bed, I head to the shower and quickly get ready "Minseok I'm gonna head to work now, I can't be late" I find myself doing the things I usually do, getting Taehyung's bag ready for his day at playschool and his clothes then I stop. 'What am I doing, he isn't here' I feel my heart break in my chest again knowing what I have done.
"Baek you ok?" Minseok near whispers behind me as he wraps his arms around me from behind as I stand looking at taehyung's little bed clutching his bag in my arms
"I... I'll be fine ... he is fine .... he is having a great time with his dad and uncles" my heart is breaking so bad It's like I can hear it break a little more each and everyday
"Baek let's..." I stop Minseok straight away "I know what your going to say mins but don't, just stop, this was my decision to do and I'm sticking with it ok " I pull myself from his embrace dropping my son's backpack and grabbing my coat and bag I say goodbye as I leave for work.
Getting into my car the tears fall as I look into the rear view mirror to tae's car seat. On our drive to playschool we would listen to music, he would wiggle so cutely and try dance in the car seat full of smiles and he would try his hardest to sing the words, the journey to work now is filled with sadness and silence. Driving towards work as the autumn leaves crunch under my wheels as I stop at the lights and see children heading into school all dressed up as their favourite characters from movies or favourite superhero's on their last day of school before their halloween break . I quickly wipe away a stray tear as I pull into the office car park.
Reaching the lift I head inside to the giggling of some of the girls from the office.
"Hey baek are you coming to the halloween party?" One asks me all excited but yet flirty at the same time as she tries to touch my arm.
"No sorry I have plans" I reply politely while moving my self away from her
"Awww no you won't be able to see me in my tight cat suit then " she smiles while playing with her hair as she runs her finger along my arm like one of the dumb chicks you see in movies who is head of the cheer leaders who tries it in with everyone
"Guess not" I smile politely trying to force back the baby sick that just came up in my mouth
Finally the ding sound of the elevator arrives as I quickly jump out
"Bye baekhyun hope you change your mind" she shouts after me making my skin crawl
Finally reaching my small office I push open the door to see mountains of work on my desk
Hanging up my coat I take a seat at the desk as I look in shock at piles of files in front of me
"Good morning Baekhyun" My boss steps into my office making me stand up from my desk
"Good....good morning sir" I feel my voice tremble as he walks closer and sits on the edge of my desk facing me holding too takeaway cups
"Don't be so jumpy baekhyun, I brought you this" he hands me one of the cups as he makes sure to touch my hand while doing so
"Thank you sir" I bow my head and sip from the cup
"You look great today baekhyun" he whispers leaning forward towards me making me feel uncomfortable
"Thank you sir" I panick a little inside as I put my cup on the table
"Anyway baek as you can see you have alot to do so I will leave you to it" he gets up and walks towards the door
"Sorry sir but how come there is so many files" I shakenly ask as he slams the office door making me jump
"Excuse me what did you say?" He turns and walks closer like a predator sneaking up on his prey
"Sorry sir it's just there looks like triple the amount of work on my desk today is there a audit or something?" I lower my head as I feel my knees turn to jelly
"That's because that little bitch secretary of mine cried off work something about falling down the stairs or something anyway now you have his work to do and be my secretary also, looks like we will be working alot closer" he smiles a smile of pure horror in my eyes making me wanna throw up
"Get too it, you don't wanna see me angry" he winks at me and leaves my office
Quickly I grab my phone and text Winwin to see if he is ok
Hey I heard your in the hospital stupid question but are you ok?
Hi I broke my leg when heading down the stairs lastnight leaving work
How did that happen?
He tried it on with me baek in the office but when I pushed him off he came after me again, he moved closer and I lost my balance and fell down the stairs
Oh my god, I will try see you when on my break
Ok baek see u soon
What the hell has that asshole of a boss tried to do to Winwin I better be careful. Clicking into my computer I decide to continue my search for another job, I need to get out of here as soon as possible and get my son back.
Yes I know it's the 4th of December when I publish this and halloween has past but just please go with it for the story
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Lots of love
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