Chapter 13
[Sim Himchan]
Why Daegwang thinks joining him at The Stranger with other people he himself barely knows, let even I, is a good idea is a mystery to me. Does he think I'm an antisocial freak as that psychotic witch, whose name I refuse to pronounce, puts it?
Even though he doesn't make it look obvious, he knows he's teasing me. Since he's my younger brother and I love and cherish him from the deepest of my heart, I don't resent him for that, though. After all, it's supposed to be a fun night.
By the way, I already have a few questions. I'm sure the others at the table won't have any issue about it. It's just a way to get to know each other better.
I start with a generic question. "So, tell me a little about yourselves." I eye my younger brother, who seems eager to answer. "No, Daegwang. Not you. I think I know you well enough. Let's let the others take the spotlight."
"Fine. You've made a great point. After all, there's something behind all the drama I'm sure I didn't grasp."
"What drama? What are you talking about, Daegwang? It doesn't involve Mom or Dad, does it?" This is definitely my stupidest remark so far. I need to count until ten before talking.
"Himchan! What the fuck! No!" Daegwang clears his throat after pointing out it isn't family drama. Or, at least, it has nothing to do with us. He then continues. "How about you let Rose explain instead?"
The woman named Rose, a redhead who seems to be the same age as Daegwang, introduces herself. "First of all, nice to meet you, Himchan. Secondly, you seem to be someone I can trust."
"For what? Is it about The Stranger?"
"Oh, no. It's not about this decaying pub. Although I'm confident it'll be restored and become even better than in its peak years. It's about the three of us." She points at herself and the two other people with her excluding my brother, Shane and Aubrey. The three of them must be close to each other.
Rose continues. "Well, Shane is a person I'm really close to. Romantically, for your information. We want to get married, but there's an obstacle."
I point at Aubrey, who seems to doze off. "Her, right? Is she Shane's ex?"
Shane shrugs off this statement. "Ex? That's a little too much. We have never even dated. It's just that my parents and hers wanted me to marry her. Well-"
I finish the sentence for him. "You don't like her and she doesn't like you in that sense. Got it. So, why are you here together? Shouldn't you be avoiding each other?"
"This isn't a fucking revenge movie, dude."
Rose doesn't seem to appreciate Shane's tone too much; in fact, she intervenes. "Shane, that was uncalled for. Himchan, let me explain. As you correctly realized, Shane and Aubrey don't want to be with each other as a married couple. She, however, is still part of the plan to break off this wedding."
I comment, "Oh, cool. How is Daegwang involved, though?"
"Well, we met not long ago at Delcroft Garden. I gave him some hints about my secret and made him promise he'd keep it until I'd reveal the plan in its entirety." That makes sense. My brother does have a reputation in the area as a reliable person.
"And, Shane, is that correct? What about you? How do you know Daegwang?"
This time, it's the latter answering, not Shane. "I met him by chance, during one of my night walks. He also had this huge secret plan... It turns out his and Rose's were connected to one another."
"Wow. How come you get to meet cool people, while I deal with assholes all the time?" My rant doesn't come as a surprise. For the first time since I'm here, Aubrey is also paying attention to the conversation. I suspect she's too intoxicated to keep up with the rest of us.
"Maybe because you are one, sweetheart." Okay, someone keep the booze away from her.
Fortunately, Daegwang has a good word for me. "Well, he was an Art teacher at Grand Ridge High. It didn't last long, unfortunately, and I don't think you're ready to know why." Thank God he doesn't mention that viper. I want to forget her as soon as possible.
"Oh, here comes the third round." As Rose points out, a tray full of shots reaches our table. Courtesy of the waitress passing by. She's smoking hot, I have to admit. Okay, I need to look beyond appearances before I decide a woman is the one for me. I've met too many snarky bitches hiding behind pretty faces.
Shane turns to Aubrey. "Are you sure you can continue? You look unwell."
She snaps back at him. "Stop it! You aren't my dad! I can handle the booze perfectly!" Her blood red face suggests otherwise. She has to stop, or she'll hurt herself.
I try to snatch her shot, but fail as she slaps my hand. "Stop it, weirdo!"
I retort. "You're drunk. The weirdo here isn't me, it's you. No more alcohol for you."
"Gosh... Himchan, you're really slapping some sense into her. Congratulations... I don't think I could've done that easily." What is it with Shane's backhanded compliment? Is the booze making everyone way over their heads?
"Okay... This isn't funny anymore," comments Daegwang. "Can we change subject?" He looks around in discomfort, which I notice.
"Is there anything that bothers you?" I ask. He nods.
"Actually, there's something I need to tell you all. Especially you, Rose." She's taken aback by his confession. Since, from what I've gathered, she and Shane have been pretty much open to him about their secrets, I wonder why Daegwang feels the urge to add fuel to the fire.
Aubrey, who struggles to regain her composure, blurts out the most unbelievable statement of the night. "I'm pretty sure he has slept with Shane. It can't be any different."
The two men look offended by her words. To avoid further trouble, she retracts immediately. "Sorry... Sorry... I was just joking... Damn, this third shot was a strong one. Heechan is right... No more drinks for me, please."
"It's Himchan. Thanks for nothing." Her insinuation about Daegwang is beyond disrespectful. She can't get away with it with a mere apology, and can't blame it entirely on the alcohol. She's so shallow that she barely realizes that her words have consequences. No wonder why Shane doesn't want to marry her.
"Now... What was I saying?" Daegwang struggles, but manages to regain control of his speech. "Well... I have to say something about Rose. Since I met for the first time, I felt like her presence was... How can I put it? It was... magnetic."
"Oh, wow. That's nice of you to say that. I've always known I made a good impression on you, and the other way around, but not to this level." Rose is flattered; Shane listens attentively. I, on the other hand, find everything sappy.
"Thanks. The point is... Rose, I know your intentions, and I know of your mutual feelings with Shane. Well. I also think I-"
Rose interrupts him. "I think I know what you mean, Daegwang. As much as I understand what you feel for me, I don't think I can reciprocate it. It'd be unfair for all parties involved."
"You have a point, Rose. And, Shane... I'm sorry if I upset you with my confession. I-"
"Get lost, you sleazebag! I shouldn't have trusted you!" Shane's words are too much for Daegwang to handle. The latter, indeed, rushes away from our table on the verge of tears.
Before I run to my brother, I notice that Rose's smile has faltered. Then, I turn to Shane. "Are you happy, huh? How about you get lost, you piece of shit?"
He tries to deflect. "Okay, okay. Calm down. How about we talk in private, away from the ladies?"
"To give me a valid reason not to punch your fucking face? Fine. I'm okay. You'd better be sorry for how you treated my brother, though."
Better safe than sorry.
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