Jack is 16
Feilx is 18
Mark is 19
Mariza and me broke up, i was so sad i went to the bar to drink some beers to stop me from crying i sat on the stool someone stapped me i looked tk see who it was it was a guy with green hair he seems cute NO STOP FELIX i thought to my self
"Hey whats wrong you seem down" He said with a irish voice "My girlfriend broke up with me" i said "Oh i know the feeling my girlfriend broke up for me for this hot model guy hes perfect, i underatand why she did im kinda short,skinny" he said i think hes perfect
"Dang said, and my name is Feilx" i said "Mine is Sèan but you can call me jack" he said "And are you Scottish?" i asked "No im irish" he said " Ok good to know, do you want to hang out" "Sure he said" we went to a brige and heard someone crying we looked to see a guy with red hair looked half Korean with glasses he look like he was gonna jump off "DUDE what are you doing stop!" Jack said "My life sucks, my parents and siblings died in a plane crash i have no one" unknown said Jack jumps on top of him "PLEASE DONT DO IT We'll be your friend" Jack said "No!" Unknown said "PLEASE" Jack said "No" unkosn said Jack started to make puppy eyes "Pwease" Jack said "FINE!" Unkown said "YAY" Jack said lhe got back up
"By the way whats your name?" i asked "Mark" he said "Im felix and this is jack" i said "He is a cutie" mark said "He sure is" i said " Aw guys stop it" Jack said
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