Only You Can Call Me, 'Brock' (2pTerrornuckel)
2pTerroriser's P.O.V:
"Hey Moo!" I heard Bryce call Moo. "What, asshole!?" "I told you to go checked up!" "I don't need it!" "Also, where are the dumbbells?" asked Bryce. "I took it to my room yesterday." "You better bring it back!" "I will, bitch!" I just watched & listened to them. Bryce & Moo are best friends, they relate to each other, mostly their hobbies & interests.
"Moo & Bryce really are good friends." Said Nogla. "I don't think so, I just think they're both muscle heads." Said Lui. "But they do spend time with each other a lot." Said Marcel. There was one question in my mind about them. . . "Hey, Marcel?" I asked. "Yes, Terroriser?" "I was wondering. . .if they're close friends, why don't they call each other with first name? Well, Bryce is his first name, but what about Moo?" I asked. "Hmm. . .as far as I know, Moo doesn't like to be called by his name." said Marcel. "It triggers him?" asked Lui. "Yea, Moo gets really mad. It's probably tied to his past." Said Marcel. "Past. . .huh?" I said. "It's nice that you're curious, Brian~." Said Nogla. I blushed a bit, and replied, "I just wonder, since close friends like me & Evan call each other by names a lot of times." "Well, when you dig in deep, there are consequences." Said Nogla. "Yea, so be careful. Trust me, I know." Said Marcel. "Thank you, guys."
Later, I went to the lab with Moo to work on creating ammunitions & potions. Moo, he's my partner & my. . .c-crush. I like Moo a lot, he's really manly & kind. We were working together, then curiosity got me. "Um. . .Moo?" "What?" "I saw you & Bryce, y-you two seems really close." "So what? Nothing different than you & Vanoss." He replied. "I-I know, but um. . .I have been wondering something. . ." "Like?" ". . .Why don't you like being called your real name?" I dared to ask, then Moo stopped his movement. "S-Sorry, I. . .I got curious. Like, me & Evan call each other with real names, cause we're close friends, but you. . .and Bryce. . ." I trailed off, feeling a bit scared.
". . .Why should I like it?" he asked. "What?" "Why should I like or be called by a stupid name my dumbass parents gave me? They fucking abandoned me." "Moo. . ." "Stupid adults. . .if they were gonna abandon me, they should've never given birth to me. And they had the time to give a NAME to me? Fucking hell. . ." said Moo. ". . .Did you. . .ever see them?" "Yea, and I burned them alive." "R-Really?" "Yea, they had the nerves to call me 'son', when THEY were the ones who left me in the alley. I could've been dead if it weren't for the bandits who raised me instead of leaving or killing me." Said Moo. I felt really bad for him. . . "Um. . .how did you know that you had a name?" I asked, when I need to stop. . . "I had a name tag on my wrist. The bandits told me, and called me that. 'Brock'. . .I used to not care when they called me, 'Hey Brock', 'Fight, Brock', and all that, but I was told that my parents abandoned me, I knew it before, but hearing it from someone. . .just boiled my rage, and it erupted in an instant. Since then, I started hating my name. That's the origin. Satisfied?" he said, and I felt really. . .sad for him. "I'm sorry." ". . .And what the fuck are we making?" asked Moo, taking a look of the tubes. "These are new types of ammos." I replied.
'Brock'. . .that name means 'badger', 'young stag'. I think it's a beautiful name, representing manliness & strength. I wish I can get close to him. . .close enough to him that he'll allow me to call him, 'Brock', one day. One day. . .Brock. . .Brock. . . "Brian!" I heard him, and snapped out. "Y-Yea?" "I've been talking to you for a while! Jesus. . ." said Moo, holding a tube, then he turned to the shelf. "I-I'm sorry, Brock." Moo stopped at his track, then he said, "WHAT. . .DID YOU. . .JUST CALL ME?" "What? I-" I covered my mouth as I realized what I just said. "You have some nerve. . ." Moo smashed the tube he was holding, and I removed my hand from my mouth, and said, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I-It just came out!"
Suddenly, he pinned me to the wall. I can see fire in his eyes. . .he's so angry. "I-I'm so sorry, p-please. . .don't hurt me. . .please. . ." I started tearing up in fear. "You. . ." he slowly grabbed my neck, I felt a heavy grip. . .he's. . .please don't kill me, Moo. . .I haven't even told you that I like you. . . I shut my eyes, ready to embrace pain. . .hopefully, he doesn't kill me. . . I can feel his body shaking. . .in anger.
I felt something smash onto my lips. I shot open my eyes, then blushes hard as I realized that Moo was kissing me! His hand on my neck move to the back of my neck, pulling me into a deeper kiss. "M-Mmm. . ." His lips are hot & soft. . .even if he's kissing me roughly, it somehow feels gentle & tender. He pulled away, and we both panted a bit. Moo looked calm, then he kissed me again. "Mmm~. . ." Soon, he pulled away, but kissed me again, I had my mouth a bit open when he pulled away for a second, so he slipped his tongue in my mouth. "M-Mmm~. . .mm~. . ." I slowly placed my hands on his chest. His tongue is thick & he's dominating me as he intertwined our tongue. Oh Moo~. . .
Few seconds later, we parted. We panted, and I said, "M-Moo?" ". . .Fuck you, Brian. . ." "I-I'm sor-" I cut off as he said, "I like you, Brian." My brain was processing what happened, then it finally registered what he said, and I blushed hard instantly. "W-What!?" "I said I like you! Okay!? I. . .I don't fucking know why, but. . .when you. . .called me 'Brock'. . .I. . .felt different." "D-Different?" I asked. "I felt. . .joy." I blushed bright red, then he said, "I think. . .I'm only allowing you to call my name." "R-Really?" I can see him blushing, and it's so cute! "Only YOU can call me, 'Brock', you got that?" I nodded happily, then he said, "Okay. . ." We remained silent, then I said, "I love you, Brock." ". . .You little adorable bitch." He pulled me into a kiss, and I kissed him back instantly, wrapping my arms around his neck~.
Later. . . "Brock~?" I said, and hugged him from behind. "Hey Brian, what's up?" "Um. . .are we. . .lovers, now, right?" I asked, blushing. ". . .Duh, what else could we be?" "BROCK~!" I hugged him tighter. Oh, I love him! "Since when did you guys become that close?" asked Evan. "Just earlier." Replied Brock, and I blushed, hid my face in Brock's back.
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