Christmas 'Blizzard'~ (2pDaithideNoah)
3rd Person P.O.V:
It was Christmas time, TwitterTweets was busy with all the deliveries. The messengers are like elves, working in Santa's Workshop. They mostly work till midnight, midnight messengers are supposed to lock up & do some packaging for the next day's delivery, however, Noah, a midnight messenger, had some important business to do, so he changed shift for today.
Noah was on his way to Nogla's house, holding a gift. "I hope Nogla will like this. . .man, I wish I had time to wrap this in a prettier, Christmas-like gift wrapping. . .oh well. . .I didn't expect the deliveries to be THAT hard." He was rushing a little, since it was getting late, he saw the traffic light turned green when he was a little far, so he ran to make it. However, the light turned yellow soon, he was running, then a car honked. Noah looked to his right, and saw a car coming, without slowing down. Noah made it, but he trips, because of impact, he had from running, he fell, hurting his ankle a bit. "Fuck. . .ow. . .stupid driver. . ." Noah continued his way to Nogla's house.
Noah made it to Nogla's house, however, when he was about to ring the doorbell, he stopped & decided to check the present first. He shook it a bit, and heard. . .sounds. . .like glass shattering. "Oh shit. . ." Noah realized that he broke the present. "I can't give this to Nogla. . ." Noah slowly turned away to leave, suddenly. . . "Noah?" Noah stopped, and turned around, then saw Nogla, who had opened the door.
"N-Nogla!" "Oh, I thought I sensed someone, and it was you. Hi, Noah, Merry Christmas~." Said Nogla with a smile. "Um. . .M-Merry Christmas." Replied Noah, hiding the present behind his back. "So, what bring you here?" asked Nogla. "Oh, n-nothing. I-I just passed by, and uh. . .I-I should go." Said Noah, and tried to go, but his ankle hurt, having a little cut & bleeding a bit. "Agh!" Noah lost balance, then Nogla ran to help him. "Noah, are you hurt?" asked Nogla, and Noah blushes a bit. "I. . .it's just my a-ankle." Said Noah, then Nogla carries him. "N-Nogla!?" "I'll aid you. Also, we're about to have dinner." "Then I-I shouldn't bother!" "It's fine, relax Noah." Giggles Nogla, and goes inside the house.
"I'm sorry." Said Noah, who is getting aided by Nogla. "Don't worry about it, Noah." Giggles Nogla, putting a bandaid on Noah's ankle. "Hey David- oh, hey Noah!" said Aindreas, who came out from the kitchen. "Hey Andrew." Greeted Noah. "Merry Christmas! You came to celebrate with us?" asked Aindreas. "Ah, n-no, I-" Nogla cut Noah off, "Yup, and can Noah have dinner with us?" "Sure! We have plenty of food!" said Aindreas. "But. . ." "I know you haven't eaten yet, Noah." Said Nogla. ". . .Thank you." Replied Noah with a smile. "Hell yeah! More the merrier!" giggled Aindreas.
Noah wraps the present in his jacket to not let them see, and joined the dinner. "Did you have plans?" asked Aindreas to Noah. "No, not really, since I had work to do." Replied Noah. "Then this is perfect! I'm happy to have another company." Said Aindreas. "Did you get bored of celebrating with just me?" asked Nogla. "Of course not, I love you, bro, and I'm happy to celebrate with you." Said Aindreas with a smile. "Daww~, I love you too, bro." giggled Nogla. Noah smiles, looking at the two.
After dinner, Aindreas went to his room, Nogla was washing dishes & Noah helps him clean the table. Noah carried plates to Nogla, then Nogla said, "Noah. . ." "Yea?" "What were you carrying?" asked Nogla. "What do you mean?" "When I opened the door, you were hiding something, then before dinner, you wrapped it in your jacket." Noah jumps a bit, and stutters, "I-I. . .that was- um. . .uh. . .it's nothing, really! I-I'll grab more plates, and what do we do with the leftovers?" asked Noah. ". . .There are few containers to put them in. I'll get it so you can put them in." said Nogla, and stopped the tap, dried his hands & went to grab the containers. "Thanks." Said Noah, a little awkwardly.
Few seconds later, Aindreas came back, and said, "Hey! I'm gonna go pick up the Christmas cake." "Oh, do you want me to go?" asked Nogla. "No, I can go. Hey Noah, do you wanna come with me?" asked Aindreas. "Me?" "I know you're a guest & all, but I wanna talk with you a little. If that's okay with you." ". . .Sure, Andrew." Noah replied. "Be careful, guys." Said Nogla. "Don't worry, I won't crash, bro!" said Aindreas, and went to the car with Noah. When they left. . .Nogla looked at the present Noah left. . .
Aindreas was driving, Noah was on the passenger seat. "So. . .Noah?" "Yea?" "You like David, right?" asked Aindreas & Noah's face turned red. "W-W-What!? I-I-I- H-How did you-" Noah cut off as Aindreas giggles, "It's so obvious~!" "I. . ." Noah was speechless, just blushing bright red. "Hahaha, don't worry, I'm not against it or anything~." "R-Really?" "Yea, David never seemed to be interested in romance for himself, so this could be a change. I can see that David has an interest in you." "Wait, r-really?" "Yea, I can tell, trust me~." Noah felt a little relieved. "I. . .like Nogla. . .he's really kind. . .and he saved me. . ." "David is a really good brother to me, so. . .you better take good care of him." "I will. . .wait, but we aren't official or anything!" Aindreas laughs, and says, "No wonder David likes you!" "W-What do you mean!?" asked Noah, blushing red.
Later, the two picked up the cake & drove home. Once they got back, Nogla welcomed them back. Aindreas placed the cake on the table & unboxed it. "Yay! It looks amazing!" said Aindreas. "Aww~, look at the cute Santa." Giggled Noah. "Now, let's cut the cake." Said Nogla, holding plates & a knife. "I'll grab forks!" said Aindreas, and went to go get forks. Nogla cuts the cake & places them on the plates. They started to eat the cake, and Aindreas said, "This is so delicious!" "It's so good!" said Noah. "So glad we chose this cake store." Giggles Nogla. "Yup! Oh, I needed to call my boss. Sorry, I'll be back." Said Aindreas, then winks at the two. Noah blushes, and Nogla nods, Aindreas takes the cake & leaves.
Noah starts to get a little nervous, then Nogla said, "Noah." "Y-Yes?" "I'm sorry." "For what? What's wrong?" asked Noah, then Nogla shows the present Noah brought. "That's-" "While you & Andrew were out. . .I. . .took a peek. I know, I didn't get your permission." "Nogla. . ." "However. . .this is for ME, right~?" asked Nogla, showing the tag that said, 'To: David From: Noah'. Noah blushes, and Nogla asked, "May I open this?" "Well. . .um. . .but. . .you're gonna be disappointed. . ." said Noah, and Nogla started to open the present.
There was a mug, plate, & silver utensils, but the plate & mug were broken. "I-I'm sorry, Nogla, I. . .I got into a little accident, and. . .it. . .it's ruined. . ." said Noah, embarrassed, almost tearing up. ". . .Thank you, Noah." Replied Nogla, and Noah looks at him, Nogla had a smile, then says, "I love it." Noah tears up, feeling so embarrassed & felt that Nogla was forcing himself to not hurt him. "I-I'm sorry. . ." cries Noah, then Nogla hugs him. "Don't cry, I really do love it, Noah. Plate & mug is broken, but Andrew can fix them. Also, the utensils are unharmed. Thank you, I'm really happy, Noah." "N-No. . .NOGLA!" cried Noah, and buries his face in Nogla's chest. Nogla holds Noah tight, securing & comforting him. "There, there." Said Nogla, softly patting Noah's head.
After Noah stopped crying, Nogla picks up Noah. "Ah!" Nogla places Noah on his lap, and Noah blushes deep. "You're so sensitive, Noah~." Giggled Nogla. "S-Sorry." Said Noah, blushing. Nogla reaches his hand out to the fork, grabs it, then started to feed Noah the cake with it. "N-Nogla. . ." "Here you go~, say 'ahhh'~." Noah hesitated, but soon opens his mouth, "A-Ahhh. . ." Nogla feeds Noah the cake, and Nogla smiles. Nogla puts the fork down, then takes the cream from the cake with his finger, then purposely paste it on Noah's cheek. "Wah! N-Nogla?" "Stay still~." Said Nogla, then leans closer to Noah, who blushes. Nogla gently licks the cream off of Noah's cheek~. Noah was blushing hard, "N-Nogla. . ." As Noah moaned a little, the sly man, Nogla is, he pulls Noah into a kiss, slipping his tongue in Noah's mouth~. Noah was surprised, but soon melts in the deep kiss~, as Nogla explores Noah's sweet mouth~. "M-Mmmm~. . ." Noah moans, then Nogla pulls away, he leans to Noah's ear & whispers, "Why don't you stay over tonight~?" "N-Nogla. . .y-yes, please~. . ." replied Noah.
Nogla carries Noah to his room~, then places Noah on the bed, and starts stripping him~. Noah was naked, lying on the bed, and Nogla stares up & down at Noah's body. Noah was blushing, Nogla hovers on top of Noah, and said, "You have a nice body, Noah." "W-Well. . .I. . .I try. . ." replies Noah, blushing. Nogla smirks, and says, "It's nice, especially these~." Nogla touches one of Noah's nipples~, and Noah moans, "Ah~!" "Are you okay? Am I hurting you?" asked Nogla, as he gently rubs one of Noah's nipples. "Ahhh~. . .I-I'm o-okay." Replies Noah, panting a bit. "Alright, good~." Said Nogla, then starts planting kisses on Noah's body. "Ahhh~. . ." Noah moans softly, and Nogla says, "Smooth skin~, you take good care of your body, huh? I'm jealous~." Nogla gently licks one of Noah's nipples, and Noah squeaks a bit, "Ahhh~! N-Nogla~. . ." Nogla stops, then said, "I want you to take care of me & I want to take care of you~." Nogla softly sucks on Noah's nipple, and Noah moans, "Ah~!"
Few minutes later of preparation~, Nogla had stripped all the way, and lines his hard member to Noah's hole~, then slowly thrusts in~. "Ahhhhh!" "Ahhh~. . .so tight~, Noah~. . .I-I can barely move~." Nogla groans a bit, and Noah pants, "N-Nogla~. . ." "A little more okay?" Nogla slowly keeps thrusting & went all in~. "Ahhh~. . ." moans Nogla, and Noah moans, "Ahhhh!" Noah grips on the bed sheets. "Noah, you're so hot & tight inside~, I-I really like it~." "Mmmm~. . ." Noah blushes, then Nogla slowly starts thrusting~. "Ahhhh~!" Noah moans. "Noah~, you keep tightening around my penis as I thrust~, each time~." Nogla moans, and Noah moans, "P-Please~, d-don't say anything~! Ahhhh~!" "But~. . ." Nogla trails of a bit, then starts to pick up the pace, "It's so good~." Noah's body tenses up as Nogla thrusts in harder~. "Tight & hot~, i-it's melting my penis~." "Mmmm- ahhh~!" Noah arches his back as Nogla thrusts in deep~. "Ahh~, here~, it's even tighter~." "Ahhhhhh~! D-David~!" Noah moans, gripping tighter on the bed sheets~. "Yes, honey~?" Said Nogla, then leans down & kisses Noah. "M-Mmmm~!" Noah moans in the kiss as Nogla thrusts faster, hard & deep~. Noah breaks the kiss, and moan out, "Ahhh~!" "Ahhh~. . . I-I never knew you were this tight~, Noah~." Moans Nogla with a sly smirk~, making Noah blush bright red. "Ahhhhhh~! N-Nogla~!" Nogla leans to Noah's ear & whispers, "It's so good~, I can't stop~." Nogla thrusts faster, and moans, "Too good~. My penis loves being inside you~." "Ahhh~! Y-You're s-so big~!" Nogla giggles, "Thanks~, I'm gonna-ahhh~. . ." Nogla thrusts harder, ". . .make snow inside your cute ass~." Noah pants heavily, as he gets penetrated in his ass~.
They changed position, Noah on top of Nogla, he lines Nogla's member to his hole & slowly sit on it. "Ahhhh~!" "Ahhh~. . ." Noah stays still to get adjusted, but Nogla thrusts up a bit, causing Noah to yelp, "Ah! W-Wait!" "Hmm~. . .it doesn't feel good like before. . .let's see~. . ." said Nogla, and starts thrusting, trying to find Noah's g-spot~. "Ahhh~! N-Nogla~! D-Don't~! I-I'm not-ahhh~!" Noah moans out as he gets hit in his prostate, and grips on Nogla's arms. "Ahh~, there we go~." Nogla starts thrusting up into Noah's prostate in a slow pace. "Ahhh~! N-Nogla~, f-faster~! P-Please~. . ." pleads Noah, and Nogla smirks, "Since you asked nicely~." Nogla holds Noah's hips, then starts thrusting up faster. "Ahhhh~!" "Ahhh~, Noah~, I-I'm cumming~." "Ahhhh~! I-I'm cumming~!" Noah moans, drooling a bit. Nogla picks up the pace, their skins smacking each other, Noah had tears of pleasure & hearts in his eyes. "Ahhhh~! Nogla~! Hah~! I'm gonna cum~! CUM~!" "N-Noah~." "AHHHHH~! DAVID~!" moans Noah & releases, making a mess on Nogla's chest. "Mmm~, Noah~!" moans Nogla, and thrusts up, deep, then releases his seeds inside Noah. "Ahhh~. . ." Nogla moans with a satisfied look on his face. "Ahhhh~. . ." moans Noah, his body twitching a bit from being filled up, panting heavily.
Nogla sits up, hugs Noah, then gently lays him down on the bed, and he pulls out. Nogla soon lifts Noah's legs up to see Noah's hole~. Noah was panting, and his hole had Nogla's seeds leaking out~. "Aww~, your ass is filled with my snow~." Giggles Nogla. Upon hearing that, Noah looks at Nogla, then realizes his position & that Nogla was looking at his hole. "N-Nooo. . .d-don't look~. . ." Noah tried to cover his hole with his hands, but he was too tired to reach, soon Nogla grabs Noah's hands to prevent Noah from hiding his hole~. "Oh my~. . ." said Nogla as he watches the seeds slide down of Noah's hole. "Mmmm!" Noah shuts his eyes, blushing hard, feeling embarrassed, but can't do anything. "Noah~. . .can I cum inside you more~? Your hole. . .it's beautiful, filled with snow~, it's dripping out. . .so sexually~. I want to give you more~." Nogla licks his lips, seeing how lewd Noah is right now, he feels horny once again~. "J-Just fuck me already! D-Do whatever you want with me! I'm all yours!" shouts Noah, blushing madly. Nogla smiles innocently, and said, "This is the best present ever~."
"Ahhhhhh~!" moans Noah with tears of pleasure & drooling. "D-David~! Please~! F-Fuck me harder~! Ahhh~!" Nogla was pounding Noah, right in the prostate, making Noah moan loud & get lost in pleasure. "Ahhh~, Noah, it's so good~! Noah~, I'm gonna make a blizzard inside you~! Ahhh~, Noah~!" moans Nogla as he, himself gets lost in pleasure pounding Noah's tight ass~. "Ahhhhh~! P-Pwease~! G-Give it to me~! M-More~!" begs Noah, and Nogla replies, "Of course, my love~." "Ahhhhh~! N-Nogla~!" Noah moans as Nogla goes even faster. "Ahhh~, N-Noah~, so cute~, adorable~!" "Ahhhh~! I-I'm cumming~! Ahhhhhh~!" Noah releases, making a mess on the bed sheets, then Nogla thrusts in deep & releases inside of Noah. "Ahhhh~. . .Noah~, t-take my love seeds~." Nogla starts kissing Noah's back, and Noah moans, "Ahhhh~. . .s-so hot~. . .i-it's melting me~. . .ahhh~." Noah's body twitches a bit as he feels Nogla's seed leak out of his hole, sliding down on his thigh. "Oh my sweet marshmallow~. . ." Nogla kisses Noah's neck, then moves his hands to pinch & rub Noah's nipples. "Melt in my love~." "Ahhhh~. . .p-please. . .eat me~. . ." "Gladly~." Replies Nogla & pulls Noah into a kiss.
"Mmmmm~. . ." moans Noah, then Nogla pulls away, and tells Noah, "Stick your tongue out, Noah~." Noah obeys Nogla, then Nogla sucks on Noah's tongue & intertwines their tongue. "Mmmm~. . ." Both of them moans in the kiss. Soon, Nogla pulls away, and said, "Noah, I love you~." "I-I love you. . .too~, David~." Moans Noah happily. Nogla slowly pulls out, then Noah loses balance & fell on the bed, Nogla soon lays beside Noah, and holds Noah close. "Merry Christmas~." Said Nogla, kissing Noah's forehead. Noah smiles happily, and snuggles up against Nogla, then mumbles, "Merry Christmas~. . ."
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