Via: My life is a strange one at that, why the hell do you even want to know?! Stay the fuck out of my shed got that??!!
Via: Fine, my life is a fucking living hell... First off people keep stealing my fucking chainsaw Killer, secondly I have to deal with Wisconsin, oh sorry "EM" all the fucking time, I'm telling you she's worse then your precious Russia and Belarus COMBINED!!! Let me show you what I mean...
Via's POV
I sighed leaning against the back wall of my shed, broken glass covered the floor, my favorite weapons of torture, chainsaws and knives hanging on the walls like medals. I scowled my brown eyes were starting to swirl red from annoyance as I thought of that stupid fucking West bastard, he's the western half of me, why the hell does he think he's on top? He's a fucking bitch, and I hate every fucking inch of that guy. But NO it doesn't JUST have to be him either. My fucking dad, Al. God dammit he's annoying stop fucking flirting jeez, no one is going to have fucking sex with you just, GET OVER IT!!! If I had to say though the one thing I've inherited from Vegan ass, and that fucking cupcake bastard is their eyes. When I get angry my brown eyes swirl red, I hate it. Out of all of my family, Matt is the most fucking tolerable... I can stand him. I growled standing up and pacing back and forth in my shed, bodies lay In a pile over in the back right corner. 'Ill have to get rid of those...' I reminded myself as I paced. I heard a pounding on the door. "STAY OUT OF MY SHED!!!" I hissed, grabbing Killer my chainsaw. "Hello big sister~!" 'SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!!! IT'S WISCONSIN!!!' I stayed out not moving, scowling. "GET THE FUCKING HELL OUTTA HERE YOUR NOT WELCOME!!! STAY OUT OF MY SHED!!!" I could hear her pounding on the door again. "Oh common big sister... Don't be such a jerk... I came to get something back from you~ now open up before I have to break down these nice doors big sister~ I'm going to break down these doors big sister~ they can't separate us big sister! I won't let them big sister! I will get my revenge big sister!!!" She said her voice wavering and raspy, I always knew she was a crazy ass hag, but this was worse. I felt my blood start to boil. Wisconsin AKA EM was a creepy ass mother fucker. She used to watch me while I slept as kids, and I still have to chase her away at times. She wants revenge. Once when I was chasing her out I stabbed her with one of my knives and took out her eye ball, she wants revenge now... I still have her eye, I kept it as a victory prize. "Open up big sister! Let me iiiiinnnnnn!" "GO AWAY THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M OPENING THESE DOORS!!!" I yelled, I'm not fucking scared of nothing, but she at times creeped the hell out of me, and there's no way I was going to let that show now. "Big sister~ I'm going to bust open these doors~ I found your spare key~ no one can separate us now!!!" I forgot about the spare key... Why the fuck did my shed, which was basically my sane place, have a spear key??? Oh, that's right... In case I'm about to murder Flavio or Luciano and lost the key so I can get inside there fast so I A: don't die, or B: don't kill them... Fuck. I heard the shed doors click open, I reached behind me grabbing my knives, this time I was going to put her down, permanently. My smile was another thing I inherited from that fucking cup cake bastard. When I got dialed up I had the most insane and creepy smirk you'll ever see. My eyes began to swirl red, and I was excited. This would be my first time actually allowing myself to murder someone in months! How exciting~! I'm going to hang her body up on my shed door. No, I'm going to hang her body in front of Great lake's trio's house~ oh but they won't be a trio anymore will they then... Hm, a duet more likely. Ou, I'm going to give Minnesota a blood donation, of HER blood, how joyous! I can do so many things... The shed doors opened to see Em standing there, eyeing me hungrily. She was serious. Her usually long blond hair was cut like she had done it with a knife, it was all jagged. Her black eye patch was soaked with blood, and it also ran down her face. 'She stabbed herself in the eye...' I observed, my hands gripping the knives with excitement. "Hey. Hey. Hey... I thought I told you to stay out of my shed~" I sang my usual tune, but before I could do anything Em fell to the ground, my shed floor. I snapped out of insanity almost instantly, my eyes retuning to normal. I looked to see Ohio AKA Kris standing there with a scowl on his face. "Fucking crazy women..." He hissed, unlike me he took after Al in his preference of weapons, he carried a bloodied baseball bat in his hand, which was swung over his shoulder casually. "Minnesota's looking for her, I thought I'd find her myself and bring the stupid chick back to him." He said reading my thoughts. "I'll get out of your shed now." He said swinging Wisconsin over his shoulder, walking out. I snarled, frustrated and disappointed at the fact that I didn't get to kill her right there. I snatched the spare key, pulling it out of the lock on my shed door, and slamming my shed doors shut, locking them both. I grabbed my I-phone, turning it on, I plugged my ear buds into my ears, scrolling down the cracked screen, before playing some music.
I sighed sliding down into the floor against the far wall once again, listening to one of my favorite songs.
'I dance around this empty house
Tear us down, throw you out
Screaming down the halls
Spinning all around and now we fall'
'Pictures framing up the past
Your taunting smirk behind the glass
This museum full of ash
Once a tickle, now a rash'
'This used to be a fun house
But now it's full of evil clowns
It's time to start the count down
I'm gonna burn it down, down, down
I'm gonna burn it down'
'9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fun'
((A/n: Song: Fun house
I don't own this song~
I hopped you enjoyed this chapter!!! Would you like a cup cake? Haha no just kidding!!! If you want to suggest which state/group/trio I should do next...
and no I'm NOT going to do lemons/limes sorry~))
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