#FashionFriday -- my fashion style.
I like a collected, preppy look. My personality is one that wants to have it all together, to be on top of things, and naturally my dress reflects that. So a polo shirt, jeans with a belt, socks, and tennis shoes, and you have a typical spring day outfit.
My jeans sit at my waist, not my hips. I can't stand the feeling of having them not properly cinched in. I also prefer that they not have holes in them. The whole "rip-up-denim-on-purpose" thing... I just don't get that.
I don't like shorts; capris are fine, but shorts just don't feel right on me. Unless I'm swimming.
When I was twelve, I wouldn't wear any shirt that didn't have a collar and buttons... some mixture of adolescent self-consciousness and an Anne of Green Gables fad, maybe? I still like them, but I don't mind a plain neckline now. Just stay modest, and I'm good. But what I cannot stand in shirts are three-quarter sleeves. Those are disgusting.
(Mind you, this only applies on me! I don't mind when other people wear 3/4 sleeves, or jeans at the hips. Please don't send me shorts for Christmas, that's all I ask. XD)
Sunday, of course, is the day for me to put on my best. I tend to collect pretty dress shirts and simple, full skirts -- that's the average for a Sunday. Being short, most skirts I get are too big, but that's a simple fix; take in the waist, and I have a perfectly good skirt three inches nearer the floor than it was made to be. I like dresses too, when I can find a good modest one that fits me. As for footwear, sandals or ballet flats fit the bill, and my dressy self is ready to go.
oh my goodness where do I even start
no I don't have commentary as commentary, let me just debrief you with my current style instead
first of all: I am still preppy, I aDORE preppy, I would describe my current workaday style as preppy/conservative/business casual, but that means *hacking cough* different things for me than it did four years back
second of all: if I have the excuse for it, I will wear skirts in public outside Sunday gatherings. I have discovered a fondness for jumpers (I mean pinafores, not sweaters, ye of the British Isles) and midi skirts in particular but rly anything dressy goes
I,,,, have expanded my wardrobe to include shorts although I hate the effort of making my legs presentable and I live in an icebox state so honestly I still don't wear them much
I don't like super low-rise jeans but I'm also wearing a pair of jeans that sits kinda halfway down my hips right now so draw your own conclusions
my ideal style includes more capris, trench coats, and midi-length dresses than I currently own
finally, I would have probably dropped dead before I wore a skirt above my knees four years ago, but last summer I acquired not one but three dresses with a hem above/at knee length and tbh one of them is quite flattering, and the shortest one I wore to a friend's wedding and experienced no embarrassment or guilt in consequence
(this is not to say that such dresses are free of inconvenience, because they are highly inconvenient)
all in all I really just like exploring a variety of styles, color palettes, and textures, and past me had sadly narrow horizons despite an overall sustainable vision
This has been Ver rambling on style, tune in for more commentary tomorrow (bucket list?? this should be good)
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