Day twenty eight.
December 31st 2019, 28 days after Louis' death.
Dear Louis,
It's almost 2020 Lou, but I won't be here to see it.
I stayed 28 days. I lived 28 days without you. Each day was agony but now I'm going to see you again, I will be whole again.
I'm here in the bathroom sat in the same spot I held you on the 3rd of December, I feel closer to you when I'm here. If the boys find this then I want them to know I'm happier now, and that I just couldn't live without you, Lou. You're my soulmate, my world, my sunshine. My only sunshine.
See you soon, You will be in my arms and I will be happy with you once again.
Always in my heart Louis Tomlinson, yours sincerely Harry.
For the one last time, Love H.
3rd person P.O.V
The last thing Harry remembered was the burning on his skin, telling him to stop but he couldn't.
He didn't want to be here anymore.
He couldn't.
He needed Louis. And Louis left. The pain was unbearable without him, Louis was his life, and when he left, Harry had no reason to live anymore.
His head started getting foggy and he dropped the blade that was pressing into all areas of his body before leaning against the wall behind him. 28 days ago, the love of his life left him in this exact place. He felt closer to him in some way.
Harry's eye sight started to get fuzzy, he looked around and all he saw was red. The floor, his clothes, his body. He knew what he was doing. He knew what was about to happen. He was going to die.
He wasn't scared though.
He was relieved.
He would finally leave this place. A place that felt dull and dark without Louis, he never thought he would understand the feeling of losing someone so close to you. But when he saw Louis' lifeless, frail body in his arms, he felt like all the reasons of life were taken from him too.
Louis was his life. Then he left. And now Harry's leaving whatever is left of his life. He needed Louis. In life or death, he would need Louis. So I guess death is their meeting place.
Harry could no longer feel the burning on his arm, he realized how much blood he had lost, he also had a bottle of pills a few minutes ago. He was slipping out of consciousness or maybe he was slipping out of life, he wasn't sure anymore.
The only thing he was sure of was the voice echoing around the room. It was Liam. Harry didn't want him to find him. He had to die. He didn't want to live. But he didn't have the strength to move, so he just stayed where he was, almost lifeless.
Liam's voice got closer, he seemed frantic and afraid. He hated what he was doing to the people around him, that was the only part he didn't like, that was the only reason he lasted 28 days. Harry only caught sight of Liam running into the room before his eyes closed, too tired to keep them open.
He wasn't tired like he needed to sleep, he was tired of living.
"No, no, no. C'mon, H." He heard Liam mumble as he felt his body being dragged a little before it was leant back against something again. "I cant lose you too."
Harry wanted to open his eyes and let him know that he wanted this, and that he was sorry. But he couldn't. He just laid there and listened to Liam's begging to hold on. Hold on until the ambulance got here.
No. No ambulance. He had to die.
"C'mon, H. Don't leave us too. Just hold on, the ambulance is coming." Liam whispered.
"No." Harry used all the strength he could to whisper one thing. It was all a blur after that, he heard Liam's shouting and crying, he felt his body being moved, and he felt pressure on his chest. But then nothing.
He felt nothing.
His soul stayed in his body for a few more hours, tired of struggling to stop nature's power. Then his body laid there, lifeless, completely powerless. The inhaled air never being exhaled again.
That's when his life ended. His soul left his body, leaving this world maybe forever. He hoped people would understand why he did it. There was no point being alive without Louis, Louis was his life and he was gone. He hoped he wouldn't cause people too much pain, the pain he felt when Louis left was agony. He wouldn't want anyone to feel that.
But maybe now, he would find Louis again. Maybe in another universe.
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