Dec 6 pt1 - Snowball...
Part one is posted today, and part 2 and dec 7 tomorrow!
Peter POV:
The next morning, I wake up and something feels... different. I get out of bed and run to the window. It's stopped snowing. It had been snowing since the 2nd, and finally it's stoppe- oh my god.
"OH MY GOD!" I shout as I run down the hallway. Clint pokes his head out of his room, and I notice he's not wearing a shirt.
"Peter?" He says and suddenly Pietro is behind him, also shirtless. And might I add, they're hair was a mess. Well okay then...
"It stopped snowing!" I jump up and down, before continuing to run down the hallway. "WE GET TO HAVE THE FIRST SNOW BALL FIGHT OF THE YEAR!" I exclaim happily, and Clint gives me a tired grin.
"I'm all in for that, but right now me and P'tro (I beg of you help me w/ a nickname for Pietro) are gonna go back to sleep cause there's such a thing as beauty rest you know." Clint calls after me before closing the door. Then I continue going off to find whoever I could to tell about my brilliant idea. Ooh, I bet Shuri is probably up by now! I bet she's in the lab.
As soon as the doors open, I step out of the elevator and into the lab. I spot Shuri leaning her head on her hand which was leaning on the table. Meanwhile her other hand is scrolling through her phone which is on the table. I walk over towards her and she doesn't seem to see me. I'm right behind her, and I peak over her shoulder. She's scrolling through snapchat, looking at pictures of MJ from my snap MJ's.
Then I tap her on the shoulder and she snaps upright, looking around. Then she sees me and sighs.
"You scared me!" She slaps my arm, and then slumps back down. Shuri grabs her phone, and shoves into her pocket.
"You really like her don't you?" I ask her, and she nods.
"Yeah I- she's just... perfect." Shuri replies deflated. "And I'm... just me." I frown at her and take a seat next to her.
"Hey, Shuri, listen to me." I turn her to face me. "I've known you for two years, and granted this is our first time meeting in person, I for one am glad that you're just you. Because if you were anyone else you wouldn't be the Princess of Wakanda, or super super smart, or be a snarky royal badas-" She cuts me off before I can finish.
"PETER!" She whisper-shouts and covers my mouth. "You're too innocent to say bad words!" Then she leans in close to my ear. "And I'm pretty sure that Steve has planted cameras around the tower that are activated by swearing." She adds in a quiet voice. I nod along. "But really, that meant a lot. But do you think she might like me? Even if it's just a small chance. Like a .899% chance-" This time I cut her off.
"Shuri, have you seen the way MJ looks at you?" I say. "Every time she's around you she blushes." This makes her blush. "Oh, and plus when I asked if she could come over tomorrow to pick out secret santa names, she asked if you were gonna be there." I tell her, and Shuri smiles a bit wider.
"Thank you Peter," She stands up and gives me a hug. "Now, why did you come down here again?" She asks me and I think back to why I- OH RIGHT!
"I never said, but I do have something to tell you." I tell her and Shuri crosses her arms and gives me the 'okay go ahead' look.
"Well when I woke up this morning, which was like 15 minutes ago, I looked out the window and saw that it wasn't snowing anymore-" Shuri seemed to catch on and beat me to it.
"SNOWBALL FIGHT"! She exclaims, and I nod with wide eyes.
"Yeah!" I say and we both race to the elevator, before I stop and turn around. "Hey, wait..." I scan the lab. "We could make things to help us in the fight later." I say and Shuri's eyes light up.
"Ooohhh yeah," She says and runs off towards the tool section of the lab, meanwhile I pull up holographic projections of snowball catchers.
Steve POV:
I wake up to hearing a loud sound, and slowly get out of bed. I know that Tony needs his sleep, and that once he's up he's stubborn to get sleep again. But as soon as I'm outside our room, I hear the sound again.
"Friday where is that sound coming from?" I ask the AI.
<The noises are coming from outside Capsicle> She says and I thank her before getting on my boots, coat, hat, and going outside. But one I step foot in the snow and look around, I take note of the scene in front of me. And let's just call it... chaotic.
There's two snow mounds facing one another, both a good distance apart. Peter is behind one, and Shuri is behind the other. I watch as they use some form of technology to make snowballs, and throw them as well. When one of them gets pelted in the face, they scream loudly and press down on their snowball-launching machine to send more snow at the other. So I guess that's where the loud noises were coming from. Suddenly they see me and I freeze. Uh oh.
"Hey Pops!" Peter calls and I give a wave back. Please don't pelt me please don't pelt me...
"So uh, whatcha two doing there?" I ask them and they both shrug.
"Just testing out some stuff we made for the snowball fight later." Peter tells me, and a mental alarm goes off in my head. Snowball fight... oh god no. Last time this happened everyone was close to getting hyperthermia. I know for a fact that Strange did not like that part.
"Okay cool, well I guess I'll see you two later then." I remark and start to walk away.
"Yep!" I hear Shuri call, right before the sounds of their snowball fight continue. But as soon as I get out of the elevator and into the tower I book it to me and Tony's room. I jump on the bed and start shaking his shoulders.
"Tony! Tony wake up!" I say, and I watch as his eyes flutter. Then they fully open and go wide as they see his husband, me, hovering over him. He falls off the side of the bed, most likely spooked.
"S-Steve? Wh-What are you doing?" He exclaims and I extend my hand to him, and help him back up onto the bed.
"Um okay so, I heard a loud noise so I went outside to check it out and it turned out to be Peter and Shuri engaged in a snowball fight, because guess what? It stopped snowing, so then I realized that-" I'm about to get to the whole reason why I came up here, but Tony stopped me.
"Wait wait wait, I just woke up and I didn't understand a word of what you just said." He waves his hands in the hair. "Go back, go... slower." I sigh and he runs a hand down his face. "We. Need. Snow. Tech." I explain like I'm talking to a 4 year old. Tony rolls his eyes.
"Real mature." Tony remarks and then I roll my eyes, and get off the bed.
"Come on," I drag out the word 'on' as I attempt to pull Tony off of the bed, but he pulls against me.
"No Steve- stop- wait what?" He asks me, still confused. I sigh, again.
"Tony, it stopped snowing and Peter and Shuri are making snowball makers and all that jazz. And I'd rather go into another snowball fight with a technical advantage, instead of getting creamed." I explain and realization finally dawns on Tony's face.
"They're gonna cream us!" He exclaims and jumps out of bed running for our shared dresser. He quickly grabs one of my plaid shirts and a pair of my brown pants and throws them at me. I start to put them on. Then he pulls out one of his band shirts and a pair of his black jeans, and slips on the pants before running out the door. I follow him as he struggles to put the shirt on while moving. But eventually he and the Black Ice t-shirt came to an agreement when Tony got into the elevator. And as soon as the doors open to the lab, we can see parts and pieces spread out across two separate tables.
"Fri can you pull the blueprints of what they built?" Tones asks his AI.
<I am sorry Boss, but Mini Boss has asked me that if you asked to not show you> She tells us, and I watch Tony skeptically.
"Did he also tell you to tell us that so complicatedly?" He mumbles to himself before turning to me.
"Steve," he claps his hands. "Go over to that work bench and grab my red and black tool box labeled "For those about to rock", and put it on table 4, and then the blue and black one labeled "we salute you." on table 5. I'm gonna go get my Christmas planning bin from the basement. It has a whole bunch of snow launching ideas in it from over the years." Tony tells me, with a small glint in his eyes.
"Sure thing Boss," I say with a smile as Tony gets into the elevator.
"Even just saying things like that you turn me on," He says under his breath, and I turn to face him just before the doors close.
"It's my specialty." I wink just as they slam shut.
Clint POV:
As soon as my alarm goes off, I shoot out of bed and rush to get ready. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. But when I get out, Pietros waiting at the door.
"What took you so long?" He teases me, but I just smirk and grab his hand.
"Come on Speedy Boy." I rush through the hallway, before my boyfriend scoops me up and runs into the living room, and then he opens the vents and we hop in. By now I've been set down, and we work our way through the vent system until we're at our secret spot. This is where we (or sometimes just me) plan and prep pranks. But yesterday, I had checked the forecast, you know, like a normal person, and saw that it was going to stop snowing today. And knowing Peter, he would want to have a snowball fight. So me and Piets (I BEG of you help me w/ a nickname) had begun planning out a snowball launching system. Due to his fastness, Pietro would be making all the snowballs. And I would be the one to throw them, considering my good aim and all. But we'd need something more if we were gonna take down some people - hint hint, wink wink, - who were gonna be using high-tech stuff for all that. So I thought of setting up a snowball cannon on the roof, and to have a remote on me so I could control who it shot at. Now I mean we have a tennis ball launcher, already modified, but now we need to make it better at handling snow.
"Wrench," I say with a strip of duct tape between my teeth.
"Wrench." Pietro hands me a small metal wrench, and I tighten one of the bolts. Then Pietro places a curved piece of plastic down and I duck tape it to keep it in place. Then I glue it in, with gorilla glue of course.
"Perfect." I say and admire our handiwork.
"Yes it is, just like my boyfriend." Pietro says, finishing off with a kiss. I pull apart from him after a moment.
"And just like mine." I say and then we kiss again.
Nat POV:
I wake up to the smell of bacon. I follow my nose out to the kitchen where Wanda was making breakfast.
"Morning sleepyhead," She says and flips a pancake.
"Morning." I reply as she passes me a cup of coffee.
"So I heard from a certain Bird Brain, that there was gonna be a snowball fight later." She tells me, and I raise an eyebrow.
"Mmhh?" I remark and Wanda nods.
"Yeah," She says and turns over a piece of bacon in the pan. "But, I went out a little while ago and pre-bought just about half of the hot cocoa packets from the store." Wanda tells me, and I take a sip from my coffee.
"Okay good," I set my coffee down and stand up, walking behind the counter to where Wanda was. "So, do you think we should prepare for the fight later?" I ask her. "You know, considering that everyone else is gonna be using technology?"
Wanda just shrugs. "I see no reason for us to." She then uses her magic to get out a plate and put bacon on it. "I mean, I have my magic, and with your skill set we could easily make, throw, and dodge plenty of snow." My girlfriend states simply, and hands me the plate of food. I grab it and sit back down, starting to eat. Wanda joins me, And about 3 minutes later we hear the vents above the kitchen open, and Clint sticks his head out of them. Then he shoots one of his plunger arrows at the pile of bacon that Wanda had left out, and retracts it back up to where I'm guessing him and Pietro have been for the past half hour or so. Then he closes the vents, and he's gone.
"So... Wanna wanna go binge watch netflix in bed after breakfast?" I ask her and she nods, a small smile growing on her face.
"Yes, yes I do."
Did you guys like the pics I added in? 😏😏😏
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