Dec 5 - That Awkward Moment When-
Peter POV:
"Come on Pete!" I hear someone yell from the living room, and I quickly pull on my pants, grab my backpack, and run out of my room into the living room. When I get there I see Dad, Pops, Clint, Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, Nat, Sam, Thor and Bruce. "Finally!" Wanda rushes me over to everyone and hands me a slip of paper and a pen.
"Here, write down your name." She says and I do. Peter Parker.
"Wait- whoops..." I chuckle, and look back up at Wanda. "Uhh... sorry I wrote Peter Parker because I usually write Parker on my school papers." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, and Wanda hands me another slip of paper. I quickly scribble down 'Peter Stark' and hand it back to her.
"So uh, what are you going to do with that?" I ask and she folds it in half and sets it down in a pile with other slips of paper.
"Oh, it's for a secret santa later. Nat had the idea last night and I said that we should totally do one." Wanda explains and I smile.
"Yeah! That will be so fun!" I say as I grab my toast from the toaster. (I put it in the night before, and have Friday start the toaster at a certain time every morning that way I can eat it on my way to school.) "So when are we drawing names?" I ask and then put the toast in my mouth as I get on my shoes.
"Oh does after school work?" She asks me and I nod, then take the toast out of my mouth.
"Yeah," I grab my coat and press the down button on the elevator. But just as I step in, Wanda calls out to me.
"Oh hey, Peter!" Wanda says and I turn around. "You can invite some of your friends if you want too!" She says and I nod.
"Will do!" I wave and take a bite of my toast just as the elevator doors close.
TimeSkip to lunch
A good 10 minutes into lunch, and me MJ, Ned, and Harley are laughing away at one of the Obi-Wan Cannoli memes on my phone. Then suddenly I remember about the secret santa and put my phone away.
"So uh guys," I start to say, and I have all their attention, well minus MJ who had her nose in a book. "I have something to ask you all." I take a bit of my lunch.
"Go ahead Looser." MJ says and sets down her book.
"Well you see, my aunt thought it would be a good idea to do a secret santa and my other aunt said that I could invite you guys... but only if you want. We're drawing names after school if you want to come over for that." I explain and they all think for a moment.
"Sure I'd be down for that." MJ says looking back down at her book, but not before looking back up at me in the eyes. "Will Shuri be there?" She asks hesitantly and I nod my head, causing a light blush to spread across her cheeks. "Good." She says and turns the page of her book.
"Well I mean... on one hand your family-" Ned starts to say before looking over at Harley. He doesn't really know anything about my family other than the fact that I have two dads. Then Ned clears his throat and looks away from Harley.
"Yeah well I mean sure I guess..." Ned says and I turn to Harley. He has a smirk on his face.
"You in Harls?" I ask him.
"Yep, I'm all in for meeting Pete's family." He says and I'm silent for a moment. "W-What... did I say something wrong?" Harley's expression drops and I rush to responde.
"OH- no no no, it's just that... Well I'll tell you after school." I say and he shrugs.
TimeSkip after school
As we all wait for Happy's car to pull up, I turn to Harley.
"So uh," I start awkwardly. "You know how I said I'd tell you something after school?" I ask and he nods. "Yes, well actually it's two things." I say and then Happy's car pulls up.
"Shotgun." MJ says calmly and gets in the passenger's seat. Though I could tell she only did it so me and Harley would be stuck in the back together, with Ned of course.
"So Harley, I'm gonna need you to not question where we're ah... where we're going until we get into um... t-the elevator." I say and a confused expression crosses over his face.
"Elevator?" He asks and I nod, scratching the back of my neck. I can see in the rear view mirror, Ned and MJ sharing a look.
TimeSkip to right outside tower after Happy dropped them off
"Peter, wait why are we at the Avenges Tower?" Harley asks me and I gulp before looking at him.
"I uh- well..." I play with my fingers nervously. What if he hates that Dad and Pops are my dads? What if he's homophobic? Well I mean he knows I have two dad and all, but I never really knew his opinion on that. B-But what if he is, and I ruin our whole friendship if I tell him how I really-
"Peter?" Harley waves a hand in front of my face and I snap out of it. (ouch sorry...)
"Oh uh... sorry what? Spaced out." I say and Harley gives me a concerned look.
"The tower?" He asks me and I then remember why we're here.
"OH RIGHT!" I say and swallow down my fears. "F-Follow me," I say and enter the building.
I watch as Marey, who works the front desk on Wednesdays, looks up at the group of teens entering the building. I can tell she's about ready to come over and tell us to leave, but then she sees me. Then she just smiles and waves, before getting back to work helping a visitor. Then we get to the elevators and I press the up button, and I rock back and forth on my feet as we wait. Then it dings and all four of us get in. We're all waiting in uncomfortable silence until Harley finally breaks it.
"Peter?" He asks me, and I can hear a little annoyance in his voice. "Peter what the heck are we doing here?!" He finally snaps slightly, and I flinch. But he notices and calms down a bit. "Seriously, you said you were gonna explain but you haven't so far." He says and I look up and meet his gaze.
"Harley, um... well there's something I haven't told you before, and I kinda need to tell you now, seeing as your about to meet my family." I say and play with my fingers behind my back. "M-My family is... well lets just say that my dads are-" I'm cut off by the doors dinging, then opening. Harley turns towards them and I'm not kidding when I say his jaw drops. Any further and we would have to hinge it back on.
And the scene in front of could not have been any better. Note the sarcasm.
Uncle Clint was perched on the kitchen counter trying to shoot Pietro who was holding up a small target. He was moving around in circles, fast, while Clint fired his arrows. And Wanda, who was sitting on the couch, made sure any stray arrows, aka pretty much all of them, - didn't hit anything by using her magic to stop them.
Thor was in the kitchen wearing sweats and his red cabe, stuffing his face with pop tarts, while Bruce was making one of those healthy kale smoothies? Or were they called shakes? I have no idea. And Sam, Bucky, Dad, and Pops were arm wrestling each other at the dining room table. Bucky's arm vs Dad with the Iron Man arm on, and Steve vs Sam. Shuri was keeping score of how many times each person won with a hologram projection on her Kimoyo beads which she had shown me yesterday. No one had noticed us yet.
By now we had all stepped out of the elevator, and I was dreading the moment Harley would turn around and- frick.
"Peter..." He says much calmer than I expected. Oh god this isn't good. This can either mean that he ha- "OMG PETER WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOUR FAMILY WAS THE AVENGERS!?" He exclaims, and I'm like 89% certain that was excitement and not anger.
"Umm..." I gulp, noticing that everyone had now noticed that we were here. "Harls I did mean to tell you- er I mean like I was going to but-" I'm interrupted yet again as Shuri comes barring over, but this time not knocking me off my feet.
"Cute Girl," she says and boops MJ's nose. MJ blushes before smirking. Shuri then drags MJ off to who knows where, and Harley is smiling at me like a mad mad, but then... he's not. He drops the expression and turns around on his heels. He scans over all the faces watching him until he finds Dad and runs over towards him. Dad looks momentarily confused before something crosses over his face and he runs up to Harley. They meet in the middle and hug tightly.
Hold up- go back... did my crush and Dad just hug?! What in the name of Thor's Mighty Pop Tarts is going on here?! Then they pull apart and Dad has a hand on Harley's shoulder.
"Guys, meet Harley. He's the kid I told you about who helped me in Tennessee when my armor died." Dad explains and realization crosses over my face this time. I remember him telling us that story over dinner once. But I never knew that the kid was Harley!
"Harley how come you never told me?" I asked, walking over to him. He crosses his arms.
"Because every time one of us mentioned the Avengers you'd always change the subject! So I just assumed that you didn't like them or something." He says and I press my lips together tightly. "How come you never told me about this then?" He gestures around the room to everyone and I open my mouth to speak but Dad beats me to it.
"Because I told him not to. It's best if the public were quiet about all this until Peter is ready for the world to know who he really is." Dad winks at me, and my eyes widen. I know that Harley couldn't see the wink because Dad had his hand on Harley's shoulder so both of them were still both facing me, but if Harely had seen the wink I can only imagine the inflood of questions I would get later.
"So... are we picking names or not?" I hear Wanda say and take a deep breath.
"Yeah, yeah we are." I say and everyone files into the kitchen where one of Dads' helmets is upside down, with all the names in it I'm guessing. But I stop Harley before he can walk over.
"Look Harls, I'm really sorry about not telling you." I say, hoping he can forgive me.
"Peter, it's okay, really. I get why you didn't." He says with a small smile. "And I respect that." He tells me and the last bit makes my heart beat a bit faster. Suddenly I feel a tiny pinch from my ring finger and look down at it. The ring.
"Oh yeah, thanks. But uh hey, if you want we can talk later about all this." I offer up and Harley's smile widens a bit more.
"I would love that." He says and my heartbeat just gets faster. Then he walks off to write his name and I look back down at my ring again. I tap the screen part and my heartrate shows up, and it had a little graph, showing how it had just rapidly inclined. Oh woah, this is totally not embarrassing.
MiniTimeSkip to when they all pick names, also no one's POV, also MJ has joined them again but Shuri went down to the lab
After the last name was picked, it only took 13 tries for someone to not get their own name. But evidently, these were the results:
Steve got Ned.
Tony got Pietro.
Peter got Wanda.
Clint for Bruce.
Wanda got Harley.
Pietro got Tony.
Nat got MJ.
Bucky got Sam.
Sam got Bucky.
Thor got Steve.
Bruce got Thor.
Harley got Peter.
MJ got Nat.
Ned got Clint.
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