Dec 4 - Joy to the World...
Peter POV:
Walking into science class, I see Harley already sitting at our table. I walk over and sit down next to him, placing my stuff in one corner of the table. Harley looks over at me, and then looks down.
"Still wearing the ring I see." He says and I smile.
"Yeah, I don't think I'll ever take it off much." I shrug as the teacher walks in. She rubs her hands together, and addresses the class with today's lesson.
"Because we're now in the month of December, I'm going to show you all a documentary today on the snowshoe hare. Not just because it's festive, but also because the video will represent many of the topics we've been talking about this unit." She says as Harley elbows, and leans towards me.
"Yes, no work!" He whispers and I blush as I feel his breath on my neck.
"Oh, and I'll be passing out a worksheet that corresponds to the video. You'll be filling it out while we watch." Ms. Grayson adds in and I see Harley's form deflate in the corner of my eye. I laugh quietly to myself.
As I watch the video, the narrator guy says something about one of the hare's predators tracking it. Suddenly, a Lynx came out of nowhere and sunk its teeth into the hare. I flinched and moved closer towards Harley. But only when I felt someone's arm pressed up against mine did I realize he had moved closer to me.
We both look at each other and blush, hard. My eyes go a bit wide, and we pull apart, but not all the way. We're still closer than we were when we had sat down. And I for one, am totally fine with it.
TimeSkip - lunch
As I sit down at our table, MJ eyes me suspiciously, meanwhile Ned just plows down on his PB&J. I glare back at MJ playfully, before finally getting annoyed and running out of patience.
"MJJJJ... whaaat!?" I complain and she just smirks at me.
"Oh nothing..." She says and looks down at her own lunch. "Just that," she picks up one of her blueberries. "I heard from Betty that you and Harley had a little moment today." She says throwing the piece of fruit at me, and my eyes widen, realizing that Betty had been sitting right behind me and Harley.
"Me and Harley didn't have any-" I start to say.
"What about me?" I hear and turn beat red. MJ gives me a look and eats a blueberry.
"O-Oh nothing." I say and shove a chip into my mouth as the love of my life sits down with his lunch tray. Phew, that was close.
TimeSkip - after school
"Okay so I was thinking about the project," I turned to MJ in the elevator at the tower. "And maybe we should make a slideshow." I say as the elevator dings and we both step out into the tower. "You know, 'cause it would be a much easier way to express our ideas on molec-" Suddenly something barrels into my side, tackling me to the floor.
As we step out of the elevator, I watch as Peter gets pummeled by a purple and black blur. After they both stop moving, I take notice of the other human who was now poking Peter, making him laugh.
It was a teen wearing a black shirt with a purple logo on it, dark grey leggings with purple stripes on the sides, and her hair was up in a fancy-looking bun tied with some sort of purple ribbon type thing. Then the strange girl stands up and pulls Peter to his feet, and he looks from me to the girl.
"SHURI! You're here!" He exclaims and she smirks.
"Yep! Brother said he was visiting for the holidays and I asked if I could come!" She says and both of them are smiling. Then Peter turns back to me, and clears his throat.
"OH- uh right," Peter gestures to me. "Shuri MJ, MJ Shuri."
I give a small wave. "Hey," I say and the girl, Shuri, eyes me up and down.
"Hi, you're cute." She says and I can feel myself blush, meanwhile Peter is smirking off to the side. I shoot him a look.
"Wait- so Shuri how long are you staying?" Peter then asks and I wait patiently for her answer.
"Oh, well I'm only staying for a week or two," She says, and even though I just met her, my heart sinks a bit. "Well, we gotta make the best of it right?" She says and then grabs my hand, and my heart skips a beat. Then Shuri grabs Peters and drags us all into the elevator. She presses a button that I believe was the floor for the lab.
"Come on Peter and Cute Girl I Just Met, I'm not wasting a second of my stay here." She eyed me at that last part, and I blush and look down.
TimeSkip to evening and also Peter POV:
MJ went home an hour before Dinner, and then Shuri got the best idea ever. Spider-Man parodies, to Christmas songs. And yeah, I know what you're thinking: But peter! How does she know you're Spider-Man?! Well that's easy. A while back I texted Ned a pic of me in my suit with the mask off. He'd asked for a selfie of me out Spider-Manning, or something like that. But I sent the text to a wrong number. And I bet you can guess who that was. But a few years later, and boom. The Princess of Wakanda is finally in my living room.
"Come on," Shuri tugs on my arm and drags me into the living room, where Dad, Pops, Sam, T'challa, and Nat were sitting, watching the snow fall from the giant windows.
"Oh, hey guys..." I say casually, giving a small wave. Sam turns to me and squints his eyes.
"What are you two up to?" He asks, looking between me and Shuri.
"Oh just... you know, writing parodies to sing at dinner." I say and Pops shoots Dad a look. Dad sighs.
"It's where you take a popular song and change the lyrics to something else." He explains, and stands up. "And now if you excuse me, Pops and I are needed in the kitchen." Dad stands up, and takes Pops into the kitchen to start to prep dinner. Me and Shuri smirk back at the people remaining. Then Sam stands up.
"Look, whatever it is that you two are smiling about, I need it on video first. I'll go grab Bucky and my phone- don't go anywhere." Sam says and then runs off.
"That's not just a phone and Bucky." I remark as Sam comes back into the living room with everyone else who was currently in the tower. "That's like... everyone." I say as they all take seats around the living room in various places.
"Yeah well, word spreads fast around the tower. And especially if that word is about a certain spidey boy performing a song." Sam replies.
"Touché." I say back and then turn to Shuri. "Okay, are you ready?" I ask her and she nods her head. We both walk into the living room and face our audience.
"Ladies, gentleman, asgardians, androids, and Hulk, may I present to you: Joy to the World That I Just Saved
A few moments later...
"Joy to the world, that I just saved
Maybe I could get paid!
I saved you all again, this time from a street santa
And literally I don't get paid
Kinda weird that I don't get paid
I make my own feb fluid- and it's not free, okay?!"
Another few moments later...
"Spidey bells spidey bells
Swinging through Midtown
Oh what fun to sling a web and take the bad guys down"
"Deck the halls with bounds of villain
Fa la la la la, la la la la
'Tis the season to save millions
Fa la la la la, la la la la"
"Thank you and goodnight."
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