Dec 2 - The First Snow
Steve POV:
Yesterday me and Bucky went out to get all the necessary items for decorating the tower. Festive pillows, wreaths, lights, but the one thing we didn't get, was a tree. We were all doing that today- well actually me, Tones, and Peter were.
"Hey Pops," Peter says as he walks into the kitchen.
"Hey Peter, nice ring." I say, noticing the new spider ring on his finger.
"Oh thanks! It was a gift from Aunty Carol." He says just as Carol and Valkyrie walked in, both with messy hair. They probably just woke up.
"I heard my name?" Carol says and Peter turns towards her, and shows her that he's wearing the ring. She smiles at him.
"I'm wearing the ring you got me." He says proudly and her smile turns into a smirk as she goes to get herself and Valkyrie some breakfast.
"There's something I didn't tell you about that ring." She says as she gets out two eggs and a pan. Peter cocks his head.
"What do you mean?" He asks her, but she says nothing back in response. Peter stares at her a little bit longer, before looking back at me.
"So, when are we leaving to go get a tree?" He asks me, and I shrug.
"Whenever works." I reply and just then, Tony walks in and I smile to myself at how much of a mess he looks. He's so adorable.
"Coffee..." He mumbles like a brainless zombie, and I go over to the coffee pot as Tony sits down at the counter.
"I think Dad stayed up a bit too late last night," I say to Peter and he chuckles.
"Yeah, me too." He says meanwhile Tony chugs his coffee like he's a marathon runner drinking water after finishing a 15k.
Peter POV:
A few hours later, we finally go out and get a tree. Granted Pops had originally wanted to chop one down, and Dad had wanted something a little more low-key. (It was p a i n f u l to write 'low-key' and not 'Loki'.) But I finally convinced the two of them to settle on a good tree lot near upper Manhattan. Dad then ended up flying said tree up through an open window in the tower, and we got it all pruned up. Then Uncle Clint and Uncle Pireto went out to go get lights to decorate it. Somehow they always end up dying the day we need them.
"We're baaaack!" I hear Clint sing as the two of them walk out of the elevator. Pietro was holding the boxes of lights, and ran over and started untangling them. Clint took his time walking over, and eventually joined me on the couch. About a minuet later, Pietro joined us, having finished putting the lights on the tree.
"So... ornaments?" He asks and I stand straight up. This is my favorite part! I ran over to the tree, where all our boxes of christmas ornaments were stacked, courtesy of Bruce and Thor who dug them out of deep storage an hour ago.
I open the top box, and reach in. I pulled out a little ceramic Iron Man figure I'd painted when I was 4. It had 'Peter' inscribed on the bottom in blue crayon. I hold it in my hands and walk over to the tree, and hang it. Slowly, but surely, everyone comes over and starts putting their own ornaments on the tree. Eventually Christmas classics were turned on, and once we were done, we all stepped back to admire our handiwork.
"Fri, dim the lights pleace?" Dad asks and the lights slowly dim until all that's left is the glowing tree. It's beautiful.
The next thing we do, is split into groups. Nat, Wanda, Thor, and Bruce dispersed the festive pillows Steve and Bucky had bought yesterday, all throughout the main living quarters of the tower. So basically in everyone's rooms, the living room, dining room, and even in the lab. And let's just say that Steve and Bucky bought a lot of pillows.
Bucky, Sam, Clint, and Pietro were tasked with hanging up a whole bunch of green and white garland stuff, along with a few wreaths. But what I didn't realize until later, was that they'd all put up mistletoe throughout parts of the tower.
So that left me, Dad, and Pops to dig through the ornament boxes to find all the teams stalkings, plus the tree topper. And let me just tell you, it was not fun. Imagine stacks of boxes as tall as me, - they were big boxes - in piles all around the living room. Eventually, we found all the stalkings, and a whole pile of old, broken, ornaments, lights, and other junk. But not the tree topper. Guess we'll need to buy a new one.
TimeSkip to when everyones done with everything they had to do
"Pillows?" Pops asks Aunty Nat.
"In all the correct rooms." She nods.
"Wreaths and garlands?" He then asks Sam, who fails at hiding a definite smirk.
"Yep." He says and side-eyes Bucky who was standing next to him, which Bucky responds to by elbowing him and trying not to laugh.
"Right..." Pops says watching the two goof off. "Well, we found all the stalking, but not the tree topper. So someones gonna need to go out and get one." Pops says and I'm about to volunteer as a chance to see Harley, since he lives about a block away from the closest Home Goods, but Sam and Bucky beat me to it.
"We can take care of that!" Sam says and grabs Bucky's arm, pulling him towards the elevators.
After dinner, we all decided to take a walk through Central Park. It was peaceful, and beautiful. All the lights shone bright in the dark night, and after a good 15 minutes of just walking around, we found the ice skating rink. After convincing everyone to get skates, Tony paid while we all laughed about who we think would fall first. I thought it would be Thor, and bet with Sam on it. He said it would be Clint or Bucky. I got a 20 riding on this, Thor don't disappoint me.
Once we were all on the ice, I was surprised at how well Clint could skate. He was really graceful, and kept circling his boyfriend on one foot, while Pietro tried not to fall over. Huh, who woulda guessed that the guy so quick on his feet would be bad at ice skating? Damn I should have bet on that!
Pops and Tony held hands while they skated, and Wanda and Nat were ahead of all of us, skating next to each other, just talking quietly and pointing things out to the other. But then after a few minutes, I heard it. Looking over at Thor and Bruce, I saw Thor clinging to the wall not wanting to let go, and Bruce trying to help him. Showing him how to stop, and how to glide. After a bit of convincing, Thor finally let go. And fell flat on his face.
"HA!" I should from across the rink, and Sam's head pops right up. He looks for me, then Thor. I can see him grumble as he makes his way over to me and hands me a crumpled 20.
"Thaaank you," I say and I shove it into my back pocket.
"Yeah, well we're not done yet. Just you wait..." Sam says and skates backwards, giving me the 'I'm watching you', all the way back to Bucky, who had also been watching us the whole time, was laughing.
"Hey stranger" I suddenly hear, and look to my left. I almost fall over when I see Harley skating up to me.
"H-Hey," I say and give a wave. Play it cool Peter, play it cool. "What are you doing here?" I ask him, and he shrugs.
"I was just walking through the park when I saw you skating, so I decided to come join you- I hope that was okay..." He says and looks down. I can already feel my blush.
"Oh hey, cool ring." Harley points to my hand, and looks up at me. I look down at my fingers and see the spider ring. My face instantly brightens. I hold it up for him to see and stop. He stops too.
"Thanks, my aunt gave it to me yesterday." I say and Harley reaches a hand out to touch it, before stopping and looking up at me.
"C-Can I...?" He asks and I nod, giving him the OK. Harley reaches out and gently grazes his finger over the head of the golden spider. "Cool." He says and I smile.
"Yeah, I know right?! She got it- uh, out of town some place." I say and Harley then starts to skate again, and so do I.
"Well uh, see you... later..." Harley shoots me cheesy finger guns as he skates away, and I blush again. I hope he didn't see that.
"Ye-Yeah!" I call after him, as he starts to disappear in the crowd. "See you!"
"See who?" I hear from behind me, and whip around, crashing into Dad's chest. Pop was next to him, and the two of them both stop abruptly.
"O-Oh no one," I say too fast. "Just a, umm... friend from school." I quickly turn around, and we all start to skate together, with me in the middle.
"Oh yeah?" Pops says. "'Just a friend from school'?" He asks and I playfully slap his arm.
"Pops!" I exclaim and he cracks a smile.
"Oh, I'm just stating the facts!" He says innocently, and Dad cracks a smile.
"Come on guys," I whine. "Just... drop it..." Suddenly a snowflake lands on my nose and I look up to the sky. Oh my god... It's snowing! "IT'S SNOWING!" I cheer and start to jump around, before forgetting that I'm on ice. I reach out a hand to Dad to balance before I fall. "Guys look! LOOK! It's snowing! It's the first snow this month!" I exclaim and the smile on my face doesn't leave until I fall asleep that night. But even then, I still only dreamed about playing out in the snow.
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