Dec 14 - Blueberry Mochi Sleepover
I got a lot coming, so this one is just a tad bit short... bUT at least it's something!!!
Peter POV:
After school today, the five of us were supposed to meet up for a sleepover at my house, but only Harley could make it apparently. Ned said something about a dentist appointment later, and he would be out of commission the whole night. And Shuri and MJ... I believe they said they were packing? But not that I'm complaining having Harley all to myself.
"So, Peter," Harley asks me. "What was all that yesterday?" He says and I gulp. I hope he's not talking about us both kinda sorta coming out to each other.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Oh... you know um... that whole uh..." Harley hesitates. "Blueberry Mochi thing?" He says and I can tell that he was probably going to ask about something different.
"Oh, yeah right. That." I say and then a smile creeps into my face. "You know... if you wanted to meet this friend of mine, I'm sure I could arrange it." I say, and Harley looks at me... worried?
Harley POV:
Is this mochi guy like... Peter's secret boyfriend or something? Why does he want me to meet him? IS HE SETTING ME UP WITH THIS PERSO-
"Pyotr?" I hear as the elevator doors open, and then suddenly, a person with long black hair, a black hoodie, and black and green sweatpants steps out. They were holding something in their arms, and Peter sprang up from his spot on the couch.
"MOCHI!" He exclaims and runs over into the arms of the person. They hug him back, meanwhile I'm just sitting here ultimately confused. Wait... was this the mochi guy?
"I got you something little spider." They say, and hand Peter a black box. Peter takes it, but doesn't open it. Then he gestures for me to come over.
"Loki, I'd like you to meet my friend Harley." He says. "Harley, this is Loki." I shake Loki's hand, trying to remember why that name sounds... familiar. Oh, right. This was the guy who blew up half of New York. I watch as Loki gulps.
"Ah, to be fair I was under the influence of mind control." Loki says as if reading my thoughts. "I can read your thoughts."
I turn red. "Oh." I say. "Well... if it makes you feel any better, I would have blown up New York too if I were under mind control." I say and Loki gives me a weird look. "I mean, what else could I have done? Backed enough cakes for all of NYC?" I say and this gets both of them to laugh a little. Then Peter's eyes widened.
"We should make a cake! You know, cause like, we can brag to MJ, Shuri, and Ned about how we got to eat cake and they didn't because they ditched!" Peter exclaims to me, and drags me off into the kitchen. Then he looks back over at Mr. Loki.
"Oh, hey Loki do you wanna help us?" He asks him, and Loki walks over, waving his hand and turning his outfit into something that was more appreciated for baking. He then does the same to us, and we're wearing matching aprons. They both say 'Rock and Roll' with a graphic of a rolling pin on them, despite the fact that a cake doesn't involve using a rolling pin.
"So, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of cake are we making?" Loki asks and I face Peter.
"Uhh..." he thinks for a moment. "Does chocolate sound good?"
"4 minutes!" Peter says and dances around the kitchen. I kneel down and turn on the oven light. I look at the cake and the only thing I can think is how delicious it's gonna be. I stand up and see Loki watching me. He seems concentrated on something, and after a minute or two, he finally comes over to me and leans down to whisper something in my ear.
"If you hurt Peter in any way, I will kill you." His voice sends a chill down my spine, and I gulp. "But if you don't date him and you hurt him... my offer still stands-"
"I'LL GET IT!" Peter pulled the cake out of the oven, and set it down on the counter. He took off the Iron Man oven mitts and set them down next to the cake. We all took a step back to admire our handiwork.
"So" Peter starts.
"Frosting or no?" I ask out loud, and then see out of the corner of my eye, Loki raising his hands. Suddenly the cake is covered in white and green festive frosting. Huh, who knew the God of Mischief was good at decorating cakes.
"So... let's eat." Peter says and we all get out plates and forks, plus a big knife. Personally, I thought the knife was too big, but Loki said it was fine. Okay, cut the cake with a butcher knife. Be my guest.
"OH hey wait!" Peter says and then pulls out his phone. "For the group chat." He smirks and then we all lean in, even Loki. We each take a piece of cake on our forks and hold them up to our mouths. Peter raises his camera, and takes a selfie of the three of us. Then we all bite into our cake... and we all spit it out.
"Is uh..." Loki pokes at the piece on his plate. "It supposed to taste so um.."
"Rubbery? No." Peter says, and I look across the counter at everything we'd used. Maybe we forgot to add something... oh. OH EW.
"OH MY GOD WE FORGOT THE SUGAR!" I yell and Peter's eyes widen.
"I DON'T KNOW!" I exclaim.
"WHY ARE YOU GUYS YELLING." Loki says, and we all share confused looks.
"I DON'T KNOW!" I say again, and Peter looks up from his phone which he had grabbed.
"WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T TELL THE GROUP CHAT." Peter yells and I nod my head.
"WHY. ARE. WE ALL. YELLING?!" Loki screams and I look over at him.
"I HAVE NO IDEA!" I say.
"LETS STOP?!" Peter asks and Loki nods. "OKA-" he clears his throat. "O-Okay," He coughs, and then his eyes light up like he's getting an idea.
"Hey, do you guys want to watch a movie?" He asks
"Sure," I shrug. "What movie?" I ask.
"How about The Nightmare Before Christmas?" Peter suggests.
"Cool, I've never seen it." I say, and Peter's jaw practically falls off.
"Y-You have never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas!?" He shouts and Loki gives him a look.
"I thought we had stopped yelling..." He grumbles, covering his ears and looking expectedly at us, like we were gonna start yelling again. Which by the way, we were not.
"Hey, offense taken." Peter says. "Be quiet Waffles."
"'Waffles'?" Loki comments on the nickname.
"Yeah! It totally makes sense!" Peter then goes into a lengthy explanation about how Loki was somehow connected to these waffles he ate at this restaurant one time like a few years ago. "OH RIGHT!" He says, probably remembering that we were about to watch a movie. "The movie!" Peter turns to look at Loki- oh sorry I mean Waffles.
"Do you wanna watch it with us?" He asks the god, and Loki nods his head.
"I have nowhere else to be tonight." He says, and all three of us walk over into the living room and start the movie.
TimeSkip to after the movie, and they're all sleeping in Peter's room
Loki POV:
We all went to sleep a few hours ago, and it's now 4am. Now, I've never been to a sleepover before, that was always Thor's thing. But I've heard of people pranking other people at them, and we all know pranks are my specialty. But... the question is how do I prank them? Is it a funny prank? Or something sca- Oh my gods. I've got it.
Standing up, I start to change my form. Well more like fasting an illusion, but it would still look like I'm shapeshifting. Once I'm done, I'm a spitting image of Jack the Pumpkin King from the movie.
So for them all sleeping in Peter's room, Loki had like a pile of blankets at the bottom of Peter's bed on the floor, Peter slept on his own bed, and Harley slept on the side of Peter's bed. Like... if Peter were to fall asleep talking to Harley, Harls would be able to stare up at him as he fell asleep. But anyways:
I walk the few steps needed, to be looming over Peter and Harleys sleeping forms. Then I extend my long arms and gently graze the sides of their faces with my long bony fingers. Peter's eyes snap open, and when he sees me he freezes. Then Harley's eyes open, and he screams.
"AHHHHH! PETER!" He shouts and Peter falls off the bed. Luckily Harley moves before the other boy can land on top of him, and this makes me smile. My plan-inside-a-plan was working. But... my smiling might have just freaked out the two of them even more.
"OH MY GOD THERE'S A DEMON-THING IN MY ROOM!" Peter screams. "PLEASE DON'T KILL US MR. JACK DEMON PUMPKIN SIR THING." He says and gulps. Harley holds Peter closer and Peter moves more into his side. I smirk at this.
"PLEASE DON'T TAKE OUR CHRISTMAS! YOU CAN TAKE IT NEXT YEAR!" Harley pleads along with Peter, and then I start laughing. Harley's eyes widen even more if possible. "OH MY GOD- HE'S GOING TO KILL US!" He yells and I get rid of my glamour spell. Then fall over because I was laughing too hard.
"You should... should see your guys' fa-faces!" I laugh and they stay silent for a good couple of minutes before Harley breaks the silence.
"That was you?!" He says in shock and I nod my head, still wheezing.
"MR. BLUEBERRY MOCH I EXPECT MORE MATURE BEHAVIOR FROM YOU!" Peter scolds and then we all start laughing. And after watching vines from this thing called 'You Tube' we all went back to sleep. Only Peter stayed with Harley instead of going back up to his own bed. My plan worked perfectly.
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