Dec 13 - If I'm Being Gay With You...
ta da!!!! update!
(And also, we know pretty much nothing about Michelle Jones, so let's just pretend that she lives with just her mom.)
Shuri POV:
I was in my room jamming out to some bands Peter told me to listen to, when my brother walked in. The door had been open already, but he knocked on it to get my attention. I took my headphones off.
"Shuri, I have word from Mother." He says.
"What is it?" I ask.
"She says she needs us home today. Pack your things because we're leaving in a few hours." He tells me and my jaw drops. Seriously?! My first stable relationship and I have to go back home?! Now!? This is unbelievable! Brother then leaves and he closes the door behind him.
I'm about to march downstairs and say I'm staying, but... I can't really. I can't live here in New York and just run away from my life back in Wakanda! But then how will- Oh. Hold up... this might work.
Starting to get an idea I stand up and take my phone with me. I run out of my room and into the living room, where my brother is telling everyone else that we are gonna leave later. I grab my coat and hop into the elevator. Then I pull out my phone and text a group chat with me, Peter, MJ, and Harley on it.
__Geek Freek Squad__
Spider Lord:
Spider Minion :
That One Straight Kid:
Pretty Girl:
Meet at Central Park in 10
Spider Lord:
Spider Lord:
I was sitting on a park bench watching some ducks swim around underneath a bridge, when suddenly there was a voice from behind me.
"Look at all those thickethens!" It says, and I whip around and smack the voice in the face with the back of my... hand. O-Oh whoops...
"OMG I'm so sorry!" I laugh as I apologize to Peter. He presses his hand up against his nose, checking to see if it's bleeding. It wasn't. I look behind him.
"Is Harley with you?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"Hey guys!" An out-of-breath Harley comes jogging up to us, and rests his hands on his knees. "Sorry... the... there was traffic..." He pants before sitting down next to me and catching his breath. Then Ned comes over, and when he saw Harley he pointed at him.
"Uhh... is he okay?" Ned asked, and Harley shook his head.
"No... he is not okay..." Harley replied for himself. Okay, Peter, Harley, Ned, me... but wheres MJ?
I look around. "Has anyone seen MJ?"
After I got the text from Shuri to meet at the park, I grabbed my notebook and pencil, and headed out. My mom had left on a business trip after I left for school, and she wouldn't be back for a few weeks at least. So, let's just say that I've been pretty bored since she left. And a chance to see Shuri is as good as any.
But on my way to the park, I passed a man who had fallen asleep on a park bench eating a hotdog. And from the looks of it, he's been there well over an hour. But I was lucky enough to walk past him right as he woke up, and the expression on his face? Priceless.
After I finished the final detail on the ketchup stain that was on his shirt, I remembered why I was here in the first place.I quickly jog the rest of the way to the usual meeting place here. (Yes she's only been here that long and we already have a meeting place. Well... it's more of a place where me, Peter, and Ned used to meet up. Then we met Harley, and now Shuri comes as well.)
When I see the 4 of them, I slow down to a walk and put the pencil I was holding up behind my ear. Then Shuri sees me, and jumps up from where she was sitting. She comes over and takes my hand in hers, then leads me back over to everyone else. I feel her tense as she nears the group again.
"Guys, I have something to tell you." She says and I look at her cautiously. "I'm leaving... in two days."
A wave of anger roars my ears.
The 'I'm leaving' alone was enough to make me feel sad and upset, but in two days?! We've barely gotten to spend any time together since the library, and now she's just leaving?! She can't leave... especially not now. I have no one right now... my moms out of town for a while, and sure Peter, Ned, and Harley are my best friends. But... I just thought... well I guess I thought that this thing with Shuri and I was going to be, I dunno different? But I should have known better then to hope it would last. All good things must come to an end eventually, right? But then what then? If she did go back to Wakanda? We would call sure, but just think of how long it would be before we saw one another again, and what if she got sick of me? Of not being able to see me, and me her-
"-J?" I hear, and swallow down my emotions. Someone was saying my name. I turn to see Shuri looking at me with concern, and I blink back tears as I try to wipe the expression of hurt off my face. But it's then that I realize me and Shuri were not holding hands anymore.
Shuri POV:
After I told everyone my news, no one said anything for a minute or two. But then I felt MJ's hand slip away from mine, and lay limp at her side. I look over at her and see that she looks hurt. She should never look hurt. This was all my fault. I should have never told her- but if I never told her she'd just feel even worse when I left! Ugg, why do these things have to be so complicated!?
"MJ?" I ask her, and she makes no effort to show that she heard me. "MJ?" I ask again, and this time she seems to zone back in, and the mix of emotions on her face fades away. She looks over at me with an entirely blank expression.
"Hmm?" She says back, and there's a bit of anger in her tone.
"MJ, are you alright?" I ask her and she just blinks and nods her head, but says nothing.
"Right..." I turn to face all four of them. "But I have a plan. Either I hide out in Peter's room eating his only supply of cookies until they run out. Or..." This is when I turn to look at MJ, and grab her hand again. Her expression softens a bit at this. "I go back to Wakanda, and MJ... you come with me." I say and a small light returns to her eyes. "Not permanently of course, just for a... little while." I say and the hint of a smirk grows on her lips.
"Oh that's right, I have some news too." MJ says suddenly. "My mom left for a business trip this morning, and she won't be back for a few weeks, if not more." She says and my eyes go wide, and I lean over and kiss her on the cheek.
"Then you're all mine!" I cackle, and let go of her hand to start dancing and jumping up and down. Then I stop and look over at her. "Wait, you can come with me... right?" I ask her with desperate eyes. MJ just calmly walks over to me, and kisses me on the lips this time.
"Give me one good reason as not to?"
Peter POV:
A few hours later, and Shuri and MJ have wandered off to who knows where. And me? Well I'm sitting down on my bed, trying to figure out how to ask Harley if he's... you know, gay. I've had my phone in my hands for 30 minutes now, and have come up with at least 16 different ways to say 'Are you gay?' Then suddenly, I see that Harley's typing.
no one's POV, but Peters thoughts are in Italics and Harleys are in Italics and Underlined:
Hey Peter
Say something!
Watcha doing??
Texting you.
I mean what WERE you doing?
Before I texted you I mean
Frick what do i say!!!?!
Oh nothing, just being bored
Ah yes, Being Bored
been there, still doing that
God why is he so freaking adorable
Hey uh, listen
god, how do i say this?
Peter have you i dunno...
Ever tripped into a man dressed in vouge-worthy drapes and formed a life long friendship with a blue jellybean and you call them funny names all the time like 'Blueberry Mochi' but then never mind bc they also call you funny nicknames and sometimes you both go out and spend all of your dads' money on pointless junk to hide all over his room until he notices the Iron Man-shaped Jabba the Hutt or glass cat figure with Tony Stark glasses?
But maybe some day?
Thats the sprit!
Now what was that thing you were going to ask me?
Oh god here it goes.
Peter... have you ever dated anyone?
whAt the frEEEEEEEEEK-
Well I mean, me and MJ went out once or twice. But that was before she realized she wasn't straight, and we both thought it would have been weird to date each other. So we said no dating in friend groups.
but other than that, no why?
oh... just wondering
Great, so he's not gay.
But thats not to say I only date girls
I like both boys and girls
Baby time skip of like 3 min
u there?
oh dang it dang it DANG IT PETER. you just came out as bi to Harley and now he's not responding. frick frick frick frick frick-
oh sry I'm still here
just had to go to the bathroom.
really keener, the bathroom?
Oh ok
do you mind telling me uh... what
what erm
is he trying to ask my sexuality?
what you'd say you... uh
yep, he's trying to ask my sexuality.
if your trying to ask if i'm straight
oh please let him say he's not please let him says he's not please let him says he's not...
well lets put it this way:
basically what you said, expect I don't like girls.
Uhh... Peter?
U there?
oh yea
i gtg
oh okey
by harls
by pete
Harley and Peter POV:
I still might have a chance.
Getting a oneshot out tomorrow may or may not happen btw (cause I had barely any time over the weekend to write)
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