Chapter 20 When it Rains...
The alcohol from Archer's breath made Gabriella cough. Suddenly she started to feel dizzy. Her stomach churned. She pulled herself out of his grasp in desperation.
"I need to use the bathroom." She mumbled and ran away from him. She really did feel sick; she slipped out of the hall as discreetly as possible, clutching her stomach. She ran to the bathroom, glad that no one was around. She started throwing up as soon as she reached the toilet. She then rinsed her mouth and wiped it with a tissue. She leaned against the wall, feeling faint. She finally got an inkling of what was wrong with her - the familiar stomach cramps became recognizable.
"What a waste of dinner... It had to come today of all days... it couldn't wait one more day..." She searched the bathroom storage for sanitary pads. She felt nauseous again. She rushed back to the toilet and threw up some more. She began to think she might have indigestion, she never usually had this much nausea. That alcohol smell didn't help either - what a jerk Archer was, trying to kiss her!
"Gabriella? Are you all right? I saw you run out..." There was a knock and Brandon's voice sounded through the door. Gabriella felt panicky. She didn't want Brandon to see her like this, some things she preferred to go through alone.
"Gabriella?" He called again.
"Hold on, I'll be right out," she answered hurriedly, hoping he'd wait. She held onto the counter top to support herself. She felt weak and wished she could lie down.
"Do you need any help?" Brandon asked. She didn't answer as she was fighting the urge to throw up again. Suddenly the door opened and Brandon walked in. He was surprised to find her slumped against the wall, looking washed out.
"Angel, why didn't you say anything?" He bent down and held her up by the waist, supporting her with his weight.
"I'm fine, please just wait outside. This is a women's room, you know."
"Is that important right now? I won't leave you when you're clearly not alright!" He protested with concern. He half carried her out and they went outside through the back entrance.
"Brandon, do you mind if we just left? I don't feel up to returning to the party and I don't want to stay at this hotel tonight," Gabriella said feebly.
"Angel, I don't mind at all," Brandon replied immediately, "but I'm worried about you. Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"No, I'll be fine, it's nothing, really," Gabriella replied quickly, not wanting to make a fuss. Brandon helped her get to the car.
"Wait here," he said as he lowered her to the seat, "I'll get your bags and let Sassie know why we're leaving."
"No! Don't tell her I'm sick. She'll only worry. Just tell her I'm tired, that's all. She'll understand." He nodded and shut the door after lowering the window so she'd get fresh air. She breathed slowly waiting for her stomach to settle. It had to be one of those days. She shut her eyes. A shadow crossed her window and she looked up.
"That was fast. What did-" Gabriella stopped, seeing that it wasn't Brandon. Archer was standing outside, leaning against the car door window.
"I thought you ditched me." He looked peevishly at her.
"I was feeling very well, Archer." Gabriella replied tiredly, wishing he'd leave.
"Nauseous?" Archer asked with a queer look.
"No, I'm fine," she said, hoping he wouldn't press on.
"Good, because for a moment I thought you were avoiding me."
"I think we'll be going home. You should head back in. I'm sure a ton of girls must be waiting to dance with you."
"True, but I had my eyes set only on one."
"That's funny, because I distinctly remember you saying there were 'many fish in the sea'." Brandon's voice interrupted them. He had returned, bags in hand and was glowering at Archer.
"Yeah, you would know all about that, wouldn't you, Whiteley?" Archer sneered at him. Gabriella, as woozy as she was, knew that was a mistake; Brandon's eyes hardened before he delivered a resounding sock into Archer's jaw. Caught by surprise, Archer toppled to his knees. Gabriella gasped.
"That's been coming a long time," Brandon thundered. "And if you're smart, you'll learn to shut that dirty mouth of yours." He came round the car and got in the driver's seat after dropping the bags in the trunk. He started the car and drove off, leaving Archer in a humiliated pile on the street, wiping his bloody lip on his sleeve.
"Brandon, why did you do that? He was just drunk." Gabriella had no sympathy for Archer but seeing Brandon fly off the handle like that for a silly comment was highly unusual.
"No he wasn't. And he's been getting on my nerves long enough. By the way, Sassie sent this." He pulled a packet of pills from his pocket. It was an antacid.
"Take one now. You'll feel better," Brandon instructed. Gabriella popped one in her mouth.
"Are you okay?" She asked, sensing the rage beneath his controlled demeanor. His hands were fidgeting on the steering wheel.
"Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?" He asked drily.
"You seem tense, that's why," Gabriella said, lightly touching his shoulder. "And I'll be okay." He shook his head.
"We're going to a hospital."
"What? No! I'm fine, really. I think I ate something I shouldn't have, that's all. I feel better already." He stroked her cheek.
"Angel, you look pale. I don't want to take any chances. And you haven't been yourself since yesterday. I want you to get checked up, just to be safe."
"Please, Brandon, do not take me to a hospital. I'll be fine after a good night's rest, I promise."
"Why are you so against hospitals? Are you afraid or something?"
"No, I think it's unnecessary. And I can't go like this." She gestured to her gown.
"You can change in the car. I'll stop and get out." He slowed down to a halt near the side of the road. The area was completely deserted, they were well into the countryside.
"Don't worry, I won't peek," Brandon said with a ghost of his congenial smile as he got out. Gabriella sighed. It would be a relief to get out of this gown, she thought. She had a comfortable blouse and skirt in her bag and changed into that. Thankfully, getting the zipper down was easier than pulling it up and she didn't need help.
She changed quickly and then signaled Brandon to come back inside. He had removed his dinner jacket and cast it behind him. Gabriella saw him put his phone away as he did.
"I guess your wish came true. There's no hospital for miles. And the nearest one is up north, past the hotel. We'd have to turn around and go back," he said on entering the car.
"We don't have to go. But how will we get home? It's already late and we checked out of the hotel. Not that I wanted to spend the night there..."
"There's a little motel near a gas station some ways ahead," Brandon suggested. Gabriella hesitated. A motel seemed like a shifty place to stay at.
"It's better than sleeping in the car," Brandon said. "Or else I take you to the hospital."
"Alright, the motel it is, then." Gabriella consented. Brandon drove them to the motel, a quiet, nondescript little place, clean and comfortable enough for one night. There was even a little convenience store beside it.
"One double room, please. Just for the night." Brandon said to the woman at the counter when they entered. Gabriella looked at him in surprise, but held her tongue. She wasn't too keen on being in a room alone and was thankful that he took only one room - but taking a room with two beds was conspicuous. She was glad when they moved away - the receptionist had stared at Brandon a minute too long for her liking.
Brandon took the key and they went to the nearest lodge. He opened the door and deposited their bags on the carpeted floor before turning to Gabriella.
"How do you feel?" He asked.
"Better. I just need to stop at the convenience store."
"What do you need? I can pick it up for you."
"Oh, no need. It's better I pick it up myself," Gabriella said hastily.
"Then I'll come with you."
"Um, okay." They locked the door behind them as they went to the little all night store next to the motel. Gabriella discreetly picked out some sanitary pads. She had just paid for them when Brandon came to her with two bottles of lemonade.
"Are you done?" He asked.
"Yes." Gabriella nodded.
"I got us some lemonade, in case you were thirsty."
"Thanks." Gabriella sipped it, feeling her stomach calm down. They returned to their room and Gabriella got ready for bed, watching Brandon with thoughtful eyes. He noticed it and spoke.
"What's wrong?"
"I still can't believe you punched Archer like that," Gabriella admitted. I hope you don't get into any trouble over it."
"You're worried about me?"
"Of course. But I don't get it. What made you lose it like that? All he said was... well, what did he mean?"
"He was referring to my past dating life. He thinks I'm a player," Brandon said bitterly.
"Oh." Gabriella nodded slowly. She knew that wasn't the case from her knowing Brandon; Archer was just being a jerk. She didn't want Brandon getting upset over that.
"Hey, forget about it," Brandon said, seeing her face. "I can deal with stuff like that. What matters is that you don't become a target by associating with me."
"You think I can't handle it?" Gabriella asked.
"I don't want you to have to 'handle' it." Brandon shook his head fervently.
"Brandon, why would I? Is there... Something you're not telling me?" Gabriella asked, looking earnestly at him. He squeezed his eyes shut with a sigh.
"Look, Angel, it's late. You should get some rest. I don't want you to get stressed out."
"I'll be alright." She assured him got under the quilt, not wanting to press him further. She knew if there was something she had to know, he would tell her. She wanted to have that much faith in him.
Brandon turned out the light and got into the bed across from Gabriella and closed his eyes - but did not fall asleep.
The clock which could be seen by the light of the motel sign outside showed one A.M.. Neither of them were asleep, although Gabriella did feel tired. She wondered if it's because she was in an unfamiliar place. She turned onto her back.
"Gabriella?" Brandon called softly.
"Aren't you asleep?"
"Not yet."
"Aren't you comfortable?"
"I don't think so, just... restless." Brandon sat up in the semi-darkness.
"Mind if I did something?" He asked.
"Wait and see." Brandon got up and went to the side of his bed. He pushed it slowly and quietly as possible until it was joined with hers. He then got into bed.
"Better." He smiled now that he was close to her. Gabriella turned towards him so that she faced him. He threaded his fingers through hers.
"If things got hard for you because you're with me, would you leave me?" Brandon sounded so forlorn for a moment it moved Gabriella's heart.
"Brandon, why would you ask something like that? Of course I won't leave you. All relationships are hard, but making them work is what makes a relationship. And besides, you don't ditch someone you love."
"You love me enough to stay with me even if things get rough?" The ray of hope that lit up Brandon's eyes was evident.
"Of course, the best part about a relationship is that you have someone by your side when things get rough." Gabriella drew comforting circles on his hand as she spoke. A soft smile appeared on Brandon's face and he leaned forward to kiss her forehead.
"You have no idea what it means to me, hearing you say that. Whatever's in store for us Gabriella, I hope you won't leave my side."
"I won't, Barry." Gabriella promised him with a goodnight kiss on his smiling lips before snuggling into his arms for the night.
Brandon's and Gabriella's phones rang simultaneously. They were both still fast asleep; the clock on the wall showed nine-thirty. Brandon stirred as he heard the vibration of their phones in his jacket but Gabriella didn't stir. He sat up and answered his phone quietly.
"Hello?" He listened intently for a while, a crease forming between his eyebrows before speaking.
"Alright, hold the fort. I'll be there soon." He hung up and turned to Gabriella. She was still sleeping peacefully. He stroked her hair. Her phone buzzed again. He picked it up and unlocked it before she could awaken. There were three messages and four phone calls, all from her friend, Sassie. He opened the messages.
Gabby, are you alright? Call me as soon as you can, okay? I'll come over if you need me. The next one said: Gabby, what happened? Did Brandon fight Archer? Rumors are wild! The third one was most devastating.
Gabby, things are bad. Archer's creating a scandal. And it looks like news reporters got wind of things. Where are you? Brandon ground his teeth. He wished he had knocked Archer out last night. He quickly deleted the messages and replied to Sassie: Sassie, this is Brandon. I don't want Gabriella to know about this yet. I'll protect her and sort it out. I'll tell her you called.
He sent the message and then deleted it from her log. He then put her phone in her purse before attempting to wake her.
"Gabriella? Angel, it's time to get up, we have to get going." She moaned sleepily.
"It's nine-forty," Brandon added. That woke her up.
"It's late! I overslept!" She ran to the bathroom. Brandon grinned. Gabriella was so time-oriented.
"You do know you're on leave today?" Brandon asked her when she came out.
"Oh, right, I completely forgot! I thought I was late for work..." Gabriella laughed in relief.
"We'll grab a bite to eat and get going," Brandon told her. They grabbed some coffee and toast and managed to leave by five minutes past ten. The drive back was faster because there wasn't any traffic at that time in the morning. Brandon dropped Gabriella off at home before leaving.
"Do you have to go to work today?" Gabriella asked him as she got out of the car.
"I need to stop by the office for a bit. I'll see you later. And Gabriella?" He suddenly looked grave. "No matter what happens, just trust me, okay?"
"Um okay." She wondered why he sounded so cryptic all of a sudden. She waved at him as he left and went up to her apartment.
"Ah, home sweet home." She stretched herself out before flopping on her bed. After a long hectic weekend, this was a luxury for her. No more having to deal with Meredith or Archer or gossip mongers. It was just her and her bed. But in two minutes she got up, feeling too greasy to sleep.
"A hot shower and then I'll go back to bed," she told herself. She spent a good half-hour in the bathroom before crawling into bed for a long nap.
The sun was halfway down when she woke up. She hunted for her phone and found that the battery died. Now she would have to charge it before she could open it. She plugged it in then went to the kitchen to cook dinner - she had missed lunch and was feeling famished. Her fridge was bare and she wanted to restock on her frozen reserve meals. She'd have food for a week then.
Halfway through her preparation of some tomato and basil pasta, the doorbell rang. She groaned, because she had just sat down to rest her legs but hopped up again to open the door.
Who could that be? She wondered. Brandon had a key so he wouldn't ring. She opened the door to behold her best friend, Sassie.
"Sassie! What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at home after last night."
"Last night? You wanna talk about last night?" Sassie ranted. She looked like she'd blown a top off and it surprised Gabriella.
"Sass, what's wrong? I've never seen you this mad."
"Where is that boyfriend of yours? I wanna give him a piece of my mind!"
"Why? What did he do?" Sassie stomped into the apartment and plonked herself down on the couch with a huff.
"Hmph! What didn't he do? After you left and Brandon told me you were leaving, he really gave Archer the works."
"Oh, you mean he punched him. I know about that. Archer said something he shouldn't have."
"Punched him? Brandon practically marred that precious face of his! Archer's lucky he was in a public place or else I'd have added a black eye to his mug too."
"But Archer deserved it-"
"Oh, I know all about it, you don't have to explain. But that's not what you have to worry about. Archer came back and started drinking heavily. That's when he started shooting his mouth off saying things he had no right to say!" Sassie puffed breaths of rage out.
"What does Brandon have to do with any of that?" Sassie suddenly looked at her friend worriedly.
"Gabriella, does Brandon come over here often? Does he sleep over?" Gabriella's eyes widened.
"How do you..."
"Hmm, the look on your face says it all. Now everyone who was at Meredith's wedding knows about it and assumes the worst. Archer added fuel to it by acting like you got sick - if you know what I mean, and blamed Brandon for it. Even Phil wanted to break a few teeth in Archer's mouth by the time he got done." Gabriella paled. What heinous rumor did Archer spread?
"But Sassie you know me," she said desperately.
"Yes! I DO know you! But who else does? And worse, Archer's got it in for Brandon, and he plans to take it out on you by making you a - well, by ruining your good name." Gabriella crumpled into her hands.
"I wish I had never gone to that wedding," she moaned.
"I know. I regret it too. By the way, are you feeling better? What happened? Did Archer try something and make you run away?"
"No, the only offense he gave me yesterday was his alcoholic breath. I had been feeling queasy all day yesterday and that set me off. Also, it's that time of the month again."
"Oh. You poor thing. I had a feeling. Did you take the antacid I sent?"
"Mmm, it helped a lot."
"And Brandon? Didn't he tell you - anything else?" Sassie asked slowly, studying her friend's face.
"No he didn't... What do you mean Sass?"
"Nothing, nothing." Sassie dismissed hastily. "Gabby, I gotta say, dating Brandon is a lot of trouble."
"It's nothing I can't handle," Gabriella said softly, "I love him and I'll stick with him no matter what."
"Hon, I'm happy to hear you say that. I'm not against your relationship at all. It's just that... it would be better if you guys were - married at least." Sassie mumbled the last part extremely quietly. Gabriella sucked in a breath.
"Sass, I've only known him for a month. it's not like..." Gabriella shut her eyes. Where was this relationship going?
"By the way, why didn't you tell me about Archer sooner? You could've messaged me," Gabriella said. Sassie got riled up again and started pacing around the apartment.
"Oooh, that's the whole point! I did call you and send you messages! That boyfriend of yours must have deleted them when you weren't looking! And look what he sent me this morning!" She showed Gabriella the message Brandon sent.
"That's Brandon alright," Gabriella nodded fondly. "He's - a little overprotective. He likes doing way too many things on his own."
"Well whatever his planning, he won't be able to control this situation by himself," Sassie said with a shake of her head.
"I wish he had taken me into his confidence. Why would he keep all this a secret? How did he know about Archer spreading rumors in the first place?"
"He did read my messages to you..." Sassie looked thoughtful. "He probably wanted to keep you from worrying. Or maybe he's afraid you'll break up with him." Gabriella knew that wasn't the case after what she promised him last night. Still, something didn't add up. She felt like she was missing something somewhere.
"So what are you going to do?" Sassie asked. "Archer aired all the dirt on you and Brandon. I'm afraid it might have reached some tabloids as well - you know what that slimeball is capable of." A knot of worry twisted in Gabriella's stomach but she took a deep breath.
"I'm not worried about that. None of it is true. That'll come out eventually. People always like to gossip. Sooner or later, this will blow over." Gabriella spoke bravely, but inwardly the doubt lingered. Brandon was too prominent a personality for racy gossip concerning him to blow over easily.
"I hope you're right. What about Archer?" Sassie asked.
"I never want to have anything to do with him again!" Gabriella shuddered.
"I second that." Sassie got up. "Well, I'd better get going, I came by to see how you were doing. Glad you're feeling better."
"Won't you stay for dinner?"
"I would, Gabby, but I have to pick up Teddy from my mom's place. And you know Teddy won't let his dad feed him. Daddy's his playmate; only Mommy can feed him." Gabriella laughed with her friend as she saw her out.
"Call me if you need anything, okay?" Sassie said as she bade her friend good night. Gabriella said she would and shut the door. She leaned against it feeling worn out. So Archer spread some unwanted gossip and might have leaked lies to the tabloids... They weren't true so, how bad could things get?
Beware the double edged sword calleth gossip... Did that sound medieval enough? We are dealing with a knight and damsel in distress after all. But seriously, gossip can wreck a person's life and backfire on the person spreading it. Read on to find out how things go.
At this point, I won't blame you for loathing Archer... feel free to emote your reactions to him here. 😤
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