[Audio clicks on]
It's just like a long weekend, kinda!
Well, not really. It's more like being sick.
Niki and I have been re-watching our favourite show. We've spent practically the entirety of the last three days on the couch. Neither of us have gone outside. I think we've both agreed without saying it that it's too quiet out there.
My eyes kinda hurt, though, and my limbs are restless. I don't like staying inside for extended periods of time.
If only we'd hear just one car. Just one. Then maybe Niki and I would be just as convinced as Gramps that everything will be normal again in time.
I think that part is just as scary as everything else. The fact Gramps has gone about his days as if everything was totally normal and nothing has changed. It's scary watching him open up Corner Convenience once again only for no one to show up. For nothing to happen. Gramps just stands there at checkout with nothing to do. All day.
Niki tried to convince Gramps to watch our show with us, but he just said he can't afford to take random days off. "If I didn't open the store, how would we pay our bills?" he says.
I don't think he quite realizes that we don't have to pay bills when we're the only people alive.
We haven't had any more earthquakes since the big one last week. I'm glad—kind of. I'd almost grown used to the white noise that the shaking provided, and now that there's nothing else to make noise besides us, I kind of miss it.
Overall, we're doing well. Niki and I are having fun, I think. Or at least we are whenever it's not too quiet. But Niki has hardly slept a wink since the big earthquake. I almost wonder if he's scared to. Maybe some part of him thinks he'll wake up and find himself completely alone. Just him. No me. No Gramps. I worry about him.
I understand the fear, but I also think it's ridiculous. Gramps and I wouldn't leave without him. Just like he wouldn't leave without us.
[Jordyn's bed creaks as she shifts]
It's 2:17 AM.
...I don't want to sleep either. What if I don't wake up? What if the ground eats us whole in our sleep?
Would we able to escape even if we were awake?
Maybe it would better if we were buried in our sleep.
[Jordyn falls silent for a moment]
I'm gonna go. Goodnight.
[End of audio]
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