Deployment I
Honestly things Feel bit rough with BETA. The fact is that they have to risk their lives JUST to protect the world from endangerment's Like The Tracuers and C.O.F ..To try and make peace with these fuckers instead of popping a damn bullet into each one's skull?
Jensen thought that.
He likes where he is. He likes being in a SF unit , when he was a kid. He dreamed of Delta, or the SEALS. I guess its because he wants to be a hero, a person who is willing to fight for anything, to protect anyone. Its what he dreamed off. what he thought may happen.
Till He joined ..and his perspective was far different. All he can do is just shoot and kill, disarm or blow up. Stop anything involving world domination.
He sighs, Grabbing his ARR handgun from his locker and his armor pads. He puts his bullet proof vest over him and straps it on tight, He then grabs his Chest and abdominal armor and straps them on. They are made of Spartan Iron. A metal Developed by a private facility near Sparta, twice as strong as any metal. He grabs his bag of munition and other gadgets, putting over his shoulder. He grabs his helmet and puts it on, activating the HUD and visor .He walks out the Armory and jogs to the Hanger bay. All Military personal follow behind and infront of him, all heading to the same destination he is.
From the distance He sees red team Holding explosives and a Aires Rocket launcher.
For when things needed to be lit, Red team and provide the Fireworks.
Blue Team grabs their rifles and Hacking essentials and walks up to their chopper.
They would help with disabling AA guns and steal Codes and software, and if they want to..they could just add in a wacky virus to confuse and piss off the enemies..or their own teammates..Fucking amateurs.
Jensen Meets up with the rest of Ghost Team. They have their rifles and snipers. Doing the quiet and the dirty work. Corporal looks at Jensen.
''Hey you ready for one nasty battle?'' He asks, smiling while he loads a clip.
''I guess, its like all the ones we experienced right?''
''Nah, from the way it all looks. its Worse. C.O.F released a new weapon, The tracuers are gonna make a move on them and We have to take out both of them to stop more Destruction. Personally..Im actually excited.''
Jensen stops loading his gun and looks at corporal . ''Why the hell are you excited for this.''
''Because WE can finally take out the tracuers and C.O.F!! We can end their conflict!!'' Corporal shouts. ''Dont be so sentimental Jensen, its war. people die, things get blown up or destroyed. its human nature.''
Jensen sighs and nods. He grabs his rifle and gear, and heads up to the chopper. The rest of the team follows and sits down.
The doors close and the Sound of an alarm raises. The hanger door opens .
''Flight deck, this is Ghost ship , permission to take off?'' The pilot speaks into the radio.
''Granted, Godspeed all of you'' . Flight deck commander responds watching the choppers Ascend .
''Hold on back there! we are taking off'' Pilot yells back to Ghost team. They buckle up and sit tight. The choppers take off , heading to their checkpoint.
Jensen Looks at the team and down at his helmet, taking a deep breathe . He turns it over and puts it on.
This is gonna be one hell of a fight.
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