Preparing For the Fight With The Anti-Monitor
{At S.T.A.R Labs}
Barry And the Rest of The Heroes Were Talking About the Plan to Defeat the Anti-Monitor
Barry: So, What's The Plan? How Are We Going to Defeat the Anti-Monitor?
???: We Can Use Something I Picked Up from Central City.
Barry: Who...?
Iris Then Gasps and Then Points to A Man in His 20's Or 30's
Barry: Who Are You?
???: My Name Is Delsin Rowe and I Mean You No Harm Barry Allen Also Known as the Flash.
Barry: How Do You K-
Delsin: Your Secret Identity.
Barry: *Nods*
Delsin: Because I'm Not from This Earth.
???: Okay, So Then What Earth Are You From?
Delsin Then Looked Back and Saw Nora-West-Allen.
Delsin: I'm Actually from Earth-777 Where Your Husband *Points to Nora* Is Actually Still Alive.
Nora: *Gasps* Wait, really?
Delsin: Yep.
Nora: So, Was He Supposed to Sacrifice His Life or Not?
Delsin: He Was...But That Didn't Happen...Yet.
Nora: What Do You Mean By "Didn't Happen Yet".
Delsin: He Was Still Trapped on My Earth and Then He Somehow Got Connected to the Choas Force.
Nora/Barry/Iris/Bart: The Choas Force? What's That?
???: It's A Force That Drives You Completely Mad-Insane Even.
The Group Then Back and Saw...Harry Wells?
Barry: Harry? What Are You Doing Here?
Harry Wells: Came To Help Out Allen and I Brought A Few Friends to Help Too.
Barry: Who?
???: What's Up, Everyone
Barry: Who Are You?
???: My Name Is Wally West and I'm The Flash of My World.
Barry: Okay, Cool
Barry: *Thinking* Oliver Said There Were More Flashes, I Just Didn't Know There Were So Many.
???: Hey, What's Up?
The Group Then Turned and Saw... Two Versions of Spider-Man?
Barry: Who Are You? I Mean I Already Know You *Points to The Spiderman of Central City* But You Are...?
???: OH, Where Are My Manners? My Name Is Harry Osborn Also Known as Spider-Man of My World.
Cisco/Bart: Cool!!
Nora: Yeah, Cool
Spider-Man (Harry): So, What's Our Next Move?
Iris: *Puts A Hand on Her Daughter's Shoulder* Maybe You Should Sit This One Out.
Xs:What? NO!!!
???: I Agree with The Lass
The Group Then Looked Back and Saw...Someone in Dragon Armor?
Nora: Who Are You?
???: OH, How Rude of Me, My Name Is Damian Abbott and I'm A Viking of My World
Nora:Okay,What's A Viking?
???: That's What We Are
Nora Then Looked Back and Saw....A Man in Some Sort of Fireproof Dragon Armor.
Nora: Who Are You?
???: That's Hiccup, And I'm Astrid
Nora: Okay? That's Cool
Damian (Viking): So, Your Husband Is Gone and on Top of That He Also Tapped into Some Sort of Choas Force.
Nora: Yes
Spider-Man: (Harry): Then Let's Go Take Down the Anti-Monitor.
The Heroes Then Began to Preprepared for The Fight with The Anti-Monitor
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