Boast Masters
Spike: Come on, Twilight. Damian: You can do it. Twilight: Okay. Here goes. Twilight's horn starts glowing, magic surrounds Spike's and Damian's faces, and after a few seconds they both grow a mustache.
Spike: Ha ha! You did it! Growing Magic, that's number 25.
Damian: 25 different types of tricks and counting, that's really impressive Twilight! Twilight blushes at Damian's compliment.
Spike and Damian then go look in a mirror.
Spike: And I think this is the best trick so far. Hello, Rarity. What's that? Oh, nothing, just my awesome mustache. *Chuckles*
Damian: Oh man! I look like Mario!
Spike: What do you think, Damian?
Damian:(Starts Talking Like Mario)
Spike: .......................... I have no idea what you're saying.
Damian: Ah. Sorry about that, my inner Italian came out for a second. I said, I think you look great.
Spike: You're not half bad Yourself.
Damian: ...
Spike: ...
Damian: ...
Spike: ...
Damian: ...
Spike and Damian: No homo.
Twilight: *Giggles* Sorry, Romeos. As attractive and enticing as the two of you look, it's just for practice, and it's got to go.
Spike and Damian: No! Wait!
The mustaches disappear.
Spike: Aw rats.
Damian: Dang it. I've never had a mustache before.
Spike, I promise to you that one day, I shall learn that spell and the two of us will have the sexiest mustache in all of Equestria!
Spike: Yeah!
Damian: Yeah!
Spike and Damian: Yeah!
Twilight looks at their interaction and chuckles.
Damian: Queue the intro! Hold up, did she say I look entic-
Spike, Damian, and Twilight are seen walking through Ponyville.
Spike: 25, Twilight, 25 different kinds of tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents.
Twilight: True, for ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math, but what if a unicorn's special talent is magic?
Spike: Like you, Twilight, and you know tons of magic.
But what about you, Damian? You also know a lot of tricks.
Damian: Well, Spike. Even though you say I know tons of magic, I mainly focus on attack or defensive magic, but I do know the basics of teleportation and levitation magic.
But I don't know any other spells like the growing magic spell that Twilight did earlier today, perhaps I'll have someone as talented as Twilight teach me some spells at some point.
Twilight: *Blush* Oh, Damian, Spike, stop. I'm sure there are lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that know as much as magic as me.
Spike: Are you kidding? I don't think there's another unicorn in all of Equestria with your kind of ability Twilight.
Out of nowhere, two foals came running.
Snails: Gangway! Coming through!
While running, they accidentally took Spike with them.
Damian: Spike!
Spike: Snips, Snails, Wh-What's going on?
They stopped in their tracks and Spike got launched, Damian was then seen with a baseball glove trying to catch Spike.
Damian: Don't worry! I got it, I got it.
Damian jumps in the air, catches Spike, and lands back in the ground with a roll.
Damian: Got you!
Spike: Phew. Thanks, Damian.
Damian: Anytime.
{Back with Snips and Snails.}
Snails: Well, haven't you heard? There is a new unicorn in town!
Snips: Yeah! They say that she's got more magical power than any other unicorn ever!
Twilight: Really?
Twilight could be seen getting a little sad by their comments.
Spike: Aw, No way!
Damian: Yeah, that honor goes to Twilight here.
Once more, Twilight blushes, but it quickly goes away.
Twilight: Where is this unicorn?
Snails: Oh, she's in the Town Square. Come on!
Snips: Yeah! Come on!
The trio then follow the Foals. The scene changes to a crowd of ponies looking at a wagon that changes to a stage.
???: Come one! Come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the great and powerful Trixie!
Out of the smoke, a blue mare unicorn appears, with a cape and a hat.
The crows started, gasping and murmuring.
Trixie: Watch in awe as the great and powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!
For dramatic effects, some fireworks in the back stared exploding.
Rarity: My, my, my. What boasting.
Spike: Come on. No pony's as magical as Twi-, Twi-, Twi. Oh! *Clears throat* H-Hey, Rarity, I, uh, Mustache!
Spike zoomed off.
Damian: Oof, it pained me to watch that.
Twilight then speaks to Rarity.
Twilight: There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?
Applejack: Nothing at all, excepting when someone goes around showing it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.
Rarity: Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.
Rainbow: Especially when you got me around being better than the rest of us.
Applejack gives Rainbow a glare.
Rainbow: Uh, I mean, yeah! uh, magic schmagic! Boo!
Twilight was getting worried by these comments.
Trixie: Well, well, well. It seems we have some naysayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the great and powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?!
Rarity blows a raspberry.
Rarity: Just who does she think she is?
Spike: Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight is-
Twilight: Spike! Shh!
Twilight pulls Spike away with her, Damian notices this and goes with them.
Spike: What? What's wrong?
Twilight: You see the way they reacted to Trixie? I don't want anyone thinking I'm a show-off.
Damian: Twilight, you don't have to worry about that, all of us know that you aren't the show-off type, and using your magic doesn't make you a show-off.
The camera shows us Trixie in her stage with a lot of fireworks as visual effects.
Rainbow had enough and goes up in the stage.
Rainbow: So, great and powerful Trixie, what makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?
Trixie: *Giggles* Why, only the great and powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!
The ponies gasp.
Snips: What?!
Snails: No way
Damian: Wait, isn't the Ursa Major a constellation?
Trixie's visual effects shape into some drawing that represent the story that Trixie starts telling.
Trixie: When all hope was lost, the ponies of Buffington had no one to turn to, but the great and powerful Trixie stepped in and, with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the everfree forest!
Snails: Aw, sweet!
Snips: Sa-sweet! That settles it!
Snails: Trixie truly is the most talented, most magical, most awesome unicorn in ponyville.
Snips: No! In all of Equestria!
Damian: How do you know?!
Spike: Yeah! You didn't even see it! And besides.
Damian and Spike: It's Twi-
Twilight, with her magic, is somehow able to literally zip Spike's and Damian's mouth, they tried to speak, but it's all muffled.
Trixie: *Laughs* It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers, Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville.Everypony present stayed silent, to the point where only some crickets chirping could be heard.
Trixie: Don't believe the great and powerful Trixie? Well, then, I hereby challenge you, ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest Equine who has ever lived?!
{Inside Damian's mind}: Why You Little Faker
Spike unzips his mouth and starts begging to Twilight.
Spike: Please! She's unbearable! You got to show her, you just got to!
Twilight: There's no way I'm going to use my magic now, Spike, especially since-
Trixie: Hmm! How Is there anything you can do that the great and powerful Trixie can't?
Twilight: I-I
Turns out that Trixie was talking to Applejack.
Trixie: Well, little hayseed?
Applejack: That's it. I can't stand for no more of this.
Spike: You show her A.J.!
Damian unzips his mouth with his hoof.
Damian: Yeah! Kick her a-Twilight zips his mouth once more.
Twilight: Damian! Language!
Damian: *sad noises*Applejack goes up to the stage.
Applejack: Can your magical powers do this?
Applejack did a bunch of lasso tricks that surprised the ponies that were present and ended with her grabbing an apple from a tree with her lasso and eating it.
The ponies of the crowd started cheering for Applejack.
Applejack: Top that, Missy!
Damian: Anybody else noticed that banjo that started sounding out of nowhere? No? Okay...
Trixie: Oh, ye of little talent, watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie.
With her magic, Trixie made Applejack's lasso start moving like a snake, tie Applejack upside-down, and put an apple in her mouth.
The ponies of the crow laughed and cheered, while Applejack bounced off the stage.
Damian unzipped his mouth and went towards Applejack to untie her.
Damian: Let me give you a hoof.
And if it makes you feel any better, I really liked your show, I knew you were talented with your lasso, but not to that level.
You were amazing!
Applejack blushed at Damian's compliment.
Applejack: I, uh, thank you kindly.
Back with Trixie.
Trixie: The great and powerful Trixie prevails.
Rainbow goes next.
Rainbow: There's no need to go strutting around and showing off like that.
Trixie: Oh?
Rainbow: That's my job!
Rainbow then performs a bunch of air tricks that end up with her gathering the water of some clouds and landing in the stage, forming a rainbow above her.
Rainbow: They don't call me "Rainbow" and "Dash" for nothing.
Once again, the crowd starts cheering.
Trixie: When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you "Loser. "With her magic, Trixie grabs Rainbow's rainbow, and quickly spins her through the air, making her dizzy, then she drops her back on the ground.
Rainbow: I think I'm...gonna be sick.
Damian goes up to her and starts gently rubbing her head with his hoof, to try and make her feel better. Trixie: Seems like any pony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the great Trixie.
Trixie makes a thunder cloud appear and attempts to shock Rainbow, but Damian quickly moves her, but receives the impact himself.
Damian: YAH! Spike: Damian! You, okay?
Damian: Y-Yeah. I'm good. At least I'm not on- Damian catches on fire.
Spike: Uh oh.
Damian: Oh No I'm On Fire
Damian starts rolling on the ground while screaming, and Fluttershy, who was around, starts chasing him trying to help him.
The crowd of ponies laugh along with Trixie.
Spike: What we need is another unicorn to challenge her, someone with magic of her own.
Rainbow: Yeah! A unicorn to show this unicorn who's boss.
Applejack: A real unicorn-to-unicorn tussle.
Spike, Rainbow, and Applejack look towards Twilight who starts getting nervous but is then interrupted by Rarity.
Rarity: Enough. Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace.
Trixie: Ohh! What's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane? Rarity:
Rarity goes up to the stage.
Rarity: You may think you're tough, with all of your so-called powers, but there is more to magic than your brutish ways.
A unicorn mare needs to be more than just muscle.
A unicorn needs to have style.
Rarity uses her magic to quickly make an elegant dress for herself, making her look beautiful and divine.
Spike: Rarity won't let Trixie get the best of her.
She's strong.
She's beautiful.
She's-Spike was interrupted when Trixie used her magic to change Rarity's mane.
Everypony present gasps.
Rarity: Quick!
I need a mirror!
Get me a mirror!
What did she do to my hair?!
I know she did something terrible to my hair!
Twilight: Nothing.
Rainbow: It's fine.
Applejack: It's gorgeous.
Damian then arrives after Fluttershy helped him extinguish the fire.
Damian: Phew! That was a close one. Now, what did I-Holy Frick! Rarity your mane!
Rarity: What?! What did Trixie do to it?!
Spike and Damian: It's green.
Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack give Spike and Damian a glare.
Spike: What?
Damian: Oops.
Rarity: No.
Green hair?!
Not green hair!
Such an awful, awful color! Aah!
Random green pony: Well! I never!
Spike: Well, Twilight, I guess it's up to you.
Come on.
Show her what you're made of.
Twilight: What do you mean? I'm nothing special.
Damian: Shit!
Spike: What about you, Damian?
Damian: You know. At first, I didn't intend on intervening or anything since that would put me on her level, but after seeing her embarrass Applejack, try to hurt Rainbow, and humiliating Rarity, I'mma show her something that she's never seen before, in fact it'll be something nopony has ever seen before.
Twilight: Something never seen before?
Trixie: Oh? Are you the next pony to try and defy the great and powerfu-
Damian: Yeah, yeah, I know Trixie. I don't wan't to hear your whole monologue again.
Damian goes up the stage and starts looking around.
From the audience my friends Applejack, Rainbow, and Fluttershy started talking between themselves.
Applejack: What do you think he has planned?
Rainbow: I have no idea, but I hope it'll be something totally awesome.
Fluttershy: I just hope he doesn't get hurt or anything.
{Back with Damian.}
Damian: Okay.
Quick question! Is anyone the owner of that empty wagon over there?
Damian points to a random wagon.
Random. Pony: Uh, yeah, I'm the owner.
Damian: How much do you want for it?
Random. Pony: Uh, I suppose 35 bits should be enough.
Damian: Deal!
Damian pulls out 35 bits from his tail and levitates it to the Random.Pony.
Trixie: What do you need a wagon for?
I hope you're not just wasting the time of the great and powerful Trixie.
Damian: Oh, believe you me.
The wait will be worth it.
Now, this is the first time that I'll be using this spell, so hopefully nothing bad happens.
Here I go! Damian closed his eyes and his horn started glowing, after a few seconds, Damian's whole body started releasing a blue aura.
The mares started to get worried since due to Damian's facial expression, they could see that he was under a lot of pressure and whatever spell he was doing, was taking a toll on him.
Finally, Damian shot his eyes open and screamed.
Damian: I've always wanted to do this.
Damian: Yes! It actually worked! I mean, I'm tired as a Dog but at least I know that all of my training is showing its fruits.
Okay, let's do this quickly, I can only hold on for 4 seconds
3 Seconds left.
Damian went towards the wagon and.
(Just Imagine That Jiren Is the Wagon)
2 Seconds left. Damian went back to the stage and on his way there, he pulled out some sunglasses and an instant camera from who knows where.
1 Second left.
Damian: Hmm! I'mma borrow her cape. Real quick.
Damian grabbed Trixie's cape, took a picture with her making a funny face.
Put back Trixie's cape and time continued.
The ponies of the crowd were confused.
Trixie: Ha! Nothing happened.
It looks like that spell of yours didn't do anything besides getting you some sunglasses.
Damian: Are you sure?
Now, if everyone would just be kind enough to look at the same wagon from before. Destroy Your Soul Wagon.
Wagon: What?!The ponies turned around and were surprised to see that despite the distance and the fact that Damian's horn was no longer glowing, the wagon was now getting damaged until it was completely destroyed.
Trixie: Wh-What?!
Fluttershy: That...Twilight: Was...Spike and Rainbow: Totally awesome!!!
The crowd of ponies started cheering for Damian.
Damian went to Trixie and gave her a copy of the photo that he took while time was stopped, you could see the surprise all over her face.
He then came down from the stage, but it was noticeable that he was limping and breathing heavily.
Twilight: Damian, what was that?
What did you do?
Damian: I-I used a spell of course.
Fluttershy: Damian are you okay?
Damian: Yeah, I-I'm fine. Just a little tired.
That spell r-really took a lot out of me.
I think I'm gonna pass out any second now.
Trixie's voice then started sounding.
Trixie: Well, looks like we have a unicorn who's got some power in him.
But the great and powerful Trixie also has some spells up her sleeve!
Trixie used her magic to levitate the destroyed parts of the wagon, she made them all surround Damian and form a wooden ball around him that started to Squish him, she then threw the ball and made it roll somewhere in Ponyville with Damian still inside of it.
Damian: AAHH! I get dizzy easily!
Mane 4 (Since Rarity went to cry somewhere, and for some reason Pinkie isn't here): Damian!
Trixie: Huzza! The great and powerful Trixie is victorious yet again!
Spike: Come one Twilight!
You saw what she did to Damian!
Show here what you've got! I know you're better than her.
Twilight: Spike, I'm not better than anyone!
Trixie: Ha! You think you're better than the great and powerful Trixie?
You think you have more magical talent?
Well, come on, show Trixie what you've got. Show us all.
Twilight: Who, me? I'm just your run-of-the-mill citizen of Ponyville, no powerful magic here.
I, uh, think I hear my laundry calling. Sorry. Got to go.
Twilight ran away.
Spike: Twilight?
Trixie: Once again, the great and powerful Trixie has proven herself to be most amazing unicorn in all of Equestria. Unh. Was there ever any doubt?
Trixie walks away and all of the ponies go along to continue with their day.
The scene the changes to Trixie brushing her mane in front of a mirror.
Snips and Snails appear with a drink.
Snips: Here's the oat smoothie you asked for, with extra hay, just how you like it.
Snails: Mmm. Hay.
Trixie drinks her smoothie but sees how the duo keeps watching her.
Trixie: *Annoyed* Yes?
Snips: Oh, tell us another story, great and powerful Trixie.
Snails: Yeah, tell us about how you vanquished the Ursa Major.
Trixie: *Scoffs* Trixie is far too exhausted from performance feats beyond imagination.
Begone with you until morning.
Snips and Snails bowed and started walking away.
Snails: Oh, of course, great and powerful Trixie.
Snips: Anything you say. We are at your beck and call.
Spike suddenly appears.
Spike: What are you two doing?
Snips: Just bringing the G&P a-
Spike: The what?
Snips: The great and powerful Trixie.
Spike: *Rolls eyes* Sheesh!
Snips: Just bringing her a smoothie.
Spike: How can you fall for her lameness? She's just a show-off, unlike Twilight, who-
Snips: The great and powerful Trixie vanquished an Ursa Major. Can your Twilight claim that?
Spike: Oh, really? Were you guys actually there?
Snips: Well, uh, uh, no, but-Spike: But nothing. The proof is in the pudding.
Snails: Hehe. I like pudding.
Spike: *Sigh* Look unless an Ursa Major comes waltzing up the street for Trixie to vanquish.
I am not gonna believe a word she says, and neither should you.
Snips: Hmm. An Ursa walking up the street, eh? Snails, you thinking what I'm thinking?
Snails: Why is it they call it a flea market when they don't really sell fleas?
Snips: Yeah! Uh...Oh, come on.
Snips and Snails walked away to do something stupid.
Spike starts going back to the library, on his way there he finds Damian who is laying on the ground.
Spike: Oh shoot, Damian! Buddy you're okay.
Damian: Ugh....well, I'm alive, and I survived Nightmare Moon, so it's gonna take a whole lot more than just some fatigue, dizziness, and broken ribs to kill me.
I'm guessing your heading back to the library, Huh?
Spike: Yeah, I'm gonna go have a talk with Twilight and see if I can convince her to show Trixie who's really the most talented unicorn of Ponyville.
Wanna come with?
Damian: Yeah. Besides, I think I could use the walk.
Spike: Okay. Let's go. Wait a minute, did you say you had broken ri-Spike and Damian are now in the library looking at Twilight who is reading a book.
Spike: Twilight, would you put down that book and just listen to us?
Twilight: Didn't you see how they hated Trixie's bragging?
If I go out there and show off my magic, I run the risk of losing them as friends.
Damian: Twilight, they're not the same thing at all.
You'd be using your magic to stand up for your friends, didn't you see how Trixie treated them? She tied Applejack, she tried hurting Rainbow Dash, and she humiliated Rarity to the point where she made her cry!
Spike: She also hurt Damian and rolled him away on a wooden ball.
So, it ain't the same thing.
Twilight: No, you guys, it's exactly the same thing.
Spike: Come on, Twilight. Any one of these tricks, even the teeniest, would be enough to show up to Trixie.
Twilight: I don't want to be seen as a bragger like Trixie.
Twilight forms a door in front of Damian and Spike, and slams it shut.
Spike the opens it.
Spike: Unh! But you're the best!
Damian: *singing*She's got to be the very best, like no one ever was.
And besides your cutie mark literally represents your talent with magic, are you seriously telling us that you're going to let all the studying and practice that you've done with magic go to waste?
Twilight: Ugh! Please, Damian! I said no!
Damian: *sigh* Okay.
Spike: If that's the way you want to be, then fine.
Spike closes the door, but it just gets awkward, so Damian decides to open it, and both him and Spike walk away.
The camera shows us Snips and Snails in the everfree forest, entering a cave.
Snips: Whoa! How we gonna find an Ursa Major when I can't even see my own hoof in front of my face?
Snails: Hold on. Snails made his horn to start glowing.
Snips: Oh. Heh. That's better.
Unbeknownst to them, the ursa was behind them and Snail's light woke him up, and let's just say that he ain't very happy about it.
The scene changes to Spike and Damian who are walking looking sad.
However, their sadness is interrupted when Snips and Snails pass close to them screaming. Spike: Hey, guys, where are you going?
Snips: Can't talk now!
Snails: Got a major problem!
Snips: Yep! Ursa Major, to be exact!
A roar that comes from behind our duo, makes them look back and see the Ursa Major.
Spike: AAH!
Damian: Spike! Less screaming and more running!
Damian and Spike start running.
Spike: *Panting* Can't you teleport us to safety?
Damian: Let me try.
Damian tries to use his magic to teleport himself and Spike to safety, however, he still hasn't fully recuperated from using the spell with Trixie.
Damian: No can do, Spike! So, there's only one thing we can do right now!
Spike: What?!
Damian: RUN!
Snips and Snails: Trixie!
Spike: Twilight!
Damian: Mommy!
SpongeBob: Spongebob!
Damian: Huh what the F-!
Snips and Snails arrive with Trixie and starts crazily knocking on the door of her wagon.
Snips and Snails: Trixie! Trixie! Come on out! You got to help!
Trixie: Trixie thought she said the great and powerful Trixie did not want to be disturbed.
Snips: *Laughs nervously* Uh, w-we have a tiny problem.
Snails: Actually, it's a big one.
Trixie: What is so important that you cannot wait until morning to disturb Trixie?
Trixie heard growling and saw where it came from.
The Ursa could be seen arriving at Ponyville and roaring.
Trixie, along with Snips and Snails, screamed and ran away.
Trixie's cart got crushed by the Ursa's paw.
{With Damian and Spike at the library.}
Spike and Damian: Twilight!
Spike: You've got to come quick!
Twilight: I've already told you guys, I don't want to show up Trixie.
Damian: No, you don't understand it's-He was interrupted by a loud roar.
Twilight: Uh, is that what I think it is?
Damian: If what you're thinking it is an Ursa Major who has come from the Everfree forest and will most likely destroy the whole town while slowly and painfully eating any pony that it sees in its path until it leaves nothing but bloodshed behind, then yes, it is what you think it is.
The camera shows us Trixie, Snips, and Snails getting cornered by the Ursa Major.
Snips: Great and powerful Trixie, you've got to vanquish the Ursa.
Snails: Yeah! Vanquish so we can watch.
Snips: It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here.
Trixie: Wait. You brought this here?
Are you out of your little pony minds?!
Snips: But you're the great and powerful Trixie.
Snails: Yeah. Remember? You defeated an Ursa Major.
Trixie: Uh. Okay. Stand back.
Trixie uses her magic to make a rope levitate and tie two of the Ursa's fingers.
Trixie: Ahh. Piece of cake.
The Ursa breaks the rope from its fingers really easily.
Snips: Aw, come on, Trixie.
Snails: Stop goofing around and vanquish it, eh?
Trixie uses her magic to summon a thundercloud, but it was very small compared to the Ursa.
Snails: Well, that was a dud.
Snips: Yeah, come on! Where's all the cool explosion and smoke and stuff like earlier, you know?The cloud that Trixie previously summoned, hit the Ursa with a thunder, and it did nothing but make it the creature angrier.
The Ursa roared and made Trixie and the two foals flee. It roared once more, but this time it awoke the whole town, and the ponies of the town started to panic and run away.
Damian, Twilight, and Spike arrive at the scene.
Twilight: What's going on?Snips: We brought an Ursa to town.
Twilight: You what?!
Snails: Don't worry. The great and powerful Trixie will vanquish it.
Trixie: I can't.
Snips and Snails: What?!
Trixie: I can't. I never have. No one can vanquish an Ursa Major.
I just made the whole story to make me look better.
Snips and Snails: Made it up?!
The Ursa arrives to where our characters are and loudly roars at them, shaking the ground, and scaring all of the ponies present
Damian: I've Pissed my pants......Oh wait, I don't have any pants.
Spike elbows Twilight, telling her that it is finally her time to shine.
She steps up to the Ursa, and starts using her magic to make the wind go through some cattails and create some smoothing music that went through Ursa's ears, making it tired.
Spike: Nice use of number 16.
Twilight proceeds to use her magic to grab a water tower that was nearby, she pours out the water and makes the water tower go through a barn and it came out with milk inside.
Damian: Damn, that must've been some real speed on the cows.
A cap was placed on the water tower, turning it into a baby bottle that went into the Ursa's mouth and it started drinking the milk.
Thanks to the combination of the soothing music and the milk, the Ursa fell asleep.
Twilight levitates the Ursa back into the Everfree forest and into the cave it came from.
After that, the town started cheering for Twilight.
Applejack: Heavens to Betsy! We knew you had ability but not that much.
Twilight: I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me.
Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow: Hate you?!
Rarity: Why, whatever do you mean darling?
Twilight: Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought-
Rainbow: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it.
Trixie's just a loudmouth.
Rarity: Most unpleasant.
Applejack: All hat and no cattle.
Twilight: don't mind my magic tricks?
Applejack: Your magic is part of who you are, sugarcube.
Rainbow: Yeah! I mean, it's right there on your cutie mark.
Applejack: And we like who you are.
We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend.
Rainbow: And after whupping that Ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder.
Twilight: You are?
The mares agreed.
Spike: Wow, Twilight!
How'd you know how to do that with that Ursa Major?
Twilight: That's what I was doing when you came looking for me.
I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that I was compelled to do a little reading up on them.
Damian: So, it is possible to vanquish an Ursa Major all by yourself?
Twilight: That wasn't an Ursa Major, it was a baby an Ursa Minor.
Spike and Damian: What?!
Trixie: That was just a baby?
Twilight: And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because someone woke it up.
Everyone started looking at Snips and Snails.
Spike: Well, if that was an Ursa Minor, then what is an Ursa Major like?
Twilight: You don't want to know.
Damian: Oh, hell naw. An Ursa Major comes to town, and everything will be gone after 4 or 5 steps.
Trixie: Ha! You may have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but you will never have the amazing, showstopping ability of the great and powerful Trixie!
Trixie throws a smoke bomb and runs away.
Rainbow: Why that little!
Twilight: Just let her go. Maybe some day she'll learn her lesson.
Snips and Snails could be seen trying to sneak away until Twilight blocks their way.
Twilight: Now, about you two.
Snips: Uh...we're sorry that we woke up the Ursa Minor.
Snails: We just wanted to see some awesome magic.
Snips: Yeah! And the way you vanquished that Ursa Minor was awesome!
Despite their praises, Twilight was still looking at them with a glare.
The foals bowed
Snails: We deserve whatever punishment you give us.
???: Oh, really?Snips and Snails turned around to see Damian, and it was clear that he was VERY angry.
Damian tried launching himself to the foals but was stopped by Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and Spike, holding him back.
Spike: Damian! Calm down!
Don't do anything you may regret later!
Rarity: Uh, Twilight! Be a dear and put Damian to sleep like you did to that Ursa.
Twilight: But Damian isn't a baby.
Applejack: Just try!
Twilight started using the same spell that she used on the Ursa with Damian, slowly it looks like it started to work, and Damian was released from the grip of the mares and dragon.
Suddenly he spoke.
Damian: Ha! If you think a lullaby is enough to knock me out, you're absolutely correct! I am blacking out!
Damian fell to ground asleep.
Spike: Well, looks like I ain't the only baby here.
Twilight: Back to the main topic.
You boys, for starters, you can clean up this mess.
And...what do you think, Spike?
Should I give them number 25?
Spike: Oh, 25?
Yes. And I think I deserve it, too.
Snips and Snails: Huh?
Twilight: I think you're right.
Spike, Snips, and Snails suddenly grew mustaches.
The three: Sweet!
The camera shows us when it is now morning and Twilight is writing a letter for Princess Celestia.
Twilight: "Dear Princess Celestia, I have learned a very valuable lesson about friendship.
I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am.
My friends helped me realize that it's okay to be proud of your talents and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off, especially when you're stading up for your friends."
Twilight is interrupted when Damian and Spike entered the room, Spike still had his mustache.
Spike: So, you finally admit that you're the most talented unicorn in all of Ponyville?
Twilight: Well...Yeah. But it's nothing to brag about.
Damian: We're just going to have to agree to disagree on that.
Twilight: So, uh, Spike, how did it go with Rarity?
Spike: Eh, she didn't go for the mustache.
Twilight: You know, Spike, that mustache has nothing to do with who you really are.
Damian: She's right, Spike.
Besides, you haven't even reached puberty yet.
Twilight: Yeah.
So maybe you should just try being yourself.
Spike: Or...maybe the mustache wasn't enough.
Maybe if I had mustache and a beard.
Twilight: Oh, not this again.
Damian: Okay, I think I'm gonna go.
Twilight: Damian, wait!
I actually wanted to talk with you.
Damian: Yeah?
Twilight: Well, first of all I wanted to thank you for being there for me when I needed you most, today with my magic and when I had to deal with the whole tickets for the GGG situation, you were there to assist me, so yeah, I just wanted you to know how much it means to me
Twilight got close to Damian and hugged him, he stayed still the entire time, after a few seconds she took some steps back and kept talking.
Twilight: Secondly, I wanted to ask you, what was that spell that you used with Trixie?
I noticed that it took a lot of energy for you to perform it.
Damian: Well...
Damian got close to Twilight's ear, she blushed due to Damian being so close to her.
Damian: I think that'll be my little secret for now.
Damian took some steps back, while playfully sticking out his tongue to Twilight.
Twilight: What?! *Pouts* No fair! You always do this!
Damian: Okay, okay, I'll tell you.
Twilight: You will?
Damian: Yep. Now listen, I won't fully go into detail, but let's just say that the spell had something to do with....stopping time.
When Damian finished that sentenced he started running away.
Twilight: Stopping time?! Damian, come back here! I still have many questions!
The camera zooms out of the Golden Oak Library tree, but we can still hear the noises of Twilight chasing Damian for some answers.
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