Apple-Buck Season
Applejack: Bow howdy! I got my work cut out for me! That there is the biggest bumper crop of Apples I ever laid eyes on.
Bic Mac: Yep! Too big for you to handle on your own.
Applejack: Come on, big brother.
You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle.
Applejack accidentally touches Big Mac in the zone where he is injured.
Which makes Big Mac receive a wave of pain and send Applejack a glare.
Applejack: Oops.
I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end.
Bic Mac: Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of.
Applejack: Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?
Bic Mac: Yep.
Applejack starts feeling underestimated by her brother, so she gets a bit angry.
Applejack: Why, of all the -- this is your sister Applejack, remember?!
The loyalist of friends and the most dependable of ponies!
Bic Mac: *worried* But still only one pony.
And one pony plus hundreds of apple trees just doesn't add up to-
Applejack: Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue!
I said I could handle this harvest, and I'm gonna prove it to you!
I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season all by myself!
{Back with Applejack surrounded by some apple trees.}
Applejack: Well, I better get kickin'.
These apples aren't gonna shake themselves out of the trees.
Suddenly it started rumbling.
Applejack: Oh, no!
In Ponyville We see Rainbow flying and looking at the source of the rumbling.
Rainbow: Stampede!
We see a bunch of cows that are running out of control and are heading straight for Ponyville, so everyone starts panicking and going inside their houses.
Pinkie: *Giggles* *Vibrating* Hey! This makes my voice sound really silly!
Twilight: Pinkie Pie are you crazy?!
Run! We then see Mayor Mare trying to calm the ponies.
M. Mare: Everypony calm down.
There is no need to panic.
Rarity: But, Mayor, whatever shall we do?!
Rainbow: Look there! The mane 6 started cheering for Applejack.
Applejack stops the stampede and starts talking to them.
Applejack: Hoo-whee! Now, what was that all about?
One of the cows starts talking.
Cow: Oh, my. Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Mooriella here saw one of those nasty snakes.
Cows: *Gasp*
Cow: And it just gave us all the willies, don't you know?
Applejack: I completely understand.
Just, next time, try to steer clear of Ponyville.
Cow: We certainly will Applejack.
Although... Applejack: What's wrong?
Cow: Oh nothing, but I remember our herd being much bigger.
Maybe they got separated from us.
Applejack: Oh no! They may be lost, we better start lookin' for them befor-
Applejack wasn't able to finish her sentence, because the ground started rumbling again, but this time it appeared to be more rhythmical.
The ponies of Ponyville were starting to wonder what the cause was this time, and why did it seem to be so coordinated, and that's when they started to hear a song.
Damian: YEEHAW!
Damian could be seen singing and all the cows were dancing to his song. Damian was playing a guitar the entire time with his magic, and sometimes the cows would even sing with him.
Damian: Woo-hoo! Look there's the rest of your herd.
I can't believe having learned that song from "Home in the Range" actually helped me.
Cow 2: Oh! Thank you very much for helping us find the rest of our herd, we were so scared we got separated.
I hope it wasn't too much trouble helping all 300 of us.
Damian: Nah! It was no trouble at all.
Besides, I had fun while we were singing!
Cow 2: Believe you me, we also had a lot of fun singing, it was a wonderful song.
Anyway, thanks for your help!
Damian: *With southern accent* Anytime partner!
Cow 2:...
Damian: What?
Cow 2: Don't ever do that again.
Damian: B-But I... fine.
Was it really that bad?
{With Applejack}
Cow: Oh!
There they are.
Anyway, we'll be careful from now on, Applejack.
So long, Winona!
Winona: Bark!
After everything that happened, the ponies of Ponyville started cheering for Applejack, and the fact that she stopped a stampede.
Applejack: Yeehaw!
Applejack then runs away, most likely to go to Sweet Apple Acres.
Pinkie then started copying Applejack.
Pinkie: Yeehaw! Ride 'em, cowboy!
M. Mare: Applejack was just -- just...
Pinkie: Appletastic!
M. Mare: Exactly!
We must do something to thank Applejack.
For single-hoofedly saving the town.
Pinkie: I know! A Party!
Damian then approaches the mane 5.
Damian: Hey girls! What'd I miss?
Mane 5: Hey Damian
Pinkie: Well, Applejack just saved the town from a wild stampede!
You should have seen her!
Fluttershy: W-What about you Damian?
W-Where were you?
You appeared out of nowhere, singing with what appeared to be the rest of the members of that herd.
Though I wished I could have been closer to hear you better.
Damian: I don't really want to tell them that I go to the Everfree forest to train.
I was just walking through the outskirts of the town when suddenly the ground started rumbling, and it was due to a stampede, they'd appear to be scared of something, so to calm them down, I played a song that I heard a long time ago, and it worked.
They told me that they got separated from the rest of the herd, so I helped them looked for it, and it looks like they almost caused a disaster in Ponyville, huh?
Also, my voice ain't that big of a deal, so you didn't miss anything.
Rarity: Indeed, had it not been for Applejack who knows what might have happened.
Twilight: So now we're gonna give her a Party as "Thank You". Pinkie?
Pinkie: Time to decorate!
{1 Week Time skip}
the town is showed with lots of decorations and most of them having apples, representing Applejack.
Twilight: We all ready?
Rarity: Just one last thing.
Rarity uses her magic to put up a banner that is decorated apple-theme.
Rarity: Now, we're ready.
Twilight: Is Applejack all set?
Rainbow: Actually, I haven't seen her all week.
Pinkie: Not since the stampede.
Damian: But she'll be here for sure, right? I mean, for as long as I've known her, she's never been late to anything.
The ponies of Ponyville are now gathered and Twilight walks to the stage and pulls out a big pile of paper that has her speech.
Damian: Oh no! My weakness! Long boring speeches!
Twilight: Welcome, everypony. Today, we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small, a pony whose contributions to-
Twilight is suddenly interrupted by Rainbow Dash.
Damian: Thank you, Rainbow!
Rainbow: Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there?
What an athlete!
This week, she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's gonna be so awesome!
Twilight then intervenes.
Twilight: Exactly. And- She was now interrupted by Pinkie.
Pinkie: This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time!
Twilight: What does that have to do with Applejack?
Pinkie: Oh! Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!
Crowd: *Cheers*
Damian: Free samples by Applejack, wait a minute, what episode am I in right now?
Twilight: Okay, that's great. Now if I could just make a point without being inter-
Fluttershy: Twilight?
Twilight: Rupted.
Fluttershy: Twilight, I'm so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season.
She's gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills.
Twilight: Anyone else? Anyone? No? Well, then, as I was trying to say- Mayor Mare then appears with a smile that meant that it was her turn to speak.
Twilight: Ugh! Never mind!
Twilight says as she throws her papers away and starts walking off the stage.
M. Mare: And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize pony of Ponyville award to our beloved guest of honor, a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability and integrity, Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend, Applejack!
Some curtains open up to reveal that Applejack wasn't there.
Damian: Oh, Celestia dang it! It's like Nightmare Moon all over again!
After some seconds of awkward silence, Applejack's voice can be heard, but it sounded tired.
Applejack: I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late. Well, I was just-- doin' apple stuff.
Applejack gets on the stage.
Miss mayor.
Thank you kindly for this here, uh, award thingy.
*Yawns* It's so bright and shiny, and I sure do look funny.
Applejack says while looking at herself through the reflection of the trophy, and then starts playing by getting near and backing away from the trophy multiple times, for some reason Pinkie Pie joins her.
Twilight: Okay. Well, thank you, Applejack, for saving us from that scary stampede and always being there for everypony.
Applejack: *Yawns* Yeah. I like helpin' the pony folks and -- and stuff.
Applejack falls asleep while standing, and then she wakes up again.
Applejack: Oh! Uh, yeah! Uh, thanks!
Applejack then slowly drags her trophy away, while everyone watches.
Twilight: Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little-- Rainbow: Tired?
Fluttershy: Dizzy.
Rarity: Messy?
Damian: Like me whenever I sleep for less than 12 hours?
Pinkie: She seemed fine to me! Whoo! Whoo!
{Time Skip}
We see both Twilight and Damian looking at Applejack, who kicks multiple trees, making their apples fall, but then she just starts kicking the air and at one point she accidentally kicked on of the buckets with apple.
Twilight: What on earth is that pony doing?
Applejack: Whoops. Applejack then falls to the ground asleep, and Twilight tries calling her.
Twilight: Hey, Applejack!
Damian: Oh yeah, I suppose we're in that episode where Applejack works too hard and causes some disaster, since I know in the end everything will be okay, I won't change too many stuff.
Let me try
Despite Damian's efforts, Applejack still wouldn't wake up.
Damian: How Is This Possible.
Twilight went close to Applejack and screamed again.
Twilight: Applejack!
Applejack: Ah!
Damian: Hey! How come she woke up with you
Applejack: Howdy, Twilight, Damian.
Twilight: What is all this?
Applejack: It's applebuck season.
Damian: Apple-what-now?
Applejack: It's what the apple family calls harvestin' time.
We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell them.
Twilight: But why are you doing it all alone?
Applejack: 'Cause Big Mac hurt himself.
Twilight: What about all those relatives I met when I first arrived to Ponyville?
Can't they help?
Applejack: They were just here for the apple family reunion.
They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards.
So, uh, I'm on my own.
Which means I should really get back to work.
However Twilight got in front of her and wouldn't move.
Applejack: Ahem, hint, hint. Get back to work.
Twilight: Fine *Steps aside*
Applejack: Uh, could you step aside, Twilight?
Twilight: I...just did. Applejack you don't look so good.
Damian: I agree with Twilight, to be honest, you look so tired I feel like you're gonna collapse at any second.
Applejack: Don't you four worry about a thing, I'm just fine and dandy.
Twilight teleports in front of Applejack.
Twilight: Would you like some help?
Applejack: Help? *Scoffs* No way, No how!
Damian: But, there's no way you're going to be able to do this all on your own.
Applejack: Is that a challenge?!
Damian: No! It's not!
Applejack: Well I'm gonna prove to you that I can do it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some apples to bucket.
Damian: Applejack, wait!
Come back!
Twilight: It's no use. *Sigh* We'll try at another time.
Wanna come with me to the library?
Damian: Nah. I think I need to take my mind off Applejack for a while.
Time skip to when Applejack launched Rainbow Dash: Rainbow: AAHH!
Twilight: Can I help you?
Rainbow: I think somepony else needs your help.
Twilight: Applejack?
Rainbow: Applejack.
We see Applejack picking up some apples, but while picking one she hits her head with a branch that was sticking out and her ears start ringing.
Twilight: Applejack, can we talk?
Applejack: Can bees squawk?! I don't think so!
Twilight: No. Can we talk?
Applejack: 20 stocks?!
Bean or Celery?
Twilight: No! I need to talk to you!
Applejack: You need to lock the zoo?!
Well, who's stopping you?!
Twilight: I need to talk to you!
Applejack: Oh, well why didn't you say so?!
What you want to talk about?!
Twilight: Rainbow Dash dropped in to see me today.
Applejack: That's nice of her!
Twilight: Yes, except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air.
Applejack: Oh, yeah, I wasn't feelin' quite myself this mornin'.
Twilight: Because you're working too hard and you need help!
Applejack: What? Kelp?
I don't even like seaweed.
Applejack: Nothin' doin', Twilight.
I'm gonna prove to you, to Damian, and to everypony, that I can do this on my own.
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go help Pinkie Pie.
{Time Skip to after Applejack Bakes With Pinkie And Ruins the Recipe.}
Right now we see Twilight with Spike
Twilight: We came as soon as we heard.
Nurse: Oh, thank you, Twilight. We need all the help we can get.
The camera shows us a bunch of ponies that are sick, some are in beds, some are on the floor, but all of them have their faces with the color green, showing that they're really sick.
On that moment Damian arrives.
Damian: Twilight! I'm here what's going on?
sheesh what even happened? We see Spike pick up a bitten muffin and smell it, out of it comes a worm.
Nurse: It was a mishap with some of the baked goods.
Pinkie: No. Not baked goods, baked bads.
Damian: Oh Celestia. It's a lot worse to look at the events on person.
Damian goes near Pinkie and starts rubbing her head with his hoof, trying to help her feel better, that's all he could do since he's never had to take care of sick people before.
Damian: There, there Pinkie. I promise it will all be better soon.
Pinkie: Thanks Damian, you're a good friend.
Twilight: Applejack!
Spike is seen eating some of the muffins and offers one to Twilight.
Spike: Oh,man! Want one?
Twilight: No thanks, I have to go have a chat with Applejack. *Runs Away*
Damian: Twilight, wait for me!
Damian went after Twilight, but unbeknownst to him, Pinkie felt a little sad that Damian had stopped rubbing her head and had went with Twilight.
Damian caught up with Twilight, just to see Applejack sleeping upside down on her apple cart.
Twilight: Applejack, we need to talk.
Damian: Oof, something bad always comes after those words, it's never something good like, we need to talk, I found a cat. We need to talk, I won the lottery.
Nah, it's always something bad.
Applejack: Wha?! Huh?!
Oh it's just you guys. I know what you're goin' to say, and the answer is still no.
Twilight: Not to upset your applecart, but you need help.
Applejack: *Sigh* Hardy-har. And no I don't.
Damian: Just let us help you.
Applejack: Help? No thanks.
Applejack got off her cart and stood back up.
Applejack: I'll show You Guys that I need no help.
Now, come on apples! Fall off!
Damian: *To Twilight* Should I tell her or?
Twilight: Applejack, that's a dead tree.
Applejack: *Looks at tree* I knew that
Damian: Press X to doubt.
Applejack starts walking away.
Damian: Give me a second, I'll try talking to her.
Twilight: I don't think it'll do much, but I appreciate your help.
Damian: Sure, anything for a friend.
Damian then went and followed Applejack.
Damian: Applejack! we had something else to talk to you about.
You see, we just came back from Ponyville urgent care and-
Damian couldn't finish her sentence since Applejack interrupted him.
Applejack: You know, I'm a little busy to get lectured right now, Damian.
Damian: I'm not trying to lecture you, I'm trying to tell you that if you just let yourself get helped-
Applejack: Ugh! No! No! No! What's so hard to understand about that?!
Damian: Applejack, your friends and I are worried about you, you gotta understand that you're not oka-
Applejack: NO! I don't want your help! I don't need your help!
In fact, I don't even want to see you here! Let me tell you in a way that will get the message clear. I don't need help from nopony, especially from you! *Walks away*
Damian was left standing on his place, he decided to go back with Twilight
Twilight: Any luck?
Twilight: Damian?
Damian: What? Ah. No, no luck.
Twilight: Ugh! That pony is stubborn as a mule!
A mule that for some reason was nearby, brayed.
Twilight: No offense. Mule: None taken.
Oh, hey Damian! Damian: Hey Jerry!
How are the wife and kids?
{With Applejack and Fluttershy}
Fluttershy: Oh, Applejack, thank you so much for offering your herding skills for the annual rabbit roundup.
Applejack: *Sighs* Why are we doing this?
Fluttershy: Well, lots of new baby bunnies have been born, so it's my job to get a count of all the new families.
Applejack: Fine. Can we just get on with it?
Fluttershy: Certainly, but remember, there are bunnies we're dealing with, not cows.
They're a timid bunch and need to be treated gently.
Applejack: I do not need any direction on corrallin' critters.
Right, Winona?!
Winona barks in approval.
Some nearby bunnies started smelling the presence of Fluttershy, Applejack, and Winona.
Fluttershy: *Gently* Okay, little bunnies.
I need you all to gather here in the middle.
Applejack: That's right !
Let's go, Bunnies! In the center!
Hop to it!
The bunnies got scared by Applejack's tone of voice, so they started fleeing.
Applejack and Winona started chasing and scaring the bunnies, till they corner them against a fence.
Flutterhy: Oh, no. The bunnies get scared and ran towards Ponyville, forming a stampede, and making the residents panick and enter their homes.
Some time later we see Damian and Twilight walking together, Twilight was humming while Damian was quiet, a bit too quiet.
Twilight: Damian are you all right? You've been quiet for a while now.
Damian: Yeah I'm okay, don't worry about it, it's nothing.
Suddenly, Damian and Twilight saw three ponies laying on the ground.
Damian: Uh...are they okay?
Pony 1: The horror! The horror!
Pony 2: It was awful!
Pony 3: A disaster! A horrible, horrible disaster!
Our duo started looking around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.
Twilight: I don't get it.
Damian: Maybe it's a psychological disaster, one that occurs only inside of us, and one where only we have to power to choose wether it will control us or we will contr-
Damian gets interrupted by the three ponies.
Pony 2: Look around! Our gardens destroyed.
Pony 1: Every last flower, devoured!
Pony 3: By -- by...them!
The pony points towards a direction, and we then see various bunnies eating any flower that is nearby, and Flutterhy is trying to get them to stop.
Fluttershy: Oh, my! Oh, please stop, little bunnies.
Oh, no!
Please, let's go home.
No! Oh! Oh, my goodness.
Damian: Jesus Christ, that must be the cutest disaster I've ever seen.
How is Fluttershy always able to melt my heart a little with her cuteness?
Twilight didn't know why, but she felt a little jealous when Damian said that.
Twilight: All right.
Enough is enough.
We see Applejack weakly hitting an apple tree.
Applejack: Must keep buckin'.
Just a few more.
Must finish harvestin'.
Twilight and Damian arrived to where Applejack is and start talking to her.
Twilight: All right, Applejack.
Your apple bucking hasn't just caused you problems.
It's overpropelled pegasus.
Damian: Practically poisoned plenty of ponies.
Twilight: And terrorized bushels of brand-new bouncing baby bunnies.
I don't care what you say.
Applejack: As a matter of fact, I don't.
Applejack kicks the tree and the apples fall down to some baskets the she has.
Applejack: Look, I did it.
I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help.
While Applejack is saying this the camera shows a bunch of Apple trees without any apples on them.
Applejack: How do you like them apples?
Damian: Um. Applejack, How do you like them apples.
Damian says while pointing in the other direction the camera was previously on, and showed a lot more trees with apples to harvest.
After seeing all of the remaining trees, Applejack starts mumbling indistinctly, until she fell to the ground.
Twilight: Applejack?
Applejack: Huh?
Twilight: Oh, good. You're okay.
Now, Applejack, I completely respect the apple-family ways.
You're always there to help anypony in need.
So maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you.
Applejack: Okay, Twilight. You're right.
Twilight: I am not taking no for and answer and- Damian shushed her by putting a hoof on her lips.
Damian: She already agreed,Twilight.
Twilight: Wait, what?
Applejack: Yes, Twilight.
Yes, please. I could really use your help.
Twilight chuckles and sighs in relief.
Twilight: Okay, stay here and rest for a while. I'm gonna go look for our friends.
Applejack: Okay.
Twilight: Come on Damian.
Damian: Coming.
Applejack: Uh, actually.
Damian, could you stay for a while, I need to talk to you in private.
Damian: Okay.
Twilight go look for the rest.
Twilight: Understood.
Don't worry, I won't take long.
Twilight left, leaving Damian and Applejack alone under the tree.
There was a bit of an awkward silence until Applejack broke it.
Applejack: Damian...I'm so sorry.
Applejack said while covering her eyes with her hat, but her voice breaking and a few tears that were visible made it clear that she was crying.
Applejack: Despite the fact I was pushing everyone away, you were there for for me, you tried to help me and I-I just kept on rejecting you.
Damian: Applejack It's ok I get it, yo-
Applejack: It is not ok!
Don't try to sugarcoat what I did!
Because of me many things happened, the whole town got food poisonin', Rainbow Dash got launched to Twilight's balcony, I destroyed the plants of the town with the baby bunnies, and worst of all, I told you all those horrible things.
Like, that I didn't want to see you.
I'm really sorry Damian, all because of me and my stupid pride, it's all my fault.
Applejack fell to the ground with her eyes tightly shut, but was surprised when she suddenly felt that Damian had started softly rubbing her head with one of his hooves.
Damian: Don't worry about it Applejack, it's all in the past, like the saying says, there's no point in crying over spilled milk.
Right now what we can do is learn from the mistakes of our past and make sure that we don't repeat them in the future.
Apology accepted.
Damian stopped rubbing Applejack's head and extended a hoof for her to take.
Damian: So, friends?
Applejack: Yeah, best of friends.
Applejack took Damian's hoof and stood up, fixed her hat, and saw Twilight on the distance approaching with her friends.
Damian: Looks like they're here.
Shall we go?
Applejack: Yeah, Damian, thanks again for being there for me when I needed you most.
Damian: That's what friends are for.
Come on.
However, just when Damian was going to start walking, Applejack pulled him into a hug and Damian froze.
They stayed like that for a few seconds until Applejack broke the hug whith a blush that wasn't strong enough for Damian to see.
Applejack: Enough emotions, we've got some many apples to harvest.
Damian: Y-Yeah.
{Time skip }
We can see the mane 5 and Damian helping harvest the apples of several trees, with Damian being noticeably working the hardest, by using both his levitation magic and his physical strength to get the apples.
On that moment Twilight's voice started sounding.
Twilight: "Dear Princess Celestia, my friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it. So while friendship is about giving ourselves to our friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."
When Twilight stopped talking, Applejack arrived with a cart and some bottles on top of the cart.
Applejack: How about y'all take a little break?
I got some fine apple juice waitin' for you.
*Sighs* Girls, I can't thank you enough for this help. I was actin' a bit stubborn.
Twilight: A bit?
Applejack: Okay, a might stubborn.
And I'm awful sorry.
Now, I know the town gave me the prize pony award, but the real award is having you five as my best frie-
wait a minute five?
Where's Damian?
The mare 6 started looking around until Pinkie started giggling and that caught the attention of the rest.
Rarity: What are you laughing about, dear?
Pinkie: *Giggles* Look.
Pinkie says while pointing at a direction, and when the rest of the mares looked, they saw Damian who was sleeping peacefully under a tree and on top of him was a big mountain of apples, while around him were many baskets full of all the apples he harvested.
(Just Imagine That Damian's Sleeping Outside)
Twilight: Looks like he was the one working the hardest out of all of us.
For a few moments the mares found themselves hypnotized by looking at Damian peacefully sleep.
But, the moment was interrupted when Spike arrived with a plate full of the muffins that Applejack had baked.
Pinkie: Ew! Spike, I threw those away! Where did you get them?
Spike: From the trash!
Mane 6: Ew! The mane 6 started walking away, while accidentally forgetting about the sleeping Damian.
Spike: Just a little nibble?
Come on!
Mane 6: Ew. Gross. Throw those away!
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