The Book Tag
Nominated by: demiraine
1. Percy Jackson And The Olympians/Heroes Of Olympus
First off, who DOESN'T like these two series'? Like, Percabeth. That's all I need to say, Percabeth. I feel comfortable reading PJO because it shows how a modern boy gets confused with mythologies and slowly begins to understand them. Indirectly, like an innocent reader's mind. And, the way Rick Riordan infuses modern slangs, funny jokes, slightly dirty jokes and emotional moments into his book just hit the feels.
2. Divergent
This trilogy is SO FREAKING AWESOME I JUST CAN'T COMPREHEND HOW MUCH I LOVE IT! The heroine, Tris, is an absolutely amazing character who shows that she cannot be dominated and manipulated by others. She has that personality that immediately projects "REBEL."
3. The Hunger Games
Also with heroine Katniss Everdeen, this trilogy has me going crazy. Katniss is a girl who shows a fiery attitude and is clearly confused in her love triangle. She is unsure of who she loves and doesn't know if she really loves either one. Brave, courageous and stubborn (like Tris), Katniss fights her for the rights of justice while discovering her true identity.
4. Harry Potter
I love this series because it's just so... fantasy. Most wizard/witch stories are very cliche but J.K. Rowling makes them very original with the right amount of plot twists in each book. Like who would've expected the cup to be a portkey in GOF? Or that the final Horcrux was Harry himself? Also, Harry future wife is his best friend's sister. Also, Ronmione. Also, Fred...
5. The Maze Runner
Hands down one of the best book series' I have ever read. It reminds me a lot of The Hunger Games; post-apocalyptic and a the main character trying to find his identity (in this case, literally) while fighting for the rights of people. Also, I am utterly and hopelessly in love with Minho.
6. Dork Diaries
Yes, I still read these. Why? Because I get to enter the delusional mind of Nikki Maxwell, a dorky girl. With typical mean girl Mackenzie Hollister, the Regina George of Dork Diaries, and Brandon Roberts, the shy, cute guy who becomes Nikki's love interest, this series hits the feels in many areas. Also, I am a hardcore Branikki shipper. And Nikki mentions things and people I like so...
7. The Kane Chronicles
Just... I really like Sadie's personality. And Carter's too. And Amos. And Zia. And Walt. And Anubis. And Jaz. Felix. And Khufu. And Philip of Macedonia. AndHeck I like all the good guys. And baboons. And crocodiles.
8. Geronimo Stilton/Thea Stilton
I may not read these anymore, but they're still two of my all time favourite book series's ever. They helped me become a good writer and helped me to understand words better. I especially love Thea Stilton's book because they involve 5 female lead roles; Nicky, Pamela, Paulina, Collette and Violet.
9. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
I've stopped reading these for a long time now, but man, those were the days. I cannot tell you just how many times I've actually re-read the books. I loved them, and I still do.
10. Archie/Jughead/Betty & Veronica Comics
They ARE considered a series right? And are comic BOOKS right? Well, to say the least, I think this was the earliest series I ever started with, starting from when I think I was about 6 or 7 until now. My mom introduced me to them, and now I am hooked.
Okay so I've done mine, now it's time to nominate!
AdlinaBatrisyaZai AudreyTheAwesome skyealita misssuperwholock RealisticWriting
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