3rd 20 Facts About Me @demiraine
1. I am very bad at sports... AS IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW
2. I have experienced deja vu more times than necessary.
3. Countless things make me nostalgic.
4. I always love a good argument.
5. I am scared to DEATH when it comes to popping balloons or vice versa.
6. Sometimes, I really enjoy making people cry. Or maybe most of the time, I'm not sure.
7. I am totally in love with Tadashi Hamada.
8. I am totally in love with Minho from The Maze Runner.
9. I am totally in love with Nico di Angelo.
10. I couldn't sleep for two nights in a row because I was thinking of Tadashi, science and math.
11. I wake up in Diagon Alley. (Sorry it's an inside joke between my mom and I XD it means diagonally)
12. I just accidentally undid my typing so I lost about 8 facts and forgot half of them -_-
13. I have cut down so much on soft drinks this past month or two.
14. One of my most favorite colours is purple. Other than that, it's blue. And pink. Yes, light girly colours, I don't care.
15. I have more energy when I have less sleep.
16. I fed a kangaroo once... it's saliva was very... sticky.
17. When it first came out, I watched The Smurfs for more than 10 times. I am planning to break that record with Big Hero 6.
18. I have been in the PJO fandom for more than a year now.
19. You know who I loved so much last time? Big Time Rush.
20. I was also really in love with Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson. You wouldn't even know.
And I'm too lazy to nominate people so yeah. Do it if you feel like doing it.
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