20 Facts About Me!
*grumbles* Why do I have to do this again?
Dark Crystal: Because, you were tagged by LegathyRose ...
Go do it! It's just 20 facts!
1. I have a dark personality to me, as you can see: Dark Crystal.
2. I'm not telling you what I look like. xD
3. I won't divulge my age, are you insane?
4. Location? Somewhere in existance :3
5. I LOVE ANONYMITY! No one can judge you for who you are. ^-^
6. Honestly, I like the name Crystal. If I had to rename myself, I would use the name Crystal. xD
7. I actually got the username when my friend gave me a Webkinz account many years ago, naming it Crystalmy. 188 is just a random number. XD
8. My fav colors is crystal blue (also known as cyan blue)!! CRYSTAL BLUE!!! *-*
9. I have this weird thing where in almost anything I watch, I put in this OC in my head. Jessie was one of them and the most devoloped I must add. xD Of course, I had to change a lot of it because, well, writing how she went through the whole series would be boring. xD
10. Don't hate me, but before I used to hate the thought of anime. I was like, "UGHHH, DO WE HAVE TO WATCH ANIME?!"
11. Fairy Tail was the first anime I watched, and my favorite of course. My friend was watching episode 5 and I was like, "Ooooooooooo!"
12. I have a really weird and annoying pet peeve. When I see someone doing something wrong or bad, and they don't get in trouble, it just makes me angry. And then, I get in trouble for doing something less worse. I'm just like, "OPEN YOUR EYES FOR GOD'S SAKE!"
13. I think ROBLOX is better than Minecraft. DEAL WITH IT.
14. I...I haven't told anyone yet, but I actually discovered Wattpad from Fanfiction.net when I read this really awesome Jerza book called "My Beautiful Family". It said moved to Wattpad, so I made an account, and well...here we are! It's kinda awesome how things like that work out. <3
15. I don't like talking about bad things on the internet, like suicide and stuff like that. These things have happened because of people talk about it on the internet. :/
16. I like chatting with other people. They're like, anonymous people you can talk to to feel better. :) They're good tie breakers too. XD
17. VOCALOIDS!!! Love Miku, she's da best! <3
18. I'm the kind of person who just likes to be left alone to her vocaloid music in real life.
19. It's my dream to inspire someone! No, like seriously, it is. I mean, do you know anybody that can say, "I inspired someone to do ____"?
20. Okay, last fact: My real name is..
wait for it...
HA! You fell for it, lol.
Honestly, I dare you to guess my name, you'd never get it.
Aaaand that wraps up my twenty facts. Hope you learned something about me? XD
Oh yeah, and I tag:
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