Day Two
DAY 2 17/03-18
I wake up and feel awfully strange. Is this how it feels like to wake up somewhat happy? Or happier than normally? It's like...easier to open your eyes and adjust to the light outside, to sit up and crack your fingers and just overall easier to wake up.
I hate mornings, no matter what. It's too much possibilities waiting for you throughout the day and it's too bright. But this morning may bring good possibilities. I hope it will. I hope that whatever the new boy Lance said to me yesterday is true.
And I hope that he somehow makes this day bearable.
° ° °
"Keith." I look up from my staring session at my sandwich to see a sleepy and groggy Shiro dragging himself inside the little kitchen. His hair is tousled at the front; a mess of white but short cropped black hair at the sides. When he first told me his plans in getting a haircut and dye his hair white at the front, I was very sceptical. But I think I'm not the only one thinking he looks hella badass like that, and it's just a haircut that is him, as strange as it may sound.
"Good morning", I say and curse inside my head when I accidently say it too loudly, my voice almost pitchy.
Shiro peculiarly looks at me, sinking down into the wooden chair in front of me, scratching his stubble cheek. "Good morning to you too."
I clear my throat and try to play it off. "So... Slept well? You seemed to come home very late, so I didn't have time to see you yesterday."
The brought up topic seems to slacken his question towards my current mood and he sighs, resting his face in his hands, making me only see the top of his head.
"I hate work", he groans, his voice muffled my his hands.
"Wow", I say, amused. "Shiro is hating anything else that negativity, but aren't you being a little negative here?"
He forces out a painful laugh mixed with an exhale. "Oh, shush. Let me embrace the negativity before I need to let go."
He looks up at me, a grin growing on his lips before we simultaneously start to sing let it go from the Frost movie, drawing out on the vowels profusely and consciously singing out of tone.
We have this thing we're we just judge and make fun of corny movies that gets more credit than they deserve. We both think they have just advertised them really good, but the content is not as good. At least for me and Shiro.
We may not be related, but we can still relate to each other pretty well.
We break into a fit of laughter and I gasp for air and tug at my stomach to somehow scratch the pain away. It really hurts to laugh; cancer or not, laughing this hard can make up for one week of not being in the gym.
When our laughs dies out into just faint chuckles, Shiro takes my hand in his with his big one, not seeming to mind my sweaty palm. My hands are always sweaty, and it's not a small amount of sweat.
No, it's so much sweat I can leave puddles after me, and I'm not even overemphasizing. And often, my hands are freezing, because the sweat meets with the cooler air.
That's the actual reason I'm wearing those fingerless gloves.
"You seem very... even-tempered, if I may say so. Not as apprehensive and unnerved", Shiro says and lightly squishes my hand. "What's up?"
"The r..."
"Not the roof", he interrupts, still smiling. "That's not what I mean. What's up in your life right now?"
I look at the scar running across the bridge of his nose for a second. I remember the call I got from him when we were both younger, and my thirteen year old self was terrified when he told me he was sitting in a hospital bed. Saying he had tripped and hit his face on a rock, cutting up the scar he has on his nose today.
I remember begging Roima to take me to the hospital and visit my friend, but she kept telling me that if she would of let me out of the orphanage that late, she would have to do it with the other orphans in the house, too.
I sat in my room and sulked the rest of the night until I woke up the next day and continued my miserable life.
"Nothing." I take a big bite of my sandwich with zero appetite.
But like always, life wants to prove me wrong and my phone plings once on the kitchen table, thankfully with the back facing up. Me and Shiro both stare at it like it's a object sent from aliens.
We both know that I - sadly - never get texts, especially in the morning. Pidge can sleep to dinner time if nobody wakes her up, and Hunk just doesn't bother texting or calling - at least me - at all. I don't think he even uses his phone often. A phone to him is just for emergencies, probably.
I hurriedly take my phone and unlock it, seeing that I have two unread messages. One of them is a reminder that my internet will end soon and I need to pay for refill, but the other message is from an unknown number. I warily open it.
Unknown number
Wakey wakeeeyy!!! Eat your breakfast and change to your emo clothes or whatever and I'll be knocking on your door exactly 10:45
Be ready, or I'll fight you (ง ° ͜ ʖ °)ง
// The awesome Cuban boy Lance
I squeak when Shiro snatches my phone from my hands and takes a look at the message. I see his eyes moving from word to word and to my abhorrence, a smile grows on his lips by every painful second passing by.
When he's done reading, my face has overstepped the normal body temperature and I can't make eye contact with him. He softly places my phone in front of my fiddling hands.
"Seems like a real meme. But nice, too", Shiro states and I huff and try to hide my face behind my hair. "Eat your breakfast and then hurry and get ready. Don't keep your awesome Cuban boy waiting." He winks and stands up, leaving me gaping alone in the kitchen.
As soon as he's out of sight I close my mouth and take my phone with shaky fingers, quickly typing in a reply.
How the hell did you get my freaking number and how are you possibly going to knock on my door when you don't even know where I live?!
I don't even have time to pick up my sandwich again when my phone plings again.
Unknown number
I have something called a phone and a Hunk in my contacts and he happens to have your number and knows where you live :)
Once again I remind myself to confront Hunk later.
I glare at my phone and stare so intensively at the screen that everything gets blurry, and I need to blink to regain my focus. I hold my breath so it gets quiet enough for me to hear what Shiro is doing, and I hear a toilet flush in the distance.
Placing my phone back on the table with the screen still on as a reminder, I look at my boring sandwich again.
Deciding what I want, I wrap my breakfast with plastic foil and place it in the fridge, taking my phone with me as I stomp to my room.
° ° °
The whole content of my wardrobe is laying on my small bed against the corner of my small room, and all that hard work trying to find something nice to wear has just resulted in me wearing what I always wear; a plain dark t-shirt and basic jeans. I don't know where my sudden determination to look somewhat swell came from, and where my will to follow Lance wherever he has in mind came from either, but what I do know is that I really don't give a damn about how I used to be before and that I have changed now. However I acted before, it needs to change. At least a little, and the first thing I need to do is to let Lance make my twenty days better than my entire life.
All my thoughts comes crashing down to the ground when I hear the doorbell ring, and I breathe in sharply through my nose but don't let out the air again. I hear Shiro's footsteps walking past my door and down to the hallway, and the sound of him unlocking the door is a gunshot to my heart. I'm practically dead when I hear Shiro speak.
"Hi. You must be Lance." I'm a zombie when I step forward and press my ear against my bedroom door. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Shiro." I imagine Shiro shaking hand with him and Lance just looking up at him with slightly wide eyes.
"Are you Keith's brother?" is the first thing Lance asks, and I snort.
"Not really", Shiro says and I hear his smile.
A pause, and I let out the air I didn't know I held in for so long. "You're not his boyfriend...right?"
I choke on air and press my palm against my mouth to not let out a growl.
"No, I'm not", Shiro laughs and it surprises me he doesn't seem uncomfortable. "We could be brothers, actually. That's what we like to call each other. But really I'm just a good friend of his."
"Oh", is all Lance's got to say to this.
"I'll go get him", Shiro tells and I curse under my breath and step away from my door, just standing in front of it dumbfounded and staring at Shiro when he opens it to smile at me. He has changed into appropriate clothes for guests, and once again it takes me by surprise that he doesn't even spear the mess in my room a single glance.
"I'm not ready", I hiss in Korean, my pronunciation not so good, but I'm understandable.
"You are", he replies back in a low voice. I stare daggers into him but he just gives me that look that tells me to step out of my comfort zone and go out. I didn't know that look even existed, but Shiro has it.
He grips my arm and drags me out of my little den so that I'm completely exposed to Lance standing in the hallway with red tinted cheeks, a bright blue t-shirt, light jeans and round sunglasses resting on top of his head.
His smile is askew and saying me things I can't understand.
He's here, and he's given me a chance after just meeting me. Seeing him here now, in my hallway, makes me believe that he will actually try. I can be gullible, but only if I'm desperate for thinking that I'm right about someone.
Seeing him here, like this, makes me gullible.
"Hey", he greets in a smooth voice. Even if I don't know him well, I know he has that voice that is just naturally pitchy and annoying. It's that kind of voice that can get so pitchy that it makes you feel like someone is scraping nails on a chalkboard in your mind.
But right now... Hot damn. That Hey was too hot for me, and I'm living in Arizona. I should handle the heat perfectly, but the heat he's radiating by just his way of saying something is too much for me.
"Where are you taking me?" I ask and cross my arms. I hear Shiro shuffle behind me.
"To a place." Lance sees my irritated look and he snickers. "That's all you got to know."
"I trust you that you won't kidnap him or anything, because I promise you that if you will, I'm going to introduce you to my two friends", Shiro suddenly says as he walks up beside me. "Knuckle one." He points to his one hand, and then the other. "And knuckle two."
I gawk at him and I can practically hear Lance gulp and his Adam's apple bob.
"I hope you will have a good time, but Keith needs to be here by six o'clock. Remember that." Shiro turns to me and slips down something into the pocket of my jacket hanging around my waist. I sigh when I hear the object russle, which can only be two things: Either breath mints, or my tablets.
But knowing Shiro, it's most likely to be the second option.
"Don't you dare forget to take them", he warns through squeezed lips, low enough to prevent Lance from hearing. I realize Shiro has no idea that Lance is here because of my disease, and the fact that he actually knows that I'm sick. Shiro doesn't know a thing, and I hate that I want it to remain like that.
For now, at least.
° ° °
The soft jounce of the car sends my thoughts into hibernation - for a moment. My hands are resting in my lap, overflowing with sweat, and I - of course - forgot my gloves in the midst of my high-strung juncture in my room, deciding what to wear.
I sit completely still, looking straight ahead and not daring to move my head any other direction. The radio is playing at a very low volume, leaving more room for the sound of the engineer humming and whizz. I must say, Lance is hell of a lucky guy to even own a car at this age, even if it's a bunch of rust on the highway, with torn out leather seats and mottled windows.
"So, this car is really yours?" I press out through my lips.
"It is", Lance confirms. "I call her Blue."
Another awkward silence. I don't understand how I could think this would go otherwise. How else would this go? Would we throw words and stories at each other and talk for so long that we would actually miss the thing we're driving for?
Hell no.
"Can I...?" Lance throws a quick glance at me as I reach for the volume and he nods. I turn the volume up and lean back again, hearing a song end and just seconds after, Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye starts to play at a loud volume.
I freeze and swallow down a cough, gripping my t-shirt and soaking it with my sweat.
Oh, Lord.
The intro of the song fills the car with discomfort and my body is too tense to make an action and change radio station. I hear Lance clear his throat but I don't have the guts to look over at him.
After some painful seconds he turns the radio off completely and sighs. Now I venture to look at him.
He takes a deep breath and then smiles, openly and widely, flashing me this smile. I can immediately feel one layer of awkwardness being lifted from the air.
"Sorry. I'm sorry. This got so awkward." He shakes his head and shift the gear before gripping the steering wheel softly again. "Let's just start over. I don't know why I acted so strange. Sorry."
"It's okay." I look out the window, the grip on my cloth loosening. "I'm sorry, too. For just being naturally awkward."
"You're not", he argues.
"But I am", I argue back and try to sit completely still when the lower part of my body suddenly starts to ache. It's a throbbing pain, that makes you want to switch and try to move the pain away. Given this little of space, and Lance sitting beside me, the only thing I can do is just biting down on my tongue and press the side of my leg against the door.
Lance doesn't seem to notice.
"When do we arrive?" I ask, because I want to get out of the warm and the little car and I want to stretch my legs out and shake in some sense into myself, but I know that when I stand up, I will face worse pain than I already have.
"We have arrived", Lance informs and he swerves into a little parking lot outside a restaurant with a big sign reading BELMBOUE BAR.
I see several cars scattered over the little area, the sun reflecting over their windows, and a thin layer of dust laying upon them. The ground under us is cracked and a bright yellow.
"We drove for this long, only to arrive at a bar I have never heard of, just beside the highway, in the middle of nowhere", I complain as soon as Lance parks his car and the hum stops. The warmth is getting on my nerves, increasing my vexation I've tried to supress deep down inside me, and my clothes constantly sticking onto my body
"This is not any bar, Mullet." Lance starts to unbuckle himself. "This is BEMLBOUE BAR!" he exclaims like I would recognize it by just his way of saying it. "The best restaurant you could ever come across of."
"I doubt that", I mutter and step out into the new kind of warmth outside. Lance does the same, closing the door violently and making the whole car shake.
Just seconds after, I see the entrance to the bar open and out comes a brawny, quite short, man - and hairy for that part -, calling out for Lance with a broad smile and outstretched arms.
"Tío!" Lance hollers and I watch him run to the man and jump into his arms, his lanky body buried behind the arms of this tío as he lifts Lance up.
I have no idea what to do, so I just stand completely still beside the rusty light blue car, waiting for some kind of invitation to do anything at all. From here, I can hear the two of them say things in what must be Spanish, and they are talking really loud. Like absolutely loud. It's the bass in their voices; they can just naturally talk loud completely effortless. I'm not surprised if Shiro can hear them from all the way home.
"Lance! Sobrino! It's about time you came and visited us!" The man ruffles Lance's short hair and Lance jerks back with a genuine laugh. "How are you?"
Lance doesn't have time to answer as the door to the bar opens again, and out comes... I can't even count. Different versions of Lance everywhere. Small versions, bigger versions, and there's Spanish everywhere.
I'm literally standing at the side of a family group hug, swallowing down my pride in one gulp. I'm standing openly, open for a wave of ignominy. I consider to take up my phone to text Shiro and say that so far, this sucks. I have never liked being in a crowded place, especially when that crowd consists of family members that are loud.
Lance back is turned towards me several meters ahead and nobody seems to notice my presence. Except for a pair of eyes belonging to a little girl, maybe five years old, and she's holding someone's hand as the group hug splits. Her hair is short and dark brown, slightly darker than Lance's and it's set up into two pigtails. Her skin is light, though, having a shade of yellow, and her eyes are green. I can see it all from here.
Her little pink dress sways in the warm wind, and her eyes are big, staring at me. I feel awfully bared as she just gloats at me.
But then she moves, and I need to blink to realize she's moving because someone is dragging her inside. I tear my eyes away from her and I see the whole bunch of Lances moving inside, letting the door close behind them.
My hand is seconds away from snatching my phone out of my pocket and dialing Shiro right on the spot to ask him to pick me the hell up from this humiliation. I know the feeling wouldn't leave me, but at least let me sit inside Shiro's car and press my head against the window as sad songs plays in the background while I pretend to be in gloomy music videos.
So...that just happened. Lance brought me to a bar to make this day fun for me, only to encounter his family and literally turn his back at me and leave me alone in the parking lot beside his shitty car.
I make my mind up and pick my phone up from my pocket, typing in the password with quivering fingers and calling Shiro.
The beeps draws out on my patience and after five seconds I can hear a shuffle on the other line.
"Keith? How's it going?"
"Come and pick me up. Now", I growl and my voice is as steady as my fingers are.
"Woah woah, what's happening?"
"This was a mistake. A big one. I'm literally standing in a parking lot in the middle of nowhere and Lance is inside a bar with what must be his family and I want to go home."
"Wait wait, he didn't abandon you, right?"
"He did."
"What?!" Shiro can go from calm to furious within seconds, and right now he sound like he's standing and grinding a kitchen knife, ready to use it.
"Please come and pick me up. I want to go h-home." Great. Now I sound like a toddler fighting away tears after not getting the right toy as a present.
"Where are you? I'll come and pick you up."
"I..." I draw shapes in the dust on the ground with the tip of my shoe. "I don't... know."
He sighs. "Well, then it'll be a little difficult to pick you up, won't it?"
"Shiro...", I whine.
"You need to go in and ask Lance where you are, or you could... I don't know... maybe... socialize and give Lance a chance?"
"Do really think for a second that I will step into that goddamn bar and give Lance a freaking..."
° ° °
The smell of beef, oil and wood hits my face as I step into the bar. My ears are instantly filled with chatter, laughter and voices. There is a song playing in the background but it's drowned in the noise coming from other things.
I'm standing just under an air conditioning, but it's far away from cold enough to cool my thoughts down. I can hear someone ululate, and I don't have to look to know that it's Lance and his crew.
But I look anyways.
The bar is made of dark wood, and there are several booths scattered here and there. And then the bar. It's actually quite cozy in here. I could have enjoyed my time here if my heart wasn't beating all the way up my throat.
I curse in my head. Dammit, the pain in my chest just appeared again.
"Keith!" My heart is jumping out of my mouth and crawling all the way in to a dumpster. Lance waves me over to their booth. I get all their eyes on me and I want to drop to the ground and melt into it until I'm a part of it. "I was wondering what took you so long. Come here!"
NO, my mind immediately tells me. Turn around NOW. But then there's actually my legs that have plans of their own and decide to work for their own good and don't rely on commands from other parts of my body. They move me forward, and I can already feel my head get into deadlock.
I stop beside the booth and dare to peek at the ones sitting there. Not all of Lance relatives are sitting here, but it isn't comforting me in the slightest. There's still too much of them. I want out. I want none around me. I want to be alone in my room and hope all my problems will wither away in the outside world.
"Keith, sit down", Lance tells me with a big smile. A goofy one.
I hate it.
Without a word I sink down into the red booth, trying to sit as far away from the two adults beside me as possible, almost falling off the edge. Lance is sitting in front of me, with the little girl beside him. She's still staring at me but I pretend to not notice as I stare down at the blotched and scratchy table. My heart is still beating amongst the garbage.
"Hola, Keith!" I hear beside me and I flinch. When I look up to my left I can see that I'm sitting beside a broad shouldered woman, her hair red, short and fluffy. Her face is round, and just looks overall soft. She has a nose that's somewhat similar to Lance's; small and pointy. She's wearing a plain, bright t-shirt and shorts, and her arm is outstretched for me.
I stare at it and remind myself that there is such things as being polite, but I just never understood how it worked. I hesitantly lift my hand up and take a hold of hers, making sure to dry it off on my thigh before shaking her hand, and I feel my heart scream as she pulls me towards her in a big hug.
I suddenly find it difficult to breathe so I just hold my breath until she lets go, and my head is spinning with the lack of oxygen and I can't find my focus.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Laura, Lance's aunt", she says with a deep accent and I nod but keep my mouth closed because I feel like throwing up, and it wouldn't be a good thing if I threw up all over her.
Someone peeks their head out from behind Laura's shoulder and the first thing I notice is all the pimples over his face and his dry red hair reaching just under his ears. He looks young, maybe two years older than me, giving me a calm look. His eyes just has that annoying calmness. He lifts his hand up in a basic greet. "Sup? I'm Lance's brother. Marco."
I nod again. They must think I'm mute, or something.
"And this is my niece, Nadia", Lance speaks up and I find myself looking directly at her little face. Her eyes are a bright green, gleaming under the artificial light. She doesn't say anything.
"She's very quite and shy", Lance informs and we still just stare at each other.
"Well, we don't want to disturb you and Keith. I'm sure you have much to talk about", Laura starts but Lance immediately raises his hand to stop her.
"No no! You can stay. The more, the merrier right?"
Really? I always thought it was the less the merrier.
"Are you sure, chico? We really don't want to disturb. Maybe Keith doesn't want us here?"
Everyone looks at me, and I flinch again.
"What? Uh...No, it's okay..."
"Well then!" Laura claps her hands together and I bite my lips hard enough to feel the taste of blood smolder my tongue. "Let's just sit here. Much more fun than to hear you uncle sing Spanish songs from the twentieth century."
"I thought I was the only one thinking it's annoying", Lance laughs.
Flitting a look at him, I can see he's enjoying this. If it's just being with his family or just being in this bar. I find myself thinking I can't relate to him at all. Partly because my perception of a family isn't the brightest, and the only family I had consisted of a dad that barely spent his time at home.
"You hungry, Keith?" Lance says and shatters my bubble with a pin. "My uncle makes the best burgers in the whole Arizona."
I clear my throat and feel awfully timid. "Does he serve... uh...vegetarian burgers?"
The whole table is looking at me, and I can't figure out if they're silently laughing at me or just thinking I'm strange and staring at me in confusion. Maybe both.
"You're vegetarian?" Laura sounds amused.
"More like a... flexitarian. I try not to eat meat but can do it occasionally." Ever since Shiro showed me the video of a cow being slaughtered I can't pass the meat section in the supermarket without feeling my stomach twist.
"That's cool", Lance points out. "I've never heard of flexitarian before."
"Yeah", I just say, tapping my fingers on the table and even the air conditioner can't provide much cold to my body.
° ° °
I take my two tablets in a sweep, feeling them burn their way down to my stomach. I have learned to take them both at the same time; taking them everyday, three times a day, just justifies that part. I wait for some seconds, before relaxing and leaning over the sink. The toilet is small, but has enough space for me to think. I had excused myself from the table - after eating up the surprisingly tasty burger - to the bathroom to take my tablets without having an audience.
I take my phone out for the hundredth time this day to note that it's five o'clock. Perfect, I can't handle one second more here. It's not Lance's family that's the problem, it's just the fact that I'm with them, and am a forgotten piece at the side of it all. It's too much people to interact with too suddenly, and it's messing with my whole body. I'm exhausted. To be social can really be exhausting, and I don't understand how people do it.
When I step out of the bathroom I can see another family member has taken my spot at the table, and I feel a pang in my chest. Nobody didn't even bother to say that I sit there.
My whole body is rigid as I step forward, my heart fumbling a beat in the sudden stillness inside me.
"Lance?" My voice sound hoarse. He looks up at me, humming inquisitively. "I think it's time for me to go. It's a long way back, and I need to be home at six."
Something flicks in his eyes. "Oh! Right! Yeah, let's go."
I breathe out in relieve. First part of this escape, done.
"That's a shame", Laura says and I don't know if she's honest with her words or not. "It was really fun having you here, and I hope you'll visit us again."
"Yeah", I say. "It was fun being here." My eyes twitch, something it does when I'm lying.
I wait for Lance to squeeze himself out of the booth and wave at everyone as they say goodbye, not hesitating to leave the bar with long steps. I feel Nadia's eyes on my back, but I keep on walking until I'm out.
The sky is shifting from an orange color to a purple, and the horizont is like a yellow line, stretching itself around the Earths roundness. I see the contours of the mountains further ahead, and the road beside us lays in a new kind of calmness.
"Hey, Mullet, wait up!" Lance calls after me and I make the mistake to turn around just as I reach his car. We're alone in the parking lot and I'm thankful for that. When he sees my recentful look he stops, two meters away from me. "Woah, what's with the bitter face?"
"This", I spit out, making a dramatic gesture to the bar. "That, is the cause of my bitter face."
"What? What do you mean... did you not..."
"Lance, I..." It's about to happen; my words won't give a damn about the damage they'll cause to Lance and they will just jump out of my mouth and settle for Lance's mind. "I... Lance, it was just too soon, meeting your relatives and all. Too soon. We barely know each other, but this just proved to me how different we are."
"What are you implying, Keith?" Lance is slowly crossing his arms. I have stolen the smile from his face. His face looks weird like this. So serious, and solemn.
"Lance... You have this big family and they're caring and loud and happy and funny and... that's just too much for me. We may both live in Arizona, but we're still living in two different worlds."
Lance's blue eyes slices into me. "And? My family is loud and funny and all that you what? Why the hell are you so angry?"
"Just...!" I take a deep breath to calm me down but my voice is still too loud as I speak again. "You don't understand, this isn't how I live, this isn't how my life looks. And taking me to your family the first time we go out is just... it's just too much, Lance. It's too much for me to handle."
"Maybe I don't understand, Keith", Lance snaps and there is venom laced into his voice. It's pitchy again, and annoying. "Maybe I don't understand why the hell you're this angry. So please talk reasonably to make me understand."
"Okay, you want me to talk reasonably? Then I'll talk reasonably." There is explosions in my body for every time a wrong decision is made. "Why the hell did you bring me here in the first place? We didn't spend much time with each other anyways! You practically left me alone in the freaking parking lot and was all like..." I immediately switch voice to sound somewhat similar to Lance. "'Keith, I was wondering what took you so long.'" I stomp in the ground and it instantly sends a pain through the lower part of my body and I regret it but the anger gets the best of me. "You know what took me so long? I'll tell you what took me so freaking long. I was here, calling Shiro to pick me the hell up because I couldn't be brave enough to step into that goddamn bar but I did it anyways! For what? To sit beside you being all happy family and shit? I don't need you to freaking boast in my face with your family!"
There. All the damage is done. I have released all my bombs on him and started a war.
° ° °
But, bright is still not my thing. The day was bright, indeed, but not for me. Not the right kind of bright. A bright sky doesn't count; I still don't appreciate it, or like it. I thought that Lance would make me like it, if not for a second.
But he did something else instead. He made me despise it more. He made be realize that the sky may be bright, but that doesn't mean your day will be.
° ° °
Wow, this chapter was intense to write :')
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