~Eight~(Big Three, Inko, Mitsuki, and Rei)
~Third Person P.O.V~
Inko apprehensively teared at the inside of her cheek, pacing back and forth in her living room. She had got a call about a week ago stating the Izuku never showed up at the airport- so where was he? The green haired woman was going crazy, all she wanted was to find her son.
The police were no help, and neither was anybody else.
Sighing, she falls back onto the couch, picking up her phone to refresh her notifications- hoping Izuku had contacted her. But he hasn't. She's tried calling him, texting, anything she could think of.
The detectives were able to trace his phone's last pinged location, but they still couldn't find him.
Scrolling through her contacts her thumb rests over Mitsuki's icon, threatening to push down and just call her. Letting out a controlled breath she presses down, putting the phone to her ear as she listens trilling of the phone ringing.
"Inko..." Mitsuki's voice comes through the other end, she sounds disoriented, and scared.
"Hey Mitsuki," Inko sniffs, letting her head drop down. "Look I know you probably don't want to hear from me right now but... I just needed someone to talk to."
She heard the blonde sigh on the other end, before releasing a breathy chuckle. "I'm not mad at you honey... I was at first. But if I were in your shoes- I probably would have reacted the same way." Mitsuki said, her scarlet eyes trailing towards the family photos above the fireplace.
"Inko, Katsuki's missing." Mitsuki whispers, finally allowing herself to cry.
Sure, she knows that what Inko did was more than fucked up- but at the end of the day they're best friends. And they've been best friends with for forever. Mitsuki just didn't have the energy to be mad, especially with her son missing.
"Wh- what?" Inko gasped, her thoughts slowly going towards Izuku. "Mitsuki, is Shoto missing too?"
*10 minutes later*
Rei and Mitsuki were at Inko's house in record time, both of them anxious as hell for what their green eyed friend had to say. Inko sat down on one of the recliners, her knee bouncing as she continued to gnaw on the inside of her cheek.
"They- they could have planned this out... to run away with each other." Inko uttered, finally looking up at the two.
Rei shook her head, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall. "No it doesn't make any sense- I know Shoto, there would be another reason behind him leaving. He thinks things through... there's almost always a double motive with my son." The white haired woman declared.
"Katsuki could have persuaded him, you know how reckless my boy is." Mitsuki said, throwing her hands up in exasperation.
Inko sighed, folding her arms across her chest. "Okay, you guys said you spoke with detectives too, right? So then we go to the last place they were seen... the airport." Inko says, snatching her keys off the coffee table.
"And do you suggest we do when we get there Inko? Go around and ask every person who works there if they seen our sons?" Rei scoffed, trailing behind the smaller woman.
"Do you have any better ideas? Because if so, I'm all ears!" Inko growled, sticking her nose in the air- after Rei remained quiet Inko scoffed. "That's what I thought... let's go."
The airport was crowded and loud, per usual, the three women have been there for more than an hour asking around- as well as showing pictures. Yet no luck. People either quickly dismissed them, or just ignored them all the way. They were exhausted, and pissed off as hell.
Finally, they find a woman working at one of the front desks. Inko quickly recognizes her from security footage law enforcement showed her, making her away to the woman in a huff Inko stops right in front of her.
"Hi! My name is Inko Midoriya... my son is missing and- and you were helping him while he getting on a plane. Do you think I could ask you a couple of questions?" Inko asked, trying to keep her voice light as possible when she spoke.
The woman's onyx eyes flickered upwards towards Inko, an irritated expression washing over her features as she lets out an aggravated huff. "Listen lady, I feel for you- honestly I do. But my break starts in like two minutes, I've had a long day." She snaps, turning her attention back to the computer screen.
With her nostrils flared Inko balls her hands into tight fists, throwing a side glance over her shoulder to Mitsuki- nodding her head in the direction of the unnamed woman.
The blonde smirks, cracking her knuckles as she makes her way over. Eyeing the woman up and down Mitsuki grabs her by the front of her shirt- pulling her close so their noses were inches were apart.
"Okay, now it's time for your to listen up because I'm going to say this once and only once. Our sons are missing, and your snarky ass helped one of them a week ago- so I suggest you shut the fuck up and let us talk! Because so help me God my patience is wearing thin, and you don't want to see me when I lose my patience!" Mitsuki growled, her scarlet eyes flaring with pure anger.
The onyx eyed woman, visibly shaking, nodded her head- as she swiftly walked around the desk to talk with the three mother's.
"First things first, do you remember seeing him?" Rei asked, holding up a picture of Izuku.
"Yeah. I thought he was kind of weird, he kept muttering to himself- and tapping his fingers on his leg." The lady said, her voice wavering a bit. "He was on a flight to California I believe, I can always pull up some records if you give me a name."
The white haired woman nodded her head, Rei was clearly playing good cop in this situation. "Good."
Izuku's eyes fluttered open at the sound of yelling. Confused, he looks around only to find both of his boyfriend's nowhere in sight. Rolling out of bed he heads to the source of the commotion, peeking his head around the corner to find mostly everyone in the large living area.
"I don't give a damn Levi! If there's even a chance- just one chance that Overhaul's back we're going to be screwed over!" Shoto growled, slamming his fist on the table- causing a few people, including Izuku, to flinch.
"You don't think I know that?! Overhaul has people everywhere Shoto, every. fucking. where! So it doesn't matter what we do, or where we go- he's going to have eyes on all of us!" Levi yelled back, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Katsuki's eyes flickered towards where Izuku stood, his stoic expression softening as soon as his eyes landed on him. "Hey baby, what're you doing up?" He asked, swiftly going over to his freckled boyfriend.
"Couldn't sleep, you guys were being loud... what's going on Kacchan?" Izuku mumbled, raising his arms up in a small gesture for the blond to pick him up.
Katsuki sighed as he picked Izuku up, the smaller male instantly wrapping his arms and legs around Katsuki. "We'll fill you in on it later." He said, going over to the couch as Shoto and Levi continued their little screaming match.
"Is it something bad?" Izuku asked in the crook of Katsuki's neck.
The red eyed teen nodded his head, his grip tightening around Izuku as he chewed on his lip. "It's really bad... but we're working on something." Katsuki lied, in actuality Overhaul being back set whatever outline of a plan they had back all the way.
This complicated things.
Katsuki was only trying to calm Izuku down, knowing the younger male would most likely be worrying.
'How the hell are we getting out of this one.'
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Oh shit. Things will only get worse from here babes... *Laughs maniacally*
Until we meet again!!!
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