003: New Year Same Old Habits
༺ New Year Same Old Habits ༻
"It's gotta be High School Musical Two, right?" Ricky paced around Big Red's basement as Megara adjusted her shirt in the mirror of the basement's bathroom, which wasn't very large. Since her dad was tired from work and taking so many meetings, she'd spent pretty much the whole day at Big Red's house and was therefore becoming agitated with waiting. "I mean, Miss Jenn's obsessed with the trilogy."
"Okay, A, shouldn't we be getting ready for a party?" Big Red asked. "And, B, how are you already practicing for a tryout for a show that hasn't been announced yet?"
"I just wanna be ready. The musical was good luck for me and Megara. I wanna keep our good thing going, or else she'll kill me. Right, Meg?" Ricky asked as he waited for Megara to come out from the corner bathroom.
She turned the light off and decided to join the two. Big Red's basement didn't feel much like a basement, but Megara wasn't sure what it was supposed to feel like anyways because her house didn't have one. She decided to take a seat on the couch behind Big Red's bean bag, wearing a pleated black plaid skirt with a white long sleeve that had lace details on the hems. She also had knee-high white socks with a single black stripe to match her black Converse. She sweetly sighed. "I will appreciate you for what you are, as most loving girlfriends do."
"Thank you," Ricky said. "Okay, you might wanna take a seat, and there's a part where I'm gonna need you to duck and cover. Can you hold this speaker?"
"Sure," Big Red accepted and sat back in his bean bag in front of Megara.
"Alright, Megara, this one's for you, just wait for it," Ricky instructed before a familiar beat dropped. "Everybody's always talking at me, everybody's trying to get in my head..." Ricky began to act out the entire first verse and chorus of Bet On It, complete with jumping high in the air and hitting a high pitch. Megara watched the entire performance amused, and she was sure that if her eyebrows were to raise any higher, they would reach her hairline.
"You're totally gonna get the part," Big Red was the first to speak up when he was done singing, the curly-haired boy looking at both of them expectantly. "You look like Shawn Mendes, and you sing like Shawn Mendes. If I looked like that and sang like that, I— whatever."
"Don't "Whatever" me, lover boy," Ricky quipped with a grin.
"Oh, do I need to leave the room?" Megara sat back, pointing her emerald ring-decorated index finger between the two as a menacing smile crossed her lips. "Give you guys some privacy?"
Ricky rolled his eyes before returning his attention back to his ginger friend. "Don't you got this new thing going with Ashlyn?"
"I'm psyching myself up to kiss her at the party. At midnight," Big Red nodded.
Megara fully sank into the couch. "Ow! Go Red!" she cheered loudly, making the ginger boy blush.
"I thought you guys already kissed once," Ricky said.
"I don't know if that one counted. It was opening night, everything was kinda crazy. It could've been a fluke."
Before Ricky and Megara could even process that, they heard Big Red's mom shouting from upstairs. "Big Red, are you down there? Honey, I need you to pick up a shift at the pizza place. We're down a delivery boy."
"Tonight?" he asked.
"New Year's Eve is a big money-maker for us," she appeared on her way down the staircase, the three teens turning to look at her. "Daddy's sciatica is acting up, and we need you! Hey, Ricky and Meggy."
Megara grimaced at the nickname, which Ricky seemed to relish. "Hi, Mrs. Red. You got this, all right? Splash some Throb before you show up. Bet on it," Ricky handed Big Red his cologne bottle.
Big Red turned to Megara for help, but she didn't have much to say or add besides a sad smile. "If it makes you feel any better, I would trade spots with you in a heartbeat," she said, earning a playful hit to her shoulder from Ricky, who was still mumbling the song so he could have it down by heart.
"The party may begin!" Ashlyn sang as she flew down the stairs of her home, sensing the door had been opened. In walked Seb and Carlos, earning a squeal from her. "Happy New Year! My couple goals! In the softest clothes I've ever felt. You're literally wearing clouds."
Seb beamed. "They were a gift from Carlos."
"I was thinking, "What's the opposite of an ugly sweater party?" And then I conjured these," Carlos laughed.
SEB: Yeah, so it turns out Carlos comes from money. Like, a lot of it. For Christmas, I literally drew a selfie of us from homecoming. He got me cashmere.
"How are things with the new roomie?" Seb asked.
"Literally the best. It's, like, six months ago, I thought maybe Gina was borderline the bad seed. And now, she's borderline my number one confidant. Wait till you see her outfit tonight," Ashlyn pursed her lips and hummed.
"Can we talk about the fact that you are literally a vision in Uggs. I wish I was brave enough to dress comfortably for a party," Carlos said, earning looks from Seb and Ashlyn. "What?" he nervously chuckled upon seeing their faces.
"Kourtney came over and did me, Gina, Savannah, and Rita up in a 2007 theme," Ashlyn explained. Seb was definitely in awe over this statement, looking over to Carlos with wide eyes.
"Say nothing," Carlos warned his boyfriend. "2007 is a very ironic and on-point theme for reasons that I'm not at liberty to disclose until midnight," Carlos said with a firm nod.
"It's because we're doing High School Musical Two, right?" Gina asked, announcing her presence as she peeked her head out from the top of the staircase, Savannah right behind. Gina was decked out in an Ed Hardy tee-shirt with a denim vest and low-rise belt, while Savannah was rocking a green tank top and white denim jacket, complete with a sheer white and glittery scarf around her neck. Both the girls were giddy as they demonstrated their outfits and posed for the boys.
"Gina!" Seb squealed. "Oh God, Sav!"
"Wait, what?" Carlos whined. "How do you guys know? Did Miss Jenn tell you?" he asked as Kourtney — complete with a cheetah print blazer — and Rita — in a matching cheetah sleeveless knee-length dress that sinched right under her chest — descended behind Savannah and Gina.
"Sweetie, use your inside voice," Seb said.
"I'm Mexican and gay, this is my inside voice!" Carlos retorted, earning laughs from everyone.
"I mean, why wouldn't we do HSM Two?" Kourtney asked. "Our HSM was instantly legendary, and we already have the cast and half the costumes."
"Man, I was so excited to hold that secret over everybody's head."
"Fill these out," Kourtney shook her head, handing them papers.
"Is this Truth or Dare?"
"No, it's better. Write down your resolutions for the New Year. We're playin' a game later," Kourtney explained.
Seb and Carlos nodded as the girls then left to the kitchen, as Seb tried to nonchalantly scratch at an itch on his arm, but it did not go undetected by Carlos. "Is that a rash on your wrist?" he asked.
"Nope!" Seb said quickly before walking away to join the girls.
SAVANNAH: Did you see the red patch growing on Seb's hand? [motions to her wrist with a frown]
SEB: I'm allergic to cashmere.
"Hello, hello!" EJ announced his presence by loudly swinging open the side door, alerting Carlos, Ashlyn, and Savannah, who were all in the kitchen.
"EJ! Hi!" the two welcomed him as Savannah focused her vision on the cutting board in front of her, slicing away various veggies and fruits for sandwich making. Since she got back into cheerleading, she'd been noticing she was hungry more and more and who was she to neglect her body of a BLT? Or maybe just the LT, since she was now vegan. And also Megara would be there soon, and she knew her friend was growing tired of eating pizza with her guys all the time.
"I'm sorry I'm so late. I was volunteering at the soup kitchen with the water polo guys," EJ set down the Shastas he brought with him onto the counter in front of Savannah.
"Shastas?" Savannah questioned, wondering how deep of a moment this would be depending on if he remembered she loved them or if it was just a coincidence. But all he did was nod, and if he was going to say something, it got interrupted by the other two giggling.
"Pics or it didn't happen," Carlos quipped.
"I'm actually taking a break from social media, so..." EJ trailed, watching as Carlos and Ashlyn moved stuff to the other room where Kourtney, Gina, and Seb were along with a couple of others.
"Wow. New Year, new you," Ashlyn said in a singsong voice, but she noticed he was still lingering around the archway. "Are you gonna go in, or...?"
"Sorry. I'm just taking it all in," EJ admitted. "Not to be like your stereotypical second-semester senior, but starting to realize that every day is the last time I'm doing stuff with you guys."
"Oh, that's actually really sweet!" Ashlyn said, but Savannah couldn't help but shake her head as she carefully sliced away some bananas.
"It's weird. You literally look so young to me now. Oh, I'm growing a beard," he added.
"Oh. I thought that was dirt on your face," Ashlyn said, this time eliciting a snort from Savannah.
EJ turned to look over his shoulder, quickly dismissing the girl who was clearly busing herself with her food, and turned his attention back to his cousin. "Might grow it out. Depends on what musical we're doin'. Jean Valjean isn't Jean Valjean without the facial hair."
"Wait, have you seriously not heard what musical we're doing?" Gina asked from the other room, quite amused.
"No. Was it announced?" EJ asked.
Before anyone had the chance to speak, Carlos frantically rose from his seat and waved his hands in the air. "Nobody say anything!"
All was clear except for the sounds of Savannah moving around in the kitchen, fixing up a plate of food to share with her friends. "Okay..." EJ quietly said.
"Make way!" Megara yelled into the house as she opened the door widely, now alerting everyone in Ashlyn's home of her late arrival. "And if anyone says anything about it, I will personally see to it that you get your ass kicked!"
Some confused looks were shared, but thankfully nobody asked her what she meant as soon enough, strolling right behind her was Ricky, still on a roll from his earlier miniature performance for her, singing his little heart out with matching dance moves.
"I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am, I'll give it all I got that is my plan," he bopped his head, pointing his finger to his chest as he danced into the room. Megara crossed her arms over her chest, watching as the handsome boy in the soft blue shirt (and slightly sophisticated black blazer) strutted around. Despite having already gotten the private concert, she was still amused by his charisma.
He then took it up one notch by placing his hands on his head and moving his hips in circles, eliciting some giggles. "Will I find what I lost you know you can bet on it, bet on it! You can bet on me..." he pointed right at EJ before curling his finger back to himself.
"All right, Ricky," EJ clapped his hands together as Ricky looked prouder than ever.
"Wow, Zac Efron!" Savannah cheered, having joined the rest of them with her makeshift charcuterie board, sitting on the floor in front of Gina, who sat on the armrest of the single chair.
After a quick scan of the room, Megara had mixed feelings when she didn't find Phillip's face in the crowd of students from her school, but she had to admit a part of her felt relief. For tonight, she could just be herself.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Carlos cut through the clapping and hollering. "Does anybody not know we're doing High School Musical Two?"
"We are? Woo-hoo!" EJ exclaimed as Carlos groaned and fell back into the couch. Even Megara had to admit she found the scene before her funny.
KC knocked her knuckles against the door left open by Megara. Right behind her was Nini, both girls were also dressed for the occasion as KC donned a black and white lace tank top (covered by a fluffy teddy sweater for the cold winter night of course) and black jeans, Nini in a plaid blazer and red sweater tucked into a white skirt. "Anybody home?"
"Kay-kay!" Rita grinned. "You just missed Ricky's stellar performance."
The two pilled into the room, Nini shutting the door behind them as Rita threw her arm over her younger sister to give her a hug, but KC only groaned. "Good lord, darn it," she said sarcastically. "That's just... too bad."
"Hey, chicas one and two," Megara approached them, chuckling at KC. She leaned over to give Nini a hug first as she was more ready for it than KC, who still looked somewhat miserable to be there, even though her sister had walked away.
Nini gasped. "Meg, I love your outfit, seriously on theme for tonight."
Megara furrowed her eyebrows. "What theme?"
Nini chuckled. "Oh well, 2007, like for the year of HSM2. You are giving me serious Avril Lavigne vibes right now."
Megara glanced down at her outfit. Sneakers, check. Plaid skirt, check. Black somewhat smokey eye, check. "Oh, well, thank you then."
"Megara always dresses like it's 2007," Ricky said as he approached the three girls. After a moment of dead silence, he must have noticed he sounded like he was nitpicking at her, so he threw his arm around her and said. "Her style is just one of the many things I love about her."
Megara's smile faltered slightly as she heard what the boy said right then, his mouth only barely a foot away from her own. She turned her head to try and get a better look at him, but he leaned over with his own as if nudging her temple. Trying to act like she wasn't blindsided, she hummed. "Nice save, sweetheart."
Nini laughed, trying to diffuse the situation. "Alright you guys," she then turned to KC. "Where do you wanna sit?"
"Anywhere's fine by me," KC offered a slight smile before Nini lead them over to the couch.
Nini and KC had barely been seated for a moment before Gina started growing restless and uncomfortable sitting right across from them. "I'm getting a root beer," Gina stood up, but she didn't really look their way. "Anyone want anything?"
Savannah stared up at her as Ashlyn answered with an, "I'm okay. Thank you." The blonde then turned to the corner of the room to see if her dark-haired friend had caught what she just did, and sure enough, Megara was looking at the same thing Savannah was.
"Okay, listen up," Kourtney announced. "Rules of the game. This is important. We need to set intentions and be accountable to one another this year."
"True that," Ashlyn nodded.
"This is a terrible party," Natalie said.
"Hey, watch yourself," Kourtney pointed at her but followed up with a laugh. "Okay. All right, resolution number one. Anyone's guess. I resolve to... This is so stupid. I can't."
"Come on, Kourt, you have to read it," Nini said.
"I resolve to remember everybody fondly when I go to Duke..." Kourtney read. "Any guesses?"
Ashlyn gasped. "EJ! You got into Duke?"
"I mean, have I technically gotten "Into" Duke?" EJ started throwing around air quotes, confusing everyone else. "Did my father and our grandpa before him also go to Duke? Guys, I think it's just a matter of time."
"Okay, I lost track of the air quotes," Ricky said, earning laughs from everyone including EJ.
"Congrats, I guess?" Megara added.
"Okay. Resolution number two," Kourtney dipped her hand into the bowl. "Oh, I don't get this one."
"Just read it!" Ricky yelled out, encouraging everyone else to agree.
"This one doesn't say anything except the words my cows."
"You guys, I thought we were writing down what we're thankful for," Seb said as everyone then awed and Carlos wrapped his arms around his one left one.
"So sweet!" Gina said in between giggles.
"A for effort, Seb," EJ nodded. "A for effort."
"Read another clue, Kourt," Savannah said, handing her the bowl to pick up another paper.
"Um, here we go. Okay. Let's see what we got. I resolve to follow my dreams, however far away they take me..."
"Oh!" KC raised her hand from her spot in between Nini and Rita on the couch, which was getting crowded with Megara sitting on Ricky's lap again on the end (Megara would have to tell you this one was Ricky's idea). "Little miss superstar Porter."
"Nope," Gina shook her head. "Not me."
"Oh damn," Megara whispered, which only fell upon Ricky's close ears.
"Uh, it's me, actually..." Nini said. "Back to the game, Kourt."
Kourtney paused quickly before scrambling for another paper, which Savannah promptly handed to her. "Okay, yes, I will. Um, let's see. Next. All I want is for our generation to save the planet, and I would also like absolute clarity about my love life. Thank you. Who is it?
Megara looked directly at Ashlyn who nervously laughed. "Is it you?" Ashlyn asked her. Megara shook her head no with a smile.
"Six pizzas," Big Red walked through, carrying a large stack by himself which he maneuvered to the table nicely. "Two with lactose-free cheese. I'm here."
"So much for my veggie tray," Savannah sighed.
"We can have both," EJ said, quickly rising to his feet so he could fix the table to fit both. Savannah didn't mean to, but she couldn't help but watch him move around the coffee table gently. "Thank you," he told Big Red before standing closer to him. "Good Lord, dude, did you fall into a bucket of cologne?"
"Dude, what's going on?" Ricky rushed into the kitchen with KC and Megara close behind. "It's been, like, five minutes."
Big Red stood at the sink scrubbing his neck with a sponge. "I need to un-Throb myself. Why, what's up with you?"
Ricky shrugged as Megara moved to Big Red's collar to help him appear better than when he first walked in. "I'm pretty fine actually."
"Did you bring mints, Red?" Megara asked, ignoring Ricky.
Big Red nodded as Megara pulled a towel from nearby and drizzled it with water before dabbing his neck gently. "Yes."
"Atta boy," Megara cheered on, fixing his hoodie string for the cherry on top. "Tonight's your night."
"Does Nini seem a little weird to you?" KC asked no one in particular as she kept her eyes trained on the other room.
"I mean, I just got here, but girls are a complete mystery to me," Big Red said. "You know facial blindness? I have that, but with emotions. I mean, I also have facial blindness. Wait... you came here with Nini?"
KC sighed. "Um, yeah, sort of."
Megara put a hand on her shoulder. "It's probably nothing," she said, hoping those words wouldn't come back to bite her later.
"Yeah, it's probably nothing," KC nodded.
"Remember, my feedback is both precious and invaluable," Carlos said in the next room over. "So, think of this medley as a pre-audition workshop. You may begin," he patted Seb's shoulder, who was seated at the piano.
"That's my cue," KC grumbled before running back to catch up with the boys since Carlos had asked her to help with some more of the musical duties for the spring musical, and ever since she'd been following him around to get to know more about her quote-unquote job. Intrigued, Ricky, Big Red, and Megara followed suit.
"It's out with the old and in with the new..." Seb began singing. "Goodbye, clouds of gray. Hello, skies of blue... A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa, endless days in my chaise, the whole world according to moi..." he went on to sing some more of Fabulous before Carlos nudged KC in, encouraging her to take over for the next part of the melody.
"You know the words once upon a time make you listen, there's a reason..." KC softly sang. Megara brought her hands to her chest, holding her heart as this was the first time she had ever heard KC sing.
"Come on, G," EJ encouraged Gina, who KC hadn't noticed was standing next to the piano all along. KC's eyes slowly widened at the mention of her nickname.
"When you dream there's a chance you'll find a little laughter, or happy ever after..." Gina sang, cocking her eyebrow slightly at the smaller girl on the piano.
"You're a harmony to the melody echoing inside my head," KC sang.
"A single voice above the noise like a common thread... ooh, you're pulling me..."
As much as Megara wanted to hear the rest, she glanced at the time on her phone and remembered her earlier conversation with Ricky about staging a fake New Year's smooch. They figured it would be kinda weird if they didn't kiss in front of their friends, so they made a plan. She turned to Ricky and grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him into the kitchen.
Breathless, Ricky leaned his back against the wall, as far away from the archway as they could get since there was no door. "Eager, are we?"
Megara rolled her eyes, tugging on his shirt and backing him farther into the wall. "More like eager to get this over with."
"Feeling is mutual, princess," Ricky said with a smile. Megara then let go of his shirt, leaving the two to stare at each other in silence.
"One minute till midnight!" someone yelled out.
"Come on, Big Red!" another person said, soon after they were able to hear Big Red's voice join in on the melody.
"No New Year's kiss, right?" Ricky said. Megara nodded. "How about a hug?" he childishly shrugged. Oh, he was in a good mood tonight.
"Everybody, all for one! Our real summer has just begun..." they could hear their friends in the next room over sing joyously, nobody realizing they were gone yet.
Megara scratched the back of her neck. "Sure, bring it in," she said, allowing Ricky to wrap his arms around her and pull her into him — quite literally. Megara then wrapped her arms around his torso, perfectly fitting like a puzzle piece. She could hear Ricky huff or breath out deeply, and she just imagined he was fluttering his eyelashes shut as he burrowed into the safe space he had created between his arms and her head. A chill flew down her spine as she felt his breath trickle against her neck, falling prey to his boyish attitude and then wishing she had brought a large jacket to prevent herself from this mess in the first place.
"Ten seconds till midnight! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two..."
As they heard their friends erupt in cheers and whoops and hollers, Megara felt Ricky bend over and place a chaste but lingering kiss on her right temple. And yet, she made no attempt to move.
"I have an announcement!" they then heard the unexpected but distinctive voice of Miss Jenn.
"You cut your hair!" Carlos exclaimed first.
"Thank you. Wait, do you like it? That's not the announcement. Okay. Contrary to rumor, we are not doing High School Musical 2."
"What?" Ricky and Megara slowly joined the others, who were just as confused as they were.
"We are doing an American classic... Beauty and the Beast. And I know East High just did it a couple years ago. But you didn't do it my way. And you didn't win the most important award in all of theater."
Megara could feel her heart fluttering at the mention of her beloved childhood favorite movie... right after Hercules, of course...
"The Tony?"
"Okay, the second most important award."
"The Drama Desk?"
"Everyone, calm down! This semester, we are entering the Alan Menken Awards for High School Musical Theater. And we are going to win."
"That means beating North High, Miss Jenn. They have a thousand-gallon Little Mermaid aquarium."
"Then we will have an aquarium, too."
"...In Beauty and the Beast?"
"Okay, I need to study the text. So, who is ready to show the world they deserve to get that scholarship to NYU? I mean, who is ready to go from amateur thespians to statewide award winners?" Miss Jenn asked, inspiring the drama club kids to get excited about the news.
"What team?" Ricky stood up next to her and asked the group.
"Wildcats!" everyone else — this time including Megara — cheered.
"This is gonna be everything!" Gina took Nini's hands into her own as the two grinned and then joined the others who were talking themselves away already with the announcement.
While everyone else hopped around and started conversing with each other over the news, Megara still found it difficult to swallow the lump in her throat. If tonight had been so free of drama and duty, then why did she still feel so overwhelmed?
"Too bad you're not gonna try out this year," Ricky pressed his lips together as he looked over the short girl by his side. "No one else holds a candle to Belle the way you do."
"And you too, but with the beast, of course," Megara bit back.
Ricky snickered. "And I wouldn't rather have it any other way."
long chapter but so worth it <3
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