( word count: 1,945 )
GINNY APPROACHED HER FRIENDS LATER THAT DAY, hearing Betty on a rampage, like always. She braced herself as she joined the high schoolers.
"We can't let the terrorists win. We need to host an event at Pop's that reminds the town of simpler times. Like, a throwback to when the shoppe first opened its doors." The blonde told her friends, reminiscing on better times. Betty always loved rallying her friends up for a good cause.
"Betty, I like a good milkshake as much as any girl, and Pop's puts Serendipity 3's to shame. But, why this hill to die on?" Veronica asked her best friend. Ginny rolled her eyes at the New Yorker's constant reference back to the big city– Veronica always liked mentioning something from New York at anytime.
"Orange freezes with my mom and Polly after ballet. Chicken noodle soup with my dad after ice-skating–Grilled cheeses with Archie on the last day of summer vacation. It's where I met you for the first time, Vee. It's where I met you for the first time. Also Jug. He may lose his dad, but maybe I can save this one place for him–For all of us." Betty told V, it was honestly for good intentions.
"Hey. Veronica. May I speak to you?" A voice appeared above the group and each of the kids were startled to see Mr. Lodge in front of them, dazzling them in his fancy suit.
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JUGHEAD JONES WAS PISSED OFF AT THE WORLD and the injustices that the Serpents and his father faced.
"I tried going the legit route. I even talked to the mayor. It's just It feels like the whole system's rigged against us." Jughead ranted to Tall Boy.
"What's FP saying? Is he taking this deal?" The older Serpent asked the Jones boy.
"Not if I can help it. Tall Boy– What if we bust him out of jail before he gets transferred to state? It's totally doable. The sheriff's station has worse security than Riverdale High. And once he's out, it's just a straight shot right up Sweetwater River until the Canadian border."
"You've seen Escape From Alcatraz a few too many times, kid. Your dad needs a snake-handler. Someone whose livelihood depends on snakes. Who's used to dealing with 'em. I got someone you should meet." Jughead nodded, realizing that the Serpents were there for him and his dad when the law wasn't.
Little did Jughead know, that this would be the worst person he'd meet for awhile.
º º º
GINNY WAS ANTSY DURING CLASS, she still hadn't seen Jughead today. While the teacher was talking, she slipped out her phone to text Jughead, but was interrupted when Principal Weatherbee walked into the room.
The class was silent as Weatherbee stood in front of the class, solemnly looking at the young students.
"May I have everyone's attention? I have some tragic news to share. Ms. Grundy, who was a teacher here last semester, was found murdered in her Greendale home last night."
"Oh, my God." Ginny murmured in shock, just as everyone began to whisper.
"I know some of you were students of hers, and that this news will be difficult to process." Weatherbee continued through the clammer.
" Mr. Andrews?" Ginny turned to see Archie grabbing his things and rushing out the classroom door, ignoring Principal Weatherbee's call.
Ginny sat in her seat, shocked, watching her best friend run away.
º º º
JUGHEAD HAD A LONG NIGHT AND FINALLY was in an unknown place of town, looking for help for his dad. He knew he should have told Ginny what his plan was, he just knew she would want to help. He didn't want to burden her.
Rock music blared loudly as the front door shut behind him, the bell above notifying the worker he was here. He watched as the tattoo artist dabbed a towel over a freshly done Serpent tattoo.
"I'm, uh, here for Penny Peabody?" Jughead asked, wearily as he watched the mess in front of him. The tattooer nodded in understanding towards the other room attached and Jughead wearily moved into the next room. The hanging beads in front of the door were pushed aside as Jug walked through the doorway.
"Forgive the office space, but I'm a firm believer in low overhead. Plus, I like being close to my clients." The blonde woman in front of him began, without a greeting.
"Your clients– Being the Serpents?" Jughead asked, noticing the setting was fit for the misfits gang.
"Well, I was and still am a Serpent." The blonde pulled the sleeve up of her black jacket to show off her snake tattoo proudly. "They put me through college, law school."
"Right," Jughead breathed out. "The Serpents are often on the other side of the law, so Having one of their own, on retainer, helping out is clever.
"Well, FP always bragged that you were smart. Oh, yeah, I know your dad. And I also know, from our, uh, mutual friends, the deal he's been offered. It's garbage."
"Can you help?"Jughead asked, hopeful suddenly. If this woman said it was garbage... it had to be so.
"I know the loopholes. In this case, there are none. But, if you get the victim's family to forgive him, in front of a judge, that might shift things in FP's favor. Instead of 20 years, he can get time served– with parole."
"Oh, that's great."
"Thank you. Uh, am I supposed to pay you, or–" Jughead was a bit confused about the woman in front of him who he was doing business with. He wondered how much money this would cost– he didn't have much, his dad didn't either.
"We're friends. I do you a favor. One day, maybe, you do me a favor..." She let her sentence trail off mysteriously, before standing up to say goodbye. Favor? "Let me know how it goes, will you? Tell your dad to wear a tie."
Jughead rolled his eyes, his dad hated ties.
º º º
IT HAD BEEN A LONG DAY BUT GINNY FINALLY got the phone call from Jughead, updating her on what was happening with his father. Sadly, it was at the end of school, and Ginny was with Betty and Veronica when he called. Betty asked to be on speaker to listen and Ginny begrudgingly had to comply. When Betty heard what was going on she insisted that they go to the Blossoms home to get the forgiveness necessary to save FP.
"Welcome to Thistlehouse. Mother's in the conservatory. Follow me." Cheryl told the trio. Ginny wandered throughout the house behind everyone, Jughead turning every once in awhile to check on his girl.
"Thank you for sitting down with us." Betty thanked their guest. They weren't expecting to be sat down for dinner though– even if they were starving, it was a bit odd to sit at a fancy dinner table with the Blossoms of all people.
"Of course, Betty. You're family." Cheryl told the blonde with a soft smile.
"Okay... The reason we're here–" Jughead struggled to speak, it was difficult to ask the grieving family for forgiveness. Ginny could sense his hesitation and grasped his under the table for support. Betty, however, finished his sentence for him.
"FP's lawyer thinks that if the family of the victim shows mercy–" Betty tried to explain but Penelope Blossom interrupted her.
"Mercy. That's why you're here?" Penelope asked with no emotion on her face as she stirred her tea.
"Well, it's an appeal for leniency from you. To reduce my dad's sentence." Jughead explained to the older redheaded woman who intimidated Ginny.
"Where was your father's mercy when I spent those countless nights walking the halls of Thornhill in agony, obsessing over what was happening to Jay-Jay? Imagining the worst. Where was your father's mercy when I slept under the same roof as a cold-blooded killer, night after night." Cheryl ranted, hurt over the request. Ginny could see where Cheryl was coming from... but she wouldn't admit that to Jughead.
"Cheryl, FP didn't kill Jason. Okay? That was your dad. You saw the video." Betty told her new-found family, trying to reason with her.
"If it were up to me, I'd watch FP fry in the electric chair. We need this sordid chapter closed forever, and FP is the last loose end to tie up. I will not have a living, breathing reminder of the darkest chapter of my life walking the streets of Riverdale." Cheryl snapped.
The trio left the Blossom mansion without success and were stuck on the street, helpless.
"What do we do now that Cheryl's gone full Poison Ivy?"
"Blackmail. Extortion."
"If they weren't weren't literally an orphan and a widow, I would do it."
"Did you guys want to go to Pop's?" Betty asked the duo beside her, changing the subject. She turned fully towards them, noticing how Jughead's hand was grasping Ginny's. Her heart plummeted down into her stomach but she did not let it faze her as she waited for a response.
"Actually, Betty... we're going to go back to my place..." Ginny replied as Jughead squeezed her hand tightly in response. "It's been a long day and we haven't seen each other all day..."
"That's alright, have a nice night!" Betty replied quickly, a small smile on her face. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you, B." Jughead called out to the blonde's disappearing figure in the dark.
Finally, they were alone. They stood outside in the chilly, quiet street for a moment, just standing. They relished in the quietness.
Ginny turned towards Jug, her hand still intertwined with his and laid her head upon his chest. Jughead untangled their hands to wrap his arms around her waist, his chin resting upon her head.
"Are you okay, Jug?" Ginny mumbled into his jean jacket, tightening her grip on her boyfriend. "Like, really?"
"I–I'm not sure, Gin." Jughead sighed, letting one hand go up to tangle into her hair. His hand ran through her brown hair as he furrowed his brow in thought. "I'm just worried about my dad, I don't want him to go to jail. I know what he did was wrong but– he's my dad. He's a good guy, Gin."
Ginny winced as she heard Jughead say he was good. She would not label FP Jones as good.
"Let's go home." Ginny whispered, as she held her love close. Jughead nodded against her, pulling away only to grasp her hand in his. The two walked slowly from the rich side of town, past Pop's Diner to the Southside of town.
The two went into Ginny's home, closing it behind them. They stayed quiet for the most part, thinking about what was to come. And Ginny didn't want to stress Jug out too much and left him to ponder what the next step would be.
Jughead had a drawer in her room, even before the two dated because of how often they stayed at each others homes. Normally, Ginny would stay at Jug's but they decided Ginny's was best. There wouldn't be a Serpent interruption this time.
"You tired?" Jug asked her as he took off his jean jacket and hat, laying them on the end of the bed.
"A bit," Ginny admitted honestly. She shrugged off her jacket as well and– unembarrassed– took her clothes off to change into pajamas. Jughead followed suite, tugging on his sleep clothing.
The couple joined each other in the bed, under the comforter where Jughead laid on his back. Ginny took her place, curled up against the side of his frame, her head resting upon his shoulder. Her breath tickled Jughead's neck as she snuggled close to him.
"Goodnight, Gin."
"Goodnight, Jug."
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i'm really emo right now because i'm missing snuggles with my best friend :(
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