A/N: Edited by TheHardie-Boy
"Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect."
~Brené Brown
"Just wait until I get out of here. I will get you out of that tiny body and rip your tiny pathetic head off!" Magica yelled from her cell.
"Explain again, why we kidnapped Magica De Spell?"
"Because it's hilarious."
"I will reap grim vengeance on anyone who dares to come between Magica De Spell and her crown!" she yelled.
"Well that's true, but it still doesn't add up to your plans. Also, did she say crown?"
"It'll make sense soon enough."
"What exactly is your plan?" Magica asked. "You realize he's manipulating you right?" she asked Louie.
Oh boi... Louie could practically feel Gad getting angry.
"Louie, will you please let Magica and me talk alone?"
"How am I supposed to do that? You're inside my head."
"Just cover your ears."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Okay, fine." Louie rolled his eyes, then covered his ears and let Gad talk to Magica.
He crept out of Louie's marking to his eyes and took over.
"Listen here and listen well, Magica. You can't manipulate Louie. You can't get into his head because he's mine! You really should've acted sooner and because you didn't, you'll never win, you'll never hurt me or Lena or any other shadow or demon again! I'll be sure of that."
He let go.
Louie didn't hear a word, but the memory of Magica's visible anger stayed with him. He hated when Gad did that.
Huey and Dewey:
Hours later.
"Is something wrong, Huey?" Dewey asked.
Huey had spaced out and barely heard him. "What?"
"You've barely said anything for three hours," Dewey said. "Plus, you're pouting like Louie does... or used to..."
"I don't pout," Huey said.
"Yeah you do."
"Whatever. I think we should head back and meet up with the others," Huey said. "It's been five hours. We were supposed to meet them an hour ago."
As they were passing the docks where their houseboat used to be, there was Louie, sitting on the docks, staring out at the water.
"Wait, there he is!"Dewey shouted.
"Louie!" the boys shouted and ran over to him.
"Louie, we've been looking everywhere for you," Huey said.
He didn't even bother looking up. He knew what they wanted. "Well, you found me," he said. "What are you going to do?"
There was a change in Louie that Huey couldn't really identify. He seemed so distant and so empty.
Dewey started talking before he even knew what to say, "We're going to, uh... umm, Huey?"
"You didn't even think this far, did you?" he asked as he got up.
"Louie, what's going on?" Huey asked.
Louie was about to say something, but he so easily got distracted by Huey's arm. "Did I do that?"
Huey was taken back by the question.
Louie nodded and said nothing.
"Louie, what are you doing? What's going on?" Dewey asked, repeating Huey.
Again, he said nothing.
"Louie?" Huey asked.
"You wouldn't understand. Please, talk to us."
"What wouldn't we understand?" Dewey asked.
"Just leave me alone," Louie said.
"Is this like revenge? You're mad at Della for leaving, so you're making her suffer?" Huey asked.
"Did I attack Della?" he asked defensively. "I'm sick of people assuming all my problems begin and end with her because they don't!"
"Then what is it?" Huey asked.
"We're your brothers you can tell us," Dewey added.
"I-I just can't."
Huey stayed silent, thinking of something else to say, but Dewey wasn't the type to think first.
"Can you stop them?" Dewey asked.
He didn't say anything...
"Louie?" Huey asked.
Louie looked back at the water. "What's wrong?"Louie asked. "Miss your girlfriend?"
"Webby is not my girlfriend!" Dewey said.
"I wasn't talking to you, but that was a very defensive answer."
Huey sighed. "Louie..."
"You're wasting your time, Huey!" he yelled. "I'm not going to help you out of this!"
"Why not? Louie, we need you," Dewey said.
"If you're so smart and brave, you can figure this out by yourself."
"Why are you doing this to us?" Dewey asked. "Were we really that bad?"
Louie stopped. "No..."
"Then what is it?"
"It's... you... you wouldn't get it! You have this perfect family. A mother, a father, a wise old uncle, a spy grandmother, a wacky uncle, two amazing sons, and a wildcard sister. Then there's me. Louie the trouble maker, Louie the outcast, Louie the screw up. Everyone is happy enough without me. Everyone's so perfect!" He sighed. "How do I fit it to a family like that?"
"Of course you fit in!" Dewey said. "You, uh, you see the angles."
"So does Della, and last I checked, every time I apply myself, something goes wrong."
"Not every time," Huey said. "What about when you turned all the villains against Glomgold?"
"That was called survival instinct. If I didn't, they were going to kill me."
"Well... yeah."
"What an inconvenience that would've been," Louie said sarcastically.
"Louie... do you remember when I was being bullied by that kid Jake?"
"Why bring that up?" Louie asked.
"Do you remember what you told me when I finally told you?"
Louie didn't answer.
"We were brothers long before we were sons... it's true. I don't care what we have to do. We're always here for you, and we're always on your side."
Louie looked at him then looked away. "How can you stand there and pretend everything is fine after everything I did?" he asked.
"We love you, Louie, we know you don't mean to hurt anyone," Huey answered.
"Yeah," Dewey added. "We're always here for ya, bro, just as long as you're true to yourself."
"And who would that be? I can't keep pretending I know or understand who I am. I need to figure that out for myself... and I'm pretty sure he's the only one who can help me with that."
"Uh, who's he? "Dewey asked.
"Forget it. If you really want to stop this, you'll figure it out. I know you will."
And just like that, Louie left.
What else could they have possibly said to make this right?
"You still there?"
"Yeah I'm here... dang that was intense, but I promise that it's all for the best. You can't move forward if your family's in the way."
"I guess. Are you sure you want me? I mean, Huey and Dewey are a lot more qualified, and-"
"Missing your family?"
"No, it's just that, you seem to be leading with something, like I'm supposed to do something special, but the thing is... I'm terrified on simple adventures, let alone my destiny. Plus I'm not even a teenager yet!"
"What are you trying to say exactly?"
"Why do I have to figure everything out right now? Can't it wait?"
"I know you're scared, Louie. It really is okay. But if you understood why..."
"Then why don't you just tell me? Why do you have to hide everything?"
"I just w1ant to know what I'm supposed to do, but you never give me a clear answer"
"Am I supposed to? I think figuring things out on your own helps build character."
"I- I just don't want to mess up again."
"Too late for that. Don't you get it? Everything you do, no matter where you are, you'll mess someone up."
"When did you turn into a Scrooge?"
"I'm sorry... but even a broken clock is right twice a day."
"Did I ruin everything by following a voice?"
"Well, you wouldn't be the first. Louie, I won't get mad at you, no matter what you do, I'm not mad. Whatever decision you make, I'll follow your lead."
Louie started to wonder what Gad really was... Was he following the right voice?
"Maybe Louie's suffering from some kind of Stockholm Syndrome?"
Huey explained everything that happened to Della. The others were in the conference room, trying to figure out how to stop the demons.
"That can't be it," Huey said.
"Why not?" Della asked.
"Because that would make sense! Louie can't make sense! It's illegal or something!" Huey yelled.
"Huey, sweetie, calm down."
"I can't calm down! Duckburg is going to be destroyed by those demons if we don't stop them. We lost Louie, we lost Fenton and Gyro, and we even lost Violet! We can't make it without them!"
Della sat down next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We can't make it without them... or you can't make it without them?" she asked.
Huey sighed. "I can't make it without them. Gyro and Fenton are the smartest people I know. They're my mentors. Violet knows everything about the shadow realm and could help us see this through."
"And Louie..."
He paused...
"Louie has always been able to see things I never could."
"Without him, I never would've realized that people aren't always who they say they are..."
'Just because we like him more than you doesn't mean you have to hate him.'
'What? I am your brother! You met this guy like a day ago.'
"He knows how to figure things out and find clues that I didn't even notice..."
'How are we going to find one gold key out of all this?'
'Found it! Real gold weighs more than fools gold. You just search the bottom of the pile, you know, check the luster and the care quality, and boom! What you like nerd stuff, I like gold, come on.'
"He's always felt out of place..."
'You all have your things. Mom was great at adventuring, and she still got hurt. I only know how to talk my way out of it. What happens when that's not enough?'
"I thought I was protecting him..."
'Are you going to let our family get hurt because you're afraid of getting hurt?'
"Little did I know..."
'Hello, police? There is a minor that goes by the name Jake Gander who is drinking in a parking lot. Yeah, we told him to move, but he refused. Okay, the address is 431...'
"He was protecting me."
'I'll get you for this, Duck!'
'Be careful who you mess with from now on, Jake. You mess with my brother, you mess with me.'
"And I never even thanked him for any of it. No wonder he left."
"What are you talking about?" Della asked.
"Louie needs to know how important he is to this family. He didn't do anything wrong."
"Well..." Della started saying something.
"He was never perfect, but when we needed him, he was there. Louie Duck is a hero whether he believes it or not. We need to find Louie, and even if we can't convince him to help us, even if we can't stop the demons, at least he'll know how much we appreciate and love him."
"Huey, am I missing something?"
"Mom... Louie isn't evil, he's not out for revenge or angry... he's just hurt. That's why he was so easily manipulated. I don't care how many times Louie messes up, he's perfect the way he is."
Della smiled. "Okay, let's grab the rest of the family and go."
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