The struggle is real.
The drawing is just to show you how Delirious, to me, would look like and I DID NOT DRAW THIS! If you drew it or you know who drew it just tell me so I could give you, or the person, full credit!
Vanoss's POV-
When Delirious left the basement, where we had Cartoonz in, Cartoonz started yelling at Delirious that he was an emotional bitch. I had enough and when Delirious left I grabbed Cartoonz sweater and pulled him really hard into the cell that he fainted. "God Vanoss, you didn't have to do that," Lui said. "I don't care. He's a prisoner and an enemy so he deserves to be treated like that." I said. I opened the cage and checked his pockets and ears for anything. When I checked his ear I saw a small metal thing. I wasn't an expert on anything involving machines so I grabbed it and threw it to Mini. "What is that thing?" I said. "Um, well it looks like an earpiece to me but I'll go check it out. Probably more than an earpiece." Mini said and left. "So, what do we need to do with this guy?" Marcel said. "We need to get answers from him. If he doesn't cooperate with us then we kill him. That simple." I said and left the room. The guys followed me and we closed the basement. All of us went back to the kitchen to finish our drinks except for Delirious. He already went up to bed. We stayed there for a while but then decided to go to sleep.
~Skip to morning 'cause why the fuck not?~
I woke up to a smell of food, again. I went downstairs and found Delirious, again, cooking breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and propped myself on the counter. "Morning, Del," I said. "Morning to you, Vanoss," Delirious said. "Why do you cook breakfast?? I mean, we can make it ourselves." "I know but I love to cook so I don't really care." So, you cook and you're a mysteries person. Vanoss likes it. "How did you learn to cook? You had to learn somehow." "I learned by myself." "What? Nah, you had to learn from someone. Did your mom help you or your dad?" "They would've helped me if they didn't die when I was just 13 years old." I stayed silent for a moment thinking of what to say. "You don't have to say you're sorry for me, Vanoss. I hate it when people say that." Delirious said. "Oh thank goodness. I hate to say sorry to someone." I said and grabbed a glass of orange juice. He just chuckled.
Everyone finally woke up and we all ate breakfast on the table. Of course, the guys loved the food and like always played around and started to argue. It always happens and then I remembered about last night. How did Cartoonz know Delirious? I then started typing a message to Delirious on the table (remember that the table is like a computer. You can send messages and search for stuff just like a tablet but a HUGE tablet).
Vanoss: Question. How does Cartoonz know you?
Delirious: He used to be a friend.
Vanoss: What happened?
Delirious: Nothing.
Vanoss: Oh, I totally believe you, Delirious.
Delirious: It's something personal. Nothing you should worry about.
Vanoss: The guys can't see these messages. Tell me, I can be trusted.
Delirious: I hate Cartoonz because I trusted him too much than I should've trusted him.
Vanoss: But am I, Cartoonz? No, you can tell me. The guys trust me so why wouldn't you?
Delirious: No matter what happens, I will never tell anyone. Not even the closest person to me.
Vanoss: One day I'm going to get the secret out and I'm going to tell you I told you so.
Delirious: Good luck with that bitch.
I looked at Delirious from across the table and he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of him. "Well, it looks like Vanoss and Delirious are having a staring contest. Who will win?" Nogla said. "I bet Evan will win!" Marcel said. "I bet 20 dollars Delirious will win!" Mini said. While the guys started betting I just shook my head and closed my eyes. "You guys are stupid," I said. Droidd, Mini, Lui and Brock all started cheering because I closed my eyes and the rest all groaned and handed the money to the other half. We were all sitting down and all of a sudden some maids came inside and took our plates away. Vanoss then sat up straight and looked at all of us. "So, all of you know we have an enemy named Cartoonz. What we need to do is interrogate him and if he doesn't want to talk then it's simple. We kill him." Vanoss said. For some reason when he said 'kill him' I didn't feel right. I really hate him but at the same time, I don't. I don't love him anymore... or do I?
Falling for the person who tried to kill you?
Shut up I'm over him.
We both know you're not.
Yes, I am! I don't fall for people who almost kill me.
You love to lie, don't you?
I'm so tired of you...
"Delirious!" Vanoss yelled. I looked at him and blinked. "W-What?" I said. "You're zoning out again." "Oh, sorry. What were you saying?" "That I need your help with getting Cartoonz to talk." "What? Why me? Can't someone else go?" "Because you already know him. And, no. Would you rather talk to someone you know or don't know?" "Fine, I'll talk to him but I won't promise you that Cartoonz will not have a bloody nose." "I don't care what you do but just don't kill him." "Fine." Vanoss nodded and he told Wildcat and Nogla to bring Cartoonz to the 'talking room' whatever that is. "Alright, Mini did you check what that thing was in Cartoonz ear?" Vanoss said. "Yes, it's just like an ear piece but it sends a signal somewhere. I don't know where but I think it's where they're located, don't you think?" Mini said. Vanoss looked focused on what Mini said and nodded. "That's good to know. Anyways, I think Wildcat and Nogla already moved Cartoonz to the 'talking room'. Let's go." Everyone stood up and followed Vanoss.
We stopped in front of two doors. One of them had a tiny window and I could see Cartoonz sitting down on a chair and a table in front of him with an empty chair, looking at the floor. "Delirious," Vanoss said. "Yeah?" I said. "You enter the left room with Cartoonz. If I tell you to leave the room or someone else is going to talk to Cartoonz, then go to the right door. We'll be watching don't worry. The rest of us are going to be there." "Alright, but what type of questions do you want me to ask?" "Try to make him say where their gang is. Try to make him say anything that might help us out to finally end them and finish everything." With that, he entered the right room followed by everyone else. He sounded so heartbroken and lost. Not the usual Vanoss. Lui put his hand on my shoulder and assured me I'll be fine. But we all know it won't be easy trying to get answers.
Before I entered the left room I took a deep breath and walked inside. When I closed the door behind me Cartoonz looked up and when he saw me he smirked. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Delirious." Cartoonz said with a laugh at the end. "Listen Cartoonz. I know you don't want me here and that's okay because I don't want to be ere either. So if you want me to be gone quicker just cooperate with me, okay? Is that a deal?" I said. He tilted his head to the left. "Why would I want you gone? We could have some fun if you know-" "I swear Cartoonz if you don't shut the fuck up I will murder your ass!" "Hahaha, why would you want to murder me? We both know you won't be able to do that. You love me too much to kill." I was tired of him I swear I just wanted to snap his neck, but he was right. I couldn't dare to kill him. "Look Cartoonz, I came here to get answers not anger. Just tell me where your gang is located and we're done. So, can you tell me?" I said trying not to leave the room. He looked at me and never stopped smirking at me which made me feel uneasy. "What if I don't want to tell you?" Cartoonz said. I grabbed the empty chair, sat down, and intervened my hands together while I put them on the table. I just stared at Cartoonz for what felt like a minute and took a deep breath. "Cartoonz, jut tell me and you'll probably live. It's more likely you'll die but I don't care. Just tell me." I said. Still, he just looked at me. "You know, you're adorable when you don't have the mask on." He said. I stood up and walked slowly to the door. I wasn't going to leave I just took a deep breath and looked at him. "You're going to drive me insane if I stay here any longer," I told Cartoonz. "That's my specialty if you know what I mean," Cartoonz said winking at me. I walked towards him and punched him on his right side. He just laughed. "Jeez Delirious, I see you've gotten stronger." He said still laughing. Then I had an idea. "One small question. Do you still own our house?" I said and he smiled. "Yeah, why?" I just shook my head. "No, I'm just curious. Vanoss I think I'm done here." I said and kept death glaring at Cartoonz while he just smiled at me. Then I heard a click and I looked behind me to see Tyler and Nogla coming inside to take Cartoonz away and then I saw Vanoss walk inside. "He was really annoying, don't you think?" Vanoss said. I didn't break the eye contact with Cartoonz until he was being taken away. "Very annoying," I said. I blinked twice and looked at Vanoss. "I think I know how to find them."
I think I'm wrong but I have to try. I told Vanoss about the house me and Cartoonz used to live in. Of course, I told him he was my friend and we were roommates but I don't think he believed me. Anyways, I told him that maybe we could find something helpful there. He nodded and then told me I could do whatever I wanted for the rest of the day. I told him if I could go out of the house or mansion and he said yes. So that what I did. I took a quick shower and grabbed some new clothes. I still brought my blue hoodie since I can't show anyone my cuts and got outside of the house. I felt the wind hit my face and it made me relax even more. I don't really like going to any place crowded or anywhere that I know people will question me and stare so I normally just stay in the forest. So, since I was surrounded by trees I decided why not just walk in the forest.
I walked around trying to spot the tallest tree I could find and then I spotted it. It was huge. I looked at it and smiled. I started climbing the branches, I won't lie, it was kind of hard to do. When I finally reached the top I stared in awe. The sky was a beautiful color of a dull but bright light purple with a mixture of a bright warm orange tan and to finish it off was a honey, almost gold, warm fuzzy color that gave you a feeling of hope and despair at the same time. It was beautiful but I also felt anguish every time. Beauty always comes with a price... I grab my mask and take it off. I felt the cold air kiss my face gently as I stare longingly into the mask. People have said a bunch of stuff because of my face.
You're too beautiful to do anything!
Don't play sports or else you might ruin your perfect face!
Can you marry me?
You'll only be good in modeling classes, anything else will ruin your beauty!
Can I buy you a drink?
Even guys tend to flirt with me in bars. And, the worst part was that they weren't even drunk when they flirted.
I might've just turned gay.
You should've been a girl and I would fuck you right.
You're looking fine. Let's get out of here and go to my place.
Hey, baby girl- oh you're a guy. Don't matter. Wanna head out?
Every single time I show my face people would always tell me not to ruin my beautiful face... I didn't like it one bit. I wanted people to see me because of my personality not by my looks. I wish I was just born as a regular human, not a 'god figure', as people once told me. I hate my looks and I hate everything from me. I hide my face for a reason and the reason is so people can know the real me before showing them the outside me.
I hear something behind me. I quickly puy on my mask, turned around and looked down since I was in a tree. I saw Vanoss. He walked passed my tree and into a little tiny pond filled with Koi fish. Some were blue, some were red, and the rarest of all, purple. I watched him as he was kneeling down and touching the water. He was talking to himself but I could barely hear him. He then stands up and looks up at my direction. He waves, and leaves.
I then remember something. A rumor spread around that Cartoonz died. As the crew already knows, Cartoonz didn't die and that wasn't the reason of why I became a lone wolf. Even remembering the past gives me chills to this day.
"Jonathan, I have a surprise for you," Cartoonz told past me. "What is it?" "I can't tell you or else it won't be a surprise!" When Cartoonz said that past me giggled like a school girl and smiled brightly. That day was our 5-year anniversary together. I was so happy that day I just forgot about everything e have done. All the robberies and killing was put aside and I was just thinking of Cartoonz and I. "First, I'm going to need you to close your eyes." Cartoonz said. Past me giggled and closed my eyes. Then Cartoonz smirked evilly and pulled out his baseball bat and hit me in my head, enough force to make me pass out.
When I woke up I had something covering my face and I was tied to a chair. I couldn't move my arms of legs. "Cartoonz! Luke! Where are you?" Past me yelled which was a stupid thing to do since Cartoonz was basically the only person in the house so he was the one who made me pass out. "Delirious, you finally woke up!" Another strange voice said. I was confused and scared. "W-Where am I? Where's Cartoonz?" Past me said. "He will be back shortly, don't worry. Oh- how rude of me. I haven't even properly told you who I am. Hello Delirious A.K.A Jonathan Denis. My name is Darkiplier but by all means, call me Dark." Dark said. He had a demonic voice, kind of like the real Delirious in my head. "What do you want?!" Past me yelled at Dark. "Well, real simple.-" "YOUR SOUL!" Another person yelled. He sounded Irish to me. "Sorry, let me introduce myself properly. The name is Antisepticeye or you could just call me Anti." Anti said. "Anti! What did I tell you about interrupting!" "Interruptions means no shock. I know but please shock me! I'm not-so-sorry!" "Enough! One more word and you'll get nothing!" Then, silence. When I thought they left or something I heard the door open. "Is the bitch awake yet?" Cartoonz said. "YOU ASSHOLE! I TRUSTED YOU!!" Past me yelled at him. I felt someone's hand, grab the bag in my head and tossed it to the side.
I first saw Cartoonz smiling at me then I saw two people behind him. One had green hair, pointy-elf ears, and looked like a trouble maker with a dog collar. I'm guessing that's Anti. Then I saw another guy with red hair and he looked serious and didn't smile at all. Almost as if he didn't have a soul. I guess that's Dark since he's the only one left. "Hey, Delirious. Nice to see you awake," Cartoonz said. I just spat in his face and he rubbed it off. "Nice to see you too darling." He said. "Why?! Why are you doing this?" I said heart-broken and in shock. "Simply to eliminate the competition. Oh, it's not just us three, no. There's plenty of other people." "Why do you want to eliminate me?" "Because I know you won't join us. I know you for 5 years." I slowly growl and look at the ground. He's god-damn right... He lifts up my chin and then kisses me. I shake my head violently but he had an iron grip. When he stopped kissing me he smiled. "That'll be your last kiss. Say goodbye Delirious." With that, the three guys laughed and left the room.
They left me in a room. I guess to starve to death or something because there was no smoke or anything. I was just sitting there. I tried to get out but the rope was just pressing itself harder on my writs and legs to the pint where my wrists are bleeding. I didn't know what to do at the time but then I remember. Cartoonz never found out about the real Delirious... I called for him and then I blacked out. The only thing I remember was some yelling and shot's being fired. Then when Delirious left my body I was outside and I saw the building I was kept in and it exploded. Maybe that's why people said he died but I rather they say a false statement because I don't want to talk about it. Once that happened I was alone.
I was the lone wolf that everyone now calls-
~End of Flashback~
I blinked a couple of times and look at the sky. It was already night time and I could see billions of glowing sparkling start. I checked my phone and it was 9:38. I started climbing down, A.K.A. jumping down, and walked to the house. When I entered the guys were all playing some games. I jumped on the couch next to Vanoss and I watched them play. Of course, they asked me a question like, 'Where were you?' and random questions like, 'Which is better- cookies or ice cream.'. I know it's weird but I didn't question it. I just answered truthfully. It was turning late and then we all decided to go to sleep. I went to my room and took a nap. Key word: Nap. When I knew everyone was going to be sleeping I escaped from the window and drove away for some little missions I always do. I didn't want to tell Vanoss because I just wanted to keep it a secret. I know some people would tell their boss if they're going somewhere but I didn't care. I was Delirious, not another person.
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